Daily devotions and inspirational messages
for Healthy Eating & Losing Weight



Do not be deceived. Bad company ruins good morals. I Corinthians 15:33

Verse Reflections:  As crazy as it sounds, we need to watch where we go, who we hang with and the foods that are available.  How many “food pushers” do you know?  How many times do you have a friend that always brings delectable foods to tempt you?  Do you have that friend that encourages to start tomorrow?  Do you have that friend that says “just one”?  It doesn’t mean that we have to not be around that person at all but it does mean we have to be ready.  A person that is not tempted by food will not be able to understand the relevance of this verse.  It will appear extreme, but we know that there are times in our lives that we have to be aware of every temptation out there.  I have to avoid certain situations.  I can no longer deceive myself and tell myself that it is okay.  I am in a war and I do not have the ability to be in certain situations.  I cannot be around certain foods.  I am an addict for beautiful bakery items.  I can say no until you put me in a room with baked items that are hard to reproduce.  I will throw a normal pound cake in the trash can but you produce a moist, crispy crust pound cake that is hard to bake, I will eat 1/3 of the cake (of course not in front of you).  Therefore, I have to avoid bad company, certain restaurants, people that tempt me with these crazy temptations.  They ruin my morals.  It is easy to think this way when we think of alcoholics.  However, food addictions are just as serious.  We cannot be deceived and think that it is okay to continuously be around temptation or people that encourage us to indulge.  This is serious.  We are destroying our bodies, our spirits and our futures.

Prayer:  Father, I can no longer deceive myself.  I am powerless in certain situations.  I have to avoid certain people, certain restaurants, certain foods.  I have to keep company with strong people that eat right.  I have to put good foods in my cabinets.  But God, You have to keep close to me.  This is not easy for me.  I have always enjoyed eating.  I have always enjoyed baking.  God You have power to change me.  God bad company for me includes certain foods.  I cannot keep deceiving myself that I can keep certain foods in my kitchen.  I cannot keep deceiving myself that I can buy one of certain foods.  I cannot keep deceiving myself that I can eat at certain restaurants, I will literally double back to place the same order again because certain orders create hunger and cravings.  Help me learn from those who have no issues with foods.  Give me the ability to say no when I know I am going over to people’s houses that I know will not prepare healthy foods.  Get me ready, give me power beyond myself.  Get me ready for the “bad” company and give me good choices.  I love You God.  God foods today and no deceiving myself.

Daily Challenge



My body as a Temple of God 31

Know you not that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? I Corinthians 3:16

Verse Reflections:  How beautiful is this thought, that we are the temple of God.  Especially when you look at the intimate and detailed instructions that God gave the temple builders in the Old Testament.  Each temple was adorned in gold and ornate jewels to be treasured and revered.  So, we then, must be God’s treasures to be revered.  Do I revere myself?  Probably not.  I have been treasuring my food over my body, my temple. I think it is interesting that the one-time Jesus lost His temper was when His temple was being violated.  Wow!! How many times have I violated my body, my temple through overindulgence?  Does God become angry when I treat my body with disrespect?  I have always thought of my body as my body, not a place in which to entertain God.  I need to think of my body as a Holy place with beautiful, soft music playing and stunning ornate fixtures.  I cannot throw trash inside such a lovely dwelling.  I must carefully consider everything I eat today so that I am honoring God in my choices.  He made so many perfect foods for me to indulge in.  Today I will begin by choosing the foods He has honored me by creating for me.  So begins my journey in God (food) Plus 1. I would love you to join me.

Prayer:  Lord, bless my body, my temple this morning.  Allow me to treat it as the Holy Place that allows Your spirit to dwell inside.  I miss the news this morning but I must say that this beautiful music that I am beginning my day with and the devotional is allowing me to hear Your voice at a different level.  I feel like I am back to being myself.  I have tried to keep myself so busy that I couldn’t hear You.  Running and running and running so that life can’t find me.  Thank You for slowing me down and entering my soul.  I feel a peace and a Holiness that I can’t replicate on my own.  I don’t understand Your power. It confuses me when I try to think of it intellectually, but I feel it.  Oh, I feel it from deep within and I thank You for that.  Father I want to honor You by eating the foods that You have created for me.  Give me the strength to say no to processed foods.  Give me the desire to choose Your foods.  I know how awesome they taste but I need Your power to remind me.  Let’s go into today treating Your temple/my body with reverence.  I love You.  Thanks for loving me despite myself.

Did you know:  When we lose weight the stomach releases more ghrelin which is the hormone that makes us feel hungry.  It is why we often “sabotage” our weight loss.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One serving



“Just do it”

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double- minded man, unstable in all he does. James 1:5-8

Verse Reflections:  What a beautiful verse to start this journey with.  All we have to do is ask for wisdom and God will give it AND give it generously!  I desperately need this wisdom that He gives us.  I am just plain stupid when it comes to what I eat, when I eat, and how I eat.  Here is the best part of that verse:  we must not doubt.  It is like the Nike saying “Just Do It”.  They spend $3 billion (with a b) dollars a year marketing that plan of action. How much do we invest? Today, begins my journey of faith that I am changed.  I have been infused with wisdom about how to eat.  Now I have to believe and not doubt that I will eat the foods that God created, I will eat the right portions and I will enjoy this process.  I will not doubt that I am on the path God has revealed to me.  I am a beautiful woman and I am going to claim this beauty, this wisdom and this confidence that allows no doubt that I am going to be successful.  I will not let the devil creep in like a wave that knocks me over, that blows me about and tosses me around like the wind.  I will not let the devil place seeds of doubt about my ability to eat right today.  God tells us His power will be given to us.  I know what to do.  I am going to create three God filled meals with two God snacks.  I am going to make sure I eat four fruits and vegetables choosing only one carbohydrate. I am a smart woman.  Today is the day I begin to use the wisdom that God has given me.  Why do we search for diets or use other people’s wisdom?  We KNOW what to do.  There is no magic.  It is hard but we have God’s power and God’s wisdom. Today is the day that I begin to “just do it”.

Prayer:  God, I am so like this verse.  I doubt my abilities, I doubt my desire to give up sugary delicacies. I am like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.  I am double-minded and unstable.  I need you to give me this wisdom to the core and marrow of my bones.  I know what to do; You have clearly told me to eat the foods you gave us.  You tell me in this verse that I must not doubt. You tell me that You will give wisdom generously.  Okay, I claim Your wisdom.  I give You my double-mindedness.  Double-mindedness is a perfect description of all my interactions with food.  I have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other.  The angel is sweet and calm and tells me very gently that meat and two vegetables or the salad is a wonderful choice.  The devil is drooling and salivating and spinning with excitement at the fried chicken and warm brownie with the crisp, chewy sides and coconut rolled ice cream that he throws around in my head.  I have to beg You to give the angel more power, more personality.  Let’s make her salivate too and describe the wonderful garden fresh herbs that are on that piece of chicken and those tasty sautéed green beans with garlic that crunch when we bite.  Maybe she can be wearing a two piece sexy bathing suit or fashion boots with her angel wings and priss as she is excitedly walking to the table to tuck her napkin under her chin.  I need to WANT to eat what my angel is craving.  And You and I both know the angel is a little too quiet sometimes.  Can you give me her single-mindedness?  Let’s name our angle Sindy!  She will help me be Single-minded and sin-free of over-indulgence.  Thank You Lord for Sindy.  I’m ready

Did you know:  Nuts are packed with protein and can make you feel full.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One serving



“Dragged Away”

When tempted no one should say God is tempting me. For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone, but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. James 1:13-15.

Verse Reflections:  Yep, I would have to say, I am tempted by my own “evil” (morally wrong or bad, harmful, detrimental) desires for those warm, gooey, crisp chocolate chip cookies, homemade cream cheese pound cake and the list goes on.  So, God cannot tempt me and yet I am over and over “dragged away and enticed”.  To the point that I feel like my temptations are bigger than Goliath and they literally drag me by the hair to their side so I will eat them.  This verse leaves me with the humbling realization that only I can drag myself away from this course, only I can indulge in these foods that entice me.  God refuses to participate in the tempting. In fact, He promises to protect us.  There is a beautiful verse in Psalms 91:4:  “He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings will you find refuge.  His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart”.  A rampart is a defensive wall.  As usual, God has promised us the power we need to have.  We must again, today “just do it”.  We must hide under His wings and we must not allow ourselves to be “dragged away” from the healthy foods that we know we should eat.  We are only protected if we stay by God’s side, under His wings.  The crazy thing is I really do love God foods.  I love grilled asparagus, steak, grilled vegetables, grilled chicken, pork chops, grilled tomatoes, snow peas, green beans stir fried with almonds.  I just have this crazy game inside of my head that has caused the foods with high calories to be the most enticing.  I have to break this mental bondage.  God is not tempting us.  We are tempting ourselves.  So we must instead reach up to God for protection from the daily temptations.  We must know that not only will He not participate in this temptation battle, He will protect us from it, IF we claim His power. Today is the day we quit with God’s power!

Prayer:  Lord, I hear the verse above loudly and clearly.  Protect me from being “dragged away and enticed” by my own crazy head.  This verse just totally takes away my devil with the megaphone imagery and replaces it with me.  Ugh, I have to be responsible again?   I envision that beautiful verse in Psalms 91:4:  “He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings will you find refuge.  His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart”.  A rampart is a defensive wall.  And yet, I also see myself under Your soft wings peering out as I smell warm baked chocolate chip cookies pulled from the oven.  Then there is me slowly sneaking out then running as I am being tempted by my “own evil desire… being dragged away and enticed” to leave your protective, soft wings and eat the entire pan of crispy, chewy cookies.  So, I know You will not tempt me today but I need extra protection of a defensive wall from my own temptations.  I can sure tempt myself just by opening the cabinet and imagining the next buttery, sugary desert I want to bake, going to the grocery store and walking the isles, or driving to the nearest restaurant.  For me, over-eating is wrong.  I am addicted to the over-indulgence and I know it.  I know food is not evil and a few cookies, brownies, bread, one glass of wine or chips are not evil.  Thus the plus 1 not plus 10.  My problem is that I am not able on my own to stop at one serving.  I need Your power to overcome my own temptation.  I know starting my day with Your word and power will do just that.  I am going to hide under your wings today but I need the hard defensive wall around your soft protective feathers.  I need double protection sweet and paternal and hard and defensive.  Yesterday was amazingly fun and easy.  May today reign in Your kingdom with the same victory.  We WILL “NOT be enticed”.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One serving

Did you know:  Protein causes our bodies to reduce the hunger hormone, ghrelin .




Who (What) shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or nakedness or danger or sword?...No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8: 35 & 37

Verse Reflections:  Which of us has ever noticed the word nakedness in this verse before?  Wow! .  I am fascinated by the fact that God knows us so well that He addressed the issue of our nakedness separating us from His love. Think deeply, our “nakedness” can separate us from Christ.  My vanity, my weight on the scale, my self-proclaimed disgusted vision of myself in the mirror when I am naked or when I try on the clothes that fit too tight separate me from believing in the unconditional love of Christ.  I do not feel lovable.  All of these things separate me from the love for myself and thus the God I love. Starting today, we will not let our nakedness separate us from the love of God.  He loves us just the way we are.  Look in the mirror and tell yourself “my nakedness is beautiful and I cannot be separated from His love”.  If He loves our nakedness, we must love our nakedness and love ourselves unconditionally.  We are MORE than conquerors of our bad eating habits.  We are loved by Christ!  How can we not be successful?

This verse also tells us that hardship or trouble cannot separate us from God.   Today we will begin the hard conquest of our illness or our unhealthy eating habits.  We will pull together with Christ and refuse to be separated from His love and we will overcome our need to binge. I know I am “allergic” to certain foods.  I am addicted to sugar.  When I eat carbs or sugar I crave more.  My brain does not want to give them up. These foods create a release of dopamine that boosts my mood.  The combination of eating these foods and the release of dopamine literally makes me happy but I know I have to give this cycle up.  This is hard!  This is trouble!  Yet in this verse God tells us He has the hardship and trouble covered!  Claim it, live it, bask in the amazing love of God.

Prayer:  Father, I give you my nakedness, my vanity, my weight.  I give you my indulgence of baking with sugar and butter and yet I need You to turn this into a positive new investment.  I’m not sure how to go forward because I am truly powerless.  I know I cannot face life writing down all that I eat.  I cannot buy diet pills that rev me up or tune me down.  I cannot buy pre-prepared meals that come in a box or a silver foiled package.  I truly believe if I eat the foods you gave us with no extra preservatives… I will not have a weight issue.  You have already solved the problem that I am now acknowledging.  Bless the cravings that pop into my head and tend to haunt me until I indulge. It truly is like the compulsion of an addict at times. I give them to you and ask that your love surround me.  Romans 8:37 tells me: “I CAN conquer this through You who loves me”.  I really CAN’T do this alone.  I do not have the ability or the strength.  I have the sincere knowledge that You gave me this dream, this vision of how to live eating God foods plus 1 serving of “other” foods.  If I really think about it, every “diet” we use goes back to these basics but I can’t diet Lord.  I just can’t. It screws with my brain and pierces me down to my very soul.  I have to fill in these stab wounds with Your love and enjoy Your food with all my heart and soul.  Today we will conquer our past eating habits and develop new ones because You love me… even in my nakedness.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One serving

Did you know:  Protein helps us to build and repair cells. 




So then, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17

Verse Reflections:  I have faith that I can do this.  But I can lose that faith so easily. This verse is the center of our success.  By reading God’s word we can have faith.  If we don’t read God’s word our faith disappears.  I know this is why I have to read God’s word every day.  I cannot eat right without the word of God being the core of my strength.  I have tried to “control” my eating without stopping and reading a scripture and I can’t.  There is power in the word of God.  By reading scripture daily and dedicating myself to eating God foods there is a huge difference in my spirit, in my calm.  Notice that this verse says that “hearing” (and faith) comes by the word of God. How many times have You complained that you just couldn’t hear God?  When we read the word of God we can begin to recognize and hear His voice all the time.  You can’t recognize a friend’s voice on the phone if you only talk to them once a year but that friend you talk to every week just has to say hi and we know who it is.  Because of God’s word I have faith that we can overcome our unhealthy eating habits.  I am able to embrace with confidence my ability to today eat God food instead of wanting to cook a big pan of cookies, biscuits, French fries… and eat every one of them.   My faith changes from having hope for tomorrow to having hope today just by reading the scriptures.  I can bring the light into the darkness just by infusing God’s spirit into today.  Tomorrow will never change our lives.  The only day that will change us is today.  But I can’t have faith in my ability to eat right today without reading God’s word every day.  God’s word is our only “offensive” option.  Somehow, reading God’s word give us the power to score today instead of constantly defending against the temptations that make us put off scoring until tomorrow.  Do you want to score today?  Then read His word.  Take this verse and store it in your heart!  Today we must have FAITH that we will eat God foods.  We read His word and that alone gives us the power, the faith that we can eat foods God created for us.

Prayer:  Thank you Father for giving me this scripture, for infusing my soul with faith in Your power.  Thank You for giving me the faith that I can eat right just by giving me Your words of confirmation, affirmation and power.  I know the strength You give, I know the calm.  You take the rumblings, the temptations within and sprinkle a gentling powder over them.  What used to erupt into a compulsive craving changes into a calm acceptance from one moment to the next.  I have You to thank for that.  I know that scripture is our one “offensive” tool against the power of darkness.  Thank you for giving me faith that I can do this by your word.  Thank You for helping me to stop and read Your word.  I know the key to success is to hear scripture, to internalize Your word every day.  We CAN do this.  We can score today. I have faith!

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One serving



“Pursuing right-ness”

Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. Proverbs 21:21

Verse Reflections:  Today I am going to pursue righteousness which I always translate in my brain to “right-ness”.  I know what is right, and so do you.  Again, I KNOW what is right.  I just have to do it.  I love the way God reminds us that if we do what is right and we love then we will find life, prosperity and honor.  Loving and doing what is right will allow us to live life, find life.  We must also pursue love.  That begins with loving ourselves.  My Mom always told me, “If you aren’t happy with yourself, you will never be happy with anyone.”  This verse says we will find life but how can we lose life?  Haven’t we ever lost our luster, our vigor, our enthusiasm or liveliness? It is interesting to think that if we pursue, continually seek, continually implement right-ness we will find life.  We will be lighter, happier, and more enthusiastic when we know we are doing God’s will.  When we treat our body with love we will honor our body and our life that God blessed us with.  We must be successful in our pursuit of right-ness, or eating right.  We can do this and find a new level of life.   To prosper means to be successful or fortunate.  If we do what is right we will be successful in eating right and having a healthy weight.  I know I will prosper (be successful) in my quest to be healthy if I pursue this right way of eating.    I also know that I honor my body when I eat right.  When I choose unhealthy foods I am dishonoring my body.   I am literally destroying the health, the life God has given me.  Why do I ever choose to dishonor my body by putting in empty calories, by adding weight that causes pain in my joints, causes breathing difficulties, creates dizziness…?  Today we are going to pursue the RIGHT way of eating.  God’s way.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, give me the ability to pursue this “right” lifestyle, to pursue an unconditional love for myself in the process.  I know that if I eat God foods, I will be successful in honoring my body.  I know that if I eat God foods I will be healthy and gain life instead of sickness.  Thank You for this reminder God.  Take away the crazy side of me that can’t divide my foods into right and wrong without getting seriously sick in my head.  Thanks for teaching me moderation with the “plus 1”.  Will You hold me, love me today?  I know what to do.  The key is wanting to.  And yet You tell me I have to pursue the choices; they don’t just happen.  I have to consciously go after this every day.  Surround me with the people, the strength, the foods that will allow me to experience this abundant life.  I know you want health, prosperity and honor for me.  You have given me the tools to reach out and grab all of these things.  Can you be my right-hand man, handing me the tools I need before I even ask for them?  I am not strong enough, nor wise enough on my own.  I love you and desperately seek Your power today.  I want to honor you in the foods that I choose to pursue and eat today.  I want to pursue right-ness.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One serving



“Seek God”

“I do not seek what I am to eat and what I am to drink; nor is my mind anxious. I only aim at and strive for and seek His kingdom, and all these things shall be added unto me.” Luke 12:29, 31

Verse Reflections:  I love how God put these two verses together.  Who else would have put the huge thought of seeking his kingdom first with what we eat and drink?  Wow!  God truly gets what we are going through here on earth.  So, don’t make eating and drinking your first priority, make Christ your first priority.  If we do that we will not be anxious.  This verse is perfect.  When I get anxious I want to eat.  It is a reflex.  I have trained my body to react to the stimulus of anxiety.  The carbs, the alcohol, the sugar spike my endorphins and soothes my anxiety.  The problem is this solution is temporary.  In fact, after the soothing is over, it stimulates my appetite and makes me crave more.  God’s kingdom is permanent.  What would happen if reading one verse made us crave more?  What would happen if we devoured God’s word like we devour food?  When I read just one verse I am a different person.  My anxiety is soothed.  I do not crave.  I love, I live, I eat and drink for Christ.  Today I need to seek God’s kingdom first. I know if I seek His kingdom first that I will choose to be healthy naturally and happily.

Prayer:  Lord, I humbly come to You today and try to seek Your kingdom first.  Who is it that You need me to be today?  What is it that You need me to do for You today?  How do You need me to be there for Your kingdom here on earth?  I will slow down today and weave some beautiful music into my life, clean out my soul, my home and my time to give You space to live and grow.  May You and I make Your kingdom alive and wonderful and beautiful here in my little home, my body, our work-place and our community.  I know Your power, I know Your kingdom.  Thank You for slowing me down today so that I can seek You, be with You, reflect You.  I already feel the anxiety of yesterday disappearing.  Thank You!  Love You.  Let’s have an awesome, healthy day in Your kingdom.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One serving



“Songs of Victory”

You are my hiding place from every storm of life; you even keep me from getting into trouble! You surround me with songs of victory. Psalm 32:7

Verse Reflections:  This verse warms me with excitement.    Being surrounded with “songs of victory” is such a glorious vision that it almost makes me cock my ears to listen.  No matter what storm of life we are facing God IS our hiding place.  We can rest in His arms as the wind is raging, the rain, the sleet are pounding around us.  Even if we get hit by shrapnel we can know that we will be victorious because God surrounds us with songs that shout our victory.  I love David’s second line “you EVEN keep me from getting into trouble”.  How many times a day, a week or a year does God keep us from trouble that we never even learn about?  How many storms never hit because we are resting in God’s hiding place that protects us?  So today we are going to listen to the songs of victory.  We will be victorious in eating foods that are healthy, foods that actually taste awesome and we will hide from everything in life that makes us want to turn to food for comfort.  We will not feed our pain. We will feel our pain, cry, let God wipe our tears so we can get over it and get on with a victorious life.  We will be victorious!

Prayer:  Lord, thank You for the victory over eating.  Thank You for the bigger victory over life.  I know it is crazy that an hour long eating process can sometimes just be a reflection of the storms of life and my reactions to them; my anxiety, my sadness, my pain.  I take food and I gorge and gorge until I physically feel the pain that I don’t want to feel mentally or spiritually.  And yet I believe that overall I am a very happy person.  It is a crazy contrast.  Perhaps it is because I am such a happy person that I internalize anything else and just feed it until it pops.  Then I am all happy again.  Oh, and then I get on the scales or try on clothes and it all comes crashing back in force.  Enough said.  Lord, I am excited about this victory.  New days of victory.  New days of hiding in your arms from the storms of life.  Thank You for “EVEN keeping me from trouble”.  I have had fun (except for that one day) eating Your foods, staying out of trouble.  I am listening to the songs of victory and loving them.  Victory here we come!

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One serving



“Healed from destruction”

He sent his word, and healed them and delivered them from their destruction… Psalm 107:20

Verse Reflection “He sent His word and healed them”.  This is why I am writing these devotions for myself and for you.  He sent us His word and it does heal.   This verse is so true in my circumstances.  I am my own destruction.  God somehow, some way gives me strength through His word.  I don’t understand the power of scripture but it truly does have power.  God brings me peace and confidence through His word just by stopping my brain on the mornings I read His word.  I need to bring His word into my heart before I begin separating my day into good and bad, right and wrong.  He weaves my day into a beautiful tapestry that allows me to start my day by knowing that everything will be okay.  “Everything will work together for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.”    I know this and it becomes relevant to every little detail of my day.  This allows me to give myself a little grace. Instead of perceiving one little detail as bad or one little splurge as being “too much” I can eat “one serving of non-God food” and it is okay.  If I eat two then the next day can be all God foods. In the past, I tended to say that I might as well go ahead on and eat anything and everything that I want to eat because I crossed the line that I myself created.  I love this verse because it references “their” destruction while referencing “their” healing.   I self-destruct when I perceive life this way.  This verse reminds me that He sent His word to heal me to prevent this self-destruction.  I am healed.  He has delivered me from my destruction.

Prayer:  Father, thank you for Your word that heals.  When I perceive  my day as part of YOUR tapestry Lord, each thread is gorgeous and beautiful.  I thank you for giving me the vision of allowing one non-God food a day as being okay.  It allows me not to self-destruct.  It allows me to see the day as a beautiful piece of art.  Thank You for giving me the vision of an eating habit that I can maintain for a lifetime.  I have learned that I cannot write down my foods forever, I cannot refrain from eating “fun foods” forever.  I must allow myself an indulgence daily or as needed.  Thank You for delivering me from my own destruction.  I do believe I have heard Your word and Your word has healed me from a lifetime of unhappiness.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One serving



“Be Still”

Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nation, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10

Verse Reflections:  The Greek translation of “be still” means to literally “let go, to surrender”.  Only by stopping our busy lives, by letting go of our control can God take over.  At this point in my life journey, I know I cannot control my eating habits and weigh a healthy weight.  I have to let go and surrender.  I have tried and tried and tried to be disciplined without God leading the way and I fail.  Only by giving up our illusion of control can we allow God to take over, to be exalted.  Imagine for a moment steering the car and then letting go of the steering wheel and watching the car stay between the lines up hills and around curves.  At that point we have to know He is steering.  We can take no credit for keep the car on the road.  So often we convince ourselves that our “successes” come from our hard work, our discipline.  The reality is, there are many people that work hard with discipline that have horrible tragedies befall them.  We all have to eventually acknowledge that we cannot control certain parts of our lives.  For me, making consistently healthy eating choices is one of those.   I am so ready to be still, to let go and surrender.  And I am excited about the day people start asking me how I lost the weight so I can exalt God in my answer.  Today we are going to let go and surrender our eating habits to God.  We cannot do this on our own!

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for this verse.  Thank you for allowing me to be still and KNOW that You are God.  You will be exalted in my body today and every day on this earth. I will celebrate You, I will worship You, I will elevate You through my life.  Let’s exalt together.  I love the idea that by letting go, surrendering I can represent You better in my eating, my peacefulness and my body.  My health will be Yours and I praise You for that.  Thank You for being present in stillness.  I am out on the porch with hummingbirds buzzing around and my puppy snoring through it all.  The perfect way to see and hear You.  Love You.  I look forward to exalting You today.

+1  Time with God

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One Bible verse per day
  3. One journal/devotional time per day
  4. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  5. One exercise per day
  6. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  7. One protein with every meal
  8. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  9. One serving

What are God foods?  Straight from the ground or the animal J

What are non-God foods?  Anything else



“Stop judging yourself”

Don’t criticize and you won’t be criticized. And why worry about the speck in the eye of a brother when you have a board in your own eye. Matthew 7:1-2

Verse Reflections:  We sometimes forget that this verse also means that we don’t need to criticize ourselves.  So often we are truly our own worst critic. We need to love ourselves unconditionally as Christ loves us. It is easy to think of this verse in terms of us talking about other people or internally criticizing others.  However, we often criticize ourselves worst of all.  We criticize our bodies, our weight, our looks, every imperfection real or imagined.  We need to also realize that we are God’s temple, His creation.  We need to begin this day by not judging others OR ourselves.   God will give us the power to do that. He loves us with all our faults. And yet often we do not love ourselves with this same unconditional love.  We have to admit this love deep into our souls before we can change unhealthy eating habits that we use to comfort, reward and punish ourselves.  We are so aware of weight and eating habits in America that it is almost revolting.  Let’s begin this day by not being hard on ourselves or others.  I definitely have that board in my own eye when it comes to eating and then criticizing myself. I constantly chastise myself when I eat too much or choose the wrong foods.  Why am I so hyper-critical?   I have no right to criticize anyone’s habits including my own. Just chill and make good decisions.  Let’s begin by asking God to give us the joy of the day.  Let’s ease up on slapping our hand or criticizing ourselves or others (even in our heads) about eating habits.  God gave us delicious, amazing foods.  I made my own cereal yesterday by mixing a variety of roasted nuts with raisins and cran-raisins and pouring milk over it.  No carbs, no processed foods.  Delicious.  I’m taking an apple for a snack at 10:00.  I can’t wait to start this day by not judging myself and having fun with God foods.

Prayer:  Dear Father, Take away this board in my eye.  Allow me to know I am your child and that you made me beautiful.  I need Your help today to not criticize myself.  We are going to have an awesome day and I so appreciate You loving me and accepting me just as I am.  I have developed some habits of daily self-criticism.  I am giving them to You.  So many times I eat just to “spite myself” or others.  I’m not really that hungry in my body but I get antsy, bored, frustrated or lonely and turn to chocolate, sugar and butter or carbs for comfort.  Fix me, mold me in Your image because my own image of myself is a little screwed up.  I adore you and love You and I know you adore and love me.  Allow me to have joy without criticism or judgement or angst today.  When I am joyful, I have amazingly healthy eating habits so let’s go out there and make this happen.  It is time for me to start driving to start the day and my hair is wet so it’s ponytail time but I am excited about this new venture.  Thanks for giving me this awesome message of eating God +1.  Love you.  May You also have a blessed day and may I be part of that blessing for You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One Bible verse per day
  3. One journal/devotional time per day
  4. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  5. One exercise per day
  6. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  7. One protein with every meal
  8. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  9. One serving

What are God foods?  Straight from the ground or the animal J

What are non-God foods?  Anything else



“Sunshine in our soul”

If your eye is pure, there will be sunshine in your soul. Matthew 6:22.

Verse Reflections  I love the thought of having “Sunshine in my soul”.  When Moses came off of the mountain after spending time with God he was white with light.  I am sure that he had sunshine in his soul.  It is revealing that God keeps giving us instructions in the Bible that shows us all the wonderful blessings that we can have BUT He also gives us tasks we must do in order to receive them.  In this verse we must keep our eyes pure.  We must be sure that what we look at, what we read, what we crave, what we put ourselves in front of should be pure.  This verse reinforces what I heard God tell me.  We should eat “pure” (with no additives, no artificial ingredients) foods.  We should eat God foods that are pure meats, fruits and vegetables.  We should turn our eyes on the pure words of the Lord each morning.  If we begin our day with purity, we can feel the lightness, the joy that He is promising us.  I am ready to have the sunshine in my soul.  So let’s do this!

Prayer:  Dear Lord, What a beautiful way to start my day.  Lord, pour sunshine into my soul.  Let it fill me, let others see the joy and sunshine pouring forth.  I totally believe that You are light and I want to be filled with You.  The Greek word for “pure” is clean and blameless.  Let me be clean and blameless today.  Allow me to have the strength to eat pure foods, clean foods.  I want to go a step beyond today and ask You to help me crave those foods.  Allow me to look for and want those wonderful foods You created.  I adore You and this is just one simple, but for me complicated, way I can worship You.  Today I am going to worship You through the foods I eat.  And I look forward to feeling and being warmed by the sunshine spilling out of my soul.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One Bible verse per day
  3. One journal/devotional time per day
  4. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  5. One exercise per day
  6. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one as a snack (4-5 a day)
  7. One protein with every meal
  8. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  9. One serving

What are God foods?  Straight from the ground or the animal J

What are non-God foods?  Anything else



“Sunshine in your soul”

No one lights a lamp and hides it! Instead he puts it on a lampstand to give light to all who enter the room. Your eyes light up your inward being. A pure eye lets sunshine into your soul. Luke 11:34

Verse Reflection:  Obviously God is wanting me to stress what I put into my eyes, into my body.  Thank you God for this verse.  I love the fact that when we put pure things into our bodies we will literally light up from inside.  How beautiful!  What a great way to start my God plus one today.  I was thinking in my little warped head that we would start with resisting temptation but this is so much better.  I know this intellectually that we literally feel better emotionally, we need less sleep… when we eat right but I love thinking of lighting our inner being by what we read (such as scriptures like this), what we watch on television (yes I am listening to easy music this morning) and I am adding what we put into our mouth even though God is concentrating on the eyes.  I believe He is sending me a message by giving me a similar verse two mornings in a row.  Today I am going to look at pure foods, put PURE things into my body.  More importantly I am going to radiate to give light to anyone who is in my presence.  How cool is that.  I will be like a moon reflecting God, the sun.  Let me be a full moon so that God’s light is aweing to those around.

Prayer:  Father,  You are so amazing the way You give me just the message I need.  I love focusing on the positive with this plan instead of the negative.  I have chastised myself, scolded myself, beat myself up for every cookie (maybe because I eat entire pans ha ha), every bag of chips, every time I eat any of those foods I put into the “Thou Shall Not Eat” category.  Thank you for giving me a positive spin on just having fun finding Your pure foods.  I woke up this morning fifteen minutes before the alarm.  I have a feeling it was because there was no sugar in my body.  Thank You!!  Let’s go eat breakfast even though I don’t enjoy it.  Let’s go have a wonderful light filled day.  I love you Lord.  Another day of God plus ONE here we come.  I am going to be Moses coming off the mountain and shining with Your light.  Okay, maybe 30 minutes with You in the morning doesn’t give me that much light but You are the God of miracles so I will be the moon to Your sun.  You decide how much light I can shine.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month

God foods:  Anything that God made vegetables, fruit, meat.



“Spiritual damage”

You see, this is what may happen: Someone who thinks it is wrong to eat this food will see you eating at a temple restaurant, for you know there is no harm in it. Then he will become bold enough to do it too, although all the time he still feels it is wrong. So, because you “know it is all right to do it” you will be responsible for causing great spiritual damage to a brother with a tender conscience for whom Christ died. And it is a sin against Christ to sin against your brother by encouraging him to do something he thinks is wrong. So, if eating xx is going to make my brother sin, I’ll not eat any of it as long as I live, because I don’t want to do this to him. Corinthians 8:10-13

Verse Reflection:  God’s word tells us that eating any food is not wrong in itself.  However, it is wrong when it is wrong for you.  One of my pet peeves is dividing foods into a “can” and “cannot” have category.  And yet, I am the queen of this habit.  I guess that is why this new lifestyle works for me.  If I want a candy bar I can have one.  I just have to wait until tomorrow to have the second one!   I guess even with all this knowledge I have to be conscious of those around me because we all have to do what works best for us.  The definition of sin is “anything that separates us from God” and certainly food can do that if we don’t feel good about what we are eating.  I don’t think there is anything we can’t eat, we just need to be okay with it and eat it in moderation.  Ugh!  To be honest, I don’t want to think in these terms of thinking about others around me in this journey.  I have enough trouble making it work for me.  However, God is clearly telling us to think about what we eat in front of others that may need additional strength. Certainly, I have overindulged way too many times in my life because I stayed fairly thin despite my over-eating.  I suppose God is telling me that I have to grow up and be a role model.

Prayer:  Dear God, Help me be aware of others around me and allow me to be an example for that individual person.  I haven’t mentioned this program to many people around me.  I guess I have to make sure it works the way I think it will before I open my mouth.  And maybe I will even wait for people to ask.  Hmmm what a novel idea.  Bless my heart and head because I know me well enough to know that I sometimes respond to life by eating in my nervousness and manic self-awareness.  And I just love food, all food.  I love You and want to represent You well.  Will you allow me to realize that no food is wrong while protecting me from overeating or being a bad influence on others in my choices.  Help me grow up and be the role model I should be.  Perhaps all the turmoil inside of me could be avoided if I would think of others instead of myself.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month



“Above all we ask”

Now to him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask of him. Ephesians 3:20

Verse Reflections:  How amazing that we don’t have the slightest clue how much God can do for us and with us. He is able to do “exceedingly abundantly ABOVE” all that we ask.” I shared with my husband how “easy” this journey has been this time.  Hmmm what have I done differently?  Only ONE thing.  My daily devotionals.  Remember God gave me this message over a year ago.  Christ has already exceeded my expectations.  I’m a slow learner but I am making a solid commitment to my devotionals.  I am astounded that 20-30 minutes in God’s presence each day makes all the difference.  My husband and I just shared an oatmeal cookie and I only ate about four bites and I honestly didn’t want any more.  This is a first! I would have, first of all, ordered two cookies by myself and given Mark half of one in the past because I was not going to share the main cookie.  And I’m talking huge cookies, not the kind we make at home.  God has changed me or is changing me daily.  I know myself well enough to know all it would take would only take one or two days “devotionless” and it would all come roaring back like a lion.  I’ve lived this roller coaster for forty years now.  I know that another hill is coming and then I can fly down it out of control.  So, I daily go to God and ask for His blessings on this journey so that I can receive “above” all that I ask.  I am going to take comfort in knowing I have only scratched the surface of what He can do for me.

Prayer:  God, you never cease to amaze me when I stay close to You.  Sometimes it scares me and I go run and hide from Your brilliance or the loudness of Your voice.  All I have to do is to stay “too busy” and Your presence fades.  And yet, You never go away, You hold me up, You are always my best friend.  But sometimes I make You my best friend that I only call once a month.  Other times we are texting sporadically so I purposely can’t recognize Your voice.  Once again, now I hear Your voice.  I heard You ask me to record that song, I heard You ask me to tell the homeless guy I believed in him.  I heard You tell me emphatically that I needed to eat God foods and limit to 1 serving per day of the processed and non-God foods.  I’m doing it and I am ecstatic that just by staying in the word the desires of my body are changing.  I cannot wait to die (okay I’m exaggerating please don’t take me literally) and find out how all this power works.  I feel it, I know it.  It is truly life changing.  I hope this works outside my soul too and I lose weight on this just so that other people will dedicate their lifestyles and their power to You.  I am enjoying this daily “burden-free” eating so much that I am just not worrying about the weight loss.  I am enjoying being healthy and knowing that I am taking care of this amazing body You entrusted me with.  Thanks for the power You give to us when we just move closer to You through scripture, devotions, prayers and just talking time.  I haven’t sought out Christian support yet (another way of pulling closer to You) but writing this all down and envisioning other brothers and sisters reading this and being offered this same life changing opportunity is my accountability and Christian fellowship. I think You have something here.  I guess we just forgot how awesome Your plan was when You sent us all this God stuff to eat.  You are changing me, you have changed me.  I am feeling Your exceeding abundance of Your power.  If You can change me, You can change anyone.  Love You forever.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month



“Tempted by me”

But one is tempted by one’s own desire being lured and enticed by it; then when that desire is conceived, it gives birth to sin and that sin when it is fully grown gives birth to death. James 1:14

Verse Reflections:  Dang. What is wrong with this picture?  This hits a nail on the head for me.  I do tempt myself.  I start to roll around in my head all the tasty treats I can cook and then I start to get excited about one of them.  I plan the first hour of my evening around what I am going to cook and eat.  I have never thought of that conceptualization giving birth to sin.  And now I weigh more than I ever have in my life and I have trouble getting out of the bathtub.  Those that know me would laugh at that but I am serious!  I am amazed at anyone that can carry weight so elegantly.  It weighs me down spiritually, emotionally and I am sure physically which leads us all closer to our deaths.  So now I am having fun conceiving/planning “God treats”.  I am no longer worrying about paying “too much” for blueberries or raspberries.  I truly “pay too much” when I eat the foods that add useless calories.  I have paid in my additional weight on my body and in my mind.  So today I am going to lure and entice myself with my amazing tomato soup that I prepared yesterday.  OMG it is delicious.  And this lure and enticement is going to give birth to life and health.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, thank you for this verse.  For reminding me once again that I am my best friend and my worst enemy.  Help me get over myself and get on with healthy, fun living.  Help me to just stop my mind when it is conceiving that desire.  I am constantly rolling over all the fun treats I can cook or buy.  Allow me to stop and have more fun planning healthy cooking, healthy foods.  I know I feel better when I eat this way.  I actually prefer most God foods and yet I have this “spite the system” part of me that thinks I should have more fun eating the cookies, chips or pasta.  We are going to have a wonderful day today.  I am ready to celebrate and create beautiful new desires with Your help.  I love You and I am looking forward to the day with You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month



“Be renewed”

Then you put off the concerning the former conduct the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts. But be renewed in the spirit of your mind that you put on the new man that was created by God in true righteousness and Holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24

Verse Reflections:  God gives us the power to change.  It is just that simple.  He allows us to put our former conduct behind us, to consider that our former selves or the “old” me.  How awesome is that.  I love that the “old” me had to eat a pan of chocolate chip cookies and now I can eat one or two cookies (not pans).  I definitely had grown corrupt.  I had degraded from a previous healthy state of being.  God can restore me to the original state and even make me better.  He can “renew” me.  I have to be honest– I am already renewed in just a few weeks.   I know I am different, I am changed.  We went across the street last night after fourteen hours in the airport or on planes to get pizza.  In the past, I would have eaten for comfort.  Last night I ate two pieces and stopped.  I’m telling anyone who is reading this that is a miracle as big as God restoring someone’s arm that fell off.  If you are reading this then you understand exactly what I am saying.  This thirty minutes a day is life changing.  He is renewing the spirit of my mind and creating me into a new man.  I love the words righteousness and Holiness.  Righteousness simply means “right-ness”.  I am finally eating right, with right-ness.  Holiness means separated (from the world) by God.  I feel that.  Yesterday, we had several holy experiences on the plane and I am not kidding.  God placed us on the very front seats with extra space (we did not pay more) and interestingly I was on the aisle seat and Mark was on the other side, two seats away by the window.  There was a lot of talking up front by the stewards and stewardesses and suddenly they brought a man and his German shepherd to sit by Mark.  There was no doubt in our minds this was a veteran with a therapy dog.  God could not have placed him in a better place.  We love dogs and my husband is amazing in this type of situation.  I knew God arranged all of this.  When the veteran started to fidget, the dog just turned around and laid his head on his shoulder.  Within three minutes he was calm.  He and Mark got into a wonderful conversation and about thirty minutes into the flight the man reached out to his dog “Geiser” and said, “God has put us on the right aisle with the right people”.  The story goes on but I’m telling you, we were set apart by God on that flight and his holiness was all over that flight.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for creating a new holiness in me.  You have truly set me apart from worldly temptations and worldly views in Your name.  Please keep up the good work in me.  I like this “new” me.  I’ve always enjoyed devotion time and reading the word but never have I been addicted to it like this.  I know I need this time of centering to overcome the “old” me that craves sugar and carbs and ice cream and anything in that category.  It is nice to give myself the freedom to have whatever I want but not exceed ½ cup.  Okay, the pizza might have been a cup but you and I know it was a miracle and a reasonable amount.  Keep setting me apart in right-ness.  I love You!

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month



“Living hope”

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By His great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3

Verse Reflections:  God has given us a living hope through Christ.  I know the new birth that this verse is referring to is the great amazing birth of our souls and the lightness of being that believing in the grace of Jesus gives us.  And yet, it also speaks to my current journey of eating right.  I have a living hope, a new birth of who I am because of the POWER that Christ has.  I am amazed at how easy my day of choosing foods that are good for me are if I start the day with Him.  The days I skip that time, that reflection… it is as though there is a hole in me that is not filled up so I must pour foods in the hole to make me happy, to make me full, to make me feel complete.  On the days that I spend time with God I am already happy so the foods just go on top and there are no holes in my soul that must be filled. Boy, we could go into major therapy for those two sentences, couldn’t we?  Maybe I am overanalyzing but the bottom line is I really start the day differently when I take advantage of His word, His mercy.  I am hopeful, I am blessed by Him and I have a strength that I do not have on days I skip His word.

Prayer:  Father, thank you for the new birth that You have given me through the death and rebirth of Your son.  This unprecedented miracle here on earth showed Your power.  Help me to take advantage of, to claim this power today.  You have already blessed me beyond imagination with Your mercy and grace.  I want to be born anew now in my eating, my health, my weight.  I want to use this living hope.  That is such a beautiful phrase.  Thank You for it.  I think I will seize “living hope” for my daily thought today.  Seal it on my heart, my soul and change me with this living hope.  I am Your child that has been born anew and we are going to eat healthy and have fun today.  I love You.  May I bless You with my life today.  I seldom think of my life blessing You but it is the least I can do for You.  You have given me a lightness of being that I could not have in any other religion.  You have given me an unearned grace, forgiveness that gives me every day as a new opportunity to live free from the past.  Today I am going to bless You who has given us a living hope that we can do this!

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month



“Credit God”

But he that glories, let him glory in the Lord. 2 Corinthians 10:17

Verse Reflection:  This time around I totally understand what this verse is saying.   If I change my eating habits to healthy ones for the rest of my life, then I have to credit God.  I have fought this battle for over 35 years and I can’t win it on my own.  This time with God is definitely making the difference. We must let everything we do glorify God.  We have to glorify God in our speech, in our thoughts, the compliments we give others, the work we do and of course, what we eat.  It is God’s business that we are working for.  It is God’s family He has given us.  It is God’s body he has loaned us.  It is God’s talents He has given us to use.  When we get credit for anything we must glorify God.  Everything we do, everything we are, we must Give God the glory.  Every time we are successful, we must give Him the credit.   When He gives us the power, the strength to stop at one serving, God gave us that strength.  YAY GOD!   That is the cool thing about the God + 1 is that we can have another + 1 tomorrow!  And still glory in success.  When I am asked how I lost this weight that I am going to lose, I must make sure that I give God the glory.  Honestly, I cannot do it without Him.  He deserves the glory.

Prayer”  Bless our day today!  Let me give You the glory for all that happens today.  You are amazing and I am looking forward to living today surrounded by Your glory.  Your world is gorgeous, I am living in the moment, living with You and for that I give You the glory!  God, I plan to listen to You and use Your power.  Allow me to look around and breathe in Your beauty.  Allow me success in this journey.  And when I celebrate, let me celebrate the success YOU gave me.  Let me help YOU change thousands of lives by spreading the word of Your power.  By giving You the glory for giving us this power that is beyond us as humans on our own.   Thank You for the success that I am experiencing in changing my eating habits.  I love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month




Keep your heart with all diligence; For out of it are the issues of life. Put away from yourself a wayward mouth, and perverse lips put far from you. Let your eyes look right on, and let your eyelids look straight before you. Make level the path of your feet. And let all your ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left. Proverbs 4:23-27

Verse Reflections:  Diligence is “careful and persistent work or effort”.  This, I feel, is the key to success in the God plus one.  Keeping our heart with diligence: being meticulous and hard working.  We cannot expect to change a life time of habits easily.  We have to work to change our habits.  If 30 minutes a day in God’s word and in the presence of God can make a difference then I am happy to do that. In all honesty, that is an easy, beautiful way to change my life.  Yes, I have to be disciplined enough to find the thirty minutes in my day but I have to say God is faithful and He has truly made eating His foods easier than I ever imagined.  I can do this the rest of my life. I watched my Mother have devotionals most of our lives and she is a beautiful person inside and out.  I saw God in her daily life.  So I know the difference staying close to God makes.  This verse reminds us that the right choices require careful choices, and continuous WORK.  Eating right is not easy.  There is no magic pill, no magic diet, no easy way of eating.  We have to persist no matter how many times we fail.  God tells us that we begin success with keeping our heart centered.  Read God’s word every day.  If we read His word we can get our mouths, our eyes, our hands… to cooperate.

Prayer:  Father, take my hand today and allow me to keep my heart with meticulous care.  I know from this verse that I cannot expect You to guard my heart without a little work on my part.  This is the part of Christianity I often take for granted and forgive me.  You make it so easy that sometimes I forget to work to draw closer to You.   I do know that to live at the highest and most fulfilling level “I need to work it work it” (as Madascar’s lead character said “I’ve got to move it, move it”).  I love You with all my heart.  You know it and I know it but I don’t always keep my heart as pure and Holy as You want me too.  I judge myself and others, I let thoughts flicker by that aren’t gorgeous.  I want to have the right-ness and Holiness that will create the perfect heart and the perfect me.  I do realize that my heart is the root of my “issues” so purify it, cleanse it and I will work hard to keep it close to You and guard it with and for You.  Loving You forever!!  Let’s go enjoy our day God. I want to see more of your beautiful world!!  Fun day ahead with a pure heart and alone time with You.  Soooo excited.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month



“Chosen by God”

“Long ago, even before He made the world, God chose us to be His very own, through what Christ would do for us; He decided then to make us holy in His eyes without a single fault, we who stand before Him covered in His love. His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into His own family….”Ephesians 1:4-5

Verse Reflection:  God made a decision before I was born to make me Holy, to cover me with His love.  How can I fail Him?  He has adopted me as His daughter.  I have been chosen by Him.  I have to admit I started this day working in bed and watching Criminal Minds.  It was Saturday and I really needed to finish my notes from our meeting yesterday.  I know what is on the schedule for next week and I needed to work to complete end of year reports. Then, the next thing I knew it was time for an event over at my friend’s house.  I never sat down and “devoted”.  Amazingly, God held on to me and I did pretty good.  But I really felt the difference of not having that one-on-one time with God.  Putting me in control of my eating during the day is a constant battle of the good angel (Sindy) on one shoulder and the devil (he that shall not be named) with the microphone on the other shoulder.  When I don’t have that verse, that Holy strength in my head to reflect on I tend to fill it with a battle and little baby food thoughts dancing around.  I can tell that being adopted into God’s family gives me that base of strength that a loving mother and father give.  Amazing that we started out Holy, set apart, without a single fault.  I’ve taken that Holy base and nailed a lot of faults to it but God sends His love shining inside and wipes them out every day that I start with Him.  What was I thinking?  We are chosen by God and in this world that is so oriented toward what we wear and how it looks on us I love that He made me Holy, set apart by Him without a single fault.  That is awing and humbling.  I love that we are covered in His love.  How much happier would we be if every time we looked in the mirror we are clothed and covered in God’s love.  Therefore, we are beautiful.


Prayer:  Thank You God for adopting me into Your family and for covering me in Your love. I can tell today because You protectme even when I don’t come to You first.  You help my faults, You gave me power and cover me with Your love.  I am very proud of myself and yet I know it is not me but YOU giving me power because I just can’t be around all that food and not eat a plate full of chips and dip.  Thank You for choosing me and opening me up to moving closer to You daily so that You CAN give me the power to do this.  Pretty cool that every time I come to You my faults disappear and I can start all over again.  I am blessed to be a part of Your kingdom.  I am going to celebrate your love that radiates off my body, shining brightly and I am going to feel beautiful.  We can do this and I love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives.

Did you know?  Getting out into the sun or bright light naturally increases serotonin which boosts your mood, creates focus and regulates body temperature, digestive processes, blood flow and breathing



“Thy Kingdom Come”

“Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done…” Matthew 6:10

Verse Reflections:  One of my friends brought up a mind boggling thought as we were running this morning.  We often emphasize “Thy will be done” in the Lord’s prayer but so often we overlook “Thy kingdom come”.  What an awe inspiring thought that we can help bring God’s kingdom here on this earth.  We can live our lives as though His kingdom is far away, separate from our lives here on earth or we can live our lives to encompass His kingdom daily.  We can start our day asking Him to bring His kingdom here to us.  Every smile we smile can bring His kingdom to others, every word we say can bring His kingdom closer or push it further away.  Even the foods we eat can bring His kingdom closer.  Imagine sitting down with Jesus and His disciples in their kingdom.  What foods would you eat?  What foods do you think He would serve You?  As crazy as it sounds I truly believe that our witness includes trying to be a person that others want to be around or even a person that others want to be.  And that can change based on the culture or the people we are around.  My husband is so good at incorporating other cultures into his actions when he travels all over the world and honoring their standards.  I believe that honors God and brings His kingdom closer to those he is with.  Today I am going to focus on bringing God’s kingdom into my body.  By eating foods that make me healthier, even thinner, I will be honoring Him and those around me.

Prayer:  Father, bring your Kingdom to me today.  Let Your kingdom come into my mind, my body.  I want to help You bring Your kingdom here on earth.  I want to honor You but I also want to partake of this kingdom.  One of the verses above states that You are able to do far above all that we can imagine.  Open my imagination today and allow me to just know You have everything under control, you have things ready for all of us that are so beyond the ordinary.  Today I am going to live beyond.  I am going to live in Your kingdom.  Just call me princess today!  Love You my King.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Did you know?  Foods can boost the production of serotonin include nuts, seeds, turkey poultry, eggs, tofu, milk, cheese, pineapple



“Never gonna be perfect”

My grace is sufficient for you. My strength is made perfect in your weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Verse Reflections:  Well I guess His strength is dead on perfect in my life.  Because I have lots of weaknesses.  This verse makes me close my eyes and breathe deeply.  My body relaxes and I feel an energy that comes from deep within in celebration of the knowledge that life is not on my shoulders.  God’s got this!  How exciting, how encouraging to know that the more I give control to God, the stronger He is and the closer I am to achieving all He has planned for my life.  I love the fact that I do not have to always be strong.  Ironically, this actually makes me stronger or perhaps I am feeling the strength of the partnership with God.  A power that I would not have without that union that goes beyond this earth.  So, today my weakness disappears and God takes over.  We are going to dream about, plan for and fill my body with amazing healthy foods.  God’s strength is perfect and this journey is “no hill for a climber”.

I was about to close my reflections and it hit me that my desire for perfection in my life is one of the reasons I am so hard on myself, so analytical and critical about what I eat, so critical and judgmental about my weight and looks.  So how beautiful to think about God’s strength being the very definition of perfection.  So, I can relax and let go of my quest for perfection because I will never achieve it.  I know that, and yet, I keep stressing myself out by trying to be perfect or at least hiding my weaknesses so I look perfect.  Got it—this verse tells me it ain’t happening – so I might as well give it up and give it over to God the only perfect one.

Prayer:  Father, take over my weakness today.  All of my weaknesses.  And yet my most current path requires a specific prayer for my weakness for foods.  Will You take over and become strong in the shadow of my weakness.  Will You shine a light into the darkness that haunts me and make the path bright, encouraging and enticing? I have so much hope knowing the weaker I am, the stronger You are.  We are going to rely on Your perfect strength in this journey.   I love You more than life, I love You more than food (boy that is a big one lol).  Bless our journey today.  You got this!!  And so, I’ve got this with You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives



“Spirit of power”

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Verse Reflections:  We have power!  We have been given the power of God to do this.  We can say no to the temptations. So many times we wait on the power to strike like lightning or we wait on a magic pill to swallow inside that changes our very make-up.  Those options are not going to happen.  For me, it is just a small light in the darkness, just enough for me to see the way.  When I eat and the voice from the dark shouts you need to eat or drink _______I look and see a flicker of light, just enough power to say no.  He has not given us the spirit of fear.  We do not have to be afraid of failure, of not being perfect.  We have a sound mind.  I know we doubt this sometimes because we have failed at keeping the weight we want but we have the power to do this.  We have the power of love.  We have to love ourselves, now, today.  We have to love our imperfections.  We have to know that all the “bad things” that have happened to us do not define us.  We are more.  We have the spirit of power, we have the spirit of love and we have a sound mind.  God gave us these things and no one, nothing can take these away from us.  We have the power of loving ourselves enough to say no to a 30 minute indulgence in favor of a healthy body and mind.  It is not easy but we can do this because He gave us the power. Today we are going to love ourselves enough to conquer the addiction to unhealthy foods.

Prayer:  Thank You God for this spirit of Power!  So often I have felt powerless in the midst of my bad eating habits.  Learning that I am addicted to sugar has actually freed me from this powerlessness.  I realize that I will not crave bad foods if I do not indulge in them.  A crazy circle that has literally made me feel crazy, powerless. Thank You Father that I am not crazy, I am of sound mind.  Thank You for letting me know that I do not need to be afraid to try again.  This easy, beautiful way of eating has freed me and given me an internal and external power I haven’t had in a long time.  Keep feeding me this spirit of power, this love and this knowledge that I am of sound mind.  I do not have to be neurotic, strive for perfection, count calories, divide my foods into “good” and “bad”, want to take diet pills, purge or starve myself.  I can just eat healthy God foods with one of whatever I want to eat or drink.  Thank You Father for this plan.  You are amazing.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives



“God’s loving eye”

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalm 32:8

Verse Reflections:  I grew up in a small town.  It seemed my Mother always knew I was in trouble before I did.  Her “loving eye” was on me at all times through my teachers, my principal, my friend’s parents, my Sunday School teachers, even the pool manager.  So… I seldom stepped out of the box without being totally aware of the fact that I was going to get in trouble.   And I always did.  The one time I “stole” a couple of grapes and ate them at the grocery store (they were loose so I reasoned) Mom made me go to the manager and tell him.  He was very stern and gave me a lecture about how these were paid for by the store and the store would lose money if people stole from them.  Looking back I am sure Mr. Keisler and Mom shared a twinkle as they taught me the life lesson I would never forget.  I learned so much from my Mother, the teacher.  I think of God in this same way.  God is always gently and sometimes firmly instructing me.  If I get off the path, He reminds me that He has cleared a path for me and when I step off that path I run the risk of stumbling over the obstacles that have not been removed from that path.  He has instructed us about the foods to eat.  The story of Daniel clearly shows us the strength that eating God’s pure foods gives our spirit and our bodies.  He is able to bless us when we follow His instructions.  He counsels us with His loving eyes on us.  He knows we mean well but He also knows when we eat a ton of sugar and wear our pancreas out He cannot protect us from diabetes.  When we eat 6,000 calories a day, He cannot protect us from weighing too much.  When we consistently drink alcohol or take drugs to relax He cannot protect us from addiction and the consequences that follow.  He has told us what to do.  He loves us and watches us every minute of every day.  The least we can do is to listen and act.

Prayer:  Lord, continue to instruct me, continue to teach me in the way I should go.  You have Your loving eye on me and I invite You to speak loudly, to remind me of what is healthy for my body, my mind, my spirit.  I know I sometimes sabotage the beautiful plans You have for me by being unhealthy even when I know better.  Bless my choices today.  Thank You for the role model that Daniel was.  I might not face down a real lion today but I’m sure that are some teeth that will come my way.  Give me the power that health allows me.  Give me the power to listen to Your guidance.  I hear You and I claim the love that You have for me that makes me WANT to follow Your teaching. I love the fact that Your loving eyes will be on me today.  I know that I will remember that when I make my eating choices today.  Have a beautiful day, keep watching and teach on.  I am listening today.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives



“Displaying God’ power”

“For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: ‘I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.’” Romans 9:17

Verse Reflection:  Over and over in God’s word we see that one of the reasons we receive “blessings” and “miracles” is so that others may see God’s power in us or our lives.  I believe that God gave me this easy plan of eating God foods so that He could display His power in my life.  I cannot wait to weigh in a few days not for me but because I believe if I have lost weight then others will eventually want to know how.  In sharing it will help in just a small way to proclaim God’s name in all the earth.  He “raises us up” so that others will want to look up to us.  He gives us “successes” so that God will be honored.  I do not believe that “success” here on earth equals “success” in God’s kingdom.  The homeless man on the street that gives away his only pair of shoes will be more honored in heaven or even in God’s kingdom here on earth than the multi-millionaire that gives away a million dollars.  The difference is that others here on earth want to be the multi-millionaire.  And so, Pharaoh was raised up because God knew others would want to be him.  And so, we strive for perceived perfection here on earth so that others will look up to us and want to hear about God.  So today, I keep eating God foods but today I eat them so that God’s power may be displayed in me and others will want to hear about God.  I like having a purpose bigger than me, my vanity and my wardrobe.

Prayer:  Father, today I ask for success in eating, in losing weight not just for me but for Your kingdom.  We know that You give us Your power, You give us honor and raise us up so that Your name will be talked about.  Your power will be known.  Let me help in my small way to give others that exciting glimpse of how awesome You are.  This is just 30 days in but overall I have enjoyed the process.  I have slipped, I have “failed” but each time You raise me up.  May my purpose be Your purpose.  May we be healthy physically, mentally and spiritually together.  I love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives



“Looking healthier in 10 days”

“But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself in this way… Please test your servants for 10 days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food…. At the end of the 10 days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food. Daniel 8, 12, 13, 15

Verse reflections:  In just 10 days the official could see a difference between Daniel and his friends and the other chosen men of the kingdom.  It is vital that we eat our 4-5 fruits and vegetables a day and leave off the wine and rich foods.  This is what God has been telling me for a year but it took me a while to listen.  And yet, I feel like He gives us permission to not be perfect- thus the plus one option.  These verses go on to say that Daniel was ten time wiser than anyone in the kingdom.  If we want all that God can give us our choices matter.  This is as clear as anything else in the Bible and yet we keep pouring foods into our bodies that affect our health and our minds.  Why?  Why does the short-term fun out-weigh the long term health we know we will gain?  We are just flat out crazy I think.  That brownie, those chips, those cookies, the sauces… why do we keep going back when the grilled veggies and meats are just as awesome?  I know the sugar and carbs give us a quick flare of happiness both physically and mentally but then it crashes us and creates a craving for more just like drugs.  I will say that eating healthy has eliminated my cravings.  It has been so much easier to eat healthy because I am eating healthy.  Sounds simple?  Well, I had to get past the first weeks of cravings before I got here.  And it is only by God’s power and my devotions that I could.

Prayers:  Father, allow me to be Daniel.  To crave vegetables, to want to put healthy foods in my body and to KNOW that those foods will stand the test of time.  Even 10 days of eating like Daniel will make a difference that others can see.  Give me the wisdom that Daniel had, ten times those around him eating the rich foods.  Give me the courage, the power to make Daniel’s choices.  Thank You for the lack of cravings I have now. I love Your vegetables, I love Your fruit.  Continue to give me the desires for these foods and allow me to see the difference that solidifies this life change I am making.  I want to give You the power to give me health.  I want to give You the power to give me wisdom.  And so, I am rededicating my choices of foods to You.  I am going to concentrate on eating vegetables like Daniel.  Thank You Father.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives



“Dwell in the secret place”

“He that dwells in the secret place of the most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: in Him will I trust.” Psalm 91:1, 2

Verse Reflections:  I have always been a fan of Victoria’s Secret and get a warm feeling inside when I choose pretty lingerie.  I smile with my secret because I like the fact that even in my torn up blue jeans and t-shirt or business suit that I am wearing fun, classy and matching lingerie.  It is like a whisper that only I can hear in the middle of a loud room. I love the idea that I have a similar secret every day when I am out in the world that I am really in the secret place of God’s.  How lovely to feel like I can snuggle up under His arm while that business meeting is going on or to be protected when I have to schedule a hard personnel meeting.  He can protect us from loneliness, hurt, anger, sadness, AND the resulting binges.  Today we will trust Him to be our refuge “a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger or trouble.”  WOW!!  Home base!  God is going to keep us safe from trouble.  We can walk into any situation with a secret little smile on our face and know that nothing that happens can touch us.

Prayer:  Lord, today I claim your protection.  I think sometimes I need protection from myself more than from the world.  I love You so much but I still get so busy trying to cram too much into my day that I can’t hear Your beautiful voice.  Allow me to think of the secret place of refuge You offer me to live in.  That alone slows me down and make me quieter.  You create such beauty in my thoughts with that one verse.  I see Your presence as a mother sheltering her child when a storm is coming and she is afraid something may fall on them.  You are keeping me safe God.   You are protecting me from the burdens of life here on earth.  Let me rest in that knowledge.  I love You God today and every day!!  I choose to rest in Your secret place.  Thank you for all the wonderful foods You have provided me there.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives



“For such a time as this”

Esther: “All the king’s officials and the people of the royal provinces know that for any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned the king has but one law: that he/she be put to death…” Mordecai: “…And who knows but that you have come to this royal position for such a time as this? Esther 4: 11 and 14

Verse Reflections:  Studying these verses in Esther was truly life changing for me.  Queen Esther was one of many wives.  She could literally be put to death if she approached the King without his permission.  She was afraid to approach the King to ask for the lives of the Jews.  Her Uncle Mordecai’s response is the part that changed my view of my life.  “What if you have come to this position for such a time as this?”  Wow!  What if YOU, what if I have come to the positions we are in for a reason that will come our way today?  It makes me take today so much more seriously.  It makes me want to eat right, to protect my health, to protect my relationship with God so that I hear His voice, and I am ready.  I want to not be afraid to do whatever it is that God asks of me.  I know I am here on this earth for a reason.  What if my reason is today?  It is bigger than eating right, it is bigger than fitting into my clothes or weighing a certain amount.  But all of those things are part of me living my life for God.

Wow! It is a couple of days later and I just read in John 12:27 that Jesus used the exact same phrase right before being taken prisoner leading to His crucifixion.  “Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say?  Father save me from this hour: but for this cause I was born.”

Prayer:  Father, allow me to be Esther.  Allow me to know that I am here on earth for a reason.  Give me the courage to be ready to accept that my reason for being put in the position You have put me in may occur today.  Give me the strength to dedicate my eating to You.  And yet, I want to go beyond and dedicate my life to You.  I want to hear Your voice, I want to have the courage that Esther had.  As crazy as some people may think it is, I know that giving You my eating habits, my health, my vanity is part of living for You.  I want to live for You today and every day.  I want to know that when the moment(s) come I will be ready.  I will be ready to know that it is for such a time as this that I was born.  May I be ready when that time comes to serve You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives



“Living water”

“If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water …Jesus answered, Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whosoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:10, 13.

Verse reflections:  It is so true.  We get up every day hungry and thirsty for the food and drink of this world.  It starts all over again every day.  Ugh!  I sometimes think it would be easier to be an alcoholic and completely stop drinking alcohol than to fix a food addiction because we can’t completely stop eating.  We have to eat three to five times a day.  What would happen if we focused on God’s living water, the spring of water that gives us eternal life?  I know when I focus on the bigger picture the smaller choices do indeed seem small.  When I start my day out with these devotions it is easier for me to choose God foods over the “fun” foods.  God’s eternal plan makes my plan for the day pale in comparison.  God give us this gift of living water.  Fill our stomach, our heart, our mind up with God’s living water.  If I remind myself that I am full of living water, perhaps I won’t crave so many foods.  I won’t contaminate this water with processed foods that have little nutrition.

Prayer:  Lord, help me today to focus on You, Your living water, the spirit inside of me instead of the things on the outside.  I need to quit obsessing over my next meal, what I am going to have.  Help me to just listen to a waterfall of living water inside my head.  That calming, beautiful sound can gentle my spirit.  Will You bless me         today with Your plan for my life?  I know Your gift of life, Your gift of grace goes so beyond any little food detail and yet this is my war right now and I need Your help to win it.  I know You understand this battle because You are a part of me.  I love the fact that when I start my day with You it makes a huge difference.  Will You come to me through these scriptures and bless me today?  Bring me Your living water and allow my choices to pale in comparison to the fullness inside.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives



“Eat for God’s glory”

“Therefore, whether You eat or drink, or whatever You do, do it all to the glory of God. I Corinthians 10:31

Verse reflections:  Today I am going to do everything to lift God up, to glorify Him.  I think that is the root of my issues.  When I focus on me instead of Him things magnify, the issues get bigger.  When I focus on God I realize my issues are just a grain of sand on a huge beach.  And somehow, I begin looking outside of myself and I see others in need.  Again, I realize I have no needs, I have no issues.  The mother who can’t feed her children, who has no car.  The child who is terminally ill… those are issues.  So today whatever I eat or drink I do it for God.  YES!! This is what God plus 1 is all about.  I cannot glorify God when my body is not healthy.  I must dedicate every bite to God, to glorifying God.  What would happen if I stopped right before I began to eat, raised my glass and toasted God, “to Your glory God”?  I think I would look down before I raised my glass to make sure all the foods I chose and the serving sizes would glorify Him.  What a great idea to add to my eating processes.

Prayer:  Father, You always put my day in perspective when I read Your word.  Right now I am not thinking about any work issues, any problems I am thinking about You.  I am excited about toasting You with the next thing I eat or drink.  I am thinking about glorifying You, worshipping You, honoring You with my food and my body.  Thank You Lord for this perspective.  We are going to have a wonderful day and I hope in just one little way I will help Your day shine a little brighter and thus we will make someone else here on earth have a better day.  Here’s to Your glory God.  I love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month



“Pray constantly”

Pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:17, 18

Weigh in:  LOST 4.2-5 pounds (I was afraid to get back on the scale after the holidays so it was probably 5 or more!)

Verse Reflections:  I have learned through the years to thank God no matter what is happening in my life.  Age gives you that gift to know that we have to view the world through the eyes of eternity, the eyes of God.  If we do, death becomes life everlasting, sickness becomes a mountain to climb here on earth with a promise of wellness in heaven, not being able to have children means we will have as many as we want to nurture in heaven or the blessings of being a wonderful aunt, godmother, teacher… and the list goes on.  Over and over in the Bible God instructs us to ask WITH thanksgiving.  He also reminds us in this verse to pray constantly.  I will say the success of God Plus 1 for me is in the verses, stopping my day to center on Him and thus my day becomes God and prayer centered.  Amazing how this makes the difference!

Prayer:  Lord, I thank You for this wonderful idea You had to eat God foods.  I thank You even more that I opened my eyes and ears to this plan.  Overall, it has been so easy for me.  And then, there are the days I skip my verse, I skip my time with You and I have a really tough time.  Your verse above reminds me to pray constantly and it does make a difference in who I am, the choices I make and the ease of going through the day.  I am proud of myself losing 4 pounds this first month because I have had some “bloopers” along the way.  I have had some splurges.  My biggest observation Lord is that the cravings have almost disappeared.  The cravings I have now are just “poor pitiful me” or “I deserve this” spites.  I have truly noticed that I am not craving the sugar that I used to crave.  Thank You for that.  I give You thanks for this in my life right now.  I thank You for my job, my health, my husband, my friends, my dog and my home.  I love You.  Better go to work.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Did you know:  Harvard Medical School recommends 15% of your diet is protein.



“Our body is God’s temple”

“Or do you not know that Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within You, whom you have within you, who you have from God 6:19

Verse Reflections:  This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible.  Think of all the beautiful instructions God gave the temple builders in the Old Testament.  King David gave personal treasures of silver and gold to decorate the temple.  In other words, the temple is made of the most precious treasures on earth.  This is the place where the Holy Spirit dwells – in our bodies here on earth.  It is already gorgeous and stunning because of the light within.  Today we must claim that beauty and know that God died for us, gave us the forgiveness of everything, anything we have done and will do.  We must thank Him by glorifying Him with our bodies.  We must know that we are already His temple and we are already made of the most precious treasures.  May we shine today with His light and know we are beautiful as we eat in thanksgiving to Him.  May we eat foods that the Holy Spirit will enjoy, the foods that God himself has made.

Prayer:  Father, I am filled with a beautiful warmth this morning as I celebrate the body You have given me.  Thinking of it this way allows me to look in the mirror with different eyes.  I love You so much and to think that you created me to be a temple, the place that the Holy Spirit lives makes me rise above myself and love everything about this image.  I want to go beyond, I want to live for You when I think of myself as a Holy Place.  Today we are going to enjoy being “set apart” as Your temple.  Hmmm it even makes me want to dress differently.  I am going to pick out a regal outfit to honor You today.  Love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives



“We are God’s home”

“For God’s home is holy and clean and you are that home.” I Corinthians 3:18

Verse reflections:  The verse from yesterday fills me with awe and reverence that we are the temple of God.  It reminds me of His magnificence.  The verse today fills me with a down home comfortable feeling like putting on my pajamas and snuggling down in my home for a great evening.  I like both images.  I am a little different in that I love to clean my home.  I also love when I have a person come and clean my home for me because I am too busy at work.  I just like a clean home.  I love walking in the door after a 50 hour work week knowing I can relax.  I relax when I don’t have 50 tasks to do before I can enjoy my home.  It makes my home a haven, a place of refuge.  It makes me happy when people can drop by and I don’t have to run around picking up.  Think of God coming to visit inside our body.  I am so proud that right now I can invite Him in and show Him around.  He will see my healthy eating choices, the results of my exercise.  I am sure it is cleaner inside there than it has been in a while.  I won’t have to apologize and run around hiding the cookies, bread & butter, chips and dip and resulting surges of insulin or high cholesterol.  Because He knows the home just went through a few years of being hit by a hurricane I won’t even apologize for any extra weight.  I am proud because it is clean today!  It is holy, and set apart from the past.  I am going to imagine me in my pajamas inside my stomach today waiting on God’s visit!

Prayer:  I just love Your word God.  I love the images it stirs in my mind.  Thank You for working with me to clean Your home.  I want You as a permanent roommate.  I know I have to talk to You to keep our relationship going, communication is key in any home.  I know I have to study Your word, have quiet time in order to hear Your voice.  This, I have found is the key to my success in this lifestyle change.  It is the days I don’t stop for thirty minutes that I cannot fight the temptation.  I think the devil with the microphone watches me and waits on me to not talk to You.  He rubs His hands in glee when I run around in the morning too busy to stop and I dash out the door.  Then He waits on the right moment and yells in my ear.  I think I allow You to wrap Your arms around my ears when I listen to You in the mornings.  The good news in Sindy, Your angel and You still have power that far exceeds His megaphone even when I don’t stop.  I am learning Father that this 30 minutes each day is the most important 30 minutes in my life.  Thank You for being the kind of roommate that helps me clean our home even when I don’t pick up on certain days.  Today I welcome You in our home.  Give me the power to keep it clean and set apart.  Love You roomie.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives



“We are lovely’

Brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

Verse reflections:  The word lovely is rarely used in our day to day conversations.  Maybe that makes it even more precious.  We need to think of ourselves as lovely creations.  This is a true, noble, right and pure statement because God made us.  We are to admire ourselves because we are reflections of God.  Today we will begin our day thanking God for making us lovely, making us in His image which is magnificent, excellent and praiseworthy.  If we begin our day with positive thoughts of ourselves, we will extend the beauty of those thoughts to others around us.  We will not put others down, we will look at others as extensions of God as well which means they are also lovely.  We will keep our minds on true, noble, right and pure thoughts.  We will praise others and recognize their excellence not their shortcomings.  And it all starts with our own loveliness.  Negative words and thoughts reflect more on us than the others we are speaking of.  So today, remember we ARE lovely.  We must feed ourselves lovely foods, God foods, pure foods, excellent foods.  We will focus on excellence in ourselves and others around us.

Prayer:  Father, I should start my day with this verse every day.  It is a verse that centers my soul better than any other verse.  It reminds me not to criticize myself or others.  It reminds me that I should only allow positive thoughts in.  It reminds me that I should always focus on You, on lovely thoughts.  When I start out with this foundation my entire day is different.  I am just a better person when I start my day with You.  Why I ever let myself get too busy to focus on You I don’t understand.  I don’t understand faith, I don’t understand Your power but oh my goodness it is so real.  Father, I am going to take this verse to a new angle and ask You to help me put the pure, lovely, excellent foods into my body even as I focus on pure, lovely and excellent attributes in myself and others.  Thank You, my lovely Father.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives



“Numbered hairs”

The very hairs on your head are all numbered. Matthew 10:30

Verse Reflections:  God cares about us this much.  Can you imagine numbering all the hairs on our heads?   And yet, God knows how many hairs are on our heads.  Why do we ever stress? Why do we worry about the issues of today or yesterday?  We have a God that loves us and invests in us this much.  This verse reiterates that He cares about every detail in our lives.  We can’t throw a detail up to Him that He doesn’t care about.  And this is why I believe in God Plus One.  He does care about what we eat.  He does care about what we weigh.  He does care about our health.  He wants the best for us.  We just have to KNOW that.  We just have to CLAIM that.  We just have to LIVE that.  So today I will remember that God cares about every detail, even details as small and fine as one hair.  I had to look up how many hairs we have, as a blonde I have approximately 150,000.  Wow!  Today I will know that God cares about every bite that I take, every food I indulge in.  He has given me wonderful, clean, pure foods that I can eat.  Today I will imagine my God who is so devoted to me that He is cares about every bite I eat as my loving Father.  It will give me the strength to make the right choices.

Prayer:  Father, how fun to know that You know every detail about me.  It makes me relax to know that You care that much.  I like that You know more about me than I know about myself.  Today I ask that You take that comfort, that love as my Father and translate it to a power within me.  I want to honor Your love for me with the choices I make.  You have obviously dedicated Yourself to taking care of me.  This verse shows Your love for me as a parent who knows every detail of their child’s body.  I feel a stronger foundation within just from the knowledge that You love me that much.  It makes me want to take care of this body that You created with such love.  As I brush my 150,000 hairs this morning may You shine within me and give me the desire to eat Your foods and honor this love You have for me.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Gentle, quiet spirit”

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” 1 Peter 3:3-4

Verse Reflections:  “The unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.”   Uh Oh.  I have more of a cheerleader yelling screaming hugging necks and squealing type of spirit.  I have a lot of work to do today.  What will happen if I walk into the office all quiet?  I think everyone will wonder what is wrong with me.  Yikes!  How do I incorporate this verse into my personality?  My sisters and I went to New York together so Dad offered us $500 each if we got on Good morning America.  Well, we did… Mom’s reaction was “Of course, you would be the one interviewed”.  I don’t think that was a compliment but we did get our $500 each.  Yes, that is me.  Maybe if I look at enough translations one of them will use the word “peaceful” instead of “gentle”.  I do have a peaceful spirit when I start the day with God.  I am nice but I am not always gentle with my employees or my husband either.  I think I might have some major changes to make.

Okay, now that I have had a major heart attack in reaction to this part of the verse I will back up and focus the major message that we should concentrate on our inner spirit today and not our outer looks.  I love this part of the verse.  I grew up in a home that did not focus on looks.  I was very proud of myself because I wore mascara for my senior picture.  I think I even put on makeup when I was elected to the homecoming court but I am not sure.  My Mom (who is beautiful) would sometimes forget to brush her hair before she walked out the door so we always kept a brush in the car.  We are not the kind of family that spends an hour getting ready in the morning.  So I love this part of the verse.  God is reminding us that our beauty does not come from our hair being perfect, the ultimate outfit or the jewelry we wear.  I am sure we can add that our beauty doesn’t even come from having the perfect body.  He knows that our spirit is much more important than what we look like.  Today let’s focus on our inner spirit as we eat the foods that He has made for us.

Prayer:  Father, help me remember that I don’t have to look perfect.  Those clothes don’t have to fit me perfectly.  I need to focus on the inside, on my spirit.  Ironically, when I do this I actually stress less and have less compulsive cravings.  I guess You know this which is why You wrote this verse.  You are going to have to gentle and quiet me down because that is not my natural spirit.  You know I dance and sing around the house when it is just me and You by ourselves.  I always thought You enjoyed that about me.  Hmmmm.   Give me a gentle spirit today.  I know it will change the way I respond to others.  I love You, very much.  Part of me is teasing about my reaction to this verse. I know You are using this peaceful, gentle, quiet spirit description to remind me to keep the battlefield down in my soul.  If my soul is quiet and gentle then I will not fight my compulsive urges to eat.  I have a feeling I can still shake my booty and dance with my crazy self while we gentle my soul.  Thank You for this verse.  Here is to a quiet, gentle day.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“I’m slipping”

“When I said, My foot is slipping, Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, held me up. In the multitude of my (anxious) thoughts within me. Your comforts cheer and delight my soul! Psalm 94:17-19

Verse Reflections:  My “foot slips” a lot.  I love the idea of saying this to God and Him holding me up.  I think King David was a lot like us.  He has anxious thoughts and He turns to God for comfort and cheer.  In this verse Daivd turns from being anxious to his soul being delighted.  He turns from his foot slipping to God holding him up.  God is strong.  When we slip He can take care of us.  We shouldn’t chastise ourselves when we aren’t perfect.  We should depend on God to extend us mercy and loving-kindness.  We should plan on getting back on the path our foot slipped off of and letting God hold us up.  When we get anxious or depressed or mad or worried we should also turn to God.  He will not only comfort us but He will cheer us up or “delight our soul”.  Claim this when you wake up ready to stay in bed with the covers over You.  Write a list of what You are happy about, what delights Your soul  So often my anxious thoughts are the root of my overeating.  My thoughts start racing so I push them so far down that my body starts to feel tense and anxious.  Then I just want to eat.  This is when my foot can slip.  But we need to know the Lord can hold us up.  Today let’s expect to be held up by God.  Let’s plan to be delighted in our soul.

Prayer:  Father, I come to You today expecting to be successful in eating Your foods.  I come to You expecting to be cheered up, to be delighted in my soul.  My spirit is happier just thinking about this verse.  I don’t remember ever reading this before.  I am going to imagine You holding me up and sprinkling happy powder all over me today.  Thank You for taking care of me when I slip.  I know I keep You busy because I am constantly slipping.  Thank You for Your mercy and loving-kindness.  Thank You for holding me up.  Thank You for letting me lean on You when I get anxious.  Thank You for comforting me and even cheering me up and delighting my soul.  I love You.  Your friend whose foot slips a lot.  ME.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“It’s Alive”

For the word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and quick to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 (ASV)

Verse Reflections:  If God’s word is living that means it grows, it breathes, it has energy.  It can change and evolve.  I feel all of this.  I can read the exact same verse at ten separate times in my life and it touches my soul in completely different ways each time.  When I start my day with God’s word I can feel it pulse inside my heart, it takes root inside my mind and grows during the day.  It fills empty spaces inside my body that can haunt me when I don’t start my day with Him.  God’s word is the only “offensive” weapon quoted in the Bible.  When we read it, incorporate it into our lives we are able to not live defensively.  I don’t have to fight all my food thoughts nearly as viciously, instead I am filled with God thoughts and the food is a secondary part of my day.  My soul and spirit are not divided when I start my day with God’s light.  The thoughts and intents of my heart are God filled and God led.  Today we are going to begin our day with God’s word and claim its energy and life.  It will breathe for us and with us and lead our soul and spirit to eat foods that will give us health and energy.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for Your living word.  Thank You that Your word is active in this world.  It is not a book to be sitting on a shelf.  It is conversation, words that lift us up, that make us better people that give us a perspective beyond this earth.  It joins our soul and spirit with our bodies and gives our heart the desires that You control.  Today, Lord, I look forward to the beautiful thoughts that You give me.  I know You are going to give me desires, thoughts and intents for healthy foods.  Thank You for the strength You gave me yesterday and the living, breathing energy You are going to give me today to live for You.  Love You and I am looking forward to hearing Your words inside of me today and letting them grow as I grow.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit or vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (4-5 a day)
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One weigh in per month – March 1

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Taste God not cookies”

Oh taste and see that the Lord (our God) is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him. Psalm 34:8

Verse Reflections:  One of my favorite five senses is my taste.  How do I taste God?  The first thing we will have to do is to put down any competing tastes.  Think of how we taste wine at a wine tasting.  We swirl the wine around in our glass then we take a long breath to inhale the scents.  We take a leisurely sip so that the flavors can roll onto our tongue.  Many times we even swish it around in our mouth.  Then we go a step further and try to name the flavors we detect.  Let’s stop this morning and name the flavors of God.  He tastes like bright glowing sunshine with a hint of lilac for me.  Then I take another whiff and I think I taste some pine or oak, I can’t tell which, the flavors seem to waiver back and forth.   For me he tastes like the great outdoors, maybe a hint of a campfire.  I am closest to God when I am outdoors looking at His majestic creations so these tastes do not surprise me but it is the first time I have ever tried to truly taste God.  Today as I eat His food creations today I am going to eat a little slower, savor the tastes just a little more and try to mix in God’s flavors.  As we taste Him, as we trust Him He will be our safe place, our refuge.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for giving us a safe place to hide.  Thank You for giving us this verse that stretches our interpretations of You, our relationship with You.  May I concentrate this morning on the way YOU taste, not my food.  That will change my entire eating experience and I love it.  Father, we have done this.  My first month was hard, the first 10 days of February has been hard also but it has been less excruciating.  I thank You for that.  Maybe taking the taste of my foods and weaving You in to that taste will bring me to a whole new level of eating.  I need to grow and change.  Sometimes I live in my teenage head of exploding tastes and indulgences.  May I grow up and experience life more like a slow, leisurely wine tasting.  I love You so much and I am just glowing inside from these beautiful visualizations.  Thank You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“My heart’s desire”

“I seek my happiness in the Lord, and He gives me my heart’s desire. I give myself to the Lord, trust in Him and He helps me; He makes my righteousness shine like the noonday sun.” Psalm 37:4-5 (GNT)

Verse Reflections:  Starting my day with God and making a firm appointment with Him every morning at 7:00 has made the difference.  I know the more I trust in Him, the more His light fills me, the less room I have for darkness or dark thoughts and then His light does begin spilling out.  Maybe someone reading this has some other temptation that haunts you.  Seek Your happiness in God and He will fill you up so that the temptations become smaller and smaller and smaller until they finally disappear.  But you will have to start each day with Him in order for them to diminish.  The more He grows inside of You, the more You trust Him the less room You will have for other things.  The minute you choose not to keep your appointment with God is the minute your temptations will grow again.  Give yourself to the Lord and trust Him every day.  We can do this!! But only with Him shining like the noonday sun within us. When I seek Him first, when I seek my happiness in Him then He literally changes my heart and what I desire.  I am not craving the sweets like I used to.  I still have to concentrate hard before every meal because my mind still flickers through all my potential choices but because I am giving myself to the Lord daily, I am trusting in Him, He is seriously helping me block out the choices that will not make me healthier.  He truly gives me right-ness and the right choices each day.  I do have to say I am happier and I feel His light within knowing I made good choices.  Today is the day for our right-ness to shine like the noonday sun!!  Wow.  How powerful.

Prayer:  Thank You Lord for encouraging me daily.  Thank You for getting through my thick head that I should make an appointment with You daily and then keep it. You really do help me have new desires in my heart when I spend time with You.  It is crazy, it is awesome.  Why do I ever try to do life without spending time with You?  I really can’t do this healthy eating without You.  I shouldn’t try to do life without You but sometimes I get too busy and start running.  It has made such a difference in 2017 to start my day with You.  I can feel a surge of energy within.  I feel the difference because I am making better choices.  Thank You for giving me a plan that allows me to stop by my favorite restaurant for a desert without feeling guilty.  Thank You for allowing this to work.  Give me patience.  I want to drop the weight off faster but I know I am making a life change that I can live with forever so I need to be patient and relax and enjoy life.  You are amazing.  Today I will seek my happiness in You and know that You will give me my heart’s (and mind’s) desire.  Together we will shine like the noonday sun today.  We CAN DO THIS!!

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Wonderfully Made”

“I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful. I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14

Verse Reflections:  Fearfully means “in an anxious and extreme manner”.  Ironically it is relaxing and beautiful to think that our God was anxious when He made us.  He wanted to get every detail right.  He wanted to make sure that our heart could pump life-blood to every extremity, giving us oxygen and nutrients that allow us to continue to grow and reproduce new cells.  He wanted to make sure our brain, could think and process thoughts that are reactive and beyond our senses, beyond what we can see and hear.  Amazing!  We can distinguish between right and wrong, draw moral conclusions.  He was extreme in each detail.  I always wonder how anyone can look at a precious wiggling, crying newborn baby and not believe in God.  We are set apart and unique in our individual creation.  No two of us are alike.  That is the most amazing miracle of all.  He set up a creation system that perpetuates distinguishing characteristics.  How can we not want to treasure our bodies?  We are beautiful individuals that God created to be wonderfully made.  How can we not want to eat healthy foods that honors this fearfully and wonderfully made body?  When we eat food that take care of this body we say thank You to our Father for taking the time to be anxious and extreme when He created us.  Today we are going to thank God for this wonderfully made body and praise Him for His wonderful works.

Prayer:  Father, Every time I read Your word, I discover something else that amazes me.  You have created us as miracles of life.  I’ve never thought of You as anxious and to think that You concentrated so hard on creating us that you worried over every detail is humbling.  It makes me want to stop my selfishness and concentrate on how I treasure this work of art You have created.  Today let me think of You instead of myself.  Every bite of food I take let me take it with amazement as I watch how my fingers move separately, how my mind processes, how my heart loves, how my eyes read little characters that merge into words.  Life is amazing and I must treasure every part of it.  I love You, continue to open my eyes and my heart to make healthy eating choices to honor You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“We are Guarded”

”But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3 ASV

Verse Reflections:  This verse takes me back to my vision of the devil with a megaphone yelling in one ear while the quiet, sweet demure angle whispers in the other ear.  I will say that since I have been faithfully having my dedicated time with God the angel seems to be speaking a lot louder than my devil recently.  Isn’t that amazing?  The Lord is faithful, He will guard us from “the evil one” (that devil with the megaphone) but we also have to take the time to move closer to Him.  When God seems far away guess who moved?  This question can be life changing.  We must take the time to move toward God in order to hear His voice, to stand in His protection.  And yet He still promises to make our relationship permanent, established even before we move. He promises to be faithful to us.  I have been trying to eat heathy, make healthy choices for years without spending time in His word and it just hasn’t worked for me.  This is “my thing”, my razor that can make me bleed, my temptation that can make me crazy.  I am amazed that I am truly starting to turn a serious corner 45 days into this.  God food is tasting better, it is my first thought now not my second.  I hope sharing these devotions with others will help You move closer to Him and depend on Him to guard you from your temptations.  Today I am going to depend on Him to be faithful to me, to make healthy eating a permanent, established habit for me.  He will guard me from temptation and keep me close as I choose to draw close to Him.

Prayer:  Lord, I actually woke up this morning looking forward to my devotions.  I always wake up talking to You but I’m looking forward now to studying Your word and listening to Your newest message.  I pray that You will open my ears to hear what You are saying.  Thank You for being faithful to me even when I am not faithful to You.  Thank You for guarding me.  I love You soooo much.   We are making such progress together.  Thank You Father.  Protect me from the evil one, protect me from myself.  I need that protection.  I need to be guarded.  I am depending on You to be faithful  I am going to work hard to be faithful to You as well.  Let’s eat God food and have a beautiful day.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Be strong”

Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  Yes!  We can be strong?  Why?  Because God is with us wherever we need to go.  And I need to go toward healthy eating.  We do not need to be afraid of success.  We do not need to be dismayed by our failures of the past.  God commands us to be strong, vigorous and courageous!  That means we have no choice  but to do this.  Why do we ever think we have a choice?  Why do we fight doing what we know is best for us, for our bodies?  God also tells us to be vigorous (strong, healthy and full of energy).  We have to be vigorous in our path to healthy eating.  That means we can’t go into each day with a partial commitment.  We have to decide and do.  There is no if, ands, or buts!  Every day we can invent a reason not to eat healthy.  Some of my favorites are I have had a bad day, I am celebrating (fill in the blank), this is my favorite, I don’t want to hurt their feelings (don’t let the food pushers get to you).  God commands us.  He tells us very clearly that He will be with us wherever we go.  So, take Him with You today.  My Mom always said, “invite Jesus to the party with You because He will be there anyway”—it kept me out of a lot of trouble as a teenager. So today invite Jesus into your day and claim His commandment.  Be courageous and say no.  Be vigorous and be enjoy eating God foods.  Be strong and know that you will be successful in eating healthy today.  Prepare Your mind.  Prepare Your body.  God is with us.  We cannot be afraid to start one more life option of being healthy.  God has already given us the right foods to eat.  All we have to do is eat them and quit eating the other foods.  His foods are amazing.  We cannot be dismayed by our past inabilities to eat healthy.  “Diets” are never going to be successful because they are temporary.  This is a life change!  This is feeding our bodies the nutrients that God created to make our blood flow (without bad cholesterol).  This is the nutrition that makes our brain work, that makes our joints healthy, that gives us energy.  We are idiots for not eating this way every day.  Be strong.  Be vigorous.  Be courageous.

Prayer:  God, I am humbled by the fact that You command us to be strong, vigorous and courageous.  For me, that means I need to be strong and not give in to the temptation of eating unhealthy foods.  I am encouraged to be reminded that You are with me wherever I go.  I know this, Lord, but so often in the heat of the moment I forget it.  I need to be reminded that You are there when I buy groceries, You are there when I order off the menu, You are there when I cook or pack my lunch.  Father, I am an energetic person.  I need to be reminded to be vigorous in my efforts to eat healthy, to use that energy in my enthusiasm to eat right.  God, I know You gave us these instructions to eat Your foods and so often I ignore You still.  Forgive me.  I am so weak.  I have failed to listen so many times in the past this verse helps me to remember not to chastise myself, to not be afraid to try again or be dismayed by my failures.  God we can do this.  Bless our day today together.  Let’s go!

Daily Challenge



“God’s radiance”

“When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.” Exodus 34:29

Verse Reflections:  I’ve always wanted to have this radiance and I have even felt it flowing inside of me when I have gone to retreats or spent a lot of time with God.  This verse reminds us that spending time with God, speaking with God fills us with His light.  And yet, Moses was not even aware that this light was shining from him.  There is a genuine connection between God and light.  Light allows us to see, it makes things that are hidden visible.  It allows us to know where to walk.  It shines into the darkness, into the corners.  Light also is the understanding of a problem or a mystery.  God brings us both kinds of light.  Today let us absorb God’s light as we spend time with Him, as we speak with Him.  May He shine light in the darkness and give us the desire to eat healthy foods.  May He give us the understanding that this is the best choice for us.  May we be radiant with His light from within.

Prayer:  Father, I want to spend time with You, I want to speak with You.  I want to know Your light is within and radiating out.  If I have a radiance it would be the reflection of You.  May I be Your moon as You are the sun.  Give me energy.  I realize that even as Moses was shining this light You had given Him instructions, laws to obey.  Give me the desire to follow Your laws, to eat healthy foods and treasure this amazing body You have created.  I breathe.  I love.  I think.  I can move any part of my body I command with my brain.  I can look at a problem and solve it.  I am a fool for ever taking this for granted.  Give me today, the desires to eat Your foods and the light that shines from within.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Cracking under pressure”

Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to Him and asked, “Lord, don’t You care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” “Martha, Martha, the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed-or indeed only one, Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her”. Luke 10:40-42

Verse reflections:  I am about to crack with the effort of life tonight.  Another way to say this is “I am worried and upset about many things” as Martha was.   I sought out this verse hoping that I could remind myself that not everything has to be done and it certainly doesn’t have to be done perfectly.  And yet, who is going to clean my home?  Who is going to mow the yard?  Spray the driveway?  Wash and dry the clothes?  Read the business contracts?  Read the business proposals that earn or lose $20,000+?  Take care of the real estate investments?  Manage the business?  And still I have to sleep and run and have relationships.  Oh, and then there is serving God!  Today while I was on the phone with someone finding out that an angel at our church was going to pay for my dying friend’s children to go to college I lost $1500 because I didn’t read a contract well enough before I signed.  What happens if I don’t read over the proposal tonight that could win or lose $20,000, what happens if I don’t get to the conference tomorrow?  So… I am trying to be Mary and arrange college funds for my friend and I personally lose $1500.  Hmmmm… doesn’t make me want to be Mary.  I am so far past exhausted I can’t see straight.  I want to be Mary but what happens then?  I have gotten to the age I admire the high school graduates that don’t have to go to college and follow “the career path”.  I think if I had it to do over again, I would get a job earning just enough to get by and travel, live in a trailer or camper truck.  Then I could be Mary and not worry about any other details.  This is what the devil uses in my life to get me stressed out.  So.  I am not the one to be posting tonight.  I am not the one to reflect on this verse.  I’m going to have to go straight to prayer this time.

Prayer:  Father, I don’t know how to leave the details of my life alone.  I’ve quit teaching Sunday School, I’ve quit having a social life so that I can “relax” but I have so many details left I can’t spend the time I need to at Your feet as Mary does.  Forgive me for being in a King David state of desperation.  Allow me to relax.  Allow me to not have to do everything.  I know I have a great staff and most days I can relax and enjoy my job.  Today I cannot.  I am exhausted.  I love You.  Come down here and help me.  I need to sit at Your feet and dry them with my hair.  I need to let the details go.  I need to trust You to take our business and us personally to the next level.  So I am going to sleep, I am going to be late to the conference, and You are going to rock our business and us personally into the next hemisphere.  Thank You for loving us.  I am going to eat healthy and re-dedicate myself to God plus one.  But You will have to take care of the Martha details and show me that it will get done without me.  Thank You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Charm is deceptive”

Charm is deceptive & beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Psalm 31:30

Verse Reflections:  Yes, I’ve met so many charming people through the years that everyone falls in love with immediately.  They can capture a room and wrap people around their finger. And I watch the beautiful people that hold their head high and expect results.  I know my beauty is fleeting, and it is indeed fleeing.  I look down and see the sagging skin, the pooching stomach, the dark spots and it is humbling.  So I need to turn to fearing the Lord.  I tend to admire God, love God, praise God but I don’t tend to fear Him.  I’ve been taught grace all my life, the gift of forgiveness and I have received it. Perhaps that makes me take God for granted a little rather than fearing Him.  How should I fear Him?  How should I react to that thought?  May I think of my own Father.  We seldom disobeyed him because we knew the consequences.  We knew his wrath would show little mercy on the actions that went against his teachings.  And yet he loved me sacrificially.  Perhaps the fear of God can make me pause in my compulsive eating.  If I think of His anger when His temple was being abused I can use this to my advantage.  My body is His temple and I have abused it.  I can know that my purpose is not to have beauty but to honor God, to fear Him and to take that fear and use it to make myself eat healthy.

Prayer:  Father, guide me to honor you.  Allow me to not focus on myself.  Allow me to not focus on the past “beauty” that I have been honored with.  Allow me to turn my focus onto You.  I know that if I focus on You and not myself I will be more successful in eating healthy.  I think sometimes the way the new testament focuses on Your grace allows me to take You for granted.  I tend to sin, shake my head and ask forgiveness and then overeat again.  Forgive me Lord.  I need to comprehend that abusing Your temple, my body is not an option.  Lord give me the power.  Let me know that it is not an option to overeat, to cram food in.  I should be wise enough to realize You are not happy with me, You are not happy with my choices.  I am not stupid, I realize there are health consequences to my actions and yet I do it anyway.  God, You have got to allow me to glimpse Your anger (okay not really- just help me know it is there) so that I will not allow myself options.  Help me to think of my Father here on earth that loved me enough to give me consequences.  Perhaps that will allow me to follow Your command.  Today, help me to focus on You, fear You and to not fear losing my beauty and charm.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Proud hearts”

“Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.” Ezekiel 28:17

Verse reflection:  Dang, Satan himself was all into his beauty.  Pride can certainly create a false sense of security in us.  It seems every time I get secure in certain aspects of my life something crashes down on top of it and blows pride right out the window.  It is interesting to me that beauty and pride “corrupted your wisdom”.  Maybe that is why we get wiser as we get older because the beauty, pride and certainly the splendor are not the items we depend on.  We settle into our relationships with God, the friends that are truly friends, the jobs we are good at and would do even if we didn’t get paid.  We learn that we can get through any hardship in life and it won’t crush us.  This verse reminds us that pride and beauty are dangerous.  So as we change our eating habits to depend on God’s food we choose to concentrate on being healthy not gorgeous.  Our wisdom can lead us to know that we need to change our eating habits to honor our body, to treasure this miracle of life.  This will make the difference in staying with a healthy lifestyle.

Prayer:  Good morning God.  Help me today to not concentrate on my looks.  Allow me to concentrate on eating healthy for You and for my health.  Make me wise rather than beautiful and proud.  You are my life and my center of being.  Help me to concentrate on that inside focus instead of the outside.  When I focus on the outside I get frustrated because I am not perfect.  When I focus on You and the inside it almost relaxes me and allows me to be okay where I am, with all my imperfections.  Today Lord, let’s celebrate my imperfections and turn them to my dependence on You.  I love You.  I need to eat healthy, so give me the strength and energy to want to eat right for You and for me.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“I will not want”

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths or righteousness for His name’s sake. Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anointed my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life; And I will live in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23: 1-6

Verse reflections:  It is amazing how so many verses can change meanings to reflect light on the situation we are currently going through.  Today this verse is perfect for eating healthy.  “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want!”  He can keep us from craving foods, from wanting more.  He gives us all we need and more (green pastures).  He keeps our soul calm so that we don’t respond to anxieties and worries by over-indulging (still waters, restores my soul).  He keeps us on the right path, keeps us eating right so that we can honor Him.  This world we live in is not in the full presence of God, the source of all light so therefore we have mountains that block us from God’s light.  This creates the shadows.  This world has death but the good news is death is just a shadow, an illusion, when we are in the full 360* presence of light, of God the shadows disappear.

And so, think today of God preparing Your food no matter what is going on in your life.  He is going to prepare the table for us in the presence of our enemies.  That means we can eat HIS food no matter what is going on.  We will find goodness and loving kindness today as we eat God foods that He has prepared.  We shall not want!

Prayer:  God, I thank You for Your living word.  I have never, ever read these verses in terms of eating healthy but they are so perfect.  Thank You for giving me these perfect verses with a new meaning for me today.  I already have these verses memorized so they will be so easy to imprint on my heart with this beautiful message for me.  The verse about You preparing a table before me in the presence of my enemies is gorgeous and gives me that little vision of eating beautifully even when life is trying to get me down.  I need that “spite the world” attitude in the opposite way I usually view it. Instead of spiting the world by over-eating, today, I will sit at the table You prepare and we will have a lovely mean and I shall not want.  Than You Father.  Have a lovely day.  (I’ll clean the dishes).

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“My heart in a two piece”

“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

Verse Reflections:  Amen!  I think my heart can wear a two piece!  It is usually pretty sweet even if I blow it from the outside, my heart is usually in the right place.  It is always centered when I take the time to read God’s word in the morning.  Just that extra 15 to 30 minutes with Him makes a huge difference in my day and how I view everything that comes my way.  I love that God looks at the heart.  Let’s think for a second how long we take to shower, shave, fix our hair, dress and put on our makeup in the morning to get ready for our day.  30 minutes?  45 minutes?  An hour?  Shouldn’t we take at least that amount of time to get our heart ready for the day?  Wow!  What a thought.  I need to dress my heart every day, shower off all the yuck that might have tried to harden it or sprinkle dirt on it.  Then I need to take that squeaky clean heart and dress it in God’s scriptural words so that it is protected and beautiful.  Then I need to add the blush and mascara by talking to God, and adding the light of His presence.

So today, let’s concentrate more on our heart than our outside appearance.  This will give us the privilege of eating healthy for God’s purposes not the purposes of being skinny or getting accolades from the world.

Prayer:  God I am so glad You look at the heart.  I am glad You take my intentions and make them honor You.  Protect my heart today, weave Your spirit inside it and radiate beauty and light from within.  I like the idea of dressing my heart up in the morning to present it to You.  Allow me to focus on within instead of without.  Give me the desire to eat healthy for You and not for me.  Thinking of eating for my heart instead of my outside beauty is somehow reassuring.  Maybe because I am just not confident in my outside beauty, maybe because it takes pressure off of me to not be perfect.  I love You God.  Let’s have a great day and eat right.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!




I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He has delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Psalm 34:4-5

Verse Reflections:  We learned in psychology that a lot of sexually abused women gain weight in order to keep the abusers and other men from looking at them in a sexual way.  It makes sense.  That is not my excuse, I eat in response to other stress, I rationalize that I deserve a treat after a long day.  I love to eat. I love to bake.  Not a good combination.   But I do find myself feeling shame when I see my body change, when I gain weight. This verse is so perfect for all of us.  If we seek the Lord, He WILL answer us.  It is key to note here the word “Lord”, He must have power and influence over us.  When He is our Lord He delivers us from ALL our fears.  Okay, so why do I ever stress?  Why are we afraid of anything this world can hand us?  We should relax.  If I can concentrate on this verse I wouldn’t ever have the splurges that “spite” the world and make me feel better for a moment.  I love the next verse that says not only should we never be ashamed but God will give us an internal source of light and happiness that radiates from within.  I want that radiance.  I want that confidence.  Well today we are going to name it and claim it.  We are going to be fearless, shameless and radiant as we choose to eat God foods all day.

Prayer:  Father, I want to make you my Lord, my leader, the one who has power over me.  I want to have confidence in myself because I know that You have me and You will guide my life.  I have nothing to fear with You in charge.  I will dress beautifully and not be ashamed of my weight gain, I will be radiant from the inside because Your light is lighting my soul.   Give me strength to eat Your foods.  I am so proud of myself skipping the sandwich menus not when I am out with clients.  I have actually had some fun dining experiences trying new foods.  Thank You for giving me this new strategy of eating.  I will seek You today and I thank You in advance for answering me. You and I have this Lord.  It is becoming easier finally.  The first 45 days honestly has not been fun.  And they say it takes 90 days to make it a habit so we are ½ way to that goal.  You are my Lord and I want to honor You with my eating habits as Daniel did.  Bless me, continue to give me strength.  Today I want You to light my entire being as we eat together.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Be bold”

Cast not away therefore your boldness, which has great recompense of reward. For you have need of patience, that having done the will of God, you will receive the promise. Hebrews 10:35-36 ASV

Verse Reflections:  I need to hear this because I am not a patient person.  I would much rather be dropping 10-15 pounds a month and seeing quick results.  However, this verse gives me the boldness to know that if I eat what God has instructed me to eat—His foods then I will receive the promised weight loss.  I do believe that my great reward will be a new life change, not a diet.  It is really pretty easy to eat foods that God made, I love a great hamburger steak, a pork roast, grilled vegetables… what is not to love?  So we must continue to be bold and know that God has given us the right instructions, we know His will.  We must be bold in our eating and our confidence that we will receive the promised results.  We must be patient and know that this will last, so every pound is a real pound lost and we are not dieting we are changing our eating habits forever.

Prayer:  Thank You God.  Some mornings I need to be reminded to be patient.  Losing 4-5 pounds a month takes two whole months to drop a dress size and that is hard.  I will continue to be bold, I will continue to post devotions of Facebook and I will continue to be patient.  Thank You for reminding me that You gave me this plan, I am doing Your will and You will reward me and deliver on Your promises.  We will eat healthy today and be bold about sharing it.  I love you.  Hope You have a lovely day and that I am a part of the loveliness.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One protein with every meal
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month – March 1

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!


Did you know:  Healthy fats include: olive oil, vegetable oils, nut oils, avocados, nuts, nut butters. 



“God’s treasure”

“Indeed, the very hairs on your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12:7

Verse reflections:  Today my husband said the perfect words to me.  Be patient.  It took you 2 years to put on this weight.  Don’t be frustrated after only 50 days.  He is right.  Satan lies to me when I look in the mirror and lies well.  I have to have confidence that God has me in the palm of His hand.  He cares about the details of my life.  We’ve already talked about a similar verse in Matthew but I love the way this verse takes it to the next point, we are worth more than the birds and the animals.  That means a lot to me because I love animals.  I love my dog with all my being.  I know the depths of joy and love that she gives me.  She brings light to my day when she greets me with unadulterated happiness at the front door. Knowing this gives me patience with myself because I realize how much God loves me.  I realize that I don’t have to be perfect, I don’t have to be afraid of this journey.  I am God’s treasure.  I am worth so much that He knows every detail about me.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus wrap me in your arms today.  Take my fears, let me know that you have all the details of my life in Your hands.  You love me more than I can imagine so I know we can live this journey together.  Somehow, this gives me strength on my path of eating healthy.  Not sure I have a direct correlation but today I needed to be patient as I wait for the time to weigh in and I do not see any progress.  Today I needed to know that You know me so well that You even know how many hairs are on my head.  You love me so much that the gorgeous birds that flitter around and bring us joy are just small samples of how much You love us.  You love me so much that nothing life throws at me should bring me fear, worry or disappointment.  We have this Jesus!  Thank You for bringing me this small verse, that somehow, someway, brings me patience.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Life is more than food”

Luke 12: 22 Then Jesus said to His disciples. “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food…”

Verse Reflections:  Nooooo I don’t want to hear that life is more than food.  Just kidding.  I do love getting up in the morning and thinking about what I will eat for lunch or dinner.  Food is happiness for me.  Exaggeration?  Maybe, maybe not.  I’m not sure.  I REALLY like food.  I will say that God plus one has helped me not obsess quite as much.  I get to eat it but I’m not conjuring up all these recipes with butter and sugar like I used to.  I do need to focus on the second part of this verse.  Life is more than food.  Beginning my day with scripture seriously has made a difference.  Eating God foods has seriously made a difference.  Ironically, I am less hungry.  Something about those carbs and empty calories disappearing I would guess.  I stay full longer.  God is so smart.  We tend to somewhere along the way use our own brains to take over what He has already perfected.  When did we start creating breads, pasta and cakes and cookies and pretzels…?  Why didn’t we just stop with what He made for us to eat?  I’m not saying these foods are “wrong” and “evil”.  We can have one a day or so.   However, there have been days in my past when these foods were the primary foods I ate.  Obviously, not a wise choice.

Prayer:  God help me remember that life is more than food.  I know this and I truly believe I am living it out better.  I am frustrated because let’s be honest, I got on the scales early and do not see progress.  Knowing You, I will get on the scales again in five days at the end of the month and see the difference.  Right now I am secretly depressed.  Keep my head up, don’t let me worry about my life, what I eat or about my body.  Ugh, that one is hard.  I am not liking my body right now.  I have always had a good one and I do not like cellulite.  I am just being honest here God.  Take away my vanity.  (Okay, take away my cellulite ha ha). Take away my worry about my body, what I will wear and how I look in the clothes.  Take away my obsession with food.  Let me look beyond to what is important in Your kingdom.  In a place with no food.  I love You.  Today we will remember that life is more than food.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Don’t move”

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. I Corinthians 15:58

Verse Reflections:  Today this is a good verse for me.  I need to stand firm in eating healthy.  I know this is the work of the Lord.  He wants us to treat our bodies with respect and love.  This means we have to work at it and labor!  This is not the message I want to hear but I know it is true.  We have to give ourselves fully to every work that God calls us to do and that includes eating right.  For me it truly is a job.  It is just plain not fun to have to stop and think about what I am going to eat from a totally healthy standpoint.  Oh, and then if I want to lose I have to add some calorie brainwork and portion control to whatever foods I choose.  He tells us in this verse that this work will not be in vain, it will not be without results.  One of the messages I have to keep telling myself is that even when I don’t see the weight rolling off I know that eating healthy is adding to my general health and lifespan.  In other words, it is the work God has called us to do no matter what.  Let nothing move us!!  We are going to eat healthy today and no that the results will happen.  We will stand firm! Our efforts will not be in vain.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for this verse today.  Help me to stand firm in my eating habits.  Allow me to remember that this is the work You have called me to do even when I don’t want to do it.  Help me to stand firm and know that the results are here and my work of eating healthy will not be in vain.  I know we can do this together but I need You to remind me like You have this morning that You are walking with me.  I need You to remind me to stand firm.  I am passing up the extra processed foods but it has been hard.  I think because the weight is just barely changing I am extremely frustrated.  Give me the patience I need to make this life change.  Give me the patience I need to change my mind from skinny to healthy.  Love you.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Clothes of Kindness”

Cloth yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:1-2

Verse Reflections:  This morning as I choose my clothes I am going to visualize putting mercy over my head and wearing it close to my heart.  Then zipping up kindness.  I am then going to slip on my humility on top so that it shows.  I am going to wrap myself in gentleness with a soft flavor so that I can snuggle inside.  Last I am going to slide patience on from the bottom so that I stand firmly in its foundation.  I am going to be beautiful all day.  How can I wear tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience and not be gorgeous?  Those around me will see God’s light shining and will not even notice anything else.  I will not notice anything else.  In these beautiful qualities I will choose to feed my body with healthy, God foods to honor Him and the qualities He has chosen to bestow.  I will not clothe myself with anxiety, judgement or worry.  Therefore, I will not be tempted to binge in an effort to cloak or numb these qualities.  I will choose to give myself and others mercy.  I will choose to treat others with kindness, gentleness and patients.  As I humbly life others above myself, it is with humility I admit that I cannot eat healthy foods without God giving me the strength.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for giving us these qualities to wear.  This very verse reminds us that they don’t have to come from the inside.  We can choose them.  We can put them on every morning.  Today I choose to wear mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  What a beautiful way to start and live my day.  Thank You for giving me powers beyond myself, thank You for giving us these elements to clothe ourselves in.  These quality make us more beautiful, better than we are.   Thank You for their power.  Lead me in eating right to honor You and these qualities I am clothed in.

Daily Challenge

  1. Non-God foods? Anything else! One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Pure & submissive”

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” James 3:17

Verse Reflections:  This verse reflects the place I am in life.  I am finally ready for the wisdom that comes from heaven.  I am ready to be pure, eat pure foods and be submissive to the will of God.  I am sincere in my efforts to follow God’s directions.  I am amazed that I am able to do eat God foods without the cravings I have had for years.  And I am only 16 days away from my 90 days that makes a habit.  Last night I wanted to prepare a birthday celebration so I thought hard about the foods I prepared so that I could have the desert Mark chose and make it a fun night that honored God, my body, His Holy temple.  This verse just reinforces that I need to follow His wisdom, not a diet, not a temporary plan of eating.  It is a pure way to live. It is a pure way to eat.  If we are submissive to this plan and I am impartial and sincere in my efforts then God will reward our efforts with “good fruit”, a healthy body.  It is amazing how many verses can speak to me if a different way.  I see the “good fruit” as being more than just the fruits of the spirit.  We can have the fruit of a healthy body.

Prayer:  Thank you God for giving me the wisdom from heaven.  I like that phrase.  My own wisdom has failed me time and time again when it comes to eating.  I have finally opened my ears and I am listening to You, to your wisdom from heaven. I am following a plan of eating that I do believe came from Heaven, from You.  Continue to give me the ability to submit to this way of eating—God foods plus one.  Continue to allow me to be pure in my intentions, to eat pure foods.  Continue to give me Your wisdom.  Give me sincerity in this plan.  Allow me to reap the good fruit of a healthy body.  Today my wisdom is Your wisdom.  May I be pure, peace-loving, considerate, and submissive to You.  One Bible verse per day

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!




Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12 NIV

Verse Reflections:  Being faithful in prayer is the one advantage we have in God Plus One.  I do see a huge difference when I start my day with my God time.  There is a calm acceptance of whatever the day sends my way.  Reduced anxiety makes a difference.  I am less compulsive in my eating.  I am not chasing that serotonin high.  Add to that the verse’s command to be joyful, I find being joyful gives me an energy that encourages me to squeeze my exercise in to the day.  I love that I can be joyful in hope even when my clothes fit too tight, even when my weight is not what I want it to be.  We will be joyful and we will keep our lives hopeful in the knowledge that we are losing weight.  The difference I believe is the faithfulness in prayer.  When we go to God for strength we do not have to depend on our own strength.  I lose the fight with food every time on my own.  The daily devotions with Him leading the way makes all the difference.

Prayer:  Father, I lift my life up today.  I am going to start with being patient in what is going on in my life today.  That red creature tends to throw “afflictions” up in my face to try and get me to remove my eyes from You.  Father, I want to focus on You today.  I want to be faithful in prayer, joyful in hope and patient no matter what comes my way.  I love You soooo much.  Bless our day.  Allow me to somehow, some way bless You with my little life here on earth.  I will eat for You.  I will exercise for You.  I will dedicate this body You gave me to You.  I will be joyful in the hope that together we can beat unhealthy eating.

Daily Challenge



“The Strength of My Heart”

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26 NIV

Verse Reflections:  My flesh will fail.  There will be days I fail to eat God foods.  There will be days that I decide to eat just because I want to.  There will be times I think I need to eat to spite the system.  There will days I eat to quiet my anxiety.  My heart will want to honor God and then I will not.  I will be sad in my heart because I miss someone I love.  I will be stressed because of something that happens.  I will react to that sadness or stress and I will overindulge in foods that give me temporary happiness.  However this verse reminds me that God is the only strength I need.  God will give me the strength my heart needs to overcome emotions.  I must start my day each day with God and then and only then will I have the strength in my heart that will allow me to eat to honor Him.  I love the part of this verse that refers to God as our “portion”.  I must remember this every time I want second helpings.  God is the only division, the only amount that I need to indulge in.  The only extra portions that I should partake of.

Prayer:  Father, bless me when my flesh and heart fail.  I am weak.  Without You I cannot be strong.  Remind me that YOU are the strength of my heart.  You are the only source of strength that I need.  I need you at the center of my life.  Only by starting my day with You, by inserting You into my heart can I have the strength I require to be Your servant.  I must spend time with You, I must open my heart to let You in.  I must know that You give me strength, the only strength I need.  You have called me to rise above my flesh and my heart.  You have called me to eat healthy foods to Honor You.  You have told me that You will live in my heart and be the strength that I need.  Today, and every day I call upon this strength.  You will be my portion.  I will have a second portion of You today and honor You by having only one portion of the foods I eat.  Thank You for giving me the strength I need in my heart.  YOU are my master and my strength.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Be Strong”

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” Ephesians 6:10 NIV

Verse Reflections:  God is the strength in my heart.  I can stand and be strong in Him.  I can choose to use His mighty power.  God’s word reminds me day after day that I can be strong.  There is no excuse.  I am weak only if I choose to be weak.  God tells us time and time again that we can be strong IF we stand with Him and in Him.  Why has it taken me this long to accept this truth?  I have tried over and over again to be strong by myself.  The truth is, I will always fail to be strong if I do not stand with God and use His mighty power instead of my own.   This journey we are on is as hard for us as it is for alcoholics to turn down a drink.  Our bodies are craving a fix.  It is not just mental, it is a physical craving.  We must depend on God to give us the power to turn away from the craving.  One of my favorite inspirational books mentions that if we don’t feel close to God, guess who has moved?  I must start my day each day worshiping Him so that I am choosing to move closer to Him.  So that I am standing close enough to Him to be strong in Him.

Prayer:  Lord, Give me this strength.  Oh let me close my eyes this morning and let it wash over me.  Pour Your strength over me, pour it inside my soul.  Let me not question my power to depend on You.  I should not pause in what I choose to eat today.  Give me this strength You have promised.  YOUR mighty power gives me mighty power.  I am going to choose to use Your power today.  Thank You Father that I can be strong in You.  I am looking forward to delicious foods that You have given us.  I am looking forward to honoring You and standing strong.  I love You Lord.  I am blessed because I am Yours, because I can be strong in You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!

Did you know:  Protein takes more energy for you to digest than refined carbohydrates.




“May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance?” 2 Thessalonians 3:5 NIV

Verse Reflections:  God’s word told us earlier that God is the strength of our hearts and now He is directing our hearts into God’s love.  Perhaps the secret is that God’s love is our strength.  By pouring God’s love into our souls we can love ourselves, we can love others.  That pure love will allow us to be stronger than possible without it.  This love will rise above any self-recrimination we may feel.  This love will allow us to love ourselves just the way we are, right now today.  This love will take away guilt and wash it away with a clean pure shining happiness.  This love will allow us to reach out to those who have done us wrong.  We can see them through God’s eyes.  We can persist as Christ persisted when everyone abandoned Him as He walked with the cross. Christ taught us to persevere.  We will persevere through the love of Christ.  We will eat healthy today in the love of Christ.  We will love ourselves into a body that honors the depth of His love for us.

Prayer:  God, You teach us that Your love directs our hearts.  Today, may my love for You and Your unconditional love for me give me the power to persevere.  I need Your direction in my heart.  I need Your direction in my life.  May I feel Your love in my heart.  May this love give me the power, the strength to live this life of healthy eating for You.  I want to persevere.  I want to keep going even when I can’t. I want to persevere even when my body is crying out.  I want to persevere especially when I fail and have to get back up again.  I am an utter failure without Your love.  Take my hand today and let me walk with You in love.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Did you know?  2019 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that one cup of blueberries daily for six months can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease by 12 to 15%



“Wait on the Lord”

“Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14 NIV

Verse Reflections:  This quiet time allows me to wait on God.  If I wake up in the morning and begin running filing every minute of the day, I do not take the time to wait on Him.  I must allow Him to come to me.  His prevenient grace goes before us and prepares the way.  However, if we do not stop our busy lives we do not allow ourselves to walk on the path He has prepare and created for us to walk on.  Today, let us wait on God.  We will be strong.  We will “take heart” and take this challenge seriously.    Yes, we will wait on the Lord.  We will be strong and eat the foods He has created for us.  In waiting for Him, we allow ourselves a strength we cannot have otherwise.  Be strong.  Wait on the Lord for that strength.  Be quiet, be still and wait.

Prayer:  This morning Lord I wait on You to come to me.  I pause an extra minute in the quiet to allow You to come my way.  I love the idea of You coming to me in the quiet of the morning.  Thank You for loving me and giving me strength just by Your mere presence.  I am so glad that I am keeping my appointment with You this year.  It is by my coming to You and my waiting for You that I am given the strength that is allowing me to eat differently.  I am amazed that this strength has been waiting on me but I failed to wait on You to bring it to me.  This morning I honor You, I honor myself by waiting on You, by waiting on this power.  Thank You for the privilege of this strength.  Thank You for the privilege of spending time with You in the mornings and waiting on You to bring me the strength that allows me to successfully eat for You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!

Did you know?  You should eat at LEAST four servings of vegetable and three servings of fruit daily.   



“I will not be shaken”

“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8 NIV

Verse Reflections:  We can stand strong and not be shaken with God nearby.  It is amazing how easy this has been compared to past experiences because I have kept God first.  When He is the one I turn to first thing in the morning… When I keep my appointment with Him… When I consciously place His word in my heart each morning… my walk with God is steady.  I am not shaken when I walk past the foods that I love.  I do not look at the foods on the menu that are not God foods.  I have seen a difference in my cravings.  I don’t know if this is physiological from the decrease of sugars and carbs or if Christ is giving me the power.  I have a strong feeling it is a combination.  There are times I want to speed up my weight loss but I am reminded that this is my life, this is the life I choose to live for the rest of my life.  THAT I can do.  If I try to “lose weight” I can’t keep it going.  With this faith in action I can be encouraged, not discouraged.  Keeping our eyes always on the Lord will go beyond just eating right.  This will give us the power to discern and do the Lord’s will for our lives.  We will not be shaken.

Prayer:  Thank You God for standing at my right hand.  You are just where I need You to be to give me power, to give me advice, to give me the strength to eat the right foods today.  I will keep my eyes on You as I go through this day.  Thank You for allowing me to stand strong, to not be shaken.  We’ve got this God.  I’m starting to just go right to the “God foods” on the menus when I go out to eat.  And, yet, I didn’t have to feel guilty when I had a waffle yesterday because I have the option of the plus one.  I love You Lord.  I want to serve You today.  Thank You for giving me the power that is in Your word.  I invite You in to my life today to lead me as I keep my eyes on You.  Protect me from others, protect me from work, protect me from temptations and let me not be shaken!  I love You tons and tons.  Have a blessed day Father.  May I be a small part of Your blessings.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!

Did you know?  A diet rich in potassium can help lower blood pressure.  (bananas, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and oranges)



“Building up ourselves”

“But you, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.” Jude 1:20-21 ASV

Verse Reflections: We are beloved. That word seems to take love to a higher level. The definition says “much loved”. Breathe it in. Breathe in God’s love this day. Feel it to your bones because it is not skin deep. It is not dependent on how you look, how you act, how you feel, what you say. God loves us despite ourselves. And yet God calls us to ACT. We are to” build ourselves up” through holy (set apart) faith. We are to pray in the Holy Spirit. And we are to keep ourselves in the love of God. Today we get to have faith in God and therefore ourselves. We are to build ourselves up in the knowledge that we CAN eat right. We are to build ourselves up in the faith that God will give us the strength to resist temptations, to make the right choices. We are to keep ourselves in the love of God. This alone will give us power. Don’t let this world pull you away from this love today. The action words in this verse speak clearly.

He loves us beyond our imagination but we have to build ourselves up by staying close to that love, having faith and praying in the Holy Spirit. We can’t just go about our day and expect change. We can’t change our bad patterns without action. God gives us the ability but He is telling us to build ourselves up one brick at a time. Our first brick is to have “set apart” faith in His power, no doubts, no wavering. Our second brick is prayer, talk to Him all day long, you will begin to hear His Holy Spirit talking back inside your heart. Our third brick is staying close to His love, walk confidently today knowing you are “much loved”. Our fourth brick is to accept His mercy, allow forgiveness to wash over you. Imagine a strong fortress of love surrounding you today that you have built with God’s love. You’ve got this. No one can destroy this power. Eat right, make great choices and feel His love, build up yourself in faith in Him and yourselves. You’ve got this!

Prayer: Father, My faith is starting out strong this morning with this verse. There is nothing inside wavering in thinking through my choices for the day. Thank You for giving me that Holy Faith. I love that term “Holy Faith”. I am going to have Holy Faith in You and Holy Faith in myself. I am going to set myself and my life apart today with Your help by changing my life, changing my habits. Thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit. Wash over me God. I am going to pray in the Spirit all day today. I am going to light a candle in my office to remind me of Your beautiful Holy Spirit. I am going to not rush through my day but instead rest in the knowledge that You are in charge. I can get everything done because I have surrounded my life with Your bricks. I have built a fortress around my life with Your bricks, Your instructions, Your power. MMmmm, it just makes me relax and know I can do this. I love You so much, thank You for making me Your beloved.

Daily Challenge

1. One Bible verse per day
2. One journal/devotional time per day
3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
4. One exercise per day
5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
8. One weigh in per month –
God foods? Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives
Non-God foods? Anything else!



Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters.

Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. One man’s faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him. Romans 14: 1-3

Verse Reflections:  We must all accept each other right where we are.  I have been through all types of phases in my life.  I have been thin as a rail, able to eat anything and praise the Lord in all things.  I have very quickly gained weight and developed bullemia so that I condemned myself for eating anything that “crossed the line”—a self-defined line that only I understood.   And yet I held on to God in desperation during this time.   I have allowed myself to gain thirty pounds and keep them on just to maintain my sanity.  And now, I have been called to eat God foods and lose the excess weight in order to glorify God.  The good news is that none of these phases could keep God out of my life.  We must not pass judgment on each other or ourselves.  So many times we are harder on ourselves, more judgmental of ourselves than of other people.  God is asking us to not condemn anyone.  We have to accept ourselves today.  God has accepted all of us right where we are.  We have to start here.  Now we must decide what God is calling us to do.  For me, my faith is calling me to eat God foods without condemning others.  I am called to eat 3-5 fruits and vegetables.  I will not condemn anyone but I will do what my faith calls me to do.  My faith no longer allows me to eat everything but this verse reminds me not to condemn those who do.

Prayer:  Father, take me where I am.  Thank You for not judging me.  Thank You for not condemning me.  It gives me a freedom, a lightness that I cannot experience on my own.  You know me better than anyone.  I am a perfectionist in most aspects of my life which causes me to be very judgmental and hard on myself.  Today, right this minute, as I pray I am going to accept me right where I am with Your help.  I cannot eat carbugers and still keep my faith and my eating habits where they need to be.  The production of the dopamine is awesome right after I eat but then I suffer from a sugar low, an energy low and yes a slight depression.  It affects my perception of myself.  Lord take away this poor perception, the self-chastisement.  Give me the faith to know You are with me, that I need to just accept myself and others right where we are.  Lord heal me from my eating disorder which is created by my self-loathing, my ridiculous standards, my judgment of myself.  I still feel like I should have the body that I had at eighteen or twenty.  I sometimes think that I should only eat vegetables, but I’ll be honest, my faith, my discipline, my cravings and desires will not allow that.  I need eating habits that I can live with until I die.  Father, I believe You have given them to me.  Thank You.  No judgment, no condemnation, full acceptance as we take this journey together.

Daily Challenge



Be joyful in hope

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Verse Reflections:  We will choose to be joyful in this journey of learning to eat right.  We will be hopeful that we will lose weight.  Wewill be patient when we do not lose weight because we know it will happen.  We will faithfully go to our Father in prayer, knowing that God wants success for me and you.  Every day we eat God foods we can know that God is in charge of our lives, our health, our successes.  We can be joyful in the hope of life changing habits.  Already, my psychological changes have far outweigh my physical changes but I do believe they are just as important to my future.  I am being patient in waiting on the physical changes.  I am being faithful in walking beside and with God on this journey.  These choices are giving me joy.  God’s prevenient grace is grace that goes before us.  He has led us to this point in our lives of choosing this healthy way of living.  He fights for us, even when we don’t know He is fighting.  We are alive, we are healthy enough to make these decisions.  Now take this day, and be joyful in the hope that today we are changing our eating habits for the rest of our life.  We will be patient in this process.  It will not be a fast journey but it will be a healthy, forever life change that we can make happen.

Prayer:  Father I come to You in joy today.  I am so hopeful that this way of eating will change my life.  I am going to be patient even though patience is not my strength.  I am going to come to You in prayer, being faithful in bringing You with me on this journey.  You and I both know if I am not faithful to You it will not happen.  I have to walk this journey with You.  Take my hand.  Go with me to the grocery story, cook with me in my kitchen, grab the spoons with me as I choose portions and then sit with me at the dining table.  Please be faithful to me as I come to You in desperate prayer.  Fill me with joy as we work together to change our lives.  Fill me with patience on the weight loss as I look forward to making this a lifetime commitment.  I plan to live decades more so I do not need to try to lose the weight in a few short months.  I need to be patient and let the weight loss happen on Your time schedule.  We know we are eating right.  Here’s to joy, hope, patience and faithfulness.  The perfect four emotions for a lifetime of eating healthy.  I love You.

Daily Challenge



“God is above all”

One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in you all. Ephesians 4:6

Verse Reflections:  Imagine God hovering above us every day.  God is above all.  He sees all.  He is above our imperfections. He goes before us with His prevenient grace.   We can get our lives in order with His help because His power rises above our lack of power. He sees the difficult choices we have to make daily and He knows how difficult those choices are.  It was not an accident that one of Jesus’ temptations in the desert was to turn the rock into bread. It was not an accident that Daniel had to choose between God food and the rich delicacies of the kingdom.   This has been an ongoing temptation for all mankind and we have examples in the old and new testaments.   And this verse goes on to say that God is through all and IN us all.  This reflects my vision of the Holy Spirit.  He is through us like air.  He lives in every fiber of our being, in our tummies.  We have to close our eyes and know the spirit of God is inside our bodies.  What does He want to eat?  He created some beautiful foods for us to cook, savor and enjoy.  We must honor Him by selecting the foods He made.  He is the beacon of guilt, of our knowing right from wrong, the source of our joy when we succeed.  If we imagine God down inside our bodies maybe it will make it easier to choose savory vegetables, meats and fruits.  Let’s try talking to Him while we are in the grocery store to see what HE wants for supper instead of asking our spouses or kids.  Stay on the outside fresh food aisle at the store, don’t go down those aisles unless you have to.  Imagine Him above the grocery store watching You and inside your body waiting on the next meal.

Prayer:  Father, I am weak, I need You to be above all.  I need to know You are above my issues with food.  I need to know You are above this earth.   I need to imagine You watching me.  Maybe, just maybe I will be a better child because I know You are watching.  Help me to know You are also through every fiber of my body inside of me.  Help me today to choose Your foods to place inside my body.  I am helpless on my own so to know You are watching and waiting can make the difference.  Give me the visualization of you hovering above me and waiting deep inside my stomach that I need to make this happen.  I know some of the preachers out there will be thinking I am flat out crazy to interpret these verses this way but You and I know You wrote it so that we can all find the interpretations that work for us.  And I need this interpretation so thank You.  I adore You and love You for writing 365 verses for me to read, heal and rock this eating healthy lifestyle.

Daily Challenge



I do not understand what I do.

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. Romans 7:15

Verse Reflections:  Yes, Paul understands me so well.  I want to eat right.  I want to lose weight.  I want to honor God with my body.  I want to honor my finances by having one set of clothing.  And then I choose to eat 2,000 calories in one sitting.  And I hate that I did it the next day.  Over and over and over I repeat this crazy behavior.   I definitely have a love-hate relationship with my choices in eating.  I don’t understand how I can go through the week eating perfectly well and then one day I have to gulp down everything unhealthy in my sight.  Or, I have to have what I visualize in my brain which, of course, means a trip to the store or drive through.  Once I start, I just keep going when I get in these moods.  Like Paul, “I do not understand what I do”.  I know what it takes to lose weight, what foods to eat but “what I want to do I do not do”.  What is wrong with me?  Praise God, He has overcome the world, He has given us the power to overcome this cycle.  I HATE what I do, and what I hate I do.  I hate giving in to these temptations, I hate giving in to my love of cookies, chips, cheese or whatever!  And yet I do it.  Paul, the man who stayed joyful when he was in prison, the man who chose Christ when He was a revered leader in the Jewish community…  If Paul has issues he cannot control, we must realize that we all have those issues.  Mine is food.  So today we realize once again our powerlessness to control our eating habits.  Without Christ, we will not break this bond, this cycle.  This verse shows us we cannot understand our inabilities.  We must just accept them and every day we must wake up and once again reach out to Christ to steady us to break this cycle.

Prayer:  Father, I come to You powerless to break this cycle of overeating.  I continue to do that which I hate and I continue to hate that which I do.  I adore You and I love myself and yet I cannot break the power food has over me.  Bless my inabilities.  Allow them to strengthen our bond.  Allow me to depend on You to break this cycle.  You power is indeed made stronger in my weakness.  So You should be really strong in my life, because I have the weakness.  I am coming to you as Paul came to You, humble, contrite and shaking my head because I do not understand why this crazy beast has power over me.  How can I continue to do that which I hate the next day?  How can I not continually make good choices?  I am going to raise my hands in surrender.  I know I cannot break this chain which binds me.  You, will have to be my power.  You will have to break the chains and set me free.  You have freed me from the power of sin through Your grace and yet, this one has me.  Please, set me free from this one also.  Lift me out of the quicksand that sucks me back in day after day.  Give me the desires of my hear for healthy foods today.  I love You.

Daily Challenge



“This ain’t heavy”

I John 5:3 This is love for God: to obey His commands. And His commands are not burdensome.”

Verse Reflections:  This verse reminds me of the song, “He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother”.  Oh the love that makes us want to carry those that need us, those that love us without thinking of the time, the energy and the weight.  This verse reminds us that eating the foods God made for us is not a burden, it is not a heavy load, it is a privilege, it is an honor.  Each day I get up thinking about what I am going to eat.  I am going to think with joy about the God foods today.  To be honest my first 90 days was a disaster of going back and forth mentally and physically on eating God foods but I do feel a difference in this fourth month.  I know I am making a change for life and I am shopping differently, I am looking on the menu differently.  I am ready to change my portion size now.  The first 90 days I just had to start eating the right foods without worrying about the portions and even though I lost a little weight I knew I needed to take it to a new level.  So today I am going to focus on the love of God and obey His commands.  Over and over I am hearing the message that I need to obey God’s commandments.  We have to show our love for Him by obeying Him. In Genesis 1:23, He says, Behold, I have given you every plant yielding see that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with see in its fruit.  You shall have them for food.   Genesis 9:3 says Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.  Today’s command is going to be “Thou shalt love no other Gods before me.”  I am going to quit making food my god, I am going to spend more time loving the true God.  And I am going to know that His commands are not heavy, they are not burdensome.  I must not think of this as carrying a heavy burden but think of it as a loving privilege of carrying my brother, my savior.  I get to obey His commands.

Prayer:  Father, allow me to bask in the joy of obeying You today.  Allow me to honor You by putting my love for You before my love for food.  I know the time I spend thinking about food far outweighs the time I spend thinking of You, talking to You.  Some days it may be equal, but today I want to begin making You the center of my day.  I want to think of You, my savior as my center.  I think of You carrying the cross and I want to think of picking You up as You stagger under the weight and carrying You today.  I want to imagine that my love for You far outweighs the weight of changing.  Lord, I am excited about eating Your foods today.  I am excited about starting my day with You, honoring Your commands because of my love for You.

Daily Challenge



“Wanting what you shouldn’t have”

When your old nature was still active, sinful desires were at work within you, making you want to do whatever God said not to, and producing sinful deeds, the rotting fruit of death. Romans 7:5

Reflections:  Sometimes I act like a child and I want the foods that I know I should not eat just because I shouldn’t have them.  There are plenty of amazing, luscious foods that God has created that I know I should eat but instead I decide I want the foods that have no nutrients that are horrible for my body.  What is that?  Why do we push the boundaries that we know are bad for us? We are literally destroying our bodies by eating foods that convert to sugar and yet we do it every day.  There are no nutrients in pasta, and very, very few in cookies, cakes, breads and yet we inhale them.  This verse gives me hope that maybe my “old nature” can disappear.  Perhaps I can quite wanting to do whatever God said not to have.  So… the sinful desires make me want to do whatever God said not to.  I have to acknowledge that, know it and get rid of it.  God has overcome sin.  He died to give us the freedom to escape the power of sin.  That is what I love about Christianity, God’s gift of grace and power

Prayer:  Father, This is ridiculous that I am a mature adult and I still act like a child.  I crave the foods I should not have and I honestly think one of the reasons I crave them is because I know they are bad for me and I want to “spite the system”.  I think when I have a rotten day I want to say, “to heck with everything good for me, I have busted my batootie and this is the day I have had… I deserve something bad for me.”  Help me grow up.  It is time.  Help me change this mantra.  Help me know that I deserve good health, I deserve to eat foods that will retain the wonderful creation of my body.  I love You Lord, I want to serve You.  These verses keep going… and say “now you can really serve God… in the new way with all of your hearts and mind.”  That is what I want Father.  I want to serve You in a new way. I want to to cook healthy.  I love the movie where Jennifer Aniston says, “I want you to want to do dishes”.  God, “I want to want to eat right”.  I don’t want to fight myself and my desires each day.  Keep introducing me to foods that You made that we can cook beautifully.

Daily Challenge



I have set the Lord always before me.

I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8

Verse Reflections:  We will not be shaken!  By reading these scriptures every morning we are setting or sending the Lord before us.  He will clear the way for us every day and give us the strength that we need to have to face the day and make healthy choices.  The days that we do not send the Lord before us we fail.  Pure and simple.  We know He has the power we do not have.  We can take His hand in ours and have confidence that we will not stumble.  How much steadier can we walk with a confident strength leading us up and down the rocks?  When I go hiking, it is so nice when a hand is offered to lend steadiness as I am climbing up or down a ledge.  It mitigates any fear I might have of falling.  I am not shaken when I have a partner that can offer a hand.  It is so important to imagine us taking the action each day to “set the Lord always before us”.  We have to stop, think and consciously send Him ahead of us to pave the way.  Otherwise, we fall.  We come to the ledge and there is no one below to offer a hand because we simply just didn’t ask.  Imagine the power of walking through life with another person going before us getting rid of the obstacles for our day.   God is telling us here that He will do this.  Will there be issues, problems?  Of course, but He is at our right hand and will give us the steady hand to climb over, through or under the obstacles.  Hallelujah!  Today, we are going to set the Lord before us so that we can make healthy eating choices.  He will be at our right hand so that we WILL NOT be shaken from this journey of choosing His foods when we eat.

Prayer:  Father, I consciously come to You today and beg You to go before me.  Please pave the way and remove temptations.  When there are temptations, will You take my hand as You stand beside me and allow me to not be shaken from my ability to choose healthy foods.  Lord, forgive me for the days that I do not read Your word.  Forgive me for the days that I do not “set You before me”.  I read this and I feel like an idiot for not stopping life for a short time every day so that my way is paved by You.  I thank You for standing by my right hand.  Allow me to dig the fingernails of my right hand into my hand to remind me that You are there when I want that second helping or that desert or extra carbohydrates.  God I need reminders.  I need You to speak loudly.  And yet, You are reminding me that I have to take the first step every day.  Here it is.  My plea to You to go, to save my day before it even begins.  I am weak.  I have been shaken too many times.  Today, I am begging You to give me a steadiness in choosing my food choices that I cannot receive without You.  I adore You and love You. Go God. I am setting You before me.   I’ll catch up with You soon.  Let’s eat healthy today.

Daily Challenge



Here is what I have found out:

“Here is what I have found out: the best thing we can do is eat and drink and enjoy what we have worked for during the short life that God has given us; this is our fate. Ecclesiastes 5:18

Verse Reflections:  I have always enjoyed eating.  I love celebrating life.  As I read this verse my eyes are drawn to “the short life God has given us”.  I think we must merge these thoughts together.  We must eat and drink the best foods that God has created so that we can enjoy our health that we have worked for.  We cannot enjoy life at the ultimate level without our health.  When we get out and take a walk, when we feel good, when we eat nutritious foods so that we have energy we can enjoy the day.  The “best thing that we can do” is to eat and drink God foods so that our short life can become longer, so that we can enjoy every aspect of this life.  I don’t know about you, but I have lost 9 pounds in the first three months and I am feeling good this morning.  I can enjoy life better because I am working for this new level of health.  I know this verse can be interpreted a million different ways but I am choosing to merge it with God Plus 1.  He has given us the joy of eating and drinking.  He has given us short lives here on earth.  Let us enjoy the process of working for our health.  This is work!  However, if we choose to enjoy what we eat and drink then we also get to enjoy what we have worked for:  our health, our clothes fitting better, our bodies, our confidence in Christ.  And who knows…. Maybe our short lives God gave us just got a little longer!

Prayer:  Father, thank you for reminding us to enjoy what we have worked for.  This is the perfect timing for me since I just weighed in and have lost 9 pounds!  I AM enjoying this!  Honestly, it is becoming less work than it was at first and becoming more enjoyable.  I am eating so much food that I have little time to begrudge this lifestyle change.  Thank You for Your wisdom that is far beyond my own.  I am going to enjoy eating and drinking today AND I am going to enjoy what I have worked for.  My knees now have forty pounds less pressure on them because I have lost almost 10 pounds!  THAT I can enjoy as I go for a walk on the beach, as I run.  I think I would have liked Solomon God.  He has a carefree spirit that is filled with wisdom.  I would like to have that same spirit as I go through today.  Fill me with wisdom, yet help me to celebrate living, to celebrate what I have worked for. Today I am going to celebrate my nine pounds.  However, I am not going to celebrate with empty calorie food.  I have already had a wonderful mango and cottage cheese and I am stuffed!  YAY us.  And You are making me eat again in two hours in order to get all this food in.  I love to eat so thank You Father for this beautiful lifestyle.  I love You.

Daily Challenge



What good is it, my brother

What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? James 2:14

Verse Reflections:  Here we go… God’s word is demanding that our deeds match our faith.  It is not right for us to go through life praising the Lord and then stuffing our bodies with processed carburgers that destroy our health.  If the food does not have nutritional value we should not be eating it.  We have to honor God by eating healthy, God foods.  We have to match our deeds with our faith.  We have to be willing to say a hard “no”.  We have to be willing to turn away from the unhealthy temptations.  We have to honor our bodies by keeping our weight at a healthy level.  We have to walk out our front door to exercise.  We have to take a walk, ride a bike, swim, run, go to yoga or lift weights.  We have to make sure our hearts are healthy.  We are claiming to love God but then we let our bodies gain unhealthy levels of weight.  We are putting too much weight on our joints.  We are disrespecting God when we choose not to maintain a healthy body weight.  We refuse to make the hard decision to say no to unhealthy foods.  We are choosing to gain weight.  We are choosing unhealthy eating habits and then we want to rely on our faith in God to get “healed” from the joint pain, the headaches, the heart issues, the diabetes and the consequences from our unhealthy deeds.  We must match our deeds to our faith starting today.  Choose healthy foods and say no to processed foods.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for loving me and giving me the power to have the deeds to match my faith.  I do not find it easy to eat right.  I want to add desert to every meal.  Send Your power on me to allow me to make the decisions that honor You.  I do have faith in You, I just don’t have faith in myself.  I know I have to have faith in both to choose healthy eating habits, healthy exercise habits.  Father, love on me, take my hand.  I want to honor You with my body.  I know I have to make conscious decisions to back that up.  I have to choose my deeds every day.  Give me the strength to eat right, to exercise for Your glory.  If I focus on Your glory instead of mine I will be more successful.  I cannot shout the message of Your love, of Your power if I am not allowing the full extent of it in my life.  I know people listen to the messages of people they want to be like.  I cannot shout the message of eating God foods if I am not doing it myself.  Honor me Lord with power.  I humble myself at Your feed and ask You for the power to do this.  In Your powerful name I pray.

Daily Challenge



Consider it pure joy, my brothers,

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know after the testing of your faith develops perseverance. James 1:2, 3

Verse Reflections:  We do face trials every day.  Imagine if we thanked God for them.  Imagine if we actually faced our trials with pure joy.  Imagine if we looked forward to growing from our trials.  Imagine if we wanted to learn perseverance.  Imagine a world in which perseverance was more important to us than a perfect life.   So today, we are going to persevere in our healthy eating habits.  No matter what happens in our lives today, no matter what happens at work, at school, at home, we are going to eat healthy.  We will not let our faith be tested by life.  We will persevere.  We will not let our trials make us eat Carbugars (Processed Carbohydrates or Sugar).  We will not react to stress today by eating food.  We will eat healthy foods no matter what happens.  We will persevere with joy.

Prayer:  Thank You Lord for the trials I face.  Today I will face every trial with joy.  Give me joy in my heart no matter what happens.  Lord, with Your help I will persevere.  You and I can face the trials together.  So many times I try to run from trials.  This verse promises me that we will face trials, I shouldn’t run from them.  But I have to say that I cannot face them with joy without Your help.  My tendency is to get depressed and come home and eat a pan or bag of carbugars.  Then I feel joy for about 30 minutes to an hour.  I need You to replace my pan or bag of carbugars with an internal joy.  Allow me to know that the qualities You are developing in me are more important than the temporary release of stress.  I need the joy that comes from heaven.  I need to know that trials are good for me.  I will persevere with Your help.  This is truly what I need to hear.  I have failed so many times that it is nice to know that the testing of my faith develops perseverance.  God, give me perseverance.

Daily Challenge



This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. I John 1:5

Verse Reflections:  Light is knowledge, joy, happiness.  If we stay in God’s presence, if we read God’s word we will embrace the knowledge of eating right.  We will face trials with joy.  We will continue to eat right even if we have a bad day.  We will not let the darkness of depression overtake us.  We will not let the darkness of anxiety enter our souls.  This verse promises that in God there is no darkness AT ALL.  That is a big promise.  There are many times I eat in reaction to stress.  I have to stay close to God in order to keep the darkness away.  If I feel light and warm with God’s love it is as though the temptation(s) stay away.  I know that staying close to God keeps anxiety, depression and darkness away.  And yet, day after day I keep just going through life without calling on Him. Some days I stay busy just to keep His voice out of my ear.  I surround myself with busy.  I start busy and I end with a blaring television to take over every brain wave.  I refuse to stop and listen to silence.  I refuse to stop my day and listen to Christ.  What is wrong with me?  Of course, the darkness sneaks in because I keep snuffing out the candlelight with busy.  I suck out all the oxygen that feeds the fire of God, the light of God out of my day.  I have to feed the light of God with Bible verses, quiet time, positive thoughts and acts of kindness.  If I just get up and go to work, come home talk and watch television I am purposely keeping the light of God out of my life.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for reminding me that I have to seek Your light.  I have to come to You every day to feel Your warmth, Your light.  I have to fill my soul with light in order to keep out the darkness.  Surround me now with Your light.  Shine a light on my eating habits.  Shine a light on the beautiful healthy foods You have prepared.  I know when I feel light in my soul, when I bubble with happiness it is easier for me to eat right.  I’ve lived long enough to know the light is not dependent on what happens in my life.  Keep the darkness out of my body.  Keep the darkness out of my soul.  Lord, I am going to spend time with You today to give me the power of light.  Illuminate my life.  Lord, kick the power of darkness out of my life.  Kick the power of anxiety and depression out of my eating habits.

Daily Challenge



When the Father sends

When the Father sends the Advocate as My representative- that is the Holy Spirit- He will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. John 14:26

Verse Reflections:  An advocate is someone who speaks in support or defense of a person.  The Holy Spirit is our advocate.  On those days we don’t believe in ourselves the Holy Spirit believes in us.  He knows we can get healthy, be healthy, live healthy.  It doesn’t matter what has happened in your past.  Whether your Father didn’t tell you that you were beautiful, you were abused, you were made fun of, you had a hard life, or you were not raised in a home of love… YOU have an advocate.  You have someone who believes in you.  You have someone who defends you.  Remember the guilt we feel when we eat the wrong foods?  This is why.  We have the Holy Spirit living inside of us telling us what we should eat.  We are reminded of everything the Lord has instructed us to do through these Bible verses we have been led to.  We know what foods to eat.  We know what foods not to eat.  The Holy Spirit has taught us.  We feel it inside our souls.  Why then, do we ignore the voice?  Why do we ignore our advocate?  Our advocate is supporting us.  Our advocate is defending us.  We should embrace the voice inside.  We should listen.  Remember this the next time that someone hands you that temptation.  Today, we are going to embrace the Holy Spirit, our champion.  Today, we are going to remember that we have been taught what to eat.  With the help of our advocate, we are going to eat God foods.  Always remember, today is the only day that will change your life.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for loving us enough to send an advocate for us.  Lord, I love You.  I am humbled to think that I have a powerful spirit that supports me and defends me.  Sometimes I feel alone in my fights here on earth.  I certainly feel inadequate, unable to be as good as I want to be.  It comforts me to know that You have sent a representative that will teach me, remind me and fight for me.  Today I ask that this power be evident in my life.  May Your spirit talk loudly to me.  May Your spirit conquer my temptations.  May Your spirit remind me that I want to eat healthy.  May Your spirit remind me loudly that my body belongs to You.  Take my hand and walk me through this day.  Fight for me when I am too weak.  Support me when I am about to give in.  Teach me Your will for my life, when I am willfully ignoring what I already know.  Remind me that we are eating delicious foods that You created to keep me healthy.    I love You.

Daily Challenge



“Victory that has overcome”

I John 5: 4 & 5 For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

Verse Reflections:  WE have the victory.  WE have the power of overcoming the world, of overcoming our bad eating habits.  Why?  Because we believe that Jesus is the Son of God.  God coming to earth gave us power as humans through His sacrifice.  We can do this because of this power.  If you are reading these verses, these devotionals it is because overeating or eating bad foods has become your reflection of “the world”.  This is the part of the world that tempts us.  For me it is not drugs, alcohol, swearing, stealing, adultery… it is plain old eating.  But the good news is God has overcome whatever temptation you face.  God has already overcome every temptation in the world.  We have the victory we just need to have FAITH in this fact.  God gives us power through our belief in Jesus.  I don’t understand it.  I don’t know how it works but I KNOW it works.  This verse reminds us that we CAN over come this.  Change “the world” to “our temptation to overeat”.

“For everyone born of God overcomes “our temptation to overeat.”  This is the victory that has overcome “our temptation to overeat” even our faith.   Who is is that overcomes “our temptation to overeat”?  Only he who believes that Jesus is the son of God.

Doesn’t that give you confidence?  Doesn’t it give You power?  If we believe in God we can do this!  I need that extra power that He give, I cannot, have not and will not do it without Him which is why I am spending 30 minutes in devotion each day.

Prayer:  Father, I love this verse and the way we have inserted our temptation from the world into it.  Thank You for giving us the victory over overeating.  Thank You for giving us the extra power through Jesus Christ.  Lord, I claim this power today.  I am born of You.  I do believe that Jesus is Your son.  Thank You for giving me victory over myself, over the world.  In the U.S.  2/3 of the grocery store foods are processed.  That shows you our priorities.  Help me to focus on the 1/3.  I know I will be healthier, happier and skinnier if I do that.  Bless me today as I reach out for the victory You have already won for me.  I forget that I don’t have to

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!


Did you know:  Long term deprivation of carbohydrates can also affect the brain and muscles which need glucose to function efficiently. Harvard Medical School



“Don’t love the things of the world”

I John 2:15-16 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the vain glory (inordinate pride in one’s self, vanity) of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.

Verse Reflections:  Oh Lord I am in trouble.  I LOVE food.  I LUST after food.  I am a little vain in that I want to look and be skinny.  I don’t spend hours getting ready or reapply makeup or have to wear makeup to the grocery store…  But this verse is slamming my love for food all the way to the ground.  God is telling us in clear black and white, no “if, and, or but” we need to get over our love of and lust for food.  YIKES.  I want to change but I don’t want to give up the fun of loving food.  And then I have to examine why I want to change. Yes, if I am honest it is that vain glory, that vanity.  I want to look good in my clothes, look good in pictures.  I definitely want to be healthy too but if I peek deep into my soul my vanity is the drive for me because I am healthy so I take that part of life for granted at this phase in life.  I have to focus on the love of the Father, focus on Christ.  I do know something powerful happens in me when I focus on God instead of this world.

Prayer:  Father, Surround me, encompass me and let me live in Your world.  I am not successful in my healthy eating habits when I focus on this world and this verse sheds light on some of the reasons why.  Thank You for taking my love for food, my lust for food, my vanity and placing it in a rocket and blasting it away from this world.  Just send it into outer space.  I am not sure I can do this on my own.  Let me rephrase that, I am sure I can’t do this on my own.  When You are inside me looking out I do see things with Your eyes instead of my own.  I look out with love instead of judgement and criticism which means I love my own body.  I look out for people that need me instead of planning a meal.  Father, guide me today and live inside me.  If You are inside me, we can live in Your world here on earth, in this world.  I am going to imagine a little world around me that encompasses You and me floating through the day.  Today, we are going to live in Your world, and eat healthy because other things will take priority.  Love You tons.
Did you know:  Dark-colored berries (blueberries and blackberries) fight inflammation. 

Daily Challenge



“Today is a living sacrifice”

Brothers and sisters, in view of all we have just shared about God’s compassion, I encourage you to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, dedicated to God and pleasing to Him. This kind of worship is appropriate for you. Don’t become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants- what is good, pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:1-2

Verse Reflections:  Every day we should offer our bodies to God.  He has forgiven us, He has given us grace that erases all of our sins, our failures, our past.  He has shown us compassion that is beyond this earth.  The least we can do is to give our bodies back to Him every day in thanksgiving, in worship for His beautiful omnipotence and sacrifice.  He gave His body for us in the worst death possible being beaten and hung on the cross for hours.  He is only asking us to take care of our body and treat it well.  We owe Him everything.  We owe Him our lives, our happiness, our strength.  When then, do we pour flour and water (noodles) into our body?  Why do we boil our foods in grease (fry)?  Why do we each ½ cup of sugar a day (just 8 tablespoons)?  What is wrong with us?  We need to not think like the others around us, we need to change the way we think.  When we do this we will want what God wants.  He wants what is good, pleasing and perfect.  He wants us to eat His foods.  We can so do this.  How often do we sing praise songs with amazement and awe at His goodness?  How often do we read scripture and are humbled by His power and sacrifice?  And yet, we do not give Him our bodies as a living sacrifice.  He is not asking us to be beaten as He was.  He is not asking us to hang on a cross, stabbed by a sword.  He is asking us to eat foods that are good, pleasing and perfect.  He is asking us to change the temptations of the world and not buy into the processed foods that are tossed our way on commercials, beautiful four color packaging… Have You noticed that His foods are not covered in beautiful packaging?  His foods are perfect in and of themselves.  Today, sacrifice your body in a way that actually gives you the health you deserve.  God only wants the best for You but He realizes that we are torn apart by this world.  He knows that this world will pull us away from what is good, and pleasing and perfect.  It is actually very sad that He even has to ask us to “sacrifice” in order to have the best that He wants for us.  Today let’s kneel before the alter of Christ and give Him our bodies.  It is the least we can do for Him and thus for ourselves.

Prayer:  God, I come to You… I kneel before You and ask desperately for You to take my body.  I sacrifice my desires for sweets, for carbohydrates, for processed foods.  I give You my body and the health of my body.  You have sacrificed so much for me.  You have forgiven me so many times for abusing my body.  I apologize and I come to You and beg for the strength to change the way I think.  Give me the power to crave the foods that are good and pleasing and perfect to You.  Allow those foods to be good and pleasing and perfect to me as well.  You have shown me so much compassion through the years.  How do You watch me and not cry?  I have eaten more than any human should be allowed to.  I have punished myself, reward myself with food but the wrong foods.  I ask for Your forgiveness and compassion once again.  Come to me and take my body in sacrifice.  Allow me to live in worship of You by eating the beautiful foods You have made.  The truly are perfect.  I love You.  Thank You for Your sacrifices for me. The least I can do is to sacrifice my desires and temptations for You.  I give You my body as a living sacrifice.  Thank You for convicting me today.  I love You.

Daily Challenge



“Demanding the food you crave”

Yet they kept on sinning against him, rebelling against the Most High in the desert. They stubbornly tested God in their hearts, demanding the foods they craved. They even spoke against God himself, saying, “God can’t give us food in the wilderness.” Psalm 78:17-19

Verse Reflections:  This is so me!  I keep sinning against God (and myself).  I keep testing God in my hearts and demanding foods that I crave.  I rebel.  I demand.  I sin.  I speak against God.  What is wrong with me?  This verse humbles me and makes me sad.  I am no better than the Israelites.  It is so easy to read the Bible and think I can’t relate, or I would never do what they did.  But when I separate out this verse I so clearly see that I am one and the same.  I stubbornly test God.  I ask for His help and then refuse it when I smell or see the foods that I crave and desire.  I keep choosing my idol, the food, over God.  I know that I am pouring sugar and flour and chocolate and butter and boiled oil into my body because it tastes good.  I refuse His help even when I know I have the power to say no.  I demand the foods I crave by cooking ridiculous amounts of sweets, frying foods, buying processed foods and eating entire bags, ordering from the restaurants foods that I have no business eating.  And I KEEP doing it!  I am these people.  Stubbornly, I do this over and over again.  I have never been in the wilderness where I did not have access to the foods so I don’t have to speak against Him in that fashion.  But I do speak against His power every time I choose food over Him.  My heart gets hard and I even say out loud, “God I don’t care, I am eating this”.  I constantly refer to tomorrow.  And yet, tomorrow never comes.  I am sinning every time I do this.  I am rebelling against Him and the commandments He has given us.  Today I am going to confess my sin and quite testing God.  I am going to eat the healthy foods He has given us.


Prayer:  Father, I confess my sins to You today.  I keep on sinning against You and sadly, I am sinning against myself as much as You.  Perhaps that is always true with sin because when we sin, it affects us.  You always want the best for us.  If we would listen to You we would be healthier, happier.  God, You know more than anyone how I have stubbornly tested You over and over.  I have gorged on food to the point that a football player would probably be amazed at the quantity.  I have demanded the foods I craved even when I heard Your voice screaming at me to stop.  I have spent money I didn’t have.  I have left my home to get groceries.  I have cranked the car to go to a specific restaurant that served a specific food that I “needed”.  God I cannot criticize anyone in the Bible.  I am these people.  I ask for Your forgiveness.  Help me today to quit this sin.  Help me to not demand certain foods.  Convince me not to stubbornly test You.  I adore You.  Help me to show You by choosing Your foods and not the ones that I demand.  I love You.  Today, I am going to show You.

Daily Challenge



“He shields us”

“As for God, His way is perfect; The Lord’s word is flawless; He shields all who take refuge in Him. Psalm 18:30 NIV

Verse Reflections:  I need shielding!  Yesterday, my client took me by a cookie store and asked the owner to let me taste all the cookies.  Yikes!  She put together an entire plate of cookies and I had to taste all of them.  Crazy!!  Remember, good cookies are my weakness!  And this lady could cook.  She had some white chocolate macadamia nut cookies that were hot out of the oven that were to die for.  I have to say I felt God’s protection because other than that one cookie, I was able to just have a small sample of all the others so it probably only equaled two cookies.  And I gave away all the ones I bought.  Go God!! I didn’t even imagine eating them all.  Every day, I am going to claim this shield of God’s word.  I know the power of God’s word and yet there are days I get up and start running and do not access this power.  Why would I ignore this simple step in my day?  God has been telling me for four years to read one verse a day to help me heal and eat healthy foods.  This one verse can be life changing.  This one verse can shield me from the arrows of a battle I have been fighting all of my adult life.  This one verse can win the war.  This one verse will keep Satan from attacking me.  This one verse will keep Satan from even coming close to tempting me.  Hallelujah.  His word is flawless.  His word is perfect.  And His word just keeps coming with verses that speak to me on this journey.  He knew we would fight this battle and need refuge here on earth.  His ways are perfect even if mine are not.

Prayer:  Thank You God.  Your way is perfect!  Your word is flawless and I have to say reading it daily like this protects me from my own flaws.  Thank You for shielding me yesterday.  Thank You for taking Your word and putting the perfect protection around me.  I sometimes think it is crazy how powerful Your word is. I can literally feel the difference in my strength when I start out with Your flawless words.  Thank You for shielding me from myself!  That was not me yesterday taking tiny bites of these gourmet cookies.  You shielded me.  Your way is perfect and I wish I had started this God plus one back in my twenties instead of wasting so many years fighting stupid, ridiculous cravings.  I love You Lord, let’s have an awesome day.  I take refuge in You!

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Rivers of Living Water”

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:38

Verse Reflections:  This verse congers up an image of a beautiful waterfall and river within my body.  I love the image.  As I crave the foods that are not good for my body, I imagine God just washing these cravings away from within with these rivers of living water.  The clean, pure waters that will bring with them cravings and images of good pure foods from God.  And I can lean my head back under the waterfall and take a bath in His waterfall, the rivers of living water.  The Holy Spirit flows within us every day.  We can’t do this, we can’t take away cravings but He can.  He can keep the waters moving instead of stagnating and becoming impure and contaminated.  We do believe in Him and now we can claim this promise that He will cleanse, and purify our thoughts and cravings through His pure Holy Spirit of living water.  Today we will keep these rivers pure as we eat the beautiful pure foods of God.

Prayer:  God this verse has given me beautiful images of pure, clean, flowing waters within my soul since I read it.  Thank You for this.  Flow within me today.  Wash away all the cravings for foods that are not good for me.  Wash away the endless circle I created of craving carbs and sugar.  Replace these with nutritious foods that will glorify You by feeding my body the foods that will extend life, that will restore energy.  I know when I eat the pure foods You created for us I think better, I sleep better, I run better.  Let the rivers of living water flow within me today as I claim Your Holy Spirit’s power.  You are all powerful and mighty so take away the muddy waters that I have created within my body and replace them with these beautiful springs of living, crystal clear waters.  Let these living waters bring me beautiful grilled vegetables, steaks, chicken, hot bacon salad, and blackened shrimp.  I love You!

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“We who are blessed”

“Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.’ Matthew 25:34

Verse Reflections:  We ARE blessed.  I am a firm believer that our inheritance starts right here on earth.  We can take our inheritance now, today.  The best inheritance I will ever receive from my parents is the gift of their unconditional love and support.  Some of you are not as blessed by your own parents but God’s unconditional love is greater than anything we can imagine.  Our inheritance is grace, peace and love.  He prepared this for us since this world was created billions of years ago.  We get to claim it and live it now.  Doesn’t that make it easier to relax and want to glorify God by eating right?  There is something in knowing that God has loved me enough to create a kingdom for me to live in.  He has given me a blessing.  He loves me that much.  Shouldn’t I love myself enough to give my body healthy food, nutrition that He has created for me?  I am going to have 4 vegetable, 3 fruits, 3 proteins and a fun, blessed day.  God has prepared this day for me and you.  Let’s go out and live it for Him (and ourselves).

Prayer:  Father, thank You for my inheritance of Your kingdom.  I am grateful today for the inheritance You have already given me.  Because of Your grace I live guilt free, because of Your unconditional love I have confidence and peace that I would not have without knowing You love me just as I am.  Your light comes into the dark spots and shines a path.  It is reassuring to know that You have prepared Your kingdom for us since the creation of the world.  Somehow, someway that makes me want to take these gifts and treasure my body at a higher level.  I want to strive to eat right, to use the energy of today in the right way.  I will start off with a healthy breakfast and savor every mouthful even though I hate eating in the morning.  I am running late so I’d better go dry my hair.  I love You Father.  Let me live today worthy of my inheritance.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Words in my heart”

Thy word have I laid up in my heart, That I might not sin against You. Psalms 119:11 ASV

Verse Reflections:  The only difference between what I am doing now verses what I have done for my other 30 years of watching my weight is placing the word of God in my heart each morning before I go to work and start my day.  And miracle of miracles it is working!  This verse in Psalms has more power than we can imagine.  Laying God’s word “up in our heart” gives us the power, the strength to not sin against God.  And make no mistake, abusing our bodies by not eating well is sin.  He has blessed us with these amazing, gorgeous vessels that cannot be replicated.  We have been given foods that can make the bodies stronger or make these bodies weaker.  Why is it that we choose so often to put foods that make our bodies weaker?  Sugar revs up our metabolism, crashes us down, and then makes us crave more!  And so we go back again and again.  I gave blood yesterday and had to choose from five packages of cookies.  I ate a package and I have to admit I craved sugar ALL day long.  It was a true struggle at dinner time to choose healthy.  And yet, I find on the days I do not have sugar I do not have physical cravings.  I have mental ones because I have trained myself to “go to” certain foods for comfort but I find I can get over the mental cravings easier than the physical ones with God’s word.

Prayer:  Father, I thank You for the power I find in Your word.  I don’t understand it, can’t really comprehend it but it is there.  Perhaps it is like a small conversation a young girl has with her Daddy before she goes to school in the morning and He tells her she is beautiful.  With those few words she can withstand all of the girl drama, the lack of positive feedback she receives at school.  You give us confidence that we can do this.  You give us strength to withstand temptation because we know You are on our side.  You give us Your words of love so that if we run into something negative in this world we do not go running to food… we go running to You.  Ahhhh THIS is the miracle of the God Plus One.  We go running to You instead of food.  Thank You Father for this.  Thank You for Your words that I have laid up in my heart that I might eat well today!  I love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



And God said, “Behold,

And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so. Genesis 1:29-30

Verse Reflections:  And here it is.  The first verse that lets us know that God gave us everything we need for food when He first created the earth.  He reinforces the fact that plants are our primary foods.  “I have given you every plant… you will have them for food”.  What would happen if I planned my meals around the vegetables instead of planning the meal around the meat?  I have never planned meals around the vegetables.  My mind plans the pork chops, chicken, fish or steak first, then adds the “plants” that taste good with the “main” course.  Okay, today I am going to look for the vegetables first.  Hmmm… it is an interesting thought.  I honestly begin to imagine the herbs I am going to prepare them with at a depth I do not normally conjure.   This could work.

Prayer:  Father, I am imagining some wonderful vegetables for dinner.  Thank You for this reminder that Your plants can be the main course.  I was raised on meat and potatoes, bread and desert.  Of course, I had vegetables too but the focus was on the primary meat.  Thank You for creating the amazing vegetables that line our grocery stories.  I love so many vegetables.  I am looking forward to changing my mind to make the vegetables the focal point and accentuating these vegetables with additional foods.  We can do this but I have decades of imagining the meats first.  You are going to have to work on me.  When someone asks me what I want for dinner, the meat always comes first in my choices.   Bless my new psyche change.  Bless my love of vegetables and allow me to have fun imagining great vegetable recipes from scratch.

Daily Challenge



“The power of prayer”

Pray for one another that you may be healed and restored. The earnest prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available. James 5:16

Verse Reflections:  Unless you allow yourself to be healed and you forgive yourself you will only allow yourself to be as good as you were on your worst day.  This is why I have chosen Christianity out of all the religions in the world.  Forgiveness allows us to start over.  We can be healed and restored.  And then we are righteous.  It is just that simple.  This verse reminds us that when we pray earnestly, sincerely, we can access the power of God.  I am living proof that the power of God is life changing.  For years, for decades I tried to eat healthy and I could not do it without God.  Each verse, each word from Christ has changed my life.  It has given me the power I needed to change my life and eat the foods that He created for me to eat.  I have “tremendous power available”.  That is an amazing statement that frees us from the endless cycle of failure.  We have tremendous power available.  We can simply choose to use it or not.  We must start with the prayer of healing and restoration of our soul  We cannot believe that we are not worthy, that someone who wounded us has continuing power over our lives, that something we did or allowed to happen has the power to keep us from an amazing life.  If we are overweight or eat foods that do not give our body nutrients we will fail to have the best life possible.  So, it is not just one decision about what we are going to eat today, it is a conscious decision not to live the best life possible.  Let’s pray that we are healed and restored and then with joy from our healing, pray for access to that tremendous power that continue our restoration.  We are going to do this.  We are going to eat God foods today and every day.


Prayer:  Father, this verse gives me so much hope.  Hope for loving myself at a level I could not love myself without you.  Hope to believe that I am attractive even though I never heard my Father tell me I was pretty.  Hope to forgive myself for any baggage that might make me punish myself with food.  Hope that I don’t need to coat myself with a layer of fat to protect myself from attention from others.  This verse lets me know that I do not have to depend on myself.  I am powerless to change this cycle that I have been in.  I simply do not have the power over this aspect of my life.  I love sugar and I love food.  However, after studying the effects of sugar on my body I do not love what sugar does to me.  So, today Lord I pray for healing and restoration.  I pray for your tremendous power.  You promise me that I have this tremendous power available.  Do you kow how relaxed that makes me deep within?  I have been fighting for control, fighting my cravings, fighting my desires for years.  I have to face the fact that I do not have the power.  Father, You have the power I need to change my life.  I know I have to make changes for the health of my body.  To be perfectly honest with You and myself, I have to change my life for the health of my mind and soul.  It is devastating  to be so powerless against my own mind, the temptations I create.  I accept Your power over mine.  I thank You God for all these verses that speak to me of Your power that promises me a new life.  Thank You for giving me power to choose Your foods today.  I love You, thank You for all You do for me.

Daily Challenge



“Eat to Glorify God”

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31

Verse Reflections:  If I start my day with every bite I take, every sip I drink being done to “glorify God” then how different my choices will be.  I must honor and praise Him with my food.  Every detail of our life should reflect Him and the love we feel for Him.  Eating foods empty of nutrition, the energy that powers this beautiful body He has given us, does not glorify Him.  Eating sugars or processed foods that give us a quick spike of “feel good” and then crash us down does not glorify Him.  We must breathe Him in and stop and think about our choices.  This verse by its very existence reinforces eating pure God foods.  These foods glorify God, choosing them reminds us to treasure our bodies, to honor Him.  There is nothing in those foods that can harm our body.  We will be able to have a healthy weight, to feel good about ourselves and we will have the energy to do the daily callings of God.  Listen to the birds call and think of what God is calling you to do.  Let’s glorify God with our choices today.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for this verse that reminds me to honor You with all my choices.  Today I want to honor You with the foods I eat and the drinks I drink.  I do love my diet cokes!  So, thank You for giving me that guilt free “plus one” message that allows me to forgive myself for a couple of vices here and there.  I am close to 90 days in and I am starting to feel a difference in my head, which may be as important as my body in this process.  I am starting to make the choices a part of who I am.  It is making a difference in  where I look on the menu, where I shop in the grocery store.  Thank You for being a part of this process.  May I glorify You through what I eat and drink today and all days.  May my foods honor and praise You as they become a part of this Holy temple You have entrusted to my care.  I adore You.  May my choices today show You this adoration.  I lift up my day, to glorify You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“He shields us”

“As for God, His way is perfect; The Lord’s word is flawless; He shields all who take refuge in Him. Psalm 18:30 NIV

Verse Reflections: Verse Reflections:  It is hard for me to imagine perfection.  And yet, I believe my reach for perfection is one of the reasons I have an eating disorder.  I am constantly battling the desire to be perfect, to look perfect against my love for food and cooking.  This verse reminds us that God’s way is perfect.  His word is flawless.  By drawing ourselves into His word every morning He surrounds us with His perfection.  He can shield us from the imperfections of the world.  He can provide refuge for us from our own imperfections.  My way, my choices, my path is full of deficiencies, insufficiencies.  If I can embrace this and reach up for God’s guidance each morning then I can live in His refuge.  I think when we start our day without the God of perfection surrounding us we are exposed to the world, we are a part of the imperfections and all the consequences.  When we begin our day encompassed in His word, we are protected from the consequences of this flawed world.  We shielded by Him as this verse promises.  Today we claim this refuge as we desire, crave and eat the foods God created.

Prayer:  Lord, I come to You today with all my imperfections and I ask for refuge.  Will You protect me from myself?  Will You give me the desire for pure, clean foods that You have created?  Will You erase my cravings?  Can You let Your word live in me and protect me today.  I am soooo imperfect, sooooo flawed.  I want to be healthy, I want to take weight off this precious body that You entrusted me with so that my knees are not pressured.  I want to live a healthy life that is not a battle of cravings, of portions.  Thank You for the calm You are giving my soul recently.  It is so much easier to eat Your foods now.  I am craving the processed foods so much less now.  Thank You.  I know it is Your power allowing me to change my habits.  It is Your refuge I am coming to every morning and I feel the protection You are offering.  Thank You.  Allow me today to stay close so that we can live this healthy journey together.

Thank You God.  Your way is perfect!  Your word is flawless and I have to say reading it daily like this protects me from my own flaws.  Thank You for shielding me yesterday.  Thank You for taking Your word and putting the perfect protection around me.  I sometimes think it is crazy how powerful Your word is. I can literally feel the difference in my strength when I start out with Your flawless words.  I wish I had started this God plus one back in my twenties instead of wasting so many years fighting stupid, ridiculous cravings.  I love You Lord, let’s have an awesome day.  I take refuge in You!

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Stand still and watch the Lord’s victory”

You will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you… Do not be afraid or discouraged. II Chronicles 20:17 NLT

Verse Reflections:  Seriously?  I will not even need to fight?  How could that be?  This is a message of victory before we even begin.  We just have to take our positions.  In this case, our position is reading his word every day.  If we will just read His word, His promises, every day then we can stand still and watch the Lord win the victory.  It is so true.  On the days I read God’s word, I barely have to fight against the temptations of food.  And then, I stupidly will go for a day or two without reading His word and the battle comes right back upon me.  I do not understand the power of God’s word but He does fight the battle for me through His promises.  I am a different person, I have a power from inside that quickly disappears when I fail to take the same position the next day.  The enemy can easily pierce my weakness and does.  And then, I position myself with God’s word and once again I win the battles of the day with little effort.


Prayer:  God, give me the wisdom to continue to access Your promises, Your word.  When I position myself with the power of Your word in my heart each day I am able to “stand and watch” Your victory.  I am humbled and amazed at Your power.  I am humbled and ashamed at the number of times I still fail to “take position” each day.  Even though You have proven Your power to fight my battles for me I still get too busy to read Your word each day.  Forgive me.  Bury each promise deeply within my heart so that I can pull them out each day.  I want to have them memorized so that even if I don’t reach for the paper, I have Your promise seared into my soul.  I know Your word is my offense against any temptation that tries to conquer me.  I have seen and experienced the difference in the battles.  You have already won the battle, I just have to remind myself each day of Your power.  Today this verse reminds me to position myself with You and allow You to choose the foods that I will eat today.  Let’s have a wonderful day today.  I am just going to stand and watch while I eat healthy foods that You created to entice me and win our battle.  I love You.  Have a great day.

Did you know:  Fiber rich foods help your bowels move.

Daily Challenge



“The weakness of God is stronger than our strength”

“To those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. I Corinthians 1:24-25 NIV

Verse Reflections:  Yes!  I love that on my strongest day I have not touched God’s weakest day.  I am a pretty strong woman on my best days.  I can run a multi-million dollar company, cook dinners for friends going through a tough time, run four to six miles, lift weights, clean house and still have energy left over.  Of course, those are my strongest days so don’t get intimidated if you are reading this.  What we should both get out of this is that day doesn’t even touch God’s abilities on His weakest days.  This thought is so freeing, especially on the days where all I have the energy to do is change channels.  God has the wisdom we need.  He has the power we need.  We don’t have to have it all.  If our child is going through a tough time, we just ended a relationship, someone in our life is fighting an addiction, we have a physical illness or someone we love is fighting an illness, our reputation has been threatened… we can know that “the weakness of God is stronger than our strength”.  We can be weak and call on God’s strength to get us through.  We can not know what to do next and call upon God’s wisdom.  I have learned that neither prayer may change our circumstances but it will get us through the day and the next and the next.  Then one day, we will look around and know that we climbed a mountain, the view at the top is beautiful and we are in the best shape of our lives from the climb.  This takes a lot of pressure off of our day today.  We don’t have to be perfect, life doesn’t have to be perfect for us to begin making healthy choices.  We don’t need to wait on our day to get better for us to start (or continue) this journey.  Too often, I have postponed making the right eating choices because I was having a bad day, week, month or year.  God’s weakness is stronger than our greatest strength.  We can choose God foods today.  We can change our life today, no matter what happens.


Prayer:  Father, give me Your strength on my weakest days.  Give me Your strength on my strongest days.  I am weak every day when it comes to eating.  I need You to transform this part of my life. I love that this verse reminds me that no matter what is happening to me You have the strength and the wisdom that I need.  Lord, You have given me the beautiful message that we need to eat Your foods and yet relax and allow ourselves one extra opportunity to indulge each day.  You provided this wisdom.  Continue to weave this wisdom, this message into the cells of my body.  I know this wisdom is critical.  It gives me the focus on God foods for the major choices of my day and yet the freedom, without criticism, to have a little bread or a desert.  Thank You.  This allows me to not chastise myself if I have a little of the “unhealthy” foods. This wisdom is crucial to heal me from my crazy way of hyper-analyzing any and all foods that I eat.  Give me the strength You promise me to make the right choices and to say no to temptations.  I love that You are stronger and wiser than any human I know.  I am excited to be reminded that You have it all together.  Thank You for imparting to me Your strength and Your wisdom.  Give me both as I choose Your foods and health today and every day.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one (4 a day)
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Reap what you sow”

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8 NIV

Verse Reflections:  I must let go.  I must relinquish control.  I have sown seeds of recklessness.  I have poured pounds of sugar into my body.  If I were honest I have no doubt I have poured tons of sugar in my body.  There are two cups of sugar in a pound, or 4,000 cups equal a ton.  I easily eat a pound per week so I have eaten over 3 tons of sugar in my life.  Easily.  No exaggeration.  I am mocking God.  If I have knee problems or joint problems , heart issues, kidney issues or pancreatic issues as I age, it is totally my fault.  I have sown, I have planted seeds of destruction in my body.  Why do I take my eating lightly?  Why do we criticize the alcoholic so vehemently but we just laugh about our eating habits?  This verse reminds me that this is very serious.  I will have destructive consequences for my choices.  So often we take God’s grace, God’s graciousness, God’s miracles for granted and we treat our bodies as if they will last forever and we do not have to be conscious of what we put into them.  I am done.  I am going to plant seeds that are pleasing to God, not pleasing to myself.  I am done.  I am done with my bad habits.  I can still enjoy baking and share the results with others without overindulging.  I can still enjoy an occasional treat without having two and three and five helpings.  God has given me an order in this verse that I have torn to shreds.  I have eaten to please my flesh, my body, my brain and my heart.  I am going to suffer the destruction of my body if I am not careful.

Prayer:  Father forgive me.  I literally have tears in my eyes as I realize the depth of how I have mocked You.  I am destroying my body with my eating habits.  I have take You for granted as I made choices that please myself not You.  Daniel was so wise in the Bible and yet I ignored all the lessons.  Thank You Father that I have eating my fruits and vegetables.  But forgive me Father that I have overeaten so many other Carbohydrates/Sugars.  I am going to reap destruction.  I feel like a curtain has been lifted and I can never go back.  I have known it was bad for me but Lord I have not been as conscious of the consequences as I should have been.  Father, You have opened the eyes of my heart.  Today I am done.  Today I am going to reach out for Your power.  I know this verse refers to eternal life but it also refers to life here on this earth and the consequences of my choices.  I ask for grace.  I ask for Your graciousness as I change my habits, my choices and repair my body.  Lord I bow my head in shame.  I have mocked You.  I have mocked the science behind Your creation and expected my pancreas, my liver and my kidney to keep up with my ridiculous intake of sugar.  Give me the strength to reach out for Your beautiful, amazing foods and change my life.  Forgive me and help me to reach forward with power and plant seeds of health and right-ness.  Today is God foods and healthy choices.  I love You forever and look forward to pleasing You.

Daily Challenge



“Countenance of my soul”

Why are you cast down O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope you in God. For I will praise Him who is the help of my countenance and my God. Psalm 42:11

Verse Reflections:  God is the help of the countenance of our soul!  No amount of anti-depressants, exercise, meditation can equal the hope we find in God. This verse sounds a lot like some of my conversations with myself.  I think David and I have a lot in common.  I am willing to bet he would have majored in psychology as well—he loves to think deeply. So, on those days our soul is down and we feel that flicker of unrest or disquiet we need to reflect on this verse.  Instead of letting this anxiety build into a full blown foodathon we must turn to God.  He is our help, our hope that will turn the gray shadows of our soul into a bright, glowing countenance.  The key element in this verse that can get lost is “I will praise Him.”  Stop yourself and write a list of all your blessings.  I’ve learned with age that no one’s life is easy.  Don’t let it destroy you, your eating habits, your spirit or your body.  Praise God for your blessings.  Slowly but surely the light will shine and you will want to glorify God by eating healthy.

Prayer:  Father, I will praise You today.  Take any disquiet in my soul and shine a light on the shadows.  You are our hope.  You have blessed us so much.  Thank You for the gorgeous spring flowers, the green in the trees, the reminders that beauty exists even on the gray days.  Lord, as You change my countenance to reflect Your glory, change my mind, my choices and give me the firm desire to choose Your foods.  You are my hope and I will praise You all day today.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



Now faith

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:2 NIV

Verse Reflections:  I get so frustrated when I don’t see the pounds dropping off.  Eating healthy foods does not mean I drop 10 pounds in one month but I have dropped 10 pounds in three months.  This is a good verse for me to focus on.  I have to have confidence that eating right, eating God foods will give me “what I hope for”—a body that is at a healthy weight, a weight that will allow me to wear the clothes I am used to wearing.  I must continue to have faith –confidence in what I hope for.  I must be assured that my body will change even when I do not see the changes quickly.  I allowed myself to gain so much weight that I can barely notice ten pounds visually.  I can notice it in my clothes but I do not look in the mirror and cheer.  We must have “assurance about what we do not see”.  If I keep eating this way I will have lost twenty pounds by the end of June.  That will get me back into my clothes.  But more importantly, I am eating in a way that I can eat the rest of my life.  By allowing myself to have one non-God food a day, I do not get myself back into the evil- good game I tend to play with myself.  Bad foods, good foods.  I would tend to chastise myself on the “diets” whenever I would go “off” the diet.  This way I can live with the extras.  If I have three then I just stick with all God foods for three days.

Prayer:  Lord, thank You for this verse.  After 90 days of trying to adjust my eating habits, I have yo-yo’d on this plan but I am getting the hang of it.  Thank You for the power Your word gives me.  I see and feel the difference when I come to You in the morning and pour Your word in my heart.  Thank You for giving me the confidence through this verse for the body and health I hope for.  Thank You for giving me assurance through this verse for the body that I do not see right now.  I know if I keep eating the way You have instructed and provided for I WILL have these things.  I fail, I fall, I go back to bad habits, but I know deep in my soul that I am healing, I am eating better, I am reducing the cravings.  Thank You for this.  Today I go to work with confidence and assurance that we are going to be successful with God Plus 1.  I love You.  I hope today I can give you a little confidence in me as I take confidence in Your plan.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



The battle is not yours

This is what he Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the vast army. For the battle is not yours but the Lords. II Chronicles 20:15

Verse Reflections:  There is such comfort in knowing that God will fight the battle for us.  We do not have to be discouraged.  We do not have to be afraid that we do not have enough power.  And yet, there will be a battle!  Be ready, be prepared.  How?  Set your mind on God.  Have confidence in Him.  Even if you slide, if you do not eat healthy for a day.  Remember tomorrow is another sunrise.  If you give God the power to lead the charge He will lead the battle.  All we have to do is trust Him, follow Him.  There is a huge army fighting against us.  The media gives us the illusion that perfect bodies are possible.  Youth reinforces this for many of us and then it slips away.  Restaurants teach us that large servings are normal.  Many of us played sports or worked outside and used more calories than we will ever use again so our portions were large and it worked.  Everywhere we turn there are birthday cakes, celebrations, great cooks, reunions, church gatherings.  There is a vast army pushing food our way and usually not low calorie food. Today I am not going to be discouraged because I do not look perfect.  I am not going to be afraid that I can’t do this.  God is going to do this for me.  I am going to relax and let Him rock and roll on leading this battle.  I will win the war.  Correction, God will win the battle and the war for us.  Today, we will eat His foods.

Prayer:  Lord, today is a battle.  This is my war here on earth.  This is what I fight, the temptations of food choices.  I love food.  I love sugar and butter and cheese.  I love bread.  You have given us so many amazing foods.  I will change my words to I love grilled chicken with mango salsa, I love tender butter peas, fresh tomatoes, cabbage cooked with ham., juicy fresh strawberries. The list goes on of amazing foods you have made for us that I love.  You lead this battle so that my mind goes before me to dream of Your amazing fresh foods cooked lightly with delicious seasonings.  Thank You for the reassurance that You will fight this battle for me.  I have lost this battle for years and I have finally become smart enough to realize that I cannot win without You.  I can look the “vast army” in the eyes and know that You have the strength for me to make the right choices.  Thank You Father.  We can do this together.  I love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



With all my heart

I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from Your commands. Psalm 119:10

Verse Reflections:  If we seek God will all our hearts, our hearts will not be drawn to foods that we know are not good for these amazing bodies He created for us.  Reading His word every day is a sign that we are seeking Him with all our hearts.  My days are sooo much better when I begin my day close to Him.  When I turn my thoughts to Him as soon as I open my eyes or begin to emerge from my sleep it seems my entire day goes better.  Sometimes I find my mind straying to judging someone I see that has issues with alcohol or tobacco or drugs.  The reality is I have just as big of an issue with food.  Oh, I can hide it very well.  But I know in my head the compulsive pull that food has for me.  It is almost like a magnet that pulls at me until I indulge and then my body relaxes and smiles for a while.  And then, slowly that smile turns into condemnation and self-recrimination that I gave in yet again.  On the days I seek God with all my heart the magnet has no power or it has a minor pull that can be ignored.  It is as though just seeking God, reading His word allows me to obey His commands.  It allows me to ignore temptations and even more, the temptations don’t appear.  I see the magnet but the pull is not compulsive.  We must eat our five fruits and vegetables today.  He has commanded us to treasure our temples, our bodies.

Prayers:  Thank You Father for giving us power when we seek You with all our hearts.  It is so easy for me to get up in the morning and start life’s run.  But I am going to work hard to start my days with this prayer time Father.  My heart is Yours Lord.  If I found out I was dying Lord I would clear my slate and spend time with You all day to prepare my soul.  That tells me that my heart is Yours.  You are the most important part of my life and yet I do not always SEEK You with all my heart.  Today Lord, I seek You.  I want to find You.  I want to see You.  I want to hear from You.  I want You to be close to me.  I imagine myself looking everywhere for You and then finding You.  I can touch You, hug You, talk to You, laugh with You.  I know spending time with You changes my power.  I don’t have to rely on myself.  I have found You this morning.  Stay close to me, walk by me.  Allow me to continue to stay in Your presence all day.  That may mean You need to tap me on the shoulder occasionally and remind me I am walking ahead of You.  I thank You for also seeking me as You know in my heart I am seeking You.  Lord I want to obey Your commands and eat healthy.  Keep the magnetic pull of food from me as I seek You with all my heart.  We got this together.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



Love perseveres

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. I Corinthians 13:6-7

Verse Reflections:  We tend to shy away from the word “evil” but it does exist.  My relationship with food has bordered on being evil for me.  Sounds extreme doesn’t it?  Well, in my life it has been.  This would shock anyone who knows me because I have always been within 30 pounds of perfect.  There are those of you out there reading these devotions that struggle with being hundreds of pounds overweight.  I am no different.  satan (sorry I am not capitalizing that word) knows where to strike me.  He knows I will indulge in foods until my stomach can hold no more and trust me I can hold a lot.  He knows to use my emotions to convince me that I deserve to splurge.  He knows to use my vanity to make me depressed when I see my body enlarge or try on clothes that don’t fit.  He knows how to convince me to peemuff and destroy my body and metabolism.  Love would not do that.  Evil does that.  Christ wants us to have the best.  God protects us by giving us perfect foods that taste wonderful.  God trusts us to take care of these beautiful bodies He gave us.  God gives us hope that we can change.  He protects us from the power of satan if we will come to Him.  And finally we will persevere in love!  We will make this life change.  If you failed yesterday, no problem.  God trusts you to persevere!  I have found that I have had two phases in this journey… I had to get through my physical food addictions and cravings and that took about 90 days for me.  I am now struggling with my mental food addictions.  I am changing my mantras from “I deserve this” and “I’ll start again tomorrow” to “I deserve to be skinny and healthy” and “Today is the only day that will change my life”.

Prayer:  Lord, thank You for reminding me that You are not part of the journey of my bad relationships to food.  You protect me.  You trust me.  You have hope and give me hope.  You allow me to persevere.  Today that word persevere really stands out to me because this is not an easy change.  The journey is getting easier but it is still hard.  I thank You for giving me the truth of this life journey.  If we just eat Your foods then this relationship to food can be a great one.  It can be fun with no guilt.  It can be one that protects our body.  Lord, I cannot persevere without You.  I will fail, I have failed for years.  I am slowly getting healthier.  I tried jumping on a new “plan” with my sister recently that was a healthy option and I just couldn’t stick with it.  What was I thinking?  I can’t do these temporary, quick weight loss plans.  This is working slowly and surely and more importantly will work for life.  Thank You Father for giving me patience, for protecting me.  I will trust and hope in and with You and together we WILL persevere.  I love You and hope You have an amazing day today.  May I be one of Your blessings and may we together have a blessed day.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Fear the Lord”

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30

Verse Reflections:  Boy, the beauty is fleeting.  I look in the mirror some days and wonder what happened.  I guess that makes this journey more important to me.  I have to “fix” this roller coaster that I have been on most of my life.  I have to be healthy on the inside.  I think sometimes I depend on God’s grace to get me through my weaknesses, my addictions, my cravings and compulsions.  I assume He will forgive me and I can start again the next day.  It is easier that way.  Perhaps I need to incorporate the “fear” of the Lord more into my life.  Perhaps is will make me look at this love- hate relationship with food differently.  I should fear the Lord enough to make my issues black and white.  I should fear the Lord enough to eat healthy, knowing this is what God has commanded.  I also have to make sure I am on this new life journey for beauty only.  I need to ensure that I am eating healthy for God.

Prayer:  Father, help me not to analyze my looks today.  Help me to focus on You.  When I want to eat, when my mind begins to spin and obsess on eating a certain food, please take my hand.  I guess I can fear You and still take Your hand.  I pray that You will make me fear You enough to know there are NO options in my life.  I pray that I can eliminate the grace I have given myself to make the same mistakes over and over and over again.  I feared my Dad and His discipline enough growing up that I eliminated the behaviors that caused him to get angry.  I think I have absorbed Your grace too many times.  Forgive me.  I hope that I can incorporate a little fear into my life.  I know, like my Dad, You want the best for me so I should value Your wrath that protects me from my own actions that might hurt me.   Today I will try to eliminate my unhealthy habits that might elicit Your wrath.  Today I will try to fear You enough to change forever.  I love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Perfect power”

But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Verse Reflections:  Perfect Power.  Incomprehensible.  Unbelievable.  I am so crazy weak, I can’t even choose healthy foods every day.  The releasing freedom is the knowledge that I don’t have to be strong, I can be weak because I have God’s power.  This power is the very reason God Plus 1 works.  If we start our day giving our weakness over to God and access His power then we can do this.  We can eat healthy.  We can choose God foods.  How freeing to know that God’s power is made perfect in my weakness.  I cannot eat healthy on my own.  I cannot keep away the compulsive thoughts that lead to eating way past comfort.   I think anxiety carves out an imaginary hole in my stomach and then I begin to eat to fill it.  My anxiety seems to disappear only after the food nestles in or pushes on all sides of the hole I have carved.  The good news is that these devotions, reaching out to His power daily protects me from myself.  His power is made perfect.  When I give my day to Him anxiety doesn’t creep in.  I am a strong woman, I seldom let life get to me and yet this anxiety hole that I fill is my little secret.  It creeps in, it doesn’t storm.  Everything will be going along great and all of a sudden, something will happen.   I keep smiling and rocking through life but a little treat will pop into my head and a wicked little inside smile gives me an adrenaline rush of excitement that pushes away the negative emotion.  I keep adding thoughts until I run out to buy or run to the kitchen to make and then indulge in all my food thoughts.  The anxiety or depression just seems disappear with every bite.  This imaginary relationship between life and food is a vicious cycle for me.   God’s power is giving me healthier habits such as healthy snacks at 10:00 and 3:00. When I add snacks the food thoughts don’t build.  God snacks make a difference.   I must concentrate on the fact that God’s grace is sufficient.  I don’t need food.

We will never be able to earn grace.  We will never be strong enough, good enough.  And yet, how many times in our lives does something bad happen and we wonder what we did to deserve it?  The wonderful, freeing news is nothing.  Bad things are just going to happen. It will be out of our control.  The even better news is that when we fail, when we fall, when we are at the end of our resources God will be there for us with pure forgiveness and power.  There are times in my life where His pure forgiveness gave me the power to forgive, to move on, to put the past in the past. 

Prayer:  Father, Your grace is sufficient for me.  I do not need food to change my moods, my day.  Help me to depend on Your grace, Your power.  I lift up my weakness to You.  Lord I need You to be strong for me.  I cannot eat right without You.  Bless me and make Your power great inside of me.  I love the thought that Your power is made perfect in my weakness because I have a lot of those.  It gives me such freedom to know that I don’t have to fix myself first.  You thrive in my weakness, and my acknowledgement of the weakness.  I have admitted that weakness, these devotions admit my weakness with each day.  So, now Your strength is made perfect.  Ha ha, so glad I could help build Your strength.  Lord, today, I will remember that Your grace is sufficient, Your power is made perfect.  I don’t have to solve the world’s problems, I just need to do what You have equipped me to do and You will take care of the details.  I love you and need You.  Thank You for this promise.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives



“Purify Ourselves”

Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. 2 Corinthians 7:1

Verse Reflections:  Ugh!  I don’t want to here this.  I want to watch the televisions shows that I want to watch.  I want to read what I want to read.  I want to listen to the songs that I want to listen to.  I want to say and talk about what I want to talk about.  However, I am smart enough, have lived long enough to know the difference in my spirit when I pour in holiness.   I am holier.  I am nicer, I look at the world differently and I love the people in it with a pure spirit.  Today I am going to work on purifying myself.  I am going to work first on pouring holy intangibles into my body.  Then I am going to work on pouring in God foods into my body.  This verse is the epitome of this lifestyle change.  Processed foods do contaminate our body.  And for me, a food addict, it contaminates my spirit.  So, today, I am going to work on purifying both my body and my spirit.  I will work on perfecting holiness—being set apart- out of my reverence for God.

Prayer:  Father, I lift up this challenge to You today.  My eating does contaminate my body and spirit.  I need to change my habits, I need to change the way I perceive food.  It needs to be a reflection of my relationship with You.  I need to “set myself apart” or be holy in my choices.  Father, bless me, hold me today.  Make the grilled foods appetizing and exciting.  Let me take joy in eating these pure foods and purifying my body so that I can serve You better.  I revere You Lord, just as this verse says but I don’t always make the choices that show my reverence for You.  Will You bless me today with Your holiness.  I love You Lord and I am looking forward to “decontaminating” my body today.  I will eat pure foods for You today.  I will work on my holiness in reverence for You.  Love You.  Thank You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“He will draw near”

The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cry and saves them. Psalm 145:18-19

Verse Reflections:  It gives me a peace to hear that God is near to all that call on Him.  I am calling loudly!  He will fulfill the desires of those that fear Him.  My desire is to eat healthy and to dedicate my food addictions to God so that I will fully recover.  Okay, if truth be told, my desire is to have a great body too.  He will fulfill our desires if we fear Him.  That means we have to fear Him enough to lay our lives out and be transparent, to put the good, the bad and the ugly out there for people.  We have to trust Him to protect us when we are truthful.  What are you hiding, what are you shoving under all that food, that anxiety?  We must lay it all out and trust him to draw near to us.  We must fear Him enough to know that He does not want this for us.  He made us to have healthy bodies.  He made our body as His holy temple, for His spirit to reside in.  He will save you from anything that is making you overeat.  Give it to Him today.  Whatever is causing anxiety, whatever is causing you to crave foods just to settle your soul.

Prayer:  Lord, I give you truth today.  I am anxious about my business.  I have some people questioning our reputation and I have given 30 years of my soul, my family, my finances, my time to this business.  My heart is heavy because I have invested more than I should have of myself into my business and to have our integrity questioned breaks my heart.  My usual way of handling stress is to go splurge.  Today, I am coming to You in truth and fear, asking You to shine Your light on our business, to fulfill the desires of our hears.  To hear my cry and to lift our business up.  I love You Lord and I am coming to You in adoration and humiliation this morning.  I am lost.  I don’t know what else to do to represent You well.  This day is Yours.  I come to You in fear and humility asking for You to change my situation.  I ask that I not turn to food as a comfort.  I am turning to You in total adoration.  May we conquer our day of healthy eating together.

Daily Challenge


  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Take refuge”

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:2

Verse Reflections:  I love the idea of taking refuge inside a rock.  I can imagine “glamping” with a wonderful mattress and bed, curling up with a good book, a bowl of good God foods and knowing the storms of life outside can’t touch me.  The hard protection of the rock will keep natural disasters and predators away.  Some of you are imagining a cave and the animal coming in through the hole.  Nope.  God says, inside a rock.  There is no hole.  You will be safe inside.  He will be a fortress, impenetrable and safe.  He will be your shield, protecting your vital organs from any weapons.  He is the horn of your salvation.  Animal horns are used for their protection.   We are protected!  We have been delivered!  Accept it and live it.  You have been delivered from your addiction to eating.  Accept that fact.  Eat God foods and eat them often so Your cravings will not get out of control.  Live it and then Crave it.  Don’t expect your cravings to disappear first.  Run inside of the rock every time you begin craving the foods.  This verse tells us we will have enemies.  My enemy is my cravings for processed foods.  This enemy will happen.  I must expect it and be prepared to pull out my horns, my shield and run to the rock and take refuge inside.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for being my refuge.  Thank You for being my rock.  I need this knowledge that I can run inside Your protection when my enemy, the craving of sweets and processed foods, comes after me with a vengeance.  I can go along and eat beautifully and then without warning it hits me.  Father, take these moments from me.  Be my shield so that I am stronger than these cravings.  Allow me to stop and call on You instead of blocking You from my mind when these cravings happen.  At the very least allow me the energy to run inside of You for refuge until these cravings stop.  I’ve lived long enough to know that they will come.  I have asked for the cravings to stop but they are my Achilles tendon.  Satan knows it and He roars like a lion with the temptations.  Allow me to pull out You, my horn, and attack back.  Allow me to know you are my strength, my stronghold.  We can eat God foods and one serving of anything I want.  There will be no guilt.  There will be no seconds.  I can have seconds, I just need to save my second helping until tomorrow.  Thank You for the mindset that You are slowly but surely giving me.  Thank You for strength!  I love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“He is able – even when you can’t”

Jude 24, 25 Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of this glory with exceeding joy. To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty.

Verse Reflections:  God is able to keep us from falling.  Hallelujah!  God has the power that can save us from the temptations that have haunted us for years.  Eating the wrong foods destroys our bodies.  Every ten pounds of weight creates 40 pounds of pressure on our knees.  It wrecks our joints.  We become resistant to insulin which allows us to process /absorb our foods for energy.  We develop diabetes which leads to blindness, severe circulation issues and the list goes on.  This is not about twenty pounds.  This is not about 100 pounds.  This is about your health.  We have to depend on God because we can’t depend on ourselves. Our wise God created foods that are healthy and preserve our body’s health.  Why do we ever pick up the crazy foods that do not have enough nutritional value to keep a fish alive?  When we depend on God, treasuring this magical body he created we become faultless through His power.  When we die, we can stand joyfully in front of our God because Jesus Christ himself has delivered us from our sin.  Jesus has called us to depend on Him, to accept His grace, to accept His power.  Yes, we will be saved from the depth of hell but we will also be saved from an unhealthy life.  We are absolutely ridiculous when we feel bad because we ate too much junk, or we can’t go on a walk because our knees hurt, or we refuse to put on an outfit or go to an event because we don’t feel confident.  Every time we choose these results we are slapping God in the face.  He has the power for us to change our lives today.  Tomorrow will not work.  Do not tell yourself you will start tomorrow.  It will not happen.  Today is the only day that will ever change your life.  Begin today.  NOW… is able to keep you from falling.  Put it down, do not order it.  God has given you healthy foods.  Eat and eat and eat HIS foods.  You do not have to be deprived.  Imagine delicious seasonings on your favorite meat and vegetables.  Then grab a bowl of fruit or prepare a fruit smoothie that tastes like ice cream.

Daily Challenge



“Have Peace”

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Verse Reflections:  And again, this verse tells me that troubles will come.  So often, I try to pray for troubles not to come my way.  So often, I try to associate troubles with sin or choices we make.  So often I try to think those who appear to have no troubles are closer to God.  It would be so much easier to think if we are good we will avoid troubles.  God is telling us that we will have troubles no matter what.  In the same verse He is telling us that He has overcome the world so we need to realize that peace is not determined by the circumstances we are going through.  We can have peace no matter what is happening in our lives.  He reminds us that “in Him” we might have peace.  There is no other way to have peace.  We cannot use over-eating as a path to peace.  Indulging in processed foods gives us a temporary high.  It literally calms our body.  The glucose causes our pancreas to release insulin.  The insulin causes our cells to absorb the sugar which takes tryptophan, which makes us calm and sleepy, and converts it into serotonin or the “happiness molecule”. We have a lot of amino acids in our body but when we eat carbohydrates all of the amino acids are removed or blocked except for tryptophan.  The tryptophan then has a clear path of absorption into the brain cells giving us that wonderful feeling of happiness for a short period.  That is why we have to watch the number of carbs that we ingest.   So, it is normal to crave carbohydrates or sweets.  They literally fool our brain into thinking we are happier.  Know that and fight it.  We must not use eating to give us peace or temporary happiness.  I will tell you that I do this very unconsciously.  I am trying hard to bring this process to the front of my conscious life choices.  I will often find myself get off the phone with one of my sisters (who are my best friends) and realize that I am heading for the grocery store, kitchen or drive in because we have talked about a difficult subject.  This verse helps me put everything in perspective.  Troubles will come.  God has overcome them and this world.  We do not need to use food for an hour long peace when facing these troubles.  We need to find our peace in God.

Prayer:  Okay Lord, I am coming to You with all my troubles.  I am giving You anything and everything that causes me stress.  I love You and I do depend on You for peace.  Take away my desire for foods to give me a temporary peace.  Allow me today to limit my carbs.  It helps me to realize what is happening subconsciously when I crave processed foods.  It helps me to know that I am not crazy.  There are times Lord when my cravings feel uncontrollable but I do realize that my cravings are the result of my anxiety or the result of carbs that I have already eaten that are creating a vicious cycle of cravings.  They are not the result of satan’s power.  Let me turn to You as my sugar high.  Let me turn to you when that anxiety tickles my brain tricking it into wanting food.  You have overcome the world.  Help me overcome my eating addictions and cravings.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“God hears your voice”

I love the Lord and He heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy. Because He turned His ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live. Psalm 116:1-2

Verse Reflections:  Over and over I have had to ask for mercy and grace.  Over and over I have failed to follow healthy eating habits.  Over and over I have abused my body and I have had to ask for forgiveness and mercy.  Over and over I have made promises that tomorrow will be different.  The amazing part of this verse is the last, because He listens “I will call on Him as long as I live”.  He allows us the grace and mercy to fail.  I guess that is the nature of living here on earth.  We will fail.  But He still listens to our voice.  He knows our hearts.  If you are reading this, you are trying to make healthy changes. God is so good to us.  The discipline of making myself get up in the morning and read the Bible verses that help me with my healthy eating habits has made the difference.  It helps me to know that He still has mercy for me when I fail.  But I like the thought of calling on Him in ADVANCE to prevent failure.  When I start my day with His word I fail less often.  I hear His voice when I call on Him first instead of second.  Priscilla Shrirer, a talented Christian writer wrote a fabulous book that reminds us that when we can’t hear His voice we have to move closer to Him.  We have to pray, read our Bible and create quiet time in the midst of our busy lives.  When we do this, we can hear His voice.  And know that He will always, always hear our voice and we can call on Him as long as we live.

Prayer:  Lord, I come to You in amazement and thankfulness.  I appreciate that David called on You as long as He lived.  I thank You for hearing our voice.  I thank You for your mercy, Your forgiveness.  I thank You that You turn Your ear to me.  Today I want You to turn Your ear to me so that You might hear my plea for power.  I have experienced an internal power since I have been searching Your word for verses that can help me with my food addictions and abuse.  You are amazing and I am so glad that You trusted me with this message of eating God foods plus one.  It allows me the freedom to have a few cookies, or chips or cheese or whatever I want to indulge in.  It allows me not to chastise myself for having a little extra.  And yet, I feel my body changing as I crave less and less because I am changing the circling cycle of my cravings.  Eating less sugar and carbs allows me to crave less sugar and carbs.  Thank You for giving me the internal power to continue this change.  I love You so much and I appreciate the investment You have put into me.  I appreciate the fact that You hang with me when I fail and yet, You show me paths that allow me not to fail.  You even convince me that “failure” in my mind is not “failure” in heaven.  Thank You for changing me, growing me.  I will call on You as long as I live.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Never go hungry”

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35

Verse Reflections:  We must come to God in order not to be hungry.  There you go!  This is the message we have learned in the God Plus One process of life.  We must start our day by coming to Him.  His food, His fulfillment, His peace will fill our souls.  The overeating we indulge in because of guilt, because of anxiety, because of depression will disappear.  God can overcome, has overcome all of this.  God is saying that He will fill the emptiness in our lives and we will be full of His contentment.  His grace literally erases the past and takes care of the future.  I love growing older because every passing year teaches me that “I can get through this”.  When we are younger today sometimes seems insurmountable.  It never ceases to amaze me what one good night of sleep can do to change our perspective.  And if the one night doesn’t work, it seems a full week of life always changes the situation.  I stress and worry so much less now. I have been through so much and tomorrow always comes.  We have great weeks and we have bad weeks and it all evens out into a great life with God.  He is the bread of life, our eternal, not a temporary solution.  He takes away the anxieties that cause the uncontrollable urges to eat unhealthy foods.  We must believe in Him.

Prayer:  Father today I come to You just as the verse commands.  You are promising me that I will not go hungry if I come to You.  I know in saying that You are the bread of life, You are saying that You are essential for our lives.  And You are essential to me.  When You say we will not go hungry You are aware that we are always craving something beyond this earth and trying to fill our emptiness with the wrong things.  Father, for me I have tried to fill that hole with food.  The insecurities I have despite having had a great life cause me to doubt myself.  Running a company with employees that depend on me to make the right and sometimes difficult decisions cause me anxiety sometimes.  Forgive me and yet I know I am normal.  Today, fill me with You.  Fill me with the satisfaction that comes from knowing You are a part of me.  Conquer my hunger and be the bread that I crave in my life.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Sing of God’s strength”

But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. Psalm 59:16

Verse Reflections:  I love singing while I dry my hair.  Trust me, I have a great voice when the blow dryer is going.  For some reason it doesn’t sound as good after my hair is dry.  I love singing to God to start my day so I can relate to this verse.  David reminds us to begin our day singing of God’s strength and love.  When we know we are loved unconditionally any feedback we get during the day from other people does not affect us as much.  It is amazing how little what others say about me affects me as I age.  When I was younger it would crush me if someone didn’t love me or said something negative about me.  I think now I realize negativity is more of a reflection of their mindset and view of the world than it is a reflection of me.  I kind of like me and I know my heart even if my actions fail at times.  God has created me!  God is amazing and has an awesome plan that we are a part of.  When the world overwhelms us, like David, we can run to Him and take refuge in His strength.  Close your eyes and imagine your refuge.  I imagine a nice spot by a waterfall surrounded by trees with birds singing in the background.  What is your place of refuge?  Go there when you have trouble.  God is there, God IS there.  He is your place of safety, your protection.  Once again, when you go there even in your mind you will relax and God will change your perspective of the world.  Knowing You are safe allows you to realize that nothing that happens in this world that you can’t handle.  So, David was right on by singing of God’s love and strength before Our day starts we can handle anything the day throws our way.  Today, use that strength and love to give you the power to choose God foods.  You can do this.

Prayer:  Father experiencing Your unconditional love has been life changing for me.  I can love myself even when I am not perfect.  You would think I would realize that perfection is not attainable.  However, I still keep trying.  Thank You for loving me despite myself.  Help me use that love to love myself enough to forfeit the short term high of eating the unhealthy foods my body craves.  Help me use the power of Your love to choose to eat Your foods.  Be my refuge so that I know that nothing can touch me during the day.  Help me to trust this plan You have given me.  There are times I feel like I should only be eating lettuce.  I have to trust in You enough to keep going so I can live this lifestyle.  I have to quit trying diets.  They all work but then I gain the food back.  Lord, I feel like You have given me this plan.  Help me trust in it.  I can live this way which actually makes me question it.  Help me.  Today I will trust in Your love and strength.  I will trust in this plan for my life.  I love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Stand firm then”

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

Verse Reflections:  God has set us free!  We are free from eating unhealthy foods.  We are not slaves to food any longer.  We get to stand firm in this new freedom.  We will not be burdened again by the yoke of slavery to food and its pull on our spirit.  Claim it.  Name it.  Christ sets us free from all temptations of the world.  Our temptation is food.  God has set us free from this temptation and every temptation.  What a great place to be after a long life of fighting and giving in, fighting and giving in.  I will no longer allow this yoke around my neck because Christ has removed it.  I acknowledge the weight that has been taken off.  I actually feel lighter in my spirit.  The next time another power tries to convince you that you “need” that food, just speak your freedom out loud.  You are free from that slavery.  You do not “need” that food.  Choose another one, eat it and you will be amazed how your spirit will calm.

Prayer:  Father thank You for setting me free from my slavery to foods.  I truly am feeling less addicted to food.  I wanted to order the fish that was one of three dishes the waiter recommended.  It was delicious.  Thank You for giving me the courage to stand firm in my commitment to God Plus one. Thank You for making me want to be free.  Today, continue to give me this freedom.  Today, continue to make me want to stand firm in my choice of healthy foods, the foods You created for me to eat.  They are delicious.  Thank You for giving me freedom.  I will stand firm with You today.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Something brand new”

Forget about what has happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands. Isaiah 43:18-19 MSG

Verse Reflection:  Grace is magnificent.  It eliminates the past and gives us unimaginable hope for the future.  Making a road through the desert is how I have felt on this journey.  I trudge through the sand, moving the sand from the right to the left and then I turn and see that the sand has folded into the landscape and disappeared.  But the problem is I have tried to create the road on my own.  I need to have a peaceful confidence that Christ is making this road.  He is bringing water into the desert.  God is “about to do something brand-new”.  Hallelujah, God be praised.  We can have perfect-peace and know that Christ has overcome the world and therefore has overcome our challenges.  We are inviting Him on this journey with us.  That is all the difference.  We are going to tell Him over and over that we trust Him.  The past is gone and today is brand-new.  Fear of failure is gone because we are no longer dependent on ourselves.  God is changing us, He is changing our choices.  He will walk with You everyday.  We are going to achieve the victorious life that God has promised us.  We will forget my failures and we will celebrate with God the victory we will have today.  We will look at our past as a beautiful opportunity for God to show His transformative power.  We must not miss the opportunity to be alert.  It is too easy to just run to a meal and eat it quickly.  God’s power and glory is at work.  We need to stop and acknowledge it.  We must be alert and thank God for this power, we must be present and allow God to convict us in our choices.

Prayer:  I know that You are able to do “far more than I have asked”.  If you can create roads in the middle of sand, changing me is easy.  I want to live in the joy of Your “bursting out”.  Let me walk through the door of light You burst out of and allow me to see a view I have never seen because You have taken me to new heights.  God, You can multiply my weakness and in so doing create a strength.  Do not let me teeter on the edges of my inadequacies, my inabilities.  You can change me forever.  You promise me that you are about to do something brand-new.  My soul sings with this promise.  This hope protects me from my own feelings that sabotage my ability to eat Your wonderful foods.  Nothing can stop us Christ if we work together on healthy eating choices.  Lord, I know that seven days of eating healthy will only equal one pound.  The world has told me that this is not enough.  And yet, You promise me a river in the badland.  I will either weigh more in seven days or less in seven days.  I choose to walk with Your transformative power in this journey that will change my life until the day I join You in heaven.  Seven days at a time we are going to “do something brand-new” in my life.  Thank You for creating this new road through the sifting sand of my life.  I adore You and trust You with all my heart and soul.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Trust in the Rock”

Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself is the Rock eternal. Isaiah 26:4

Verse Reflections:  I am so glad to know that the Lord is the Rock, sturdy, hard, unyielding.  I, on the other hand, am more like clay.  I look sturdy, hard, unyielding when the sun is shining and baking me dry.  But as soon as the rains come I become slushy and squishy.  I slide off the path on days and leave a hollow hole that I, myself then fall into.  This verse is why we have to come to God every day.  We cannot trust in ourselves forever, only the Lord.  We are not as strong as He is.  We cannot eat right, eat healthy without his leadership.  We will do well for a few days, a few weeks, even a few months but then the rains will come and we will just slide off.  Why not live the life, not walk a path temporarily?  I love that God gives us one thing we can indulge in every day with no guilt, no chastisement, no regrets.  He has given us a way to live.  He is strong enough to help us live it.  Thank You Jesus! I am going to trust in the Lord because He is eternal.  I am temporary.  I yield, He does not.  I slip and slide, He stays sturdy.  I change forms when the rains come, He remains strong, firm keeping the same form.  Today we are going to trust in the Rock.

Prayer:   Lord, I am so glad to be reminded that You are the Rock.  When I see myself sliding, slipping, yielding to temptation I can remember that You are unyielding.  You are powerful and strong.  I can stand on You and not worry about slipping.  Thank you for Your strength.  I have to have it.  Time has proven that no matter how hard and strong I look on the outside I am soft and yielding on the inside and I cannot face my own temptations alone.  Lord, food is such a crazy, silly item for the devil to have His influence in.  And yet drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, pornography, hording, anger… none of those things tempt me at all.  He knows where to strike us all doesn’t he?  And I am blessed to be called Yours.  That means I can trust in You to have unyielding power over my temptations.  Thank You for healing me. Thank You for giving me the power of the Rock.  Thanks for being my Rock, my foundation.  I cannot eat healthy on my own.  But with You, we have this.  I love You and I am looking forward to God Plus 1 today.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Your whole heart”

I will give them a heart to know Me, for I am the Lord; and they will be My people and I will be their God, for they will return to Me with their whole heart. Jeremiah 24:7

Verse Reflections:  This is what I’m talking about!  If we don’t return to the Lord with our WHOLE hearts we will never be His partners.  He has given us unlimited power through His word, through our prayers to Him.  And yet, we “squeeze it in”.  We make it an afterthought, a thing we do “on the fly”.  We have to be purposeful.  We have to “love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our entire soul so that we might LIVE”!  Deuteronomy 30:6.  We have been trying to eat right with just a surface prayer, without passion.  I don’t know about you but I am passionate about changing.  I can’t keep doing the same thing(s) over and over again.  Eating and gorging then chastising myself and feeling guilty.  I seem to always say tomorrow…  Well this minute is the only minute that will change our lives.  Tomorrow will never change our lives. Seeking God with our whole heart will be only way that we can change.  I am truly enjoying eating God foods and yet, when I don’t stay close to Christ and I mean close to Christ, Satan comes in and fills me with His lies.  He convinces me that tomorrow is good enough to “start”.  Well we all know there is another tomorrow after tomorrow arrives.  We all know that there will be another day that we need to celebrate, or to indulge our depression.  I’m done.  I’m am returning to God with my whole heart.  I am beginning my day with these thirty minutes of passion, of giving my whole heart to God. Then I am exuding confidence that he HAS given me the power to overcome my food addictions.   He HAS given me power to eat His foods, to want His foods.  I’m naming it and claiming it people.  I am using the heart He has given me, the heart that hears His calling.  I know He wants me to do this. And we are doing this!

Prayer:  Okay Lord, I come to You with my whole heart, not just a piece of it.  I love You so much and yet I do just squeeze You in some days.  You know I talk to You every day because You are my best friend but I don’t come to You as my Lord and savior.  Today, I come to You as my Lord, my commander, my savior.  Father, You have already won these battles here on earth.  I have lost this one.  I cannot eat right, make the right choices without You.  I cannot be the general in my own army, of my own battle.  You must lead.  Sometimes, I take Your hand but I am walking beside You, or even leading the way with my little confident self.  Well, it “ain’t” working.  I don’t know why I ever thought it would.  I haven’t done it consciously but I have not been on my knees in surrender.  Here I am surrendering my weaknesses to You, my strength.  I love You more than life itself.  I dedicate myself to Your leadership today with my whole heart.  Lead me and guide me today in everything I do.  I will start my day with a healthy breakfast even though I hate breakfast.  Okay, first words I hear from You today is that I need to change my words, they are powerful.  New words:  I am going to enjoy breakfast this morning and every morning.  Thank You for the privilege of living in a country where food is plentiful and even when there are financial issues I still eat.  You are my Lord.  Thank You for loving me enough to care about my battle, the place that temptation strikes me.  We got this together, but I am going to let You lead the way.  Love You

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“It’s a lie”

“You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to Eve. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good from evil.”…”The woman said, ‘The serpent deceived me, and I ate.’” Genesis 3:4 & 13

Verse Reflections:  Every day Satan lies to me.  Every day he tells me “that won’t hurt you”, “just one”, he takes the truth and weaves it to his advantage.  Adam and Eve did not physically die but their innocence died that day.  Their purity disappeared.  They began to hide themselves, their bodies and their actions from God.  Someone in a Sunday School class that I taught asked me why I thought my bulimia was a sin.  I explained that sin is anything that separates us from God.  When I overeat to the point of misery, when I overindulge and then peamuff I am definitely separating myself from God.  Those of you reading this book can probably relate.  There will be others in your lives that cannot relate.  For those of us who do not have a problem with alcohol, we can have a glass or two of wine and it is amazing, pure, Jesus is right there with us having a nice evening.  For the alcoholic, the drink separates Him from God because for him it is a sin.  For the food addict, there are invisible lines we have drawn in the sand that no one else can see.  When we cross them we feel separated from God.  Part of my problem is that I have drawn the lines in the sand where no lines have to exist.  God does not separate himself from us, we separate ourselves from Him.  Satan is deceiving us, telling us in one ear that it is okay and then he throws the guilt at us and tells us that we have crossed the line in the other ear.  God just waits and loves us.  We must stop listening to Satan’s deceit.  We can eat God’s foods and change our patterns.  We can even eat other foods and be okay.  We can protect our lives, erase the lines by starting our day out with God.  His word will protect us.  God’s word is our sword , faith in Him is our shield that will protect us from Satan’s fiery arrows of deceit.  When Jesus was tempted in the desert by Satan, He quoted scripture back to Satan.  When we start our day with God’s word we are not vulnerable to his deceit.  God shines light in the darkness.

Prayer:  Lord, protect my ears from Satan’s words, Satan’s temptations.  I know Satan was the most intelligent angel in heaven so he has a vast array of tools in His backpack.  But I know You are omnipotent, omniscient.  You can protect me, Your word is my sword to cut any temptation to shreds.  I lift up my life to You today and ask that You protect me Father.  I claim truth and the power in truth.  “The truth shall set you free”.  Yes Lord, I want to be free today, free from food temptations, free from food addiction, free from cravings, free from guilt associated with overeating.  I want to close my ears to words of deceit.  I want to close my eyes to lusts of foods that I walk past.  I want to close my sense of smell to the lure of beautiful creations coming from the oven.  I love You more than my own life and yet, I am often not disciplined enough to listen to Your instructions.  Today I come to You knowing I need Your truth, Your power to set me free.  I love You.  Have a great day.  Together we have this.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Power in His name”

The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10.

Verse Reflections:  Some days, I need the comfort of this image.  I love knowing that God’s name in and of itself has power, it is high above the earth as a tower, it is fortified and strong and nothing can tear it down.  We can run to the name of the Lord and know we are safe.  Today, I need that knowledge that God is stronger than I am.  I spent all weekend eating and I got up this morning ready to start again full force.  I am not even having coffee or diet coke now.  We are going to blow the God foods out of the water.  I am going to call on the name of God today to give me the power to rise above my eating addictions.  I am going to know that I am protected.  I am going to run to His name and I will be safe.

Prayer:  Thank You God for the power in this verse.  I need it.  My own power is not working.  I have not been going to Your word and I feel the difference.  Lord, I am trying to invest in the right-ness You have called me to do so I claim my righteousness by Your power.  You tell us the righteous can run to Your name and we will be safe!  I love You and I am going to eat all God food today and I am excited about it.  Thank You for Your power.  Thank You for the safety You give me.  I love You and I am looking forward to eating God foods all day with Your help.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



Crucifying the flesh

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Galatians 5:24

Verse Reflections:  It is easier said than done, crucifying our passions and desires.  And yet, I think the first five words of this verse say it all… “those who belong to Christ”.  When I get up in the morning and begin my day with Christ, it seems my passion for food is manageable.  In fact, instead of having a million foods go through my head I am able to think of delicious God foods and get excited about them.  When I jump up and begin my day without focusing on God it seems my passions and desires for foods take over.  For me this is a daily process of crucifying.  It never ceases to amaze me the power of just a little time with God in the morning.  I feel a little like Harry Potter with the cloak of invisibility over me.  The world can’t touch me when I start my day with Christ.  So today, we are going to crucify our cravings!  We are going to have fun eating our God foods and eliminate the unhealthy extras.  This will be my second day with no coffee or diet coke.  I will be travelling for 6-12 hours in the car so God take over my habits, I’m ready to give them to You.

Prayer:  Dear Father,  I am ready.  I am ready to crucify my cravings, to allow You to crucify my cravings.  We are starting over today and dedicating my living, my eating to You.  I do belong to You, therefore, crucify the passions my flesh has for eating unhealthy foods.  You have given us amazing foods that are delicious.  Focus my thoughts, my time, my passions on these foods today and every day.  Give me the power to not drink diet cokes and coffee.  Allow me to crave the carbonated water and have fun drinking the bubbles.  Thank You for allowing me to exercise tonight.  Bless my day so that I might bless Yours.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“the Spirit’s desires”

But those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. Romans 8:5

Verse Reflections:  Yes!  This is why this works.  If we start with God’s word every day then our minds will be in accordance with the Spirit.  This will allow our minds to crave the right foods.  I find it is a cycle that starts with God’s word.  I truly cannot crave the right foods without the power of God’s word.  This verse came to me tonight as my waitress asked if I wanted desert.  I did.  But, I did not order one as I reminded myself that I can live in accordance with the Spirit.  I WILL live in accordance with the Sprit.  I WILL set my mind on what the Spirit desires.  He desires that we are healthy.  He desires that we not let food come between us and Him.  Food comes between me and God.  I think about food as often as I think about God.  I spend more time cooking and eating than I spend on time with Him.  Food sometimes becomes my priority.  I love that on the days I begin with God’s word my entire priorities change.  When I think of food I also think of God now.  His word, His spirit is intertwining my favorite two thoughts:  God and food.  We got this – think of food think of God.  Think God foods.

Something hit me as I was running this morning and thinking on this verse.  In this verse Actions come before the Mindset.  That is a revolutionary point.  We have to make the choices before it is easy.  We have to eat God foods before we quit craving the processed foods.  We have to Do BEFORE it is Easy.  We must live according to the spirit and eventually our mind will follow our actions.  I have always waited on it to be easy first.  I keep waiting on God to change my mind, to make me WANT to eat right.  It just doesn’t happen.  And yet, now that I am eating God foods I am craving processed foods less and less.  I know a lot of this is a physical reaction.  And a lot of it is developing healthy habits.  Now this verse reveals that it is also the Holy Spirit.

When we live and we set our minds according to what the Spirit desires then we will begin to desire what the Holy Spirit desires.

Prayers:  God, thank You for allowing me to set my mind on what You desire for me.  This gives me such confidence.   I pray that Your spirit will take over my body today that I will live as You would have me live. That Your spirit will take over my mind today that I will have my mind set on Your desires.  I love You Father and I need You to stay close to me today.  Yesterday, I started out good and then I inhaled a splurge that kept me awake.  No, I did not read my verse and write my devotion until later.  I am sorry.  I need Your power close even when I don’t get to start my day in Your word.  I need Your power to take over my mind.  I need Your power to take over my choices.  Thank You Father for surrounding me.  I will give it my all down here.  Love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



Show your wisdom

Who is a wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom? James 3:13

Verse reflections:  I want to concentrate on this wisdom, this humility.  It hit me the other day that I am a “bounce back person”.  I rely on others to give me positive reinforcement for the way I look.  Just a quick smile, a confident head nod, a glimmer of recognition that I “look good”.  That is the only reason I get “ready” in the morning.  I want others to recognize the time and effort I put into looking good.  Honestly, I could care less about putting time into myself for myself or for God.  I want the bounce back reinforcement that I get from others.  I admire those I see that just walk along and don’t notice the feedback they get from others.  I think that is a reflection of the wisdom and understanding God is referring to in the verse above.  The good life, the deeds done in humility are more important to them than the feedback they get from others.

Prayer:  Father, today, let me concentrate (as my hair is up in rollers) on my good life, my deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.  I don’t like my good deeds know and publicized but to be perfectly honest I do want others to recognize that I “look good”.  I love the bumper sticker that Joy got me that says, “I know I am efficient, tell me I am beautiful”.  Take that desire away from me Lord.  Help me to want to be healthy and wise and humble in this new phase of life.  I love you and I know you have made me reasonably attractive.  I want to not take that for granted and yet not try to get “bounce back” approval from others.  Allow me to just be happy inside myself with the way I look and just get feedback from You.  Today we are going to eat healthy for healthy sake and forget any “bounce back”.  We are going to concentrate on living our good life with deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom.  Love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“We are God’s handiwork”

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advanced for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

Verse Reflections:  Oh I am so glad that God prepared me in advanced to do good works.  It relaxes my soul to know I don’t have to work so hard to prepare myself for His callings or at least I don’t have to worry about being good enough for His calling.  Knowing we are created by God “in Christ Jesus” to do good works lets us know the importance of accepting our imperfections and giving them over to the grace of Jesus.  Our faults just are.  But Jesus gives us the forgiveness to leave our mistakes behind and go forward into good works.  We are so blessed as Christians not to carry the heavy burden of guilt, or self-recrimination.  We can move forward every day with a fresh opportunity to greet the sunshine and know that we are God’s handiwork.  We have been created by the Master.  Knowing that allows me the freedom, the energy to breathe in and make the right choices in foods.  On the days I feel guilt or anxiety or don’t stop to breathe and begin running with my huge task list I do not have the energy to concentrate on choosing the right foods.  Today I am going to breathe in, claim the beauty I have as God’s handiwork.  Knowing I am beautiful in God’s eyes makes me want to protect that beauty.  Today I am going to know that I have been prepared in advanced to do good works.  I believe those good works start with caring for my body.  Today I am going to make God choices.  When I feel great about myself, I can extend my blessings to others and do good works for others.

Prayer:  Father, I love You so much.  I thank You for making me Your handiwork.  That is a beautiful thought.  I think of Mom spending hours at the sewing machine, making us clothing, her handiwork.  The image of You creating me with the same time and care humbles me but makes me feel so valuable knowing you invested Your love in me.  Father, knowing that, how can I choose to put crap into my body that will not honor Your creation.  I think that would be like putting on a new outfit Mom made for me and then rolling in the mud.  When I put crap in my body, it is like filling my body with dirt, making my organs work hard to metabolize it and evacuate it.  Today I am going to wear my handiwork with pride and I am going to eat beautiful foods that will make the colors more vibrant.  Give me the strength to make these choices with pride without pausing.  Thank You for loving me, and patiently sewing me together.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Protected by God”

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:11

Verse Reflections:  I like to blame the devil’s schemes on my failure to eat right.  In my head, He is the one whispering in my ear to have some of that cream cheese pound cake, fried chicken… And I have to say, the word “schemes” is pretty accurate.  Every day, someone, at some event comes up with a great reason for me to wait until tomorrow to make the right choices:   someone’s birthday, someone’s feelings because they cooked a wonderful desert or meal, a buffet of homemade foods, the perfect food I don’t get to indulge in often…  I will admit that the devil knows this is my weakness so his schemes sometimes pay off.  I am getting stronger with these devotions.  It helps to stop every day and focus on God.  The devil’s tricks do not pay off when I come to God each day for His word (the offensive sword).  If I am on the offense, I don’t have to worry as much about the defensive protection of armor.  However, when I stop and talk to God, listen to God, I automatically have the helmet of salvation, the belt of truth, the breast plate of right-ness (righteousness).  It amazes me how easy it is to be fully armored when I just stop for 30 minutes, even 15 minutes a day to read the word of God and weave it into my soul.  I CAN stand against the devil.  I WILL stand against the devils schemes.  If you are reading this, you understand that eating can be a tool he uses to make us less Godly.  I am wearing the armor of God, my breastplate has been soaked in the living waters of God so that I can withstand the fiery arrows of the devil.  We’ve got this!! God plus 1 devotion automatically gears us up and protects us.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for Your armor of protection.  I love starting my day with Your word and incorporating it into my struggle against eating healthy.  When I start with the offensive sword of Your word, it is truly like a miracle wrapping me in a cocoon of protection that allows me to want to make the right choices of foods.  The breastplate of righteousness (right-ness) just slips right on when I read Your word.  You save me from myself by putting the helmet of salvation on my head.  Thank You!  I don’t understand Your power but I do know when I start my day with You, I am a different person.  Save me from this temptation that I have.  Allow me to crave the vegetables and fruits You created, the beautiful grilled meats with tasty seasonings.  Thank You Lord.  We are going to have a great day.  I love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Do not be discouraged”

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8

Verse Reflections:  Changing a lifetime of eating the wrong foods takes time.  I love the thought of God going before me.  If He goes before me then I know the path is cleared of anything that can trip me up.  He also promises in this verse that He will be with us and not leave or forsake us.  If we fall, He will pick us up.  If we indulge, He will not leave us.  He will give us the energy to face another day.  We do not need to be discouraged.  We do not need to be afraid to try again.  We will fail, we are human.  We will feel like we cannot do this and we will be afraid to try.  “If we don’t try we can’t fail”.  NO!!  If we don’t try we will never succeed.  And I look at it this way, every day I succeed is one less day I failed.  Even if my life is speckled with failure I need to concentrate on making the majority of my days successes.  I will not be discouraged if I eat three non-God foods.  I will try to eat all God foods for two more days.  God is going before us.  God will not leave our side no matter what happens.  We can do this.  We will not be discouraged.  We are beautiful, great people made in the image of God and He is by our sides.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for going before me.  I love that You are going to put healthy choices in my path.  You are going to give me the energy, the desire to pick myself up and make today successful.  You are going to eliminate my discouragement and stay by my side.  Knowing You are with me allows me strength from deep inside to know I can do this.  YOU will not forsake me.  YOU will go before me.  YOU will take away my fear.  YOU will take away my discouragement when I do not see any changes.  I love these thoughts.  Give me Your power to make healthy eating choices.  Give me Your power to be Your child that makes the right decisions to honor my body.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Bringing God to dinner”

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Revelation 3:20

Verse reflections:  He is knocking.  We have to be quiet enough to hear the knock.  We have to spend enough time with Him to recognize His voice.  Then we have to be obedient enough to open the door.  All of those things being done, He will come into our lives and eat with us.  Wow!!  If Christ is here eating with us, I know we will want to serve Him the foods He created.  We will want to show off our culinary talents but make sure we are eating foods He will approve of.  I think it is intimidating to think that He won’t come eat with us until after we hear the knock, until after we hear His voice.  That puts a lot of responsibility on us to be quiet enough, still enough to stay in touch with Him.  This time we are spending right now reading His word and putting His words in perspective for our struggles is allowing us that privilege.  God is good.  He gives us the solutions to our problems but we do have to give Him that power.  He is knocking.  YOU have to go to the door.  YOU have to open the door.  YOU have to hear His voice.  Then YOU have to invite Him in for dinner.  I think back fondly to having company when I was growing up.  Many times, we would not invite people over to eat with us until we cleaned the house.   Grace allows us to invite God over now, just as we are.   We can sit down with God and eat even when we are not perfect, even when our house is not as clean as we want it to be.  In fact, Christ is the best company of all.  He will help us clean our house after He comes in.  I like that thought a lot.  He’s already had breakfast with me today.  I’m looking forward to lunch and dinner with my best friend who I am inviting inside.

Prayer:  Father, I hear Your voice through Your word.  I thank You that You have given us this gift of power.  I love having You close by my side.  I sometimes forget that I have to act.  I often think of You as the one who will come to me.  I forget that You never move.  It is me that moves.  I get too busy to hear Your voice.  I get too self-oriented and busy with my own tasks to simply walk over to You and open the door(s) that separate me from You.  A simple door and yet a huge chasm between me and Your power.  God, thank You for this verse that reminds me of my own responsibilities to You.  You have the power and yet, You have given us access to this power through a few simple steps.  All I have to do is stop my life long enough to come to You.  I do hear Your voice this morning.  I am walking over to the door to let You in even as I pray.  Thank You Father for this beautiful, amazing privilege of dining with You.  I will invite You into my body, Your temple, Your home to dine with me today.  Let’s have fun eating Your pure, amazingly delicious foods together.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Don’t indulge-serve”

“You my brothers and sisters were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh, rather, serve one another humbly in love.” Galatians 5:13

Verse reflections:  Once again, God is reminding us that we have the freedom to access God’s power or indulge in ourselves.  We can choose to love God, serve others or serve ourselves.  Every day, three times a day, we eat, we serve ourselves.  How many times a day do we serve others?  We are wealthy enough to have the freedom to choose what we eat, how much we eat.  We can choose to indulge in unhealthy foods or even too much of healthy foods.  OR we can use this freedom to think of others before ourselves.  I wonder what it would be like if every time we dished up a spoonful of food we thought of ways to serve others.  Would it change our way of looking at food?  Would it change our way of looking at eating?  Today, I am going to think of how I can serve others, “humbly in love” each time I dish up a spoonful of food.  I loved yesterday’s verse, using our freedom to open the door to God.  Today we can leave that door open and open another door to serving others which in turn gives them access to the power of God.  Imagine a clear pathway for those we are serving to God because You and I chose to simply open the door to God and then open the door to them.  Oh, what a beautiful picture.  How much more beautiful than simply sitting down at a meal and indulging our flesh.  Today, we are going to concentrate on serving others rather than ourselves and giving them access to the power of God in the process.

Prayer:  My soul is just singing inside with this beautiful imagery.  Your word is full of such gorgeous ways of looking at this limited earth.  I’ve never thought about my actions as opening the path of Your power to others.  Give me the strength to change my tendency to “indulge the flesh” to one of serving others in humbly in love.  I have often found when I stay busy, I eat less.  This verse is further proof that there is a reason.  If I am serving others, I do not think of myself as much.  Today, open my eyes to others and their needs.   Make me humble.  I have found when I am humble, I automatically think of others more than I do myself.  Allow me to keep the door open to You while I open a second door to those in need.  Then allow me to duck so that they can feel Your power, Your presence through both open doors.  Take this action and convert it to an automatic change in my need to indulge my body with food.  Today, Lord we are going to serve others together.  Let’s go.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Teach me”

Teach me to do your will for You are my God, may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. Psalm 143:10

Verse reflections:  We have a lot to learn.  I have developed some bad eating habits, some unhealthy cravings.  I love the idea of God teaching us to eat better.  He gives us a great lesson in Daniel.  Daniel takes a firm stand against indulging in wine, in rich foods.  He eats a healthy combination of fruits and vegetables and God honors his stance even to the extent of saving him from a vicious death by a lion.  This lesson is one that we can use to learn God’s will.  He is our teacher over and over in the word.  And yet, I have read it enough to know that I should honor my body.  I need Him to teach me HOW to His will.  I know His will.  And yet, so often I fail to do His will, this is a new concept to me.  We need to ask God to teach me to do His will.   I truly believe that He has revealed this plan to me: eating God foods + one additional splurge.  After riding a roller coaster of writing foods down, eating packaged foods, following someone else’s plan, I love the idea of the Spirit leading me on “level ground”. I have decided I would rather have the extra weight than continue down these crazy paths.  I have to have an option that will work for the rest of my life and I believe this is the plan.  Today He is going to teach us how to do His will.  We are going to eat God foods.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for teaching me to do Your will. Thank You for leading me on level ground.  This sounds like a simple verse but for those of us struggling with weight loss it is actually a revolutionary verse.  Level ground is what we are craving.  We want to be taught to do Your will.  We want to live on level ground.  Thank You Father for once again giving us what we need.  Today, I am going to claim these verses in my life.  You are teaching me to eat God foods.  Today, I am going to be the student that wants to learn.  You are leading me on level ground.  Today, I am going to enjoy walking, then running on this level ground and avoiding the roller coasters of craziness.  I live in Your body Lord.  Let’s take care of it together.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!




For physical training is of some value but godliness has value for all things, holding ground for both the present life and the life to come. 1Timothy 4:8

Verse Reflections:  I am blessed to love “physical training”.  If I didn’t love to exercise I have no doubt I would weigh 100 pounds more than I do now.  I figured out one day that I would gain 30 pounds a year if I didn’t run.  YIKES!!  I spend a minimum of three hours a week running and I try to spend five hours running.  I’m not fast, but I do it and I love it.  So, this verse is telling me that this is of some value but godliness has more.  Godliness has value for ALL things not just our bodies.  My soul smiles when I hear God talk about preparing for the life to come, the life without bodies.  If I spend three to five hours exercising, how much more time should I spend in devotion, prayer, in developing my godliness?   I have to confess, it is hard for me to make time for these devotions you are reading now.  I have to make myself not turn on the news in the morning, not begin some of my habits I love before I finish this time with God.  I must remembers that the time building my godliness is more valuable and when these physical bodies are gone, the time I put into my soul will continue to have value.

Prayer:  Father, keep reminding me of this verse.  Keep reminding me that my time with You is more important than anything I can do for my body.  I know I am a better person when I invest time into You in the morning. I am more grounded, I am calmer when things happen, I do not look at what happens from an egocentric viewpoint.  I love You Father, more than my body and yet, I spend a full day a week, seven to twelve hours exercising, eating, showering, fixing my hair.  Remind me each morning that I must integrate You into every part of my life.  Today, I want You to just be here with me.  Restore my godliness at a level that is beyond me.  I want that value for the life to come.  I want to have godliness that will sustain me and be me when my body is gone.  I love You so much.  Come into my body, take over today and let me have godliness that makes food seem irrelevant in the big picture of life.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Endurance and Hope”

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. Romans 15:4

Verse Reflections:  Amen and amen.  I need this verse to be reminded that I must continue, endure, this new eating habit even when the weight does not fall off.  I must know that the Scriptures will give me encouragement and hope.  I am truly learning new life eating habits.  It is not easy.  I am used to eating what I want to when I want to.  Then following a rigid plan to take it back off again.  I have to find a balance where I don’t have to think so hard, work so hard.  This verse reminds me that I can do this, we can do this.  We can endure the hard part of finding the balance that will last a lifetime.  I can feel a difference inside my head, I am making better choices.  I am beginning to “show” a difference that gives me hope and encouragement.  But I think my biggest hope and encouragement comes from knowing without any outside accountability that I am becoming healthier in my choices.  I know that this will make a difference in my long-term health and care of my body.  We can eat God foods.  Be encouraged and have hope for changes that will influence the rest of your life.  Claim this “endurance taught in the scriptures”.  We have this.

Prayer:  Father, I just keep finding wonderful treasures in Your word that speak to me where I am in my life journey.  Who would think there were so many verses in the Scripture that help me with my eating issues?  You are telling me that You teach us endurance in the Scripture.  This comes at a great time when I am not wanting to “keep it up”.  You go further and give me encouragement and hope.  Father, I lay my life at your feet.  I lay my body at Your feet. This is Your body.  Right now I am carrying extra weight that weighs on my knees and causes me to not be able to “spring up” from a sitting position.  And we aren’t even talking about fitting into my close and “looking good”.  So, let’s endure together.  Give me the desire to endure a life change.  I’m tired of the quick fixes.  I am going to worship You through my endurance.  Thank You for this scripture that does give me hope and encouragement today when I need it most.  Love You.  Have a great day.

Daily Challenge

Verse Reflections:  Amen and amen.  I need this verse to be reminded that I must continue, endure, this new eating habit even when the weight does not fall off.  I must know that the Scriptures will give me encouragement and hope.  I am truly learning new life eating habits.  It is not easy.  I am used to eating what I want to when I want to.  Then following a rigid plan to take it back off again.  I have to find a balance where I don’t have to think so hard, work so hard.  This verse reminds me that I can to this, we can do this.  We can endure the hard part of finding the balance that will last a lifetime.  I can feel a difference inside my head, I am making better choices.  I am beginning to “show” a difference that gives me hope and encouragement.  But I think my biggest hope and encouragement comes from knowing without any outside accountability that I am becoming healthier in my choices.  I know that this will make a difference in my long-term health and care of my body.  We can eat God foods.  Be encouraged and have hope for changes that will influence the rest of your life.  Claim this “endurance taught in the scriptures”.  We have this.

Prayer:  Father, I just keep finding wonderful treasures in Your word that speak to me where I am in my life journey.  Who would think there were so many verses in the Scripture that help me with my eating issues?  You are telling me that You teach us endurance in the Scripture.  This comes at a great time when I am not wanting to “keep it up”.  You go further and give me encouragement and hope.  Father, I lay my life at your feet.  I lay my body at Your feet. This is Your body.  Right now I am carrying extra weight that weighs on my knees and causes me to not be able to “spring up” from a sitting position.  And we aren’t even talking about fitting into my close and “looking good”.  So, let’s endure together.  Give me the desire to endure a life change.  I’m tired of the quick fixes.  I am going to worship You through my endurance.  Thank You for this scripture that does give me hope and encouragement today when I need it most.  Love You.  Have a great day.



“The richest of fare”

Isaiah 55:2 & 3: Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live.

Verse Reflections:  God repeats “listen, listen”. He is trying to get our attention, to let us know that this is important.  If we eat what is good, we will delight in the “richest of fare”.  We will know the richness that God wants for us in His kingdom, this is not referring to foods here on earth.  We will know health, we will know peace, we will know a relationship with God that is not harmed by our unhealthy choices, our guilt from abusing our bodies.  Then He goes further and says again, “listen” … that you may live.  He wants us to have long lives, he wants us to live fully.  When we eat too much of the wrong foods it affects our bodies.  We wear out our pancreas with too much sugar, we wear out our liver with too much alcohol, we add fat that puts serious stress on our joints and sometimes even our body organs.  We cannot “live” a long life when we make those choice.  God wants us to live here on earth and to experience the richest of fare in His kingdom.

Prayer:  God, I am reminded of the funny Youtube video with the cute little boy saying “Listen Linda Listen” when I read Your “listen listen”.  You are stopping us with this verse.  You are reminding me that this goes beyond me, beyond my clothes not fitting.  You want us to eat what is good so that we can enjoy the richness of Your kingdom.  Help me today to reach out for the richness of Your kingdom, not the richness of foods.  Allow me to listen to You.  I know your commands to “eat what is good” is for my health that I may live.  This is a great verse for me today.  Help me to weave it into my lifestyle.  Help me to crave the foods that are good today and every day.  I will try to listen to You today.  I know that means I have to turn off the noise so I can really hear You.  Hope You have a wonderful day today.  Thanks for being a part of mine.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



"Don't just listen… DO"

Be you doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. James 1:22

Verse Reflections:  Don’t you love the word “doers”.  That is our word for today.  Nike just rephrased this verse with their slogan “Just do it”.  God says “Be a doer”.  Today we are going to be a doer.  We are going to eat God foods because He commands us to treasure our body.  Processed foods do not have the vitamins and minerals that restores our body, which allows growth and regeneration.  We have to take care of this amazing invention created by our Lord.  We have to take in phosphorus for our bones, vitamin A for our eyes and the list goes on and on.  You won’t find these in pasta and Twinkies and Doritos.  Start your day with God’s foods.  I have found when I limit my carbs and sugar to one per day I don’t have compulsive cravings.  Stop and read that again.  When I eat God foods and limit my carbohydrates and sugar infested foods to one per day I do not have compulsive cravings.  For me, that is life changing.  I still have to work on my mind because occasionally my mind will want to fill that black hole that pops up.  The second part of this verse addresses this battle with my mind when I “deceive my own self”.  I can deceive my own self with the best of them,” I only splurged once this week, I only had…. I’ll start again tomorrow…”. I will say that it is sooooo much easier to “be a doer” when my body isn’t craving the same thing my mind is craving.  I can fight a “one front war” when the enemy is only coming from one direction but I cannot fight a two front war.  God allows us the power to separate out our mind and our body. If we eat according to this plan, our body cravings will not be part of the battle.  Then the word of God just has to work on our mind cravings.  This plan of God foods + one has made a huge difference in my life.  Today we are going to “be a doer”.

Prayer:  Lord, today give me the desire to “be a doer”.  Allow me to begin my day with God foods.  I find I crave less when I make myself eat breakfast but it is hard because I really don’t want to eat first thing in the morning.  Allow me the strength to be a doer for breakfast.  Give me the desire to have a healthy snack at 10:00.  Give me the power to want a healthy lunch.  Your verse above gave me a wonderful picture of this plan.  I need to be a doer and not deceive myself.  I am an expert at deceiving myself and rationalizing everything I eat.  Give me clarity of vision to make sure I am not deceiving myself.  I know what to do Lord, help me to be a doer of your commands.  Thank You for giving me the option of having + one because I know I can’t be perfect and I have to give my mind that option in order to not chastise myself every time I have a desert or bread or something else processed.  I chase perfection.  It is an enemy in my life.  I know I am far from it and yet I want to give the appearance of perfection at the very least.  You are brilliant, you give me an out every day.

Allow me to incorporate that brilliance into my lifestyle.  I love You.  ME

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Destroying the work of God”

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and edification. Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a person to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything that will cause your brother or sister to fall. So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves. But whoever has doubts is condemned if they eat, because their eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin. Romans 19-23

Verse Reflections:  I came within a mouse hair of tearing down weeks of the work of God today.  I wanted so badly to pig out and pea muff.  I went to the doctor today and had an ovarian tumor but it ended up just being a fibroid tumor.  It was an emotional roller coaster and then I had to spend an unbudgeted $600 on my car.  I feel wiped out.  I have on my pajamas at 6:00 at night and I am drawing close to God.  I did pig out but I have to allow myself that every once in a while.  I have to cling to the verse that says, “Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves.”  Food is not bad.  Yes, I took in a week’s worth of sugar in one day, and probably three days of calories.  BUT, I did not pea-muff.  I allowed myself a weakness and clung to God’s promise that “all food is clean.”  I stumble, I have doubts.  Therefore for me it is a sin but I love the fact that for God it is not a sin.  Food does not separate Him from us, it separates us from Him.  I have a horrible headache from all the sugar.  Go figure.  And still I indulge.

Prayer:  Father, forgive me when I indulge in food.  Forgive me my lack of strength.  And yet, thank You for keeping me the next step.  Thank You for allowing me to forgive myself and jump back up on the horse while it is still running.  Thank you that tomorrow can be a good one, tonight, this minute can be a good one even with my pain.  You are stronger than my weakness and I claim this.  It actually helps me to know that all food is clean.  I am the one that allowed it to take a position that places it between You and I.  Now I have to change those positions so that I can see You at all times and take Your hand through this journey.  I am weak, You are strong.  Take my hand and walk me down this path I tend to take when I am stressed out.  Why do I make food a weapon?  Is it a mild punishment because I am not invincible?  A sword inserted to make the physical pain louder than the mental pain?  Do I choose a sugar rush as my drug of choice to give me a quick high when my spirits are low?  Is it a cry to You for help?  Do I want to overdose on food so that I am catatonic?  Is an aching stomach easier than focusing on the heartache I so easily (or not) push into a box and lock deep within?  Allow me knowledge that will grow me, mature me in my knowledge of why I change foods into weapons.  Allow me the knowledge of why I come so close to destroying Your work for the sake of food.  Give me the power to not make foods a weapon.  Thank You for the progress so far.  Wrap my day in Your grace.


Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Food fight”

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14

Verse Reflections:  This verse takes a lot of pressure off of me, the competitor.  I want to win.  I want to be as close to perfect as possible.  I want to look perfect, wear my close perfectly, run a good distance.  I want to beat this hold that food has on me.  But this verse tells me to chill out.  This verse tells me that The Lord will fight for us.  Isn’t that a beautiful thought?  We can just be going through our days and God will be in the boxing ring, fighting off our demons.  And yet, we must not ignore the key words “The LORD”.  He must be the Lord of our lives, not just our God we believe in. That means we must give our power to Him, give our time to Him, give our families to Him, give our relationships to Him, give our problems to Him, give our money and our work to Him.  He must be LORD of our lives.  It is simple and yet it is a conscious act of handing over our authority, our leadership to Him.  For me, I have to repeat this process every morning.  I tend to start taking a little bit back, and a little more and a little more until wah-lah at the end of the day I think I am all that and more.  I either rocked the day or I totally blew the day.  Hmmm… I am going to imagine a food fight today with a little impish God throwing the first piece of food.  Then, while I am having fun with the food fight, He runs to the boxing ring to fight off the control food has on me.  Okay, I know this verse says to “be still” but I really have a problem being still.  No, I am not hyperactive just very active.  That is my story and I’m sticking to it.  I am being very still while I “devote” this morning so at least I start off still.

Prayer:  Thank You God for fighting my battles for me.  It really does take pressure off of me to imagine You in a boxing ring behind me or better yet in front of me.  I won’t have to work as hard at just being.  I know I don’t have to be perfect but I tend to want to try to have everything together.  I want my house clean, drawers clean, closets clean, I want my clothes to fit well, I want to have a great figure with no cellulite, I want to be great at my job.  Help me to just be still.  I know instead of focusing on me, I could be still and smell the roses, see the natural beauty, see the wonderful people around me, read scripture.  I think You need me to be still just to refocus on You sometimes.  When I am going and going like the energizer bunny I can be too busy to talk to You.  It helps me so much to start my day by inviting You to lead me.  I am a better person.  Honestly, I tend to talk to You all day even in my business when I start the day with You.  So, today, I once again ask to You to be Lord of my life.  I give You the power to fight my battles for me.  I give You my battle with food.  Today I am going to let You lead my food fight.  I’ve tried to lead for over 30 years and I’m not winning.  It is Your turn.  Thank You for being willing to fight for me.  Love You and adore You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



HOPE in the Lord

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24

Verse Reflections:  Once again, the focus is all back on the Lord.  We can be strong but only if we have our hope in the Lord.  We cannot depend on ourselves.  We cannot depend on a temporary diet.  Yes, we might lose weight but it will come back without long-term changes.  God has given us the food, beautiful pure foods that taste wonderful.  God has instructed us.  We can have hope when He is our Lord, when His plan is our plan, when we listen to His word, when we eat the foods He has created.  Many of us are so frustrated because we have clothes in our closet that we cannot wear, because we are not confident in our looks.  Perhaps we saw a picture of ourselves with arms larger than our head (an optical illusion I’m sure), a stomach that showed through our clothes, a couple (or more) chins.  Whatever the reason we get down on ourselves.  And what do we do?  We eat!  It makes perfect sense to me.  I’ve been doing this for years.  I feel fat so I feel depressed.  I feel depressed so I eat.  And guess what?  For two or three hours I am soooo very happy.  Food is a narcotic for me.  The foods I choose make me happy physically. Then what happens?  I crash, actually my sugar levels crash and so I literally crash physically and mentally.  And so the cycle repeats.  Again and again and again and again… When I limit my carbohydrates to one per day and my “splurges” to one per day I am amazed at how little I crave the “fixes”.  My unhealthy eating habits leave me even hungrier after a meal than I was before I began.  God +1 allows me to stop eating and to feel full.  Amazing.  I can hope in the Lord.  I can be strong and take heart.  My clothes are already fitting better.  I can take heart that slowly but steadily I am getting stronger (and skinnier).

Prayer:  Thank You Father that I can have hope when You are Lord of my life.  Thank You that I can be strong when You are my Lord.  It is an amazing new cycle for me.  When I eat Your foods, I don’t crave the other foods.  Keep me on this path Lord, Keep me strong.  Thank You that I can take heart, I can have hope in the rest of my life.  It has only been five months and I really do have hope in the way I am eating.  Thanks for giving me a new direction I can live with.  You know I am not a lettuce bunny.  I can’t live that way.  Thank You for teaching me that I don’t have to be.  I can eat steak, pork chops, chicken… oh yeah. AND I can fit in my jeans.  Okay, it ain’t pretty yet but I have hope in You.  Thank You for being my Lord, for speaking loud enough for me to hear You and I hope one day I can pass this hope onto others.  You are amazing.  I know my life, all of it would be so much easier if I would just be quiet and listen.  I’m working on it.  I have hope in You.  Thank You for that.  Love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



No burdens

Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden. Even the God who is our salvation. Psalms 68:19

Verse Reflections:  How comforting to know that God bears our burden every day.  Such anxiety relief in giving our burdens over to Him.  He is our salvation.  He saves us from ourselves as well as the challenges of the world.  Rather than eating to overcome our anxiety, we can know a peace because God bears our burdens.  I love this verse that then “blesses” the Lord in thanks.  It allows us to once again take the attention off ourselves and put it on God.  We can bless the Lord with our actions, with our eating, with our choices.  He is willing to bear our burden so the least we can do is to honor Him, to bless Him with our choices.

Prayer:  God, I come to You today in complete amazement that You are willing to bear our burdens.  I have a burden on me today and it humbles me to know You have it.  Thank You for taking the challenges of this world on Yourself.  In return, I do want to bless You, to honor You by choosing the right foods.  Can You be close so I know the answers are in Your hands?  I made it through yesterday.  I give You today.  I love You Lord.  I give You today.  I need You close and we are going to have fun.  Thank You for being my salvation.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



Get your spirit right

Create in me a clean heart, O God; And renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Verse Reflections:  How refreshing to think that we can start each day asking God to renew us.  When we have had a bad week, all we have to do is go to God to wash it away.  I love this!  I am good at hiding the anger, the frustration, the anxiety.  The good news is I get to go to God and have Him renew a right spirit within me.  And it works.  At night I hand it over to God as I go to sleep, I can feel it begin to unleash.  When I wake up I have the privilege of handing it over again. I’m a little slow, it takes two times for me (or more) to hand it over completely.  By the time I go to work it is amazing how energized I am.  I feel light and relieved that I have a God that is bigger than me to give over the details of my life to.  I am able to have a spirit of lightness that makes me smile and have a spirit of joy.  It is amazing to me how much this makes a difference in my ability to choose the right foods, to dedicate my eating to God.  When my spirit is light, it seems I do not need to eat the heavier foods, I do not need to mask my emotions or feed my emotions foods that have an artificial and temporary high.  My high is more permanent and comes from within, from my Lord and Savior.

Prayer:  Father, I come to You in thanks for giving me this clean heart this right spirit.  I so feel the difference when Your spirit takes my day from me, my emotions, my anxieties.  My body literally feels lighter.  So, today, take life from me in a good way.  Eliminate the negative energy that weighs me down.  Eliminate my negativity, my negative perceptions.  Help me to look at the world through Your eyes.  Create the right spirit within me Lord.  I know I can have fun eating God foods when my spirit is light instead of feeding my anxieties with sugar or carbohydrates.  I love that just giving over my day to You makes such a difference.  I love You .  Let’s do this.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“My shield”

But You O Lord, are a shield about me; My glory and the lifter up of my head. Psalms 3:3

Verse Reflections:  This verse makes me imagine God covering me with His angels wings (not Biblical just my fun image) and snuggling me up close to His breast.  I am shielded from life.  I am covered, protected by His power.  I looked up the word “glory”:  honor won by notable achievements, magnificence or great beauty.  So true that God is our honor, our magnificence, our great beauty.  He allows us to be proud, to lift our head when we make Him the source of our honor and beauty instead of ourselves.  We can fail in life, we can be knocked down by life but God is the source of our ability to get back up and have confidence in ourselves.  You can weight 200, 300, 400 pounds and lift your head because God is the source of your beauty.  You can be twenty pounds overweight and continually sabotage your diet but you can life your head because God is the source of your honor and achievements.  I don’t know about you but that takes a lot of pressure off of me.  I am happy to know my accomplishments should not be the source of my pride, thus my failures are not the source of my anxiety.  It doesn’t change who I am, my desire to work hard, to accomplish, to change, to learn.  It does change my anxiety about not being perfect.  There have been times in my life where my husband or others put me on a pedestal and while there is a compliment in that, it also puts a lot of pressure on me.  I like knowing the source of my accomplishments are based on the power, and the abilities given by God.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for shielding me from life.  Thank You for giving me the power to eat Your foods.  Thank You for being the source of my honor and beauty.  Today I want to honor You in return by eating the foods You have given me, chosen for me.  I am humbled by the fact that You shield me.  So often I feel blasted by this world.  How much worse would it be if I was not shielded by Your power?  Thank You for this privilege of being shielded by You.  Thank You for loving me this much.  You are amazing and I want to say thank You by treasuring this beautiful vessel of life You have given me called my body.  I love You, I need You.  We are going to look out at the world today under the protection of Your beautiful wings of feathers and know that we will be a great team.  I will eat Your foods in my little haven of your wings.  I like the idea of having a picnic of grilled vegetables and wonderful smelling items in a little hollowed out recess under Your wings or the wings of the angels You send to protect me.  I love knowing that I hold my head up because YOU are the source of my glory.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“Fully satisfied”

Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You. I will praise You as long as I live, and in Your name I will lift up my hands. I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods. Psalms 63:3-5 NIV

Verse Reflections:  Close your eyes and just breathe in the love of Christ.  Wrap yourself in a blanket of His love, His unconditional, unfailing love.  When we feel it holy, real and all-encompassing we just want to glorify Him, share Him, praise Him.  Music surrounds me with His love.  There are certain songs I listen to and I just have to stop life and lift my hands in praise to Him. I get this verse.  I feel this verse at times.  The rest of the world falls away and God and I are alone in the room even when it is filled with people. However, I need the second part of this verse as a food addict: “I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods.”  We need to take the feeling of being wrapped in God’s love, this craving for God’s love and know that it is enough.  We don’t need the rich foods to make us satisfied.  All we need is God’s love.  We need to carve this verse into our soul and feel fully satisfied before we pick up a fork each day.  God’s beautiful, pure foods are enough.  God’s love is enough.  We can be fully satisfied by His love and let His love sooth our souls as we have for so long allowed food to sooth our souls.  No longer.  We will not eat rich foods to satisfy cravings that are not even physical.  We will not eat rich foods to create more cravings that are physical.  We will break this cycle of eating sugars and carbs and physically craving more sugars and carbs.  God Plus 1.  We will be satisfied with the love of God.  It is enough.

Prayer:  Thank You Lord that we can be satisfied with Your love.  It amazes me that I have been doing my eating devotions for five months now and every day You lead me to another verse that speaks to me.  I guess the fact that eating was one of the ways Satan tried to tempt Jesus lets me know that this is not a new issue for mankind.  It is definitely my issue.  Today Lord let me wrap myself in Your love so that I want to lift my hands in praise.  Take that love and insert it into my soul.  Allow me to be satisfied as I am when I pig out on rich foods.  I love that David also felt that physical satisfaction that comes from eating rich foods.  And yet, he got the fact that he didn’t need the rich foods.  So Father, satisfy my soul.  Fill me to the point of brimming over today.  Allow me to be completely satisfied by You.  That is the secret for me Father, to start my day with You so that I am full inside and I am not seeking to fill an empty cavity inside the center of my being.  Thank You God for being the one that fills me.  Thank You for these verses.  They are the perfect way for me to start my day with You.  Love You.  God foods here we come because my soul is full and satisfied.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“God holds your hand”

For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, ‘Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13 NIV

Verse Reflections:  We do not have to fear!  We do not have to worry about losing weight, about sticking with this plan.  We do not have to worry about life.  God will take hold of our right hand.  How awesome that God will TAKE hold of your right hand.  There are times in life where we are too weak to reach up to Him.  There are times in life when we just don’t have the energy to take the initiative in our relationship with Him.  How comforting to know that He will reach down and take hold of our hand.  We do have to make Him our Lord in order to give Him that power.  He needs to be the one we allow to lead our lives, the core of our soul, the core of our decisions.  I find it interesting that each time I discover a verse like this where He takes the initiative in our relationship, it begins with the word Lord.  Once He becomes our Lord, the leader of our lives we are given so much.  He is telling us that we do not have to fear in this world.  He is telling us that He will help us.  I can’t imagine going through life without knowing that I have the greatest power in the universe by my side.  I don’t know about you, but I just can’t do life by myself.  It can be overwhelming.  And this is one of the reasons I have turned to food.  It gives me a temporary high.  It allows me to “control” something in my life.  If something in life stinks at least I have cookies or doughnuts or hamburgers or French fries or a glass of wine…  And I am the best expert on earth to find a reason to make myself feel better with food.  God is telling us here that we do not need that.  He’s got life.  Imagine that problem that is in the back of your mind right now.  Hand it over to Him and thank Him for taking care of it.   Now relax and enjoy your day because God says we do not have to fear.  He will take our hand and help us.  Eat His foods and chillax.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for taking my hand today.  Thank You for telling me that I do not have to fear.  Thank You for loving me.  This verse means so much to me.  I love knowing that Your big self is up there loving on me and caring enough about me and my problems to reach down and take my hand.  Lord, I don’t take this for granted.  For me being able to relax, to “not fear” to know that You are helping me allows me to eat the right foods instead of choosing foods to spite the system or the way my day is going.  Today I am going to chillax because I know You are taking my hand and helping me through life and thus You are helping me eat God foods.  Let’s have fun today Father eating the glorious foods You created for us to eat here on earth.  I am excited to see where this day goes with You leading the way.  I love You more than You can imagine and I am going to glorify You with my choices of foods, my mindset and my body (Your Holy temple).

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



“God will prevail”

No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord. Isaiah 54:17 NIV

Verse Reflections:  Yes!!  The temptation of overeating is a weapon.  The temptation to eat three processed foods in one day (like I did yesterday) is real.  And the calories in those three foods doubled everything else I ate.  What was I thinking?  Today God reminds me that this weapon will not prevail!  I love that I have a heritage from God to be healthy.  He is going to help me and we are going to have vindication against this temptation.  I love that God understands ALL the weapons forged against us.  There is a reason one of the temptations for Jesus in the desert was turning the rocks into bread.  If satan had added butter to this temptation he might have had me.  Jesus knows the power of food for some of us.  Jesus also knew the power of scripture over every temptation which is why He quoted a verse for every temptation thrown at Him.  The amazing, wonderful news is that no temptation exists that God cannot overcome.  He is telling us in this verse that He will prevail, therefore, we will prevail against this weapon.  We have a heritage of power.  He will vindicate us.

Prayer:  Thank You Jesus for prevailing against the weapon of food for me.  I love waking up every morning and searching Your word for power.  Your words fill me with strength for the day.  Yesterday, I went right into my day and yes, I blew it.  But today is a new day, a day filled with Your power.  I praise You that you just bluntly tell me that no weapon forged against me can prevail.  I’m claiming it Lord.  Food will not have power over me.  I am Your servant today and we are going to prevail against food. I love that You have given me a heritage as Your child.  I need that heritage, I need the knowledge that all the responsibilities of this world are not sitting on my shoulders.  You’ve got this.  Thank You for letting me begin my day with this crazy little issue I have so I can focus on others and bigger needs during the day.  I hope I honor You by working with You to conquer the power food has on me.  Now we can work on being there for others, which is my passion, what really drives me to enjoy life.  You rock Lord, thank You for prevailing.  Open my eyes now so that I may not pass one who needs me.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!

Did you know? WebMD and Harvard Medical School agree that is has not been proven that calorie free drinks is linked to obesity.  Studies can be found to support both extremes of this issue. 



“Victory through Jesus”

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 15:57

Verse Reflections:  The power of Jesus Christ gives us victory.  Food (or drink, or cigarettes, or drugs) has no power over us.  We can start our day knowing that Jesus has given us victory over temptation.  We can thank Him in advance knowing that His power is greater than any temptation.  We have victory.  Name it and claim it.  The word for today is victory because He has won the battle for us.  We sometimes think we have to fight and fight and lose and lose.  The reality is all we have to do is get up and read His word.  There is power in His scripture, in His words.  I don’t understand it but I have lived it.  He has conquered my fight with food.  When I start my day with Him I know it, I live it.  Implanting God’s word in my heart seems to just grow a shield between me and my temptations.  They just lose their power.  I have won the battle and don’t even have to fight.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for this victory.  Thank You for the power that takes away the battle.  I don’t even have to face the fight when I start my day with You.  Why do I even try to face days without starting them with You?  I apologize.  I know your power.  I have used and absorbed Your power.  You are my best friend and I do talk to You every day but some days I get so busy I forget to ask You to walk beside me.  I forget to merge Your words with mine.  I forget to weave Your power into my soul.  Today I am beginning my day by thanking You for the victory You have won over my temptations to overeat.  I want to bless You as You have blessed me.  We have this day together.  Love You.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One exercise per day`
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One (or zero) serving of non-God food a day
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!


Did you know:  One serving of leafy greens a day was associated with a slower cognitive decline.  2017 study by Rush University Medical Center



“Nothing unclean”

But I (Peter) said, Not so, Lord: for nothing common or unclean has at any time entered my mouth. Acts 11:8

Verse Reflections:  Oh my goodness, Peter was a better man than me.  Eating common foods, non-God foods has been my modish operando.  Interestingly, at this point he was actually arguing with God about killing an animal and eating it.  God answers, “What God has cleansed, that call not common.”  Bottom line, what God has created is not common or unclean.  He is commanding Peter to partake of meat.  I find it interesting that Daniel actually avoided meat but here God is commanding Peter to eat meat.  Obviously, once again the message is that nothing God created is bad for us.  The details are not important.  We have to find what is right for us.  God has made it easy.  Don’t argue with Him if your body is craving certain foods He created or if You hear His voice like I did telling You to eat certain foods.  I heard Him loud and clear give me the message to eat God foods (clean foods) plus one other or processed food.  He knew I needed the option to add another food in the mix because I am sooooo hard on myself. If I know I can’t have a food, if I deem it “unclean” and I eat it anyway, then I want to purge or I get mad with myself.  I have to have flexibility to make this a lifestyle and I can’t do this without having that 1 food a day that I don’t have to feel guilty about.  Peter gives me a goal of sticking to this plan.  God’s command to Peter to eat what He has created and not to argue takes it on to another level.  None of His foods are bad for us.  Don’t take health press releases out of context when they refer to a God food being “bad” for you.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for giving me the courage, the resolve, the determination to do this.  We are going to be successful and we are going to make this a life change.  However, I know I can’t do this without the daily devotions and the strength You give me.  So… here I am.  I have resolve and courage.  You have the power and ability.  Will You merge these four qualities in me to allow me to follow Your commands.  There is another verse in the Bible (Matthew 26:41) “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”  That would be me.  My spirit is all over this Lord.  I am excited, encouraged and ready.  And then comes life and I get stressed.  My brain tells me a little sugar will make you feel better and I believe it!  And for an hour it does, it truly does.  Then I feel worse.  So, I need You to give me the power to eat “clean” foods today and all days.  We are going to do this.  Love You bunches.  And thanks.

Daily Challenge



“Living by God’s word”

And when the tempter came to Him, he said, If you are the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But He answered and said, ‘It is written, Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:3,4

Verse Reflections:  I love that Jesus always quotes a verse back to Satan during His desert temptations.  It shouts the power of God’s word against temptation.  I’ve never noticed before that Jesus connects food and the word of God in this verse.  “Man cannot live by food alone but by the word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Wow!  This verse reminds us that the word of God is more important than food.  We must live on the word of God and food together, it is our life team.  This power totally explains why God Plus 1 works.  Just one simple verse gives us power, gives us life.  We all know we can’t live without food but who reminds us that we can’t live without God’s word?  Jesus just did.  I am finally learning the power of God’s word in my struggle with eating too much of the wrong foods.  Now, I need to take it a step further and remember that God’s word is vital, the center of my life.  One simple verse quoted back to the devil in the desert allowed Jesus to say no to the temptation.  All we need is that simple verse, but that infinite power that is encompassed within.

Prayer:  Thank You Lord for this verse that reminds us that Your word is just as important to living as food is.  I stop for 30 minutes to an hour three times a day to eat but I only stop 10 minutes to an hour to worship You.  I do try to incorporate You into my day, talking to You about my day all along the way but… honestly You don’t get as much attention as my food.  So, today, help me to think of You every time I think about my food.  Help me to talk to You, imagine You, savor You just like I do the food I eat.  I love You Lord so very much.  Today, I am going to think of You as a necessity for living.  I am going to try to incorporate three times during today to just be with You just as I sit down with my food.  The blessings today will take on a different meaning for me.  Thank You for reminding me I cannot have life without You.  Just focusing on God food does help me focus on You.  Thank You for the privilege of living this way.  Give me the desire, the power to quote Your verse back to any temptations today.  We are going to live by Your word first, food second.  I love it!

Daily Challenge



“Hunger after righteousness”

“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6

Verse Reflections:  Imagine for a moment that the doing the right thing fills your body up.  We can feel a full, satisfied, happy feeling when we choose God’s plan for your life.  The B-attitudes make up one of the most commonly quoted sections of the Bible and yet I’ve never noticed that any of them can address my food issues.  God is telling me that I will be full if I hunger and thirst after His foods, the right-ness of eating.  I will be blessed if I eat the right foods, God foods.  I will admit that my cravings have truly disappeared just from not eating too much sugar and carbohydrates.  So when I hunger after God foods, I am filled, I am full just as this verse promises.  There is a big lesson to be learned for me in this verse.  Ironically, when I eat sugar and carbohydrates, I am never full.  The foods that the world makes trick my body into thinking I am still hungry.  This verse is correct.  When I eat the right foods, God foods, I actually feel full.

Prayer:  Father, I come to you in prayer this morning asking for the power to crave righteousness.  I know this verse goes way beyond foods but today, I need to take it in the context of my issues.  I need to hunger after Your righteousness, the right ways of eating.  I know it is a vicious cycle for me if I eat sugar and carbohydrates, I am never full.  And it can also be a wonderful cycle for me when I eat God foods, all my cravings disappear physically.  So I need You to control my mind, my spirit.  We are getting into a healthy cycle and my cravings have disappeared but then on occasion my mind takes over.  Protect me from years of mind cravings.  Keep me full as this verse promises as I eat right.  I love that You created one of Your B-attitudes just for my issues.


Daily Challenge



“New every morning”

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

Verse Reflections:  Every morning God give us new grace!  If we “fail” the day before, we get to wake up, breathe in the fresh air of His compassion and start over again.  We do not have to be consumed by our temptations, consumed by regrets from the past, consumed by our issues.  His love, His kindness gives us new lives EVERY day.  This is why I chose Christianity.  I cannot work my way into His grace.  I cannot be good enough for His grace.  It is because of His love, his mercy that we have second, third and fourth… chances.  His compassions do not fail even when we fail.  One of the reasons I majored in psychology was because it amazed me that God loves everyone.  He does not give up on people when others do.  How amazing!  I have failed at eating right for decades and yet I do not have to be consumed by this fact.  It does not rule today, His compassions “are new every morning”.  His faithfulness is so great that I get to start over and make this work.  Just this morning I woke up wanting to order a pizza for lunch and eat the whole thing.  The good news is that I made the hard choice not to.  This verse restores my resolve and it is resolve.  It is not easy, it is not fun.  But the Lord is gracious, His mercies never come to an end.  He is faithful, today is a new day and so we can do this.

Prayer:  Lord, I absolutely love this verse.  I do not have to be consumed by my failures.  Your lovingkindness is amazing.  Help me wake up and remember that Your compassions are new every morning.  Every day I get to start over and be a new and better person.  Thank You for this privilege.  Thank You for this freedom.   I love eating Your foods, God foods.  Thank You for Your compassion, Your loving kindnesses, your faithfulness. Three beautiful qualities.  This verse really does restore my resolve to eat God foods plus one.  This lifestyle rocks.  Ican do this with verses like the one above that give me a fresh start every day.  It is easier than anything else I have ever done even when it is hard.  So today, thank You for the power in Your word.  It truly seeps into my soul and makes me a different person.  I don’t understand the power in Your word, but I live it.  Every day that I begin with words like these I am able to live in Your grace with resolve to eat as You want me to eat.  You have given me this Holy, Holy temple and I want to honor it and treasure it by giving it the nutrition and foods it deserves.  Love You bunches.  Me.

Daily Challenge



“Divine nature”

“And because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share His divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.” 2 Peter 1:4

Verse Reflections:  We get to share in God’s divine nature.  There are many words I can use to describe myself and divine has never been one of them.  Just thinking of myself as having a divine (excellent, delightful, of God) nature makes me hold my shoulders a little straighter and expect better.  And this is exactly what this verse promises…  “We can escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.” I know it sounds extreme to some people to think of this in reference to eating but I am telling you, my overeating has corrupted me.  It causes me great emotional roller coaster rides from ridiculous anxiety to self-recrimination.  It causes me great physical stress from rewarding myself with over indulgence to punishing myself with starvation or purging.  I cannot win this corruption caused by my human desires.  I am excited by this beautiful knowledge that I can share in God’s divine nature and escape this roller coaster ride that has haunted me for decades.  It is working.  God shares His divine nature with me each morning when I read His verses, I just didn’t have the words for what was happening.  Let’s go eat God foods today with our divine natured selves!

Prayer:  Thank You Father for this promise that I can share Your divine nature.  I certainly will have to share it.  I’m not sure I can capture this quality on my own.  I will take this promise and use it to escape my human desires to eat and eat and eat.  I will claim this promise and use it to escape my own internal and external corruption.  Father free me from this battle.  Free me from waking up in the morning and planning my pig-out of the day.  Free me from thinking of butter and sugar combinations that delight me.  Transform this into a divine nature that delights in the roasted chicken, asparagus and other vegetables.  And I really do love these foods, I just need to change my nature to dreaming of, delighting in and considering them the excellent choices that I crave.  I am going to take these same divine words and think of my food as divine, of You.  Thank You Father for this plan for my life.  I am loving it.  You are making this journey successful.  Thank You for transforming me into a divine person craving divine foods.  Let’s go have a divine day today with our shared divinity.  Love you Lord.  Me.

Daily Challenge



“We have all that we need”

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8

Verse Reflections:  This verse promises that we have everything we need to make this work and abound in every good work.  Keep in mind that we have what we need BECAUSE God is able to bless us abundantly.  This verse explains why we can’t be successful in our overeating battles by ourselves.  We have to turn to Him.  The word “so” is the transitional point.  God is able to bless us but we have to stop our day, our lives and turn to Him, feel Him, incorporate Him into our souls SO that we will have all that we need.  If we do this we will not only be successful in eating right, eating God foods we will abound in this journey.  What a beautiful word. We will overflow with the ability to choose the right foods.  I don’t know about You but I have not in my recent memory overflowed and abounded in my abilities to eat right.  I will share that five months into God Plus 1 I have been blessed abundantly.  I do have all I need when I just take that one powerful verse a day, God’s words and integrate them into my heart.  It is not the daily struggle that it has been for years.  Now, the first 90 days was a mental battle but we won it and I am living this abundantly blessed journey of eating God foods.

Prayer:  Thank You Father that You can bless me abundantly.  You have given me all I need to make my eating choices successful but we have to go further Lord.  I have to get to the point where people notice and want to learn about this journey.  I can talk about it all I want to but if others don’t want to have my figure, my success, they will not hear these words, the lifestyle You have blessed me with.  I want to share with others this beautiful message You have given me because it has changed my life.  I have abounded in my abilities to win this long battle that left me scarred and bleeding.  You are not only changing my fight to a peaceful way of life, You are healing my wounds and making me stronger.  I am starting to believe I can abound in this journey.  I can overflow with the desires to eat Your foods.  Let’s rock this day and have fun eating the awesome, wonderful foods You created.  I love You tons and tons.  Me.

Daily Challenge



Commit to the Lord

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16:3

Verse Reflections:  So many times I try to “will” my plans into place.  I try to diet by my own willpower.  I just know I am going to be successful and then I fail. The reality of life is we are ruled by emotions.  Will power will not work when it is challenged by the bad day that changes our emotions.  However, talking to God about it, asking for His guidance and comfort and power will allow us to remain committed even when we cannot on our own.  Twice this month God has saved me from myself.  I reached out to a friend one evening and told her I was about to go for a “pig-out” and she invited me over to share a healthy meal with her family.  Mark was travelling and I was on my own.  Another day when I was about to binge a friend brought over a tomato and zucchini casserole that was to die for and it did not have all the creams and soups in it.  I had a lovely indulgent but healthy dinner that night.  So, my commitment to God’s plan allowed Him to establish my plans even when I wanted to demolish them.  Look for signals each day that He is supporting you on this journey and You will be amazed how many times He sends help.  On the one day I decided to override His help, I was absolutely miserable after just three pieces of pizza and two brownies (that was nothing trust me).  IHe is changing me.  He is changing what my body wants and how it reacts to eating unhealthy foods.

Prayer:  Thank You Lord for establishing my plans even when I want to change my plans.  I have seen so many signs that You are with me.  I am committed to You to eat right, to eat healthy.  I know You told me to eat Your foods and You have sent signals that You are with me.  You have helped me to plan a wonderful healthy eating plan of God foods plus 1.  But more importantly, You have sent me help day to day so that I know You are with me establishing my plans.   I looked up the definition for “establish” in the Bible and it says “to fix that which is weak”.  I am weak, my plans without You are weak and I do need You to fix them.

Thank You for know that and being with me.  My sister just out of the blue last night said, “wait, what are you having for supper?” just before I hung up.  I knew that was You keeping me on the plan.  Thanks for all the signals You send.  Keep on “fixing” my weaknesses!  I love You.


Daily Challenge



“Life is more than food”

Therefore I say unto you, be not anxious for your life, what you will eat, or what you will drink; nor yet your body what you will put on. Is not life more than the food and the body more than the raiment? Matthew 6:25

Verse Reflections:  I love the verses that start out “do not be anxious”.  Once again, God has hidden beautiful messages for us food addicts.  He says we should not be anxious for what we will eat, nor for our body… Is not life more than food and the body more than raiment?  He is speaking my language. My husband has been to 63 countries taking foods and medicines to people that are literally starving.  God is telling them not to be anxious about what they will eat and in the same breath He is telling those of us who can choose any food at any time not to be anxious about what we eat.  In other words, whether we are starving or we are overindulging our minds should focus on Him in our lives.  We need to blend both those messages into relaxation, total dependency on God.  If we begin our day without anxiety, totally dependent on Him, it would be easier for us not to choose the processed comfort foods.  We would already be relaxed and comfortable.   He tells us life is more than our food and our body is more than how it looks all dolled up.  Let’s focus on the sunshine in our souls today, the stress-free, comfort that God gives us from deep within.  We do not need to focus on how we look, we are all good.  We do need to choose God foods so that we will be healthy.  Life IS more than food and God has given us the perfect foods.  He has also calmed down all our anxieties so that we can just focus on Him and eat His foods.

Prayer:  God, thank You for this beautiful verse promising me the ability to rise above myself.  Thank You for reminding me not to be anxious about life.  Thank You for reminding me that I don’t have to be anxious about what I eat.  Thank You for reminding me that I don’t have to worry about how I look.  I don’t have to be perfect.  Life is more than food and looks.  Some days both food and my looks take too much of my time and energy.  Today Father, I give that to You.  Allow me to just have fun eating Your foods and more importantly turn my thoughts to serving You.  I love You and need you tons.  Here’s to a wonderful, anxiety free day eating God foods!  P.S.  God  Thank You for giving me this awesome, amazing lifestyle.  It works for me


Daily Challenge



It will be given

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened unto you; for every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7:7

Verse reflections:  He will give you the strength to eat right!  If You SEEK His will, You will find the strength to do it.  Eating God foods IS His will.  If you ASK Him for the strength, He will give you the strength to crave, seek and eat His foods.  However, remember, time with Him is important.  All we have to do is KNOCK on His door and He will open it. When we start each day in God’s house, listening to His words we will have a new found strength from within.  It amazes me how much easier my day is when I start the day with God.   I love the thought of knocking on His door and going inside to listen to Him speak to us, a candle burning.  It kind of brings new life to having a devotion in the morning.  Imagine that He is telling us now, in the comfort of His home, that He will give you strength to eat His foods if we just ASK Him for the strength.  I think we should go a step beyond and ask Him to help us crave His foods.  Then we have to follow through and SEEK His foods.  This is hard when we are on the road, when we are inundated with drive through eating options.  But there are some great options if we seek them.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for the reassurances in this verse that we can do this as a team.  I am asking You now for the strength to eat Your foods.  I am knocking on the door of Your home and coming to visit so I can hear Your words.  I am going to hide these words in my heart during the day today to remind me that You are with me.  With Your help, I am going to seek Your will, but I am also going to seek God foods.  Thank You that I can come to You and Ask, Seek and Find.  I know You adore me, You love me and treasure me but sometimes I get so caught up in my world down here I forget the details of that.  I forget to have the confidence Your love gives me.  I will say thank You in this same prayer for changing my cravings.  You are healing me after years of horrible, debilitating cravings.  It amazes me that if I just eat Your foods I can stop with one brownie.  Me!  I can stop with one brownie.  That is a miracle.  Thank You.  Why isn’t this lifestyle touted all over the world?  I’m glad You finally spoke loud enough for me to listen to You.  Scratch that, I’m glad I finally got quiet enough to hear You.  Thank You Father, we can so do this.  We are doing this.


Daily Challenge



Eat for God

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. I Corinthians 10:31

Verse Reflections:  If we would think about glorifying God with every food we choose, with every drink we choose we would make different choices.  I love the thought of glorifying Him by making healthy choices.  I am going to an all-day party today so this is a great time to think about glorifying God.  I know I will encounter those that begin drinking early and I will encounter pastries, deserts, chips and dip and just about any food we could think of.  I needed a verse that reminds me that eating is beyond a surface participation.  It is part of our soul, part of what makes us who we are.  Can I influence one other person by my choices?  Can I glorify God by choosing healthy?  It helps me to go beyond myself when I imagine my choices.  I know as a sugar addict that I must concentrate on my food choices every time I open the refrigerator, pantry or go through a drive through.  I have to choose to eat for the glory of God .  By eating for the glory of God, my own body will become healthy as well.

Prayer:  Father, I am already imagining my favorite French bakery’s sticky buns this morning.  I will so need help to make healthy choices today.  Will you give me Your power because I am a salivating mess around the perfect pastry.  I know I can have one, I’m just not confident in my ability to start my day with one of those and still be able to glorify You with the other choices.  My tendency is to keep on once I start.  This verse is perfect for me.  Thank You for giving me this perspective of glorifying You with what I eat.  I know I will glorify you if my body and my mind is healthy.  Got to go.  Love You.  Will try to glorify You.

Daily Challenge



And put a knife to your throat if you are given to appetite. Proverbs 23:2

When you sit down to eat with a ruler, observe carefully what is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to appetite. Do not desire his delicacies, for they are deceptive food. 1-3

Verse Reflections:  Well… okee dokee then.  Imagine for a moment you can afford any food you want to eat, you can indulge in any delicacy, order any food from any country, any menu.  Heaven.  That is what rulers, kings, queens, multi-millionaires can do.  How easy would it be to fall into the trap of indulging in all the delicacies that are bad for you but taste so good.  Our flesh screams for these foods because we have trained our bodies to enjoy that brief rush of dopamine.  The problem is that high crashes and we hit the wall hard and it hurts emotionally, physically.  Hell.  God is clear in what He is telling us here.  Observe what is in the foods, observe the healthiness in the foods given to you.  Don’t crave the delicacies because often they are empty calories.  He is pretty blunt here when He says “put a knife to your throat”.  He is just telling us to go ahead and commit suicide.  That is serious! (you think?).  He is leaving no room for interpretation or excuses.  We are committing suicide when we eat the wrong foods, it is just that black and white.  We are ruining our bodies, we are putting a knife to our throats.  We are destroying what God has given us.  God simply wants what is best for us.  He wants us to be healthy.  We can so easily fall into the trap of indulging into the empty calorie delicacies that are often served.  This verse is black and white.  The world tells us in 2/3 of the grocery store shelves, commercials on tv, recipes in magazines with gorgeous tempting photos.  And yet, how amazing do grilled meats, vegetables and fruits taste?  Don’t do it.  Put a knife to your throat (not literally)… put a knife to the unhealthy eating habits and cut them off.  You will not be tempted by the delicacies.

Prayer: Thank You Father for being so blunt.  It is so easy for me to allow for excuses, to tell myself You don’t really care what I eat.   But that is simply not true.  You are extremely blunt here telling me to “put a knife to my throat” if I am tempted by the empty calorie delicacies.  It actually helps me to know You feel so strongly about this.  I am tempted.  I do crave the delicacies.  I know You love me more than I love myself so I know that this commandment is to keep me healthy.  I know sugar, wine, processed carbs all spike my sugar and crash it down while preventing my body from getting the nutrients it needs.  Thank You for this blunt reminder to stay away from these temptations.  I love You and I appreciate this verse.  You are clear.  You are firm.  I need that.

Daily Challenge



Be not

Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat, for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and slumber will clothe them with rags. Proverbs 23:20-21

Verse Reflections:   Once again, God is sending a clear message.  He is sending a karate chop into our comfortable life to break the boards in half.  It is not okay to eat or drink too much.  We rationalize, we excuse, we celebrate and we cry in our glasses and in our plates.  I have a very good friend who just got released from their job.  You are probably thinking it is because they must have been underperforming, not good at what they do.  Actually, this person is a professional, with a rare talent that their workplace needs.  However, this person also has a problem with alcohol.  I have watched this person and have seen this coming for ten years now.  The alcohol addiction just caught up with their professional life and I truly worry that this person will “come to poverty”.  We can take our addiction to food to the same level and God is warning us of this possibility in this verse.  If I put on my robe of comfort in life allowing myself to gain thirty pounds I have problems with my hip.  If I take the robe off, make uncomfortable choices, I lose it and the pain goes away.  Every ten pounds puts 40 pounds of pressure on our joints.  Our weight, our lack of nutrition can send us to the doctor over and over again.  We can tear muscles, create back pain, cause stress fractures, cause heart attacks, destroy our pancreas function and cause diabetes.  What are we thinking?  We can down wine or gorge on food to avoid emotions or “relax” rather than finding our relaxation through our souls, activities, our relationship with God.  We can destroy our bodies, our bank accounts, our relationships through our eating and drinking patterns.  Stop.  Right. Now.  Stop.  You can change.  We will change NOW.

Prayer:  Father, You have given me so much.  Do not let me take it for granted.  Allow me not to be gluttonous.  Give me the strength to treasure the money, the body, the clothing You have given me.  I do not take for granted being able to fit in my clothes.  I do not need to spend money to buy new ones.  I need to treasure my health, my bank account enough to fit in the clothes I have.  I need to make sure that gluttony does not increase my health insurance to the point I can’t afford it or my employer can’t afford it.  I need to make sure the trips to the doctor do not become too frequent for me to afford.  Help me want to eat healthy so that I do not have to “dress in rags” or “come to poverty”.  This sound extreme but our heath can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars with one hospital trip.  I don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars for my health.  I need You to help me now to avoid gluttony.  The results of which, You have outlined.  I love You and I am ready.

Daily Challenge



It is not good to eat much honey, nor is it glorious to seek one's own glory. Proverbs 25:26

Verse Reflections:  What if we cancelled the sugar, wine and processed foods and didn’t lose any weight?  Or you lose weight and no one notices or cares?  Can you live with that?  God is telling us to eat healthy without seeking glory for it.  I have to admit I feel like God has sent this lifestyle to me but I do want to lose to the point people notice and ask me about it.  I have spent three work weeks on these devotions so far.  What if no one notices the power the devotions have?  What if no one cares?  The people I have shared with so far haven’t cared.  Is it because they don’t see my weight loss yet?  I think it is but am I seeking glory for me or God?  I think it is for God but I will be crushed if I don’t lose weight to the point of the loss being noticed.  Ugh.  I have to mature again.  I have to lose weight, eat right and not care if it is noticed or even if it works to the level of glorifying myself, my vanity in the mirror.  I am going to look in the mirror to see the light of God reflecting out of my eyes.  I am going to look for kindness.  I am going to look for a person with love, no judgement for others or even for myself.  Moses shown a white light from his face.  I am going to seek to glorify God and dig deep to reflect the light of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer:  Father, help me glorify You and You only.  Give me the power from within to not care if anyone notices a weight loss.  Give the power from within to eat healthy despite the feedback, the results I see.  I know I am eating to give my body more nutrition.  I know I feel better each day.  Bless my ability to not “eat much honey”  Yikes!  I love honey, sugar… This is the right thing to do so give me strength.  Surround me with Your sweetness so I won’t crave sweetness or energy from a quick fix through foods or wine.  I love You.  Got to board a flight.

Daily Challenge



You were bought with a price, therefore, glorify God in your body.

For God has bought you with a great price. So use every part of your body to give glory back to God, because He owns it. I Corinthians 6:20

Verse Reflections:  God bought us with the greatest price, the greatest gift available– His life.  We are loved with a sacrificial love that caused Jesus to sweat drops of blood, to be abandoned by His closest friends, to die a painful death just so we could glimpse a fraction of God’s love for us.  He commands us to use every part of our body to give glory back to God in thanks.  I do the opposite of this commandment.  I abuse my body and dump useless calories into it.  I pour sugar into my body causing my liver to become resistant to insulin.  Our bodies will start pumping out more insulin to process the over-abundance of sugar, eventually overstressing our pancreas and causing Type 2 diabetes.  WebMD estimates that Americans eat an average of 20 teaspoons of sugar a day compared to the recommended 6 for women and 9 for men.  That is almost a ½ a cup a day!  Yes, carbohydrate fans, that means you too—carbs turn sugar.  Yes, I am guilty.  Sugar causes inflammation in our joints.  Sugar damages the collagen and elastin in our skin causing us to look older than we are.

God OWNS our body.  He made it, He created it.  He died for us.  Why can we not simply eat healthy to say thank you?  Today we are going to remember to use every part of our body to give glory back to God.  We will use our brains to say “no that is not an option”.  We will use our hands to select healthy foods to prepare.  We will use our mouths to chew healthy foods and our stomach to digest healthy foods.  Eventually the rest of our body will benefit from these choices.

Prayer:  Father, I am rededicating my body to You today.  Thank You for buying my body with Your life, the greatest price of all.  I have to ask You to guide my body, my choices, my selections, the foods I chew, swallow and “eat”.  Lord, I am weak.  I do not honor You.  I do not glorify You.  I now want to come to You in desperation to ask for You to buy me again, to help me.  I cannot eat healthy, crave healthy by myself.  You are strong.  You are the King of creation.  You are my creator.  Please, let me think about the healthy breakfast I am preparing soon with excitement and anticipation.  Give me a meal for lunch that will make me exhilarated.  Allow me to want to eat healthy with your power.  I love You and I am ready to glorify You with every part of my body.  You paid the ultimate price and I can’t even leave off 3 sugar/carb laden foods a day.  What is wrong with me?  If you own my body then you get to make the choices for me. I am Yours and I am weak, helpless and stubborn.  You have to take over Father.  You own me, so please act like it and take over.  I want to be Your slave.  Right now, I am a slave to my own intolerable cravings.  Take them away.   Today we will eat God foods.

Daily Challenge



I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13

Verse Reflections:  This verse should have been the first verse we read and made a part of our plan, woven into the very fiber of our heart.  We cannot do all things by ourselves.  Trust me, I have been trying to control my eating for 40 years by myself.  It has not worked.  With Christ I can choose the right foods.  With Christ we can eat the foods He made for us.  We can treat our body with respect.  We can become healthy.  We can do ALL things.  We can stop eating the foods that cause us to crave more food, that stop the hormone that tells us we are full.  I used to think I was crazy because I was hungry after a ton of food.  It helped me to realize that when we eat the wrong foods we block the leptin that registers our stomachs are full.  Therefore, we keep eating, we keep craving more food.  Once we stop eating these foods we can actually become healthy.  We will not keep eating way after we should stop.  God has given us this new knowledge and Christ strengthens us with this life changing awareness.  Now that we know, we can stop this vicious cycle of ridiculous unhealthy eating patterns.  God strengthens us when we read His word.  The Holy Spirit enters our body and gives us power beyond our own human capabilities.  We must keep reading His word daily and stop relying on our imperfect abilities.  God strengthens us.  We must depend on Him to make this work.  Let’s eat His foods, He uses them to give us the strength and ability to be healthy.

Prayer:  Father, You have given us the power, the strength to do all things.  I am claiming this promise today.  You are telling me I can be healthy, I can lose weight, I can avoid diabetes.  Lord, make me strong.  Lord give me this ability.  I can do all things but only with Your power, Your strength.  Take over my body, my spirit today.  Father, I have no other place to turn.  I can’t do this.  I can’t write down my foods for the rest of my life.  I can’t count calories.  I can’t count carbs.  I can’t count sugar.  I have to make this easy, God centered plan work.  Father, I believe that You gave us this plan.  I believe that You created healthy foods that will give us the bodies You planned for each of us.  I am tired.  I am weary.  I am frustrated.  And yet, breaking through all of this is hope.  Breaking through all of this is the knowledge that You are my strength.  Today is the day God.  Take my hand and give me strength to eat God foods.


Daily Challenge



Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. Philippians 3:19

Verse Reflections:  So many times my god has been my belly, my cravings.  My mind is set on earthly things.  Many days I think about food more than God.  I am destroying my own health.  There are days I feel my feet burn with the amount of sugar/carbs I eat.  I cannot get out of the tub without turning to the side and grabbing the edge.  I know that my weight gain is ruining my health.  I am only 40 pounds overweight.  I do not understand how people that are 100 pounds or more overweight can even walk.  I am truly in awe at their strength.  I am too weak to get my 40 extra pounds off the floor without a struggle.  I feel my weight sitting up in bed with rolls kind of bunching up. We are hastening our death by what we eat.  Our cells degrade when we eat sugar/carbs.  We are destroying our physical fitness, eliminating options of what we can do each day.  We must quit making our belly into our god.  God is our God with a capital “G”.  Starting our day with these devotions can integrate His word into our day, into our trips to the grocery store, into the meals that we eat.  This verse says we glory in our shame—praise/honor our shame.  Some of you are saying, we don’t honor our shame.  Yes.  Yes, we do every time we go back to the pantry and eat more sugar/carbs.  We are adding to our shame.  We are ashamed of how we look, how we eat, how our clothes fit.  We are ashamed of how our bodies act or move and yet we go back and do it again day after day after day.  It is time to quit honoring our shame.  It is time to destroy our shame and honor God.  He has created beautiful foods, that are sumptuous.  Today we eat these foods.  We set our minds on God, heavenly things.  We glory in God.

Prayer:  Father, today You are my only God.  I will not make my belly my god.  I will glorify You and I will not glorify my shame.  Will You give me the power?  I have to depend on You to make this happen.  Help me not to set my mind on earthly things, but to instead set my mind on heavenly things… YOU.  God, this verse is so deep for me.  I do not want to destroy myself with my eating.  Please give me the power to change the path I am on.  I must glorify You, not my shame.  I must not glorify/honor the shame that I have created by making my belly my god.  The only way to stop this shame is to start my day with You each day so that I have the living power of Your word to change my eating habits, change my health and my weight.  We can do this if You lead my day.  We are going to eat God foods today and we will have so much fun.  I love You.


Did you know?  Serotonin improves sleeping patterns.

Daily Challenge



“Lean upon Him”

Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him. Psalm 37:7 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  My tendency is to jump out of bed the minute the alarm rings.  I meet two friends to run for an hour then I shower and talk to my husband while I get ready.  Then I head into work and unless I purposefully stop my life and read God’s word I am not still all day until I go to bed at night.  Taking just 10 minutes for a devotion centers me and gentles my soul.  I have to be still and rest in the Lord every morning, to live in the intimacy of His presence.   As a strong person that is used to being successful in life, I am astounded that I cannot control my eating habits.  My life habit is to work hard and success is my reward.  This just will not work with my eating, my binge eating just 10% of the time destroys the 90% of the time I eat healthy.   I must “wait for Him and patiently lean” myself upon Him.  I HAVE to lean upon Him.  I will fall every time I try to stand alone on this journey.  80% of all people that lose weight gain it back (Dr. Phil 20/20).  I am too old to look for the easy path, the pill that will make me lose weight, the fast weight loss plan.  They do not work long term.  I must not cling to my old habits.  I must be transformed into a new person that leans on God.  I must be patient, this will not be an easy adventure, a fast change in my life.  This is a transformative lifestyle.  I have clung to my old habits,  attempts to be successful on my own.  I must focus my attention on Christ and rest in His ability to change my life.   I am listening to rain drops as I write this, looking out over the ocean and my soul is still.  Oh how I crave this stillness daily.  May I use the stillness of a blessing before every meal to dedicate my eating, my choices of foods to God.  I have never done this.  I thank Him for the foods, and ask blessings on the people I love.  Today I am going to change my blessing time to a time of being still and trusting Him, leaning on Him to guide my choices in eating.

Prayer:  Lord, give me the stillness in my soul that only You can create.  It is when my soul begins to circle and build up anxiety that I crave the foods that destroy my body.  I know that I can rest in You because Your power supersedes my own.  You have the power that I can trust in.  My human failings are so obvious, I am literally destroying my joints, my strength by eating too many processed foods.  Turn Your shoulder to me today God and allow me to lay my head upon You.  Take my hand and allow me to feel Your strength seep into my mind, into my choices.  God, I admit that I want weight loss immediately.  And yet, I will be happy to be patient if You will transform me into a person that eats healthy daily.  I need to wait on You to change my body.  I must rest in the knowledge that if I am following Your commandments than I will be successful.  I must know that You will choose the healthy weight for me.  I will do my part of being still and trusting in You.  I know I will stumble and fall on the days that I choose not to stop and simply read your word in stillness.  However,  I will be patient because You have asked me to trust and lean on You.  I know that being reliant on You will change my life forever.  Thank You Father!


Daily Challenge



Heal me, O LORD

Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise. Jeremiah 17:1

Verse Reflections:  This is perfect timing!  I have to be healed Lord, I have to be saved.  I am drowning in my food cravings.  Life is good and I’m using the goodness to excuse my splurges.  Of course, if life is bad, I use that too.  I am just flat sick to the point that I cannot do this on my own.  I cannot allow myself to begin to accumulate treat after treat after treat.  It works for me to allow myself one non-God food, one treat.  But there are days when I begin with one, then add two, then add three and the list goes on.  Father HEAL me.  I have to be healed.  If You heal me I will praise You at the top of my lungs.  I will not worry about my pride.  I do praise You now as my savior.  I just need a true healing from my eating addiction.  I love You sooooooo much!  I am over the line of normal.  I hide it well.  I even look pretty good in clothes, even shorts.  But I am not well.  Heal me, save me.  You are my praise and I know this works.  I am rededicating myself to Your word + one.  I am sorry I have taken a three week break from it.  I’m back.  I need You because I cannot do this on my own.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, I come to You in serious prayer.  I need You seriously.  Father, embrace me, protect me from myself.  When I do not spend time in Your word I am my worst enemy.  Please take me inside Your soul.  Protect me from this world.  I know it is not healthy to fill my body with sugar or processed carbohydrates.  I want to treasure this body You gave me.  And yet, I cannot do it on my own.  I sabotage my progress.  I was at a weight that I have not been at for three years and then I take three weeks off from God Plus one.  I know my body enough to know I have gained at least 2/3 of the weight back.  What an idiot I am.  But even more, my feet are burning because of the sugar.  Protect my health.  Protect me from myself.  I need You close because it is easy for me to push You away just enough to allow me to justify my indulgences.  No!! This will stop today with Your help.  This verse says “heal me and I WILL be healed”.  “Save me and I WILL be saved”.  So, today I am going to be healed, I am going to be saved.  Thank You.  I will praise You and give You praise for both.

Daily Challenge



It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble. Romans 14:21

Verse reflections:  I know this verse is referring to my brother stumbling but I am feeling my own pain today.  It is not good for me to eat what causes me to stumble.  And I cannot eat more than one non-God food a day.  Why?  Because sugar and processed carbs cause serious compulsions within my body.  I do not get full.  I do not stop.  I cannot stop.  My body wants more.  My body wants more sugar, more processed food.  I know I can also make a difference in my brother or sister’s life by not indulging in foods that are not good for me.  Interestingly enough, it only takes a little “over-indulgence” to make me stumble.  It is like an alcoholic who has the first drink.  I can eat tons of God food but I cannot eat non-God foods.  If I have more than one non-God food I cannot stop until I am miserable.  I am very conscious of not serving wine or not drinking if there is someone at an event that has an alcohol issue.  I always want to give them strength to say know by just knowing there is one other person not drinking.  Now, I need to take that same “witness” to eating.  I need to bring a healthy choice to the parties and I need to give others in the room the same role model by choosing to eat healthy.  Sometimes it is easier for me to have strength for others than it is for me to have strength for myself.  So, by helping my brother I will also help myself.  We have to work together fellow food addicts.  Come on, let’s quit causing each other to stumble!


Prayer:  Father, give me the strength to stop at one.  Give me the strength to eat God-foods.  Give me the ability to not make my brother/sister or me stumble.  I am so weak.  It is not easy for me to think of myself as a role model for eating habits.  Bless me.  Bless my ability to be strong.  I love You and I want treasure my body.  It is easy for me to want to bake.  Then I give most of the food away.  I have no doubt that I have been part of others not sticking to healthy eating plans.  Lord, You have to be the one that causes me not to make someone else stumble.  Let’s be role models.  I love that thought.  If I think of others watching me I might be stronger.  Bulimia is a closet, secret disorder.  Let’s pull it out of the closet and be public in my desire to change to a role model for others that fight an eating addiction.  Thank You.  I know together we can help our brother or sister not stumble in their eating.  New me God.  The new eating habits role model!

Daily Challenge



Saying, “If you will diligently listen to the voice of the LORD your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, your healer.” Exodus 15:26

Verse Reflections:  I know with the addition of grace, God does not “put diseases” on people.  However, I am a firm believer that we are what we eat.  I believe one reason I am a healthy person (despite my overindulgences) is because I make sure I get four to five fruits and vegetables.  I need to diligently listen to the voice of the Lord as Daniel did.  Daniel and his three friends ate vegetable and water.  They were the healthiest, wisest in the kingdom.  I do believe we allow our body to get worn down by processed foods and they become susceptible to diseases.  God is our healer and He will heal us from our food addictions and allow us to be as healthy as we can be in our circumstances.  Today, we must “diligently listen to the voice of the Lord”.  We must “do that which is right in His eyes”.  We must trust Him to be our healer.

Prayer:  Father, this verse has a lot of promises that I need to hear.  Allow me to diligently listen to Your voice today.  I know if I listen to Your voice I will stop this crazy cycle of eating that I get into.  You are the ultimately healer and I need to be healed from not eating correctly.  I know I will think better, feel better and just be better if I eat Your foods.  Help me to do what is right in Your eyes and eat the foods You prepared for me.  I love You and need You.  Today I am going to plan to be healed by You as I listen for Your voice inside my body, my soul and my mind.  Thank You for healing me.  Thank You for sending Your voice to speak to me.  I love the thought of Your voice inside of me instead of my voice telling me to eat it.  Today we are going to be healthy and stave off diseases and sickness by eating fruits and vegetables.  We are going to coat our bodies with healthy vitamins.  I love You.

Daily Challenge



If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I John 1:9

Verse reflections:  This is a heavy verse and many people would miss the reference that is relevant to our overeating.  The best way to think about unrighteousness or righteousness is “right-ness”.  If we are not eating “right” or healthy then we are not being righteous.  And yes, that is a sin.  God has given us gorgeous, amazing bodies that do fascinating things.  We have to preserve these abilities.  We have to treasure the science behind his creations.  We can’t gain 30, 40, 100 pounds and then pray that God take away our back or knee pain.  How selfish!  How arrogant!  That is like piling a car on a tricycle and then crying because it bent.  Or worse yet, then praying for God to fix our tricycle.  Our bodies are built for a healthy weight.  Why do we keep eating/piling the car on top?  I have trouble getting out of the tub when I gain just 30 pounds.  What is wrong with me?  I have sciatica issues at this same weight.  I have to get my b-u-t-t in line (literally) and quit taking my body for granted.  I have to quit expecting it to keep working the same way when I am eating the wrong foods.  This verse reminds me that I have to be cleansed from all un-rightness.

Prayer:  God, I AM sinning right now.  I ate an entire batch of chocolate chip cookies over three days (okay my husband ate four).  That is 2 cups of sugar, 1 ½ cup of butter… Today is my day to quit sinning and to get serious about this. You have to cleanse me from this un-right-ness because I have serious shoes (issues) in the closet.  Help me Father, remind me of this verse all day today because I have to do this one day at a time.  Tomorrow will never change my life so help me today to begin this journey.  I am at a life-time high at my weight.  I am wearing a dress that has never been tight and I am popping out all around it.  Yikes!  I can’t do this living any more.  I have to confess my sins to You and accept Your forgiveness.  I have been taking Your precious body here on earth for granted.  Take me to the higher plane that righteous living allows.  Draw me CLOSE to You.  I can’t change my life if I exist separately from You.  I love You but I need You inside of me, reminding me, changing me, making me righteous.  I feel like David on my knees begging You for a life of right-ness.  I have screwed up for decades.

Daily Challenge



I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

Verse Reflections:  I like the fact that I have been crucified.  I have been nailed on the cross and killed.  The new me integrates Christ into my being. That means I can do this new life of right-ness.  Christ lives in me!  That is hope.  That is relief.  That is freedom from temptation.  Because we live in the flesh we must also live in the faith of the Son of God, Christ.  I am tempted by the flesh every day.  I am addicted to food, to the thoughts of food, to the highs of food.  But because Christ loved me and died for me and with me, I can live in Him.  He is in me and if I think about that fact alone I would eat better.  I should imagine what Christ wants to eat since He is the guest in my body.  Don’t we always want to serve our guests what they want to eat?  Daniel’s story shows us that God wants fruits and vegetable, pure, clean, God foods.  Today, I am going to claim this verse, Christ live in me.  I am going to serve Him pure foods.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for living in me.  Thank You that because I live in the flesh I also have the privilege of living by faith.   Help me today to have faith in You, and faith in my own abilities to choose to eat Your foods.  Help me to remember that You are my guest inside my body.  I need to ask You what You want to eat.  That will give me the strength and the desire to serve You (and me) healthy foods.  This is a different way of looking at my world.  I have faith that we can do this together.  Thank You for loving me just the way I am and moving into my body.  We are going to make Your home rock healthy.

Daily Challenge



For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17

Verse Reflections:  Hmmmm I wake up thinking about eating and drinking.  What if I woke up and thought of righteousness, peace and joy?   I think I am going to write these three words and put them on my mirror to remind myself that these are the important focal points of my day.  I like the order of these three qualities.  If we indulge in right-ness then peace and joy will follow.  How many times do we over-indulge in foods (un-right-ness) and then we are filled with depression and despair?  When we eat right we can indulge our spirits in peace and joy.  We can walk around with our head held high, peace in our souls, sunshine and joy radiating from within.  Why do we ever lose sight of this combination?  If we want it all, the best in life, the best in our spirits we will eat pure God foods and enjoy the peace and joy that the Holy Spirit brings us.

Prayer:  Father, I want this.  I want the peace and joy that comes from being righteous.  I know that when I eat the right foods, I actually feel better physically.  I actually feel better spiritually and mentally.  Thank You for the revelation in this verse that if I eat the right foods I will have peace and joy.  The Holy Spirit is amazing.  It is so good to remind myself occasionally that I have to do the action before I can have the reaction.  I wait on the peace and joy sometimes and fail to do my part to receive it.  Today, we are going to indulge in the right foods, right-ness and then we are going to have us some peace and joy.  Here’s to Your foods, Your peace and Your joy.  Thanks for the amazing reminders You have for me, a food addict all the way through Your word.  Who would have thought You would give me so many verses of strength for my crazy journey of eating and being healthy in body, mind and spirit.  Love You tons!  ME

Daily Challenge



The one who keeps the law is a son with understanding, but a companion of gluttons shames his father. Proverbs 28:7

Verse Reflections:  A companion of gluttons shames his father.  Oh my goodness.  What if I am the glutton?  I don’t look like a glutton, I would blend into any crowd as an average person.  However, I know my gluttony… “over-indulgence” “insatiability”.  Yep, I’ve got both.  I can go through days or even weeks of eating normally and then POW, I have a craving and my mind begins picturing all the eating options available.  I go from one meal to two meals, adding ice cream, adding a desert, maybe two or three.  Cheese? Butter? Fried?  Yes, please. There are times my stomach has no walls and you would be amazed at all I inhaled.   I can easily be the glutton that shames his father.  I won’t shame my father here on earth, but my Father in heaven that sees all, knows all. He knows the depth of my weakness.  And yet, I am changing.  His word is fortifying my healthy choices.  I am starting to feel as though Christ is truly building a fort of strength around me.  Oh, the strength I feel when I inhale His word instead of food.

Prayer:  Lord, forgive me for the times I have been a glutton.  Forgive me for the times I have eaten foods that have absolutely no nutritional value.  Forgive me the times that I have made a conscious choice to devalue this gorgeous body that you gave me.  Forgive me for the times I have spent hours cooking, dreaming, indulging in foods.  Time I could have spent dreaming of You, worshiping You.  I know the difference.  You give me a peace that passes all understanding and lasts hours and days longer than the temporary high I receive from sugar and carbs.  Surround me with strength.  Protect me from gluttony.  Do let me shame You.  Do not let me be the one that You shake Your head at in dismay.  I am so sorry I have let You down time and time again.  From this moment forward we are going to erase this term from my life.  My desires for food are now written in chalk, not pen.  When the cravings begin, help me imagine them being erased instantaneously.

Daily Challenge



Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; Philippians 4:5e

Verse Reflections:  Ha!  My eating habits are anything but reasonable.  However, every time I say no to a desert or a processed carb I am letting my reasonableness be known to everyone.  Maybe this verse will give me strength to “just say no”.  I need a reason to say no.  I live in a world of great cooks, Southern cooks which means everything has a stick of butter in it and tastes delicious.  I have to “be reasonable” and quit accepting the foods that have been mixed up.  1 Tablespoon of butter is over 100 calories.  Really? That is just not fair.  I can use a tablespoon of butter on one piece of bread. ¼ cup of butter is over 400 calories (1 ½ snickers bar).  I can eat 12 homemade cookies in one sitting and that is more than ¼ cup of butter.  My record on hot melty doughnuts is 18 in one sitting- that is 2850 calories without the milk that has to follow each bite.  I am not reasonable in my choices.  I have to brand this verse on my heart.  I have to be reasonable in my eating choices.  For some reason, letting this be known to everyone is important to me today.  For some reason I have taken comfort in my flippant “I don’t care, I love to eat” attitude.  Today I am going to make sure everyone knows I am making reasonable choices.

Prayer:  Father, help me make reasonable choices today.  I need to eat, pure God foods for the rest of my life.  This is a hard choice for this Southern soul.  I love to cook. I love to mix.  I love the science behind cooking.  I am trying to learn to enjoy fresh herbs and mixing those instead of butter and sugar or butter and flour but it is hard.  I feel less alone when I read that “the Lord is at hand”.  I can be more reasonable in my choices if I know You are nearby.  I like the fact that I need to let everyone know my reasonableness.  I tend to hide when I am trying to make good decisions, this makes me more accountable.  Thank You for this reminder that I should publicly choose Your foods and say no to the processed foods.  Today we will let our reasonableness be known to everyone.

Daily Challenge



Proverbs 23:2 And put a knife to your throat if you are given to appetite. When you sit down to eat with a ruler, observe carefully what is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to appetite. Do not desire his delicacies, for they are deceptive food. 1-3

Verse Reflections:  Well… okee dokee then.  Imagine for a moment you can afford any food you want to eat, you can indulge in any delicacy, order any food from any country, any menu.  Heaven.  That is what rulers, kings, queens, multi-millionaires can do.  How easy would it be to fall into the trap of indulging in all the delicacies that are bad for you but taste so good.  Our flesh screams for these foods because we have trained our bodies to enjoy that brief rush of dopamine.  The problem is that high crashes and we hit the wall hard and it hurts emotionally, physically.  Hell.  God is clear in what He is telling us here.  Observe what is in the foods, observe the healthiness in the foods given to you.  Don’t crave the delicacies because often they are empty calories.  He is pretty blunt here when He says “put a knife to your throat”.  He is just telling us to go ahead and commit suicide.  That is serious (you think?).  He is leaving no room for interpretation or excuses.  We are committing suicide when we eat the wrong foods, it is just that black and white.  We are ruining our bodies, we are putting a knife to our throats.  We are destroying what God has given us.  God simply wants what is best for us.  He wants us to be healthy.  We can so easily fall into the trap of indulging into the empty calorie delicacies that are often served.  This verse is black and white.  The world tells us in 2/3 of the grocery store shelves, commercials on tv, recipes in magazines with gorgeous tempting photos that sugared delicacies, processed foods are the best temptations to indulge in.  And yet, how amazing do grilled meats, vegetables and fruits taste?  Don’t do it.  Put a knife to your throat (not literally)… put a knife to the unhealthy eating habits and cut them off.  You will not be tempted by the delicacies.


Prayer: Thank You Father for being so definitive.  It is so easy for me to allow for excuses, to tell myself You don’t really care what I eat.   But that is simply not true.  You are extremely blunt here telling me to “put a knife to my throat” if I am tempted by the empty calorie delicacies.  It actually helps me to know You feel so strongly about this.  I am tempted.  I do crave the delicacies.  I know You love me more than I love myself so I also know that this commandment is to keep me healthy.  I know sugar, wine, processed carbs all spike my sugar and crash it down while preventing my body from getting the nutrients it needs.  Thank You for this blunt reminder to stay away from these temptations.  I love You and I appreciate this verse.  You are clear.  You are firm.  I need that.

Daily Challenge



“It is not ok to eat too much”

Proverbs 23:20-21 Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat, for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and slumber will clothe them with rags.

Verse Reflections:   Once again, God is sending a clear message.  He is sending a karate chop into our comfortable life to break the boards in half.  It is not okay to eat or drink too much.  We rationalize, we excuse, we celebrate and we cry in our glasses and in our plates.  I have a very good friend who just got released from their job.  You are probably thinking it is because they must have been underperforming, not good at what they do.  Actually, this person is a professional, with a rare talent that their workplace needs.  However, this person also has a problem with alcohol.  I have watched this person and have seen this coming for ten years now.  The alcohol addiction just caught up with their professional life and I truly worry that this person will “come to poverty”.  We can take our addiction to food to the same level and God is warning us of this possibility in this verse.  If I put on my robe of comfort in life allowing myself to gain thirty pounds I have problems with my hip or knee.  If I take the robe off, make uncomfortable choices, I lose it and the pain goes away.  Every ten pounds puts 40 pounds of pressure on our joints.  Our weight, our lack of nutrition can send us to the doctor over and over again.  We can tear muscles, create back pain, cause stress fractures, cause heart attacks, destroy our pancreas function and cause diabetes.  What are we thinking?  We can down wine or gorge on food to avoid emotions or “relax” rather than finding our relaxation through our souls, activities, our relationship with God.  We can destroy our bodies, our bank accounts, our relationships through our eating and drinking patterns.  Stop.  Right. Now.  Stop.  You can change.  We will change NOW.

Prayer:  Father, You have given me so much.  Do not let me take it for granted.  Allow me not to be gluttonous.  Give me the strength to treasure the money, the body, the clothing You have given me.  I do not take for granted being able to fit in my clothes.  I do not need to spend money to buy new ones.  I need to treasure my health, my bank account enough to fit in the clothes I have.  I need to make sure that gluttony does not increase my health insurance to the point I can’t afford it or my employer can’t afford it.  I need to make sure the trips to the doctor do not become too frequent for me to afford.  Help me want to eat healthy so that I do not have to “dress in rags” or “come to poverty”.  This sound extreme but our heath can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars with one hospital trip.  I don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars for my health.  I need You to help me now to avoid gluttony.  The results of which, You have outlined.  I love You and I am ready.

Daily Challenge



“We have a helper!”

John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever…

Verse Reflections:  My soul calms down when I read that Jesus himself realizes we can’t do this life without a helper.  He knew that we need that still, small voice inside calming us, steering us, giving us power.  I love Jesus’s confidence that “I will ask… and he will give”.  There is no doubt in Him that God will deliver.  I wish I had this confidence.  I used to have this faith when I was younger.  I guess the older I get the more I realize that I don’t know what I don’t know.  I am 100% confident that God will answer me.  I am not always confident I will get the answer I want or think I need.  So, I pray with my limited knowledge of this temporary life on this earth and try to leave room for God to answer with His complete knowledge to eternity.  (“Squirrel”)  Back on topic… isn’t it reassuring to know that God gives us “another” helper.  We have Him, the big dog in heaven, we have the earthly role model of Jesus and then we have the Holy Spirit living and breathing with us every minute.  I love that we can access God in all those forms just like we can have H2O as water, steam or ice. I think I need different forms of God on different days.  Some days I need my Father figure who loves me unconditionally, some days I need a brother who understands me and what I am going through, some days I need that power that I feel from inside.  And some days I can’t separate them and I just call on GOD the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  We are blessed!  We can make healthy choices of food no matter how daunting the task, because we have another helper that is with us forever!

Prayer:  Father, I love that You have given us the Holy Spirit as that helper that will be with us forever.  I know that You want the best for me.  You want me to have health.  My freedom of choice is mine but if I just pause each day, You will flood me with power that I will not have on my own.  Please, Father place my helper in every fiber of my being.  I need the Holy Spirit to be in my mind, in my heart, in my liver, my kidney (filtering my body), my pancreas producing the right amount of insulin and in my fat cells to help them be processed in a steady, healthy way.  Integrate the Holy Spirit throughout my body.  I do not need to crave short term shots of dopamine.  I do not need to indulge in too much sugar or carbohydrates.  Allow my helper to love on me, give me the power to love myself and KNOW we are going to make the right choices today and every day.  You have given us amazing foods, thank You for this.  Love You, Your son and Our helper.

Daily Challenge



“Hangry and living on God’s word”

Deuteronomy 8:3 And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.

Verse Reflections:  I think I would have led a revolt Father if I had been one of the Israelites that had to eat manna.  I could have left my home, I could have travelled for 40 years, I could have slept on the ground.  But I would have been “hangry” in the worst sense if you had sent down those nasty plastic tasting wafers.  You definitely humbled them, you let them get hungry.  Then You fed them.  I know at this point they should have been grateful so forgive my attitude from this distance.  It is so easy to say they were so unappreciative here from our carpet lined Sunday School classes.  However, I am ashamed to say that the manna would have done me in.  You remind me in this verse that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.  This needs to be my focus.  I must learn to LIVE by EVERY word that comes from You.  I must change my focus, my enjoyment from food to Your word.  How beautiful to imagine a high from reading Your word, from listening to Your voice.  Can I find the same excitement in reading Your words that I find in awesome foods?  Could I imagine a grocery store of scripture?  I could roll my buggy around and get excited about pulling a verse off the shelf!  I could end up with a beautiful buggy full of verses, sentences You have constructed just for me.  We could take the verses home in little paper bags and unpack them at home, tucking the verses around the kitchen.  In fact, I think I am actually going to do that tomorrow.  I am going to put some of these verses on index cards and put them all through my kitchen cabinets.  Thank You for this thought.  As usual, You are brilliant.

Prayer:  Father, it is not lost on me that this is the quote that Jesus used to turn away Satan’s promise to turn the rocks to bread if Christ would just worship him.  The fact that Christ used this quote to make Satan drop this temptation shows the power in Your word.  Thank You Father for an entirely different way of looking at living on Your word.  I love the idea of a grocery store full of scripture.  I am looking forward to taping up scripture that feeds my soul.  I am going to feast on beautiful words from Your mouth.  Lead me to the right verses to tape up in my kitchen.  Allow the right words to be in the place I need them most.  You are my Savior.  Save me from wanting to eat scrumptious earth based foods and instead give me cravings for Your beautiful scriptures, the words of Your mouth.  You are amazing.  Forgive my attitude toward manna, change my first world, princess self and make me grateful for the gifts I have received.  Focus my heart on the beauty of Your word first, and the beauty of the foods You have created second.  Love You.  Me (again)

Daily Challenge



“This is nothing new”

I Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it

Verse Reflections:  I actually take comfort in the fact that the temptation of food is common.  I am not alone in fighting an overindulgence of food.  There is a part of me that thinks I am crazy –perhaps it is not as bad as I imagine it to be.  And yet, I feel at times I “cannot” control my portions or continued binges.  But this verse tells me that I “can” control it.  This verse reminds me that God is faithful.  He will not let us be tempted beyond our ability.  With each temptation, He will also provide a way of escape.  I do believe these verses we are reading are part of this escape route.  We can endure any dinner, party, any bout of depression, any low self-esteem image, any stress if we will just embrace His word.  We should wrap our heart and mind around key verses that we can remember and use.   Imagine a closed room with a bright light shining from a hidden door labeled “escape route”.  All we have to do is open that door and God’s word will shine brightly, lining the route we run through to escape our temptation.  We WILL be able to endure the temptations.  We WILL be able to escape.  God will not let us be tempted beyond our abilities.  And yet, we cannot use our own abilities, we must run through His escape route.  If we use the “way of escape” He provides then we can endure it.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for providing a way of escape.  Thank You for not letting me be tempted beyond my ability.  I sometimes think I am at the mercy of my temptations but the truth is You have not let it overtake me.  I must remember that when I am overwhelmed.  There is a light shining behind the hidden door.  All I have to do is open the door and “run like hell”.  Is that bad to say in the middle of devotions?  That is how I feel.  I have to run away from the temptations and toward Your light.  Help me take advantage of the escape route You have created.  Allow me to always, always remember that You have provided the way of escape.  I can endure this.  You are faithful to me always.  Give me the strength through Your word to be faithful to You and Your provided escape route.  Others before me, others behind me will be tempted by food.  Even Satan realized this when He made it one of the three temptations in the desert.  I guess I should celebrate that pride and the want of material things do not tempt me but I still have the temptation(s) of the flesh.  I really love to eat.  I know there are so many people that would never understand how this temptation affects me, how it can separate me from You.   But You know.  Thank You for knowing and reminding me that others face the same issue and You have already taken care of us.  Love You.  Today, I am “running like hell” toward Your escape route.

Daily Challenge



“Give glory to God”

Matthew 5:17 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Verse Reflections: I want my light to shine before others so they can see that God and I have it going on.  There hasn’t been a 20-30 pound weight loss around that people don’t start asking, “what did you do?”, “how did you lose the weight?”  This is the point I want to be at so that others will see God’s light through me and my success in losing weight/having a healthy body.  I know God has given me this plan of eating because He knows that I will give glory to my Father who is in heaven.  I have failed enough on my own (40 years of failure) that I know my ways of “will-power”, “diets”, “exercise”, “purging”… just don’t work.  I love the thought of giving God the glory for the good works, for my weight loss.  I love the thought of my weight loss being a light that shines before others for God.  So often, I have to question my witness, am I able to make a difference for God here on this earth?  He has given me so many gifts of peace and joy and happiness that I want to share them.  He is like a bullet proof vest in the midst of warfare here on this earth.  I want everyone to have that same protection.  If I shine a light (like weight loss) that others want and crave then I will be able to give glory to God.  Maybe my weight loss is more than a gift to myself it will open the beautiful give of Christ’s love and kingdom to others.


Prayer:  I love the thought God of my weight loss being a light for Your kingdom.  I work better if I am helping others and not just myself.  Let this be a light for other people.  As You have revealed verses to me I have tried to write these devotionals so that they may one day help others as they have helped me.  Now we just need to make sure the verses transfer to successful weight loss that is a light that shines before others.  Help my eating and drinking habits be a reflection of good works for You.  I know (I have been there) everyone will want to know what I am doing differently.  I hope by then I will have enough verses or maybe even a website that they can use to learn more.  I am not strong enough by myself to be this light.  You will have to make the weight loss successful.  I cannot do it on my own.  And therein lies the success in this verse… I will only be able to shine this light when I can give You all the glory.  It’s Yours God.  Let’s rock this program.

Daily Challenge



“No more secrets”

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.

Verse Reflections:  Ugh!  Every secret thing will be brought into judgment.  Well, these devotions just brought my “secret thing” out into the light.  Maybe that means I won’t be judged later (just teasing).  My secret for forty years is my addiction to sugar.  It has been an easy secret to keep.  I am just 20-30 pounds overweight and I run 20 miles a week so I carry it well.  No-one would look at me and know that I am an addict.  My friends laugh when I say this but for me it is no laughing matter.   For me, this is as serious as an addiction to alcohol or drugs.  Just this past weekend, I allowed myself to have 3 carbs/sugar indulgences on Saturday.  I got through that day but the next day we went to a hamburger joint that makes fresh doughnuts on Sunday.  We had a doughnut for an appetizer and a burger and fries and to be honest my day “went to hell in a handbasket”.  I craved every processed food available the rest of the day.  And so the story goes.  I like to think that yesterday was a turning point in my critical insight about myself.  I simply am not capable of having 3 cars/sugars two days in a row.  Physiologically my body yells at me, it demands more sugar, more processed carbohydrates and to be perfectly honest for a period of time I am at the mercy of my cravings.  The truth of it is I am not my cravings when I eat God foods and allow myself just one doughnut OR a serving of fries.  It is the combination of multiples that eliminates my abilities to fight.  When I make choices consistent with God’s plan of eating I am 100% capable of resisting temptations.  I need to know that I need to fear God and keep His commandments.  I need to not keep my eating issues a secret and just let everyone know I CANNOT eat sugar and carbs on a regular basis.  It is just that simple.  No more secrets.  We are judging this secret now and changing this lifestyle before judgment.

Prayer:  Father it is actually freeing to know that You are judging me and revealing my secrets and this is a reality.  I cannot keep my addiction to sugar a secret.  I must be honest, forthright and humble in letting those around me know that I can only have only one sugar/high carb food per day in order to keep Your commandment of eating foods that honor this temple You have blessed us with.  I know I have 120 extra pounds of pressure on my knees right now @ 40 pounds of pressure per extra 10 pounds of fat.  I run too much and I am too old to keep up with that wear and tear.  Father I love the idea of being judged and my secrets exposed.  Is that a little weird?  I want to expose this dirty little secret and let’s get it gone.  I have been judging myself for years now.  I’d love to give it over to You to judge, expose and fix.  I love You and I love the exposure of knowing my secret is no longer a secret.  I didn’t even know myself that I was an addict until recently.  I just knew I was not capable of controlling my eating.  Thank You for taking away the compulsions when I eat God foods! I truly honor You and shout alleluia to You in thanksgiving.  I feel like hugging You and dancing with You now that I know I can control my compulsions just by changing the type of foods I eat.  For me it is not about calories or points it is about carbs and sugars.  I do not have to count or write or stress any more.  Alleluia (God be praised)!

Daily Challenge



Zechariah 7:6

And when you eat and when you drink, do you not eat for yourselves and drink for yourselves?

Verse Reflections:  So often I am too conscious of others when I eat or drink.  I am conscious that someone brought a great wine for me to taste, someone worked hard on the meal, the desert, or the casserole…  I was raised in the South and we are often defined by the foods we cook or bring to the party.  We believe that true hospitality includes having to try everyone’s dish and spread the compliments because the cooks are watching.  Now that I am older and border-line diabetic I have to change my entire mindset.  I cannot eat all the casseroles and all the deserts.  I have done that for decades and it has caught up with me.  Today, this verse reminds me that I need to eat and drink for myself.  I need to treasure my health first.  That means if I have to skip Susan’s homemade rolls or Dianna’s grandmother’s pound cake recipe it is okay and they will understand.  Their world does not revolve around me but mine does.  God have shown me what to do. I have to be strong enough to make my long term goal of being healthy the directive for my eating and drinking choices.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for the reminder that I must be true to myself first.  You know this goes against all that I have been taught in the Southern lifestyle.  I will truly have to adjust my thoughts, my developed instinct of having a piece of everyone’s dish they worked so hard on.  Give me this verse in my heart when I reach for the serving.  I know how to be healthy.  Now help me take it to the next level of not thinking of others when I make the choices that are best for my own singular health.  I do not have to have a glass of wine every time others are.  I do not have to have a piece of the cake that was made for the event.  But God, I need Your help to implement this plan, this verse.  Help me to eat and drink for myself, for my health and dedicate it to Your glory.

Daily Challenge



“Serve God first”

Exodus 23:25 You shall serve the LORD your God, and he will bless your bread and your water, and I will take sickness away from among you.

Verse Reflections:  Three key points:  1. Serve the Lord   2.  He will bless our food and drink   3.  We will be healthy.  For me those three points form the threads in the tapestry of my eating.  IF I serve the Lord then He blesses what I eat and gives me the power to make healthy choices.  When I stay close to Him, serving Him daily, it is easy to receive the food and drink He chose for me and to eat them in the right portions.   When we choose His foods we are healthier.  One cannot exist without the other.  We cannot be healthy without eating nutritious foods.  Our food and drink will not be blessed if we are not choosing the right foods.  And for me, I cannot make these choices without serving the Lord.  If I step away from Him and get wrapped up in living here on earth, I start choosing the wrong foods and my “bread and water” is not blessed.  I do believe that what we eat, how much we weigh, will significantly make a difference in our health.  Certainly, there are illnesses that cannot be controlled by our food choices but so many times our choices make a difference in our health.  We are certainly giving God more power to take sickness away from us by making healthy choice that He can bless.

Prayer:  Bless my bread and water Father.  I come to You with the desire to serve You.  May the writing of these devotionals be a part of this service to You.  May each word You speak, each verse we integrate into our hearts allow us to make healthy, God food choices so that You can bless what we eat.  With these choices, please bless our mental health, our physical health.  Bless our joints, our vital organs, our muscles, our brains so that illnesses that we can be prone to are staved off.  Continue to give me the wisdom to choose nutritious foods that You have created. I am sick, I am addict to unhealthy eating habits.  Take this sickness away from me.  You know I love eating Your foods.  I am making this one of the ways that I serve You.  Continue to give me that strength and power to make these healthy and delicious choices.

Daily Challenge



“Faith with works”

James 2:17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

Verse Reflections:  I grew up going to church, loving Christ.  I have served the poor, I have served on every board available at church, I have taught Sunday School for 10 years but I do not have “works” or action when it comes to my eating habits.  This verse says our faith is dead without the works to back it up.  How often have we prayed for God to change our eating habits, help us to lose weight… but here He is telling us don’t just pray, don’t just have faith… DO IT!!  Have the works to back up your faith in Him.  It will not be easy, it will not come by magic.  If you are reading these devotions, Satan has spotted your weak spot so the war is on.  However, Christ has won every battle.  YOU,  WE can do it! We just have to do it.  Otherwise, this sin (anything that separates us from God), will slowly change us, it will separate us from our purity, our happy, our peace, our confidence.  We will begin to feel bad about ourselves.  Our faith will lose its’ vivaciousness because we have given away our power, it will eventually die because we will be so frustrated, so angry, so sad, even despondent that we will separate ourselves from our Lord and Savior.  Stop right now and claim your power back.  You have faith that Christ has risen from the dead.  Have faith that you can eat God food and be healthy.  Have faith that you cannot pick up those cookies, chips, multiple glasses of wine, whatever processed foods call your name.  You can do the works!  Revive Your faith.  Put on the works!!

Prayer:  Father, I do have total, absolute faith in You.  So, I am going to claim that faith and I am going to back it up with works.  I am not going to let my faith in You or myself die a slow, martyred death.  I’m going to put my works on.  I am going to eat healthy God foods.  Thank You for making so many wonderful foods for me.  Thank You for verses like this that remind me to quit praying for you to come down to rescue me.  I need to put on my big girl panties and just do the works.  It is not easy, it is not magic.  Jesus walked with the cross on His back after He had been whipped.  I can surely put the ridiculous little cookie, cake, chips and wine down.  I can do the works to back up my faith in You, in this amazing wonderful plan of action You have shared.  I love You tons.

Daily Challenge



Free from bondage

Because the creation itself shall also be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Romans 8:21

Verse Reflections:  I have created a cage for myself.  I now peer out from behind the bars and I can’t find the key that unlocks this bondage in me.  This verse gives me hope that the power of Christ, His word/scripture is the key.  I am bonded to an unhealthy addiction to food.  For forty years I have been bound in chains that I have not been able to break.  I am praying that this verse gives me one more step toward “the liberty” from this addiction.  It is interesting that this chapter in Romans stresses that we will all suffer.  We will all have bondages.  Even Paul mentioned his bondage.  Ironically, or perhaps logically the verse before this one says “the creation was made subject to vanity”.  For me that is not a great combination.  I have the vanity and the bondage.  I want the perfect body.  In my spiritual mind I sincerely want to pay respect to God for giving me a great, healthy body and yet, the human side of me really wants to look good in a two piece.  Now, reality says forget that, I am of an age that even if I looked good in the two piece I have no business wearing it in public.  So I must focus my mind on healthy eating.  I must be liberated from unhealthy vanity, unhealthy sugar and carb binges.  I thank God that He promises me in this verse “glorious liberty” not just liberty.  We must claim this with confidence.  How glorious is it to reach up to heaven in praise, to shout glory hallelujah, to KNOW that we are delivered.  We are delivered from bondage.  Claim it, live it.

Prayer:  Yes Father, after 40 years I am delivered from the bondage of food addiction.  Thank You for this promise.  At this moment my soul is souring in excitement.  I know I can trust Your word.  I know this is real.  I know you have given me glorious liberty.  I love searching Your word for these amazing promises that are helping me break the chains that I have lived in.  I love Your wonderful God food, thank You for reminding me that these foods are amazing, they are tasty, delicious and if I eat those foods I will not crave the unhealthy ones.  I will be healthy mentally and physically.  Thank You Father. Finally, I am getting the message.  Thanks for delivering it over and over in Your precious word.  Thank you for delivering me from earthly vanity and societal perspectives with a healthy, God perspective.  I love You.

Daily Challenge



Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth will be full of gravel. Proverbs 20:17

Verse reflections:  This verse really hit me today.  I am constantly deceiving myself into “allowing” extra foods I know I shouldn’t eat.  I deceive myself into thinking I “deserve” the food.  In reality, I “deserve” to be healthy and thin.  Telling myself I deserve the foods is a lie.  I will deceive myself by saying that I had a hard day so I “need” the foods that I know I should not have.  The truth is that I “need” to be thin and healthy so that I am not putting unhealthy pressure on my joints, ruining my immune system…  I deceive myself into thinking that “one more” will not hurt me.  The reality is that my “one mores” have added up to thousands of unhealthy deserts, carbs and processed foods.  I deceive myself into saying that “tomorrow” I will eat perfectly.  I have put off until tomorrow for decades as one day turns into a week turns into a month turns into a lifetime.  As Dr. Phil says, “Today is the only day that will change your life.”  A promise of tomorrow’s success only sabotages today.  I have deceived myself long enough.  Yes, the morsels of food taste sweet but just like this verse promises all the beautiful tastes disappear shortly and there is only remorse and broken promises that taste like gravel.  And then I chastise myself with renewed vigor as I realize that once again I have “failed”.  Today I am going to quit deceiving myself and I am going to savor the sweet tastes of foods made by God.

Prayer:  Father, remove the lies from my heart, my brain and my pantry.  There are no sweet tastes of breads, pastries and carbs that equal the tastes of all the amazing foods You have made.  Encourage me with the amazing smells, herbs and bites of Your foods.   You make the best foods we could ever eat.  I am convinced that I often crave foods just because they are bad for me.  What is wrong with that picture?  You would think I outgrew that at age 22 or so.  Protect me from the cravings, the deceit, the lies that I tell myself.  I have been “getting away with it” for so long that I just keep telling myself the same lies and over and over and I buy them every time.  Really?  God, I am sorry I am so thick skulled.  I need YOUR power to keep the gravel out of my mouth.  I am going to try to visualize my chocolate chip cookies tasting like gravel today.  Bless me as I work on my lies, my deceit.  It is interesting to me that I don’t lie to others, but I will lie to myself… over and over and over again.  Today it stops.  Thank You Father for verses like this one that open my eyes.

Daily Challenge



“Eat only enough”

If you have found honey, eat only enough for you, lest you have your fill of it and vomit it. Proverbs 25:16

Verse Reflections:  Noooooo, I love honey on buttered biscuits. I love cookies… I don’t want to stop with one or “only enough”.  And yet, this verse is built for me, a recovering bulimic.  Amazing that God even writes a Bible verse for bulimics.   I will eat to the point of vomiting and feel good about it.  God reminds us here that we should only have one portion or “only enough for you”.   I do believe that is what God is ordering.  Do not eat to the point of gluttony.  Do not waste your money, your health on eating more than is healthy.  If I stop at one portion I do not feel the need to vomit as a bulimic.  It is when I cross that imaginary line that I feel a compulsion to vomit and purge myself of the expanded, extended stomach contents.  And when I have crossed that imaginary line I keep eating to make it worth my while to purge.  How sick is that?  So, Christ is reminding us to watch our portions.  Even God foods like honey we must stop when we have had the right portion.  Amazing that this verse is in the Bible just for us.  Ugh!  I love it and I hate it.  I can love my neighbors, I can easily not covet… but I have trouble with this simple little “eat only enough for you” verse.  It sounds so easy.  So, here we go.  Today we are going to eat one portion.  We are going to keep walking down the road of health and fine tune the details.  We can do this.


Prayer:  Father, thank You for this reminder that I must watch my portions of even God foods.  It is so tempting to order a 12 oz steak when a 6 oz steak will do.  I am used to eating huge portions and getting away with it.  I am not fat, I am not huge but I eat like I am.  Thank You for fine tuning my healthy eating habits even further.  I need this reminder to stay away from unhealthy portions of even healthy foods.  Give me the power to stop at one even when the restaurant gives me three portions on my plate.  Give me the power to prepare the right portions.  Honestly, I’m not there yet so You are going to have to work with me to discipline myself on portions.  I really don’t like this verse because it requires me to change my mind, my rebellion against portion control.  I need You to work with me and I so appreciate the fact that You have even addressed food quantities in Your word.  I need this and appreciate You looking down and knowing we needed these verses even before we were born.  Love You.  Here’s to God + 1 portion.


Daily Challenge



“Run devil run”

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

Verse Reflections:  I love the idea of the devil running from us when we start our day with these verses.  When we submit ourselves to God, we CAN resist the devil.  For forty years I have tried to break my food addictions on my own.  I am a strong woman and I have always thought that tomorrow I would make it happen, tomorrow I would eat right, tomorrow I would start that diet or healthy eating plan.  I finally got to the point that I had to truly submit to God.  I had to infuse the word of God into my soul daily.  Every day I didn’t read God’s word I failed.  It is just that simple.  You are on the journey of submission.  When I finally realized that I had to have the power of God on my side to break my food addiction is the day I became successful in this plan.  I am a serious addict and that means I can’t go one day without a Bible verse that speaks to my addiction.  I can’t go one day without holding God’s hand and at the same time bowing at His throne to request that His power watch over me.  I am powerless against the devil’s wiles.  He has my number and yet God has the power to make him run.  God created me, gave me the key to overcome temptation.  He gave us verse after verse that allows us to resist the devil.  The next time I hear the cookies calling my name I will think in my head “run devil run” and then I will remember this verse and walk away.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for giving us this knowledge that if we only submit ourselves to You we will have the power to make the devil flee.  Lord, You have helped me realize that for me this submission to You is a daily journey.  I cannot skip one day of submission and resist the devil.  And in a crazy beyond this world, unexplainable way I have amazing power when I start my day or end my day with Your word.  There is truly power in Your word.  Thank You for reminding me daily that I can rise above my powerlessness.  Thank You for giving me power that I cannot access without You.  Most days I don’t even have to ask the temptations to flee when I start with the commitment to Your word.  This commitment continues into a healthy craving for God foods:  steak, pork chops, chicken, vegetables, salads, fruit.  I am happy eating all of these beautiful, flavorful foods.  Thank You for Your creations.  Thank You for making Satan “flee” from my life.  I cannot tell You how much lighter I feel spiritually, mentally not having to run down a list of foods that I am planning to eat.  I bow at Your throne in appreciation.  Now help me remain convinced every day to come to Your word to submit to Your glorious power.  I adore You and appreciate You.  Have a blessed day Father as You have blessed mine.

Daily Challenge



God strength

It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. Psalm 18:32

Verse Reflections:  Yes!! God has armed me with the strength to eat healthy.  After forty years of trying to do this myself I have to have His strength, His power to do this.  “My way” is not perfect, not even close to perfect. In fact, my way is abject failure.  My way is not consistent.  My way leads to binging.   My way leads to self-recrimination.  My way leads to jumping on the scale to judge my success or failure.  My way leads to diet pills, the latest fast weight loss fad, binging and purging.  My way leads to looking in the mirror and crying.  God’s way allows me to throw away the scales.  God’s way allows me to eat great, delicious foods every day and even have one splurge.  God’s way eliminates the binging.  God’s way eliminates the physical compulsions and cravings that occurred daily when I ate too much sugar or carbohydrates.  God’s way allows me to look in the mirror and know He created me as a perfect being.  How exciting to know that we are armed with all the strength we need to make our way perfect.  Once again, God has this.  Just give it to Him daily and the crazy battle we have been fighting has been won.

Prayer:  Oh Lord I fall on my knees in praise for this verse.  I am so weak.  I have tried to arm myself for this battle for years.  I have chosen the worst weapons possible.  I have chosen temporary solutions, temporary weapons that allow the enemy to come back even stronger.  You have given us a permanent way to eat that is not unreasonable.  It is healthy, it is easy if we will just do it.  Thank You for giving us this option that is not as extreme as Your command to Daniel.  I am just being honest when I say I could not eat just fruits and vegetables the rest of my life.  You allow everything in this plan.  You are allowing me to have my favorites if I limit it to one portion a day of the “non-God” foods.  This took me a while to get used to but I am there and it is totally doable thanks to You arming me with strength.  THANK YOU for this amazing, awesome plan and the strength to make it happen.  You way is perfect and therefore my way following You is perfect.

Daily Challenge



Holy plans

Before I shaped you in the womb I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you.” Jeremiah 1:5 MSG

Verse Reflections:  Before I saw the light of day, You had holy plans for me.  My breath is taken away with the magnificence of these words. God set up a plan for each of us before we drew our first breath.  Holy means “set apart”.  God created plans for us that set us apart from the world.  In order to accomplish these plans we have to treasure this body that he “shaped in the womb”.  Wiggle your fingers, use your eyes to look around, stand up or roll your wheelchair with your hands.  Our bodies are a work of art.  Each brush stroke is a part of the art.  When we put too much processed foods into our body we are creating fat that blocks our arteries, creating difficulty pumping blood to our extremities and heart issues.  Eating carbohydrates and sugars will spike our sugar and insulin levels causing low energy levels and cravings for additional food.  It can even cause dizziness, burning sensations and issues in our joints.  So… why do we continue to destroy this work of art?  Why do we make choices that do not set us apart from this world?  We know that we should eat God foods.  God shaped our bodies perfectly.  Instead we conform to the world and give into the madness of marketing that convinces us that all these rows and rows of processed foods are better than the foods God created.

Prayer:   You “set apart” plans for me.  You “set me apart” from the world with Your plans for me.  Lord, please allow me today to set myself apart from all the temptations of the world.  Sometimes they overwhelm me.  I crave a certain food and it swirls and swirls in my brain until I indulge.  Today I am going to cling desperately to the holy plans You have for me.  Before I saw the light of day and every day after, You wanted me, planned for me to set myself apart from this world.  Today, Lord, I am going to be holy.  You are the power I need to overcome and set myself on a different plane.  I am going to grasp onto Your plan for me and claim it.  I am going indulge in Your foods and gain Your strength.  I am so crazy Father to jeopardize the health of my beautiful body by eating and drinking foods that You did not create to the point of indulgence and gluttony.  I know I destroy Your plans for me some days and for that I apologize.  I love You and appreciate all You have done for me before I saw the light of day and every day since.

Daily Challenge



For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. I Timothy 4:8

Verse Reflections:  As an athlete this verse is vital to my transition to God Plus 1.  I would literally weigh 300+ pounds if I didn’t exercise and I am not exaggerating.  I work off a minimum of 30 pounds a year.  Remember I’ve been fighting this battle for forty years.  It doesn’t take a math genius to realize what I would weigh if I added 30 pounds a year.  I love exercising and God gives me some credit for this in this verse but reminds me that exercise is not the full answer.  While exercise is “of some value” this verse is adamant that godliness is “of value in every way”.  Well there you go.  I have been trying to lose weight, maintain weight by using more calories that I inhaled.  I have been trying to at least be consistent in my exercise levels even when I could not control my eating.  To the point there were days I would go run an extra two miles just to make up for that extra binge. For anyone reading this that does not enjoy exercise God is speaking to you and telling you to get up and move.  He has given you a gift of a miraculous body.  Go enjoy using it.  My goodness, just go for a walk and enjoy the beauty you pass, the people you meet.  EASY! Exercise will make you mentally and physically healthy.   This verse, again, mirrors the message I am hearing over and over again.  We cannot fight this battle without God. Physical exercise helps us here on earth but godliness (being God centered) will make a difference in the battles here on earth and it will prepare us for eternity.

Prayer:  Well God, I’ve known this in the back of my mind during the entire last forty years, However, I haven’t backed up this knowledge with action.  I’ve prayed and I’ve prayed and I’ve prayed but I have expected You to play the magic fairy godmother, wave Your magic wand and make it easy.  I’ve expected You to do all the work.  Life and age and Your word have taught me that You have cleared the path but I still have to walk it.  I have to bend down and throw away the sticks that fall onto the path.  I have to start my day by reading Your word so that I know exactly where the path is.  Then I have to reach up to You, trust You and then make the hard choices of saying no to foods even when every fiber of my physical body is screaming to say yes.  In other words, I have to put one foot in front of another on the path You have shown me.  When temptations fall onto the path, I have to scramble over them, pick them up and throw them off the path.  I have to stay close to You in order to have the strength to do this.  I have to exercise consistently, knowing it is important but staying close to You is even more important. God, here’s to walking and even running the path of physical, mental and spiritual health.  Thank You for leading me on this path.


Daily Challenge



“Like a morning mist”

I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like a morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you. Isaiah 44:22

Verse Reflections:  Imagine for a moment that your unhealthy eating habits are floating away on clouds.  Think of a beautiful morning mist over a lake and then the sun rising as the mist just disappears.  The power of Jesus can make years of unhealthy habits just float away and turn into an invisible vapor.  God has bought back our power.  He has redeemed us.  Think also about what clouds signify… storms, shadows or darkness because the clouds are blocking the light.  When the clouds blow away the light is allowed through.  That is the difference between living in darkness and living in the light.  God is light and He alone can sweep away our years of bad habits.  And they are habits, which makes them very hard to break.   Next time we are tempted to stop at that place that has the perfect food keep walking.  Know that He has swept away our bad habits.  Morning mist burns away and the sun comes shining through.  Keep walking, it WILL BE TOUGH for about an hour and then you will get through it with extra joy.

Prayer:  God, I love the image of my cravings moving in like a morning mist.  The mist greets us with beauty and power but then the more powerful sun slowly burns away the droplets that combine in the air to form the effect.  Lord, send the sun to my mind, to my body, to my habits.  I have some bad habits that only You can control.  I go to certain places and order certain things.  I have a bad day at work and want to come home and bake certain things.  I pick up “one” of certain items and keep picking up one until I reach 25.  Thank You for reminding me these are just tiny droplets of water blocking the sun.  Give me the power to ignore the habits for one hour.  If I do that then the power will dissipate.  One hour Lord.  I give You all my one hours until my day is done.  I love You.

T-shirt:  “Like a morning mist” my cravings will be swept away.  Isaiah 44:22

Daily Challenge



“I discipline my body”

But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. I Corinthians 9:27

Verse Reflections:  Ha!  And this is where I personally still fail.  I think it is hilarious that God chose me to put these verses together since I still disqualify myself through my inability to “keep it under control”.  I have the discipline of exercise down, but the eating…. Not even close some days.  Of course, those are the days I don’t stop and breathe in God’s beautiful words.  I know this “God plus 1” works because when I read the scripture and the words God gives me I am disciplined in controlling my eating.  When I leave off the “God” part of my day, I am frankly not disciplined at all and I am disqualified from sharing this beautiful plan God has shared.  Because no one wants to hear about a weight loss plan from someone who hasn’t lost a pound.   I love sugar.  It makes me happy, I love every bite of crunchy pastries, crispy and chewy cookies, pies… Maybe this is why God did choose me to put this together because “I” disqualify myself with this ridiculous addiction but God qualifies me over and over again through His power and His forgiveness of my failures.  Even when I become disciplined I hope to never “preach” to others because then I will have to worry about perfection.  I hope to just “share” God’s beautiful messages, to encourage us in a world that discourages.

Prayer:  Father, I will never feel comfortable posting all of these amazing messages until I lose the 30 pounds I have put on.  YOU are going to have to take over and make this happen.  And yet I know as I type that I have to take the daily action steps of drawing close to You so You can help me.  I do have to discipline myself in order to be able to share these messages.  Please, Please give me the ability to be disciplined.  I have to admit something in me rebels against that word!  What is wrong with me?  I just want to be.  Discipline makes me think of work and struggle.  Can we just eat God food and leave the word “discipline” out of it?  I am hearing You say “no” which makes me mad.  When I try to accept that thought I want to order a pizza and wait until tomorrow to start.  Lord, fix me.  I am broken.  Allow me to want to be disciplined now, this moment.  I love You.  Allow me to discipline my body, to keep it under control TODAY whether I want to or not.  Love me through my failures and let’s “discipline my body” today together.  I am going to suck it up and do this despite myself.


“I discipline my body” TODAY with God’s help.   I Corinthians 9:27


Did you know?  Alcohol decreases serotonin (the feel good hormone).

Daily Challenge



“Put your desires to death”

Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Colossians 3:5

Verse reflections:  I love the idea of taking a big butcher knife to my “evil desire” for sweets, processed carbs, alcohol and all the other processed foods that create passion, impurity and idolatry in me. I need to put my desires on the butcher block and stab them over and over and over again. Now, just when I think they are dead and I make some prolonged progress they come back from the dead and convince me that a week of splurging will make me happy.  And then months’ worth of discipline disappears literally overnight (okay seven overnights).  If you are reading this and it feels like I am exaggerating, then you do not experience the battles I face inside.  I feel impure when I indulge at the levels I eat at.  I feel my desires are evil not because of the desires themselves but because of the unhappiness they create afterwards and the separation I feel from godliness.  I covet a great body to the point that I am depressed when I look in the mirror or try on clothes.  I sometimes make food my “idol” even the god I choose to spend more time with than the God who loves me beyond compare.  I feel immoral, impure when I fail to be disciplined.  I feel depressed, like a failure when I let my passion for food overtake my day.  I am not tempted by sexual immorality, I am tempted by food immorality.  I do not deal with drug abuse, I deal with food abuse.  I am not addicted to cigarettes, I am addicted to sugar and carbs.  I do not have a problem because I am overweight, I have a problem because of the unhealthy emotional results.  Some people have a problem because they are unhealthy emotionally and physically.  We have to do what this verse commands of us.  We have to put to death our desires.

Prayer:  Father, I need Your help to put to death my earthly desires.  I have impure, passionate, even evil desires for food.  I even spend more time with food or thinking about foods than I do with You at times.  I am so sorry I fail at this over and over and over again.  I love You Father, more than You could ever know.  I realize that I do not show You because I let my earthly desires take over even when I know I have to have strength from above to overcome.  I can’t just get through day by day.  I have to KNOW that I have put these desires to death.  I have to KNOW that I will live the rest of my life having put to death the cravings.  I have to know I can eat two cookies, not fifteen.  I have to live today and tomorrow without a question mark.  I have to put an exclamation mark beside my choices.  It is interested that You command US to put the desires to death.  Okay, I am ready.  Let’s stab this baby to death now and insert cravings for pure, God foods.

Daily Challenge



The God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 1 Peter 5:10

Verse Reflections:  Okay team, we have all suffered a little while so let’s let God restore us and make us strong, firm and steadfast.   That would make a great t-shirt.  STRONG  FIRM STEADFAST!!  I am going to claim these three words and shout them out today.  I love the way this verse starts out.  He reminds us that we have access to the God of all power.  The God of all grace that gives us eternal life.  WOW!  The two best gifts we could ever receive.  Grace is the gift of forgiveness and unconditional love that rises above anything we have ever done or has been done to us.  Eternal life is a promise of life with Him long after these crazy human bodies are gone.  Two gifts that no one else on earth can give.  So, if we have access to these gifts, we know He can restore us and make us strong, firm and steadfast.  This is what I have been missing in my eating habits.  I have not been strong.  I have not been firm and I have certainly not been steadfast.  I have ridden the roller coaster of starvation and gluttony.  I am taking a deep breath of hope as I write this.  I have to go now and write this fabulous prayer of hope.

Prayer:  Father, I am so excited.  These are the three features of my eating life that I have been missing.  You, the God of grace, the God of eternity remind me here that You can deliver these features to me.  Thank You first of all for restoring me.  I am broken.  I need restoration.  Thank You for giving me strength, firmness of purpose, and a steadfast way of eating.  I have to eat the same every day.  I have to be firm about honoring You by continuing to eat God foods.  I have to be steadfast/unwavering in how I eat every day.  I cannot eat a large bag of candy, a pan of cookies, a bag of chips and be firm in my eating habits.  Father erase my past, restore me to the person You created me to be.  Give me the power to be strong.  I cannot be strong on my own.  I have proven that through decades of disaster.  You can make me firm in my resolutions and habits.  Restore me and let’s make today happen with a firmness, a steadfast, an unwavering goal of eating God foods and wanting to do so for the rest of my life.  I already feel better.  I do not have that soft fuzziness in my head that comes from eating too much sugar.  I do not have the cravings I once had.  Thank You for that.  You are restoring me.  I am ready now to be firm with Your help.  Love You.  Got to go start our strong, firm, resolute day.

Daily Challenge



“Eat and be satisfied”

The meek will eat and be satisfied: they will praise the Lord that seek Him: your heart will live forever. Psalm 22:26

Verse Reflections:  Maybe this is my problem.  I am not very meek.  “Quiet, gentle, and humble in spirit”  I’m sure it is not an accident that the word quiet comes first in these descriptions.  When we are quiet, we can hear God’s voice.  When we hear God’s voice we are infused with His power, instead of our own which always fails.  We must be humble in spirit and realize that we cannot live this life without Him.  I have tried to power through losing weight by my own strength and it just does not happen.  I know there are plenty of people who can use their own strength to lose weight, to make consistent right choices.  I am not one of them  I am a strong woman who runs a multi-million dollar company but this works to my disadvantage.  I think I can do it all and I can’t.  I must change my spirit to one of meekness, confess my lack of power and totally depend on Him.  My husband has travelled all over the world to serve in medical missions.  One week he arrived in an African village which had been devastated by a disease.  Everyone in the village, including the chief who lost his daughter, had lost someone in their immediate family.  Every evening at sunrise they would gather and sing praises to God.  Mark asked the chief on the last day, “How do all of you praise God so enthusiastically every day when you have lost so much?”.  The chief looked him steadily in the eyes and said, “My son, the question is not how we who depend on God every day for every drop of water, every breath and every morsel of food praise Him, the question is how you in America, who live under the illusion of control of this universe and your lives praise Him.”  Think about this.  When we are not humble, when we think we can control our lives, our safety, our health, our jobs, our finances we resent God when it doesn’t work out.  If we all just live with the knowledge that this world, this life is not within our control, we would meekly depend on His wisdom, His power, His omnipotence.  Today, let’s live meekly and trust that the food He gave us are the foods we should eat and live by.

Prayer:  Father, this is not a prayer I enjoy praying.  I like my strength.  I like who I am most of the time.  But I need to give up.  I am not able to consistently make the right choices in eating right.  I have to come to You quietly so I can hear Your voice tell me what to eat.  My voice screams at me when I have cravings.  Quiet that voice, quiet the power in my own voice.  Please Lord, speak loudly even when I am quiet because I have decades of bad programming.  I am used to hearing the siren call of sweets, carbs, dips…  I am powerless.  I am weak.  I kneel at Your alter in humbleness.  YOU have to change me.  I cannot.  This is my temptation on this earth.  I know I have to be consistent in my habits.  I ask for continued meekness.  Every morning help me to confess to You this weakness, the need for Your power.  WE can do this.  I cannot.  I love You more than this life so allow me to honor You in my life every second of every day.


Daily Challenge




Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires, but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” Romans 8:5

Verse Reflections:  I think this verse so accurately reflects the vicious cycle we are in.  A basic hamster wheel.  We keep going back to the wheel and spinning day after day even when we are going nowhere.  Nature, another word for our bodies, desires Carbugers.  Our brain releases dopamine when we eat Carbugers.  This is a feel good, positive reaction to eating these foods.  The problem is that we are also training our brain to crave these foods and because of way the brain works.   We have trained or set our minds on these same enticing delicacies.  As this verse says, we have lived according to our sinful nature and this in turn has set our mind on what nature desires.  Likewise, if we eat God foods, we will also train our mind to crave what God wants us to eat.  I cannot stress jumping off this wheel enough.  For decades I have truly thought at times that I was crazy, I was insane.  In every other aspect of my life I am so disciplined but I could not bring discipline to what I craved.  I am telling you the truth when I say, if you eat God foods you will crave carburgers less and less and less.  You will begin to want the healthy beautiful meats and vegetables that God created for us.  But I will also tell you it is not easy.  You have to live in accordance with the Spirit NOT your body (what we interpret as our mind) and that is hard for the first 90 days especially.  I know there is controversy in science about food addiction but I KNOW I was addicted to carburgers.  I had no control over my cravings.  I thought about my next sugar fix constantly.  I had to overeat God foods at the beginning to get a handle on my cravings, to reset my mind.  I turned around and took a deep breath one day and realized that I was no longer craving.   Food took a back seat to other thoughts.  Freedom is sweet.  Live today in accordance with the Spirit and eventually your mind will be set on what the Spirit desires.  You are not crazy, you are not undisciplined.  You are in a vicious cycle.  Step off the hamster wheel today.  Eat God foods

Daily Challenge



“I will be rebuilt”

You, O Lord, love me with an everlasting love; You have drawn me with loving-kindness. You will build me up again and I will be rebuilt. I will take up my tambourine and go out to dance with the joyful! Jeremiah 31: 3-4

Verse Reflections:  Isn’t this what we all want?  To be rebuilt?  I want my entire body and mind rebuilt.  I love that He is building me up “again” and I WILL be rebuilt.  God never tires of our struggles.  He never gives up on us.  He builds us up again and again.  He loves us with an everlasting love.  We cannot make Him not love us.  If eating disorders, food addiction separated us from His love I would be last on His list of loveable people.  He has “drawn” us with loving-kindness.  God is the artist.  He drew us perfectly.  It does not matter what your body type is.  He drew you in the perfect shape, the perfect colors.  He loves You.  The good news is now we can work with him to rebuild ourselves time and time again.  Claim it, live it.  Take out your tambourine and go out to dance with the joyful.  Listen to this last verse.  Surround yourself with joyful people.  Surround yourself with people that believe in you.  Know that you are beautiful.  You are loved by our Lord.  You were drawn, just as you are with love and kindness.  We have to love ourselves as Christ loves us.  And then we get to rebuild ourselves, claim our best selves.  Every day, I work on rebuilding myself.  I work on one inch at a time, one meal at a time, one temptation at a time.  I know I can be rebuilt.  I have already claimed it and see the progress.  I am going to quit criticizing myself, chastising myself for every little issue.  I am going to love myself with this everlasting love and know that it is okay if I have to rebuild myself little by little.  I am going to dance with joy now.  Just as I am.  Dance with joy today, claim the joy, claim the love.

Prayer:  Father, rebuild me today.  I love the way You drew me at birth.  Take that drawing and let me see the colors, the beauty, the stunning vision that You had when You drew me.  I have had that image knocked down.  I knock it down daily myself with criticism, insecurities, a vision of perfection.  Father, help me seek joyful people that love me just as I am.  Help me dance.  I know if I focus on the joy, the art of life, I will not feed my insecurities and food will become a tool not a weapon.  Thank You for being my artist.  Show me the beauty of my self.  I love You.  Let’s dance through the day today Father.  Let’s be joyful.


Daily Challenge



“Meditate for good success”

This Book of the Law will not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. Joshua 1:8 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  Ah, this is so true.  When I place God’s words in my heart, when I meditate on it day and night then and only then can I do according to all that is written in it.  I am so weak.  When I skip even a day, I revert back to old habits quickly.  I feel anxiety creeping in and it begins to crawl throughout my skin and blood.  I am positive that this produces cortisol and I begin craving whatever unhealthy foods my head invents that day.  A trip to the kitchen ensues and I cease my ability to eat healthy.  These verses have changed my life.  I know power is in the word and when I access that power I can eat healthy and make the choices I want to make.  God tells us in this verse that when we place God’s word in our heart we can choose wisely and have good success.  WOW!! What a promise.  For years we have been trying to find initiative, we have been trying to eat heathy and all we have to do is meditate on God’s word to have good success.  God’s promise here is that if we mediate on His word then we will do it.  This will make us successful (prosperous) and we will choose wisely.  My Father was a scientist and I love understanding “how” and “why” but honestly there is no explanation for the power of God in this world.  But for fellow skeptics I have experienced it.  I know the difference when I focus on God’s word and when I do not focus on His word.  We become “holy” or set apart just by reading His word.  How easy is that?  All the tears, all the recrimination and all we have to do is reflect on God’s word every day.


Prayer:  Father, Your holiness seeps into me when I meditate on Your word.  I don’t have to try to be different.  I just am.  Once again, the power of Your word is amazing.  Thank You for revealing all the verses that can change my life.  It is fascinating that You chose to reveal them to me.  Now I have to make sure that I use them every day.  Is it wrong to create a book or a website just for me?  Ha, sorry I need so much support God.  I just know if I skip a day I am weaker.  This verse is so true.  If I can’t recall a verse a day I choose to eat more than I should, I choose to eat food that I shouldn’t.  And yet if I read the very devotions I have written and the verses that You have written I have power from within.  I do believe that millions of people can use these verses so thank You for allowing me to create a website to help push these inspirational verses to others so that we can all meditate on Your words days and night.  “For then” we can be successful.  Your scripture has the power to change the world.  Allow me to be one of the first that these 365 verses changes.  Tears come to my eyes when I dwell on the mental differences I am already observing.  Thank You for restoring my confidence in me, my power through You and my love for myself right now before I experience the good success You promise.  I love You.  Thank You for Your words and the power therein.  Today we are going to choose to eat healthy.  We are going to strive for excellence not perfection.

Daily Challenge



Yet they kept on sinning against him, rebelling against the Most High in the desert. They stubbornly tested God in their hearts, demanding the foods they craved. They even spoke against God himself, saying, “God can’t give us food in the wilderness.” Psalm 78:17-19

Verse Reflections:  Here God was leading them out of slavery.  He was providing for their needs every day and night but their hearts remained focused on what they did not have.  They spoke against their creator, the one that was giving them freedom.  They concentrated on food rather than gifts of freedom, health and family.  I am so like these people.  I have everything I need.  Everything I want.  I have family, freedom, enough money to pay the bills and yet, even now, I wake up thinking about food and wanting more.  I complain because I can’t eat everything I want to eat.  I complain about gaining weight when I do eat what I want to eat.  What is wrong with us?  Shouldn’t we wake up in the morning and celebrate the positive things we have?  Shouldn’t we praise God for all the gifts He has given us?  Shouldn’t we treasure this body He has created for our spirits and feed it natural foods that he created?  It says they “stubbornly tested God in their hearts”.  How many times do I test God?  I wake up and say to heck with eating healthy… I want what I want.  Then I just fold my arms and dare God to criticize me.  And then I have the nerve to get mad because I gain weight’  I can’t criticize the Israelites because I am not even having to escape slavery and I complain about food, I demand the foods I crave.  Today, I am going to try to learn from this verse.  The message seems so clear when you are reading about others.  I have been given everything I need.  Today, I am going to not demand the foods I crave.  I am going to eat the amazing foods that God created to give me the health He wants me to have.  I will praise God in my heart today, instead of criticizing Him.

Prayer:  Father, You have already given me freedom.  Thank You.  You gave me birth in a home that was free from slavery, I have never had to fight this fight.  Thank You.  Give me the wisdom to celebrate Your gift.  Give me the courage to not demand the foods I crave.  Give me the strength to eat the foods You have grown and prepared for me.  Give me the beautiful knowledge that if I eat the foods You created, I will also be building and protecting my health.  Give me the ability to reach deep in my soul when temptations arise.  I am constantly testing You.  Forgive me.  Every day I invent a reason why I “deserve” to eat whatever I crave.   Forgive me.  Today I am going to take Your hand and rise above this vicious cycle I have created.  Thank You for the lesson in this verse.  I am free, I have so much to celebrate.   Thank You today for delivering me from my slavery to food.

Daily Challenge



I John 2:15-16 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the vain glory (inordinate pride in one’s self, vanity) of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.

Verse Reflections:  Oh Lord I am in trouble.  I love the things that are in the world.  I LOVE food.  I LUST after food.  I am a little vain in that I want to look and be skinny.  I don’t spend hours getting ready or reapply makeup or have to wear makeup to the grocery store…  But this verse is slamming my love for food all the way to the ground.  God is telling us in clear black and white, no “if, and, or but” we need to get over our love of and lust for food, our lust for the perfect body.   YIKES.  I want to change but I don’t want to give up the fun of loving food.  And then I have to examine why I want to change. Yes, if I am honest it is that vain glory, that vanity.  I want to look good in my clothes, look good in pictures.  I definitely want to be healthy too but if I peek deep into my soul my vanity is the drive for me because I am healthy so I take that part of life for granted at this phase in life.  I have to focus on the love of the Father, focus on Christ.  I do know something powerful happens in me when I focus on God instead of this world.  God is telling us, in this verse that we have to focus on our Father, not this world.  God created us.  He thinks we are beautiful now.  We have to keep our eyes on Him.  Research tells us we have up to 50 thoughts per second.  Every time we want to criticize ourselves, focus on the world’s perception, the world’s vanity we must speak the words of Christ to ourselves.

Prayer:  Father, Surround me, encompass me and let me live in Your world.  I am not successful in my healthy eating habits when I focus on this world and this verse sheds light on some of the reasons why.  Thank You for taking my love for food, my lust for food, my vanity and placing it in a rocket and blasting it away from this world.  Just send it into outer space.  I am not sure I can do this on my own.  Let me rephrase that, I am sure I can’t do this on my own.  When You are inside me looking out I do see things with Your eyes instead of my own.  I look out with love instead of judgement and criticism which means I love my own body.  I look out for people that need me instead of planning a meal.  Father, guide me today and live inside me.  If You are inside me, we can live in Your world here on earth, in this world.  I am going to imagine a little world around me that encompasses You and me floating through the day.  Today, we are going to live in Your world, and eat healthy because other things will take priority.  Love You tons.

Daily Challenge



Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20

Verse Reflections:  I get so much comfort from the thought that God is with me always, even to the end of the world.  If He can live inside of me always then I have power beyond my wildest imagination.  I cannot even imagine the end of the world and yet God sees all.  He is with us as we wake up in the morning.  He is with us when we go to sleep at night.  He is with us when the worst happens.  He is with us when the best happens.  He comforts us.  He celebrates with us.  We need to acknowledge His presence with our words, our actions, our thoughts, our choices.  He IS there.  My Mom used to say, “You might as well invite God to the parties you attend because He is there any way.”  It kept my actions and my thoughts in the right place when I invited Him as a teenager and young adult.  This is exactly what this verse is saying.  So let’s start imaging God in our kitchen, looking into the refrigerator or pantry with us, cooking with us.  Let’s imagine Him going to the restaurants with us, ordering off the menu with us.  Sitting in the car as we go through drive through.  “I am with you always!”  WOW!  My perspective today is changing already.  WWJE!  What would Jesus eat?  WWJO!  What would Jesus order? WWJC!  What would Jesus Cook?  We might as well ask ourselves these questions because He is eating with us, ordering with us and cooking with us.

Prayer:  Father, It is so fascinating to me how this verse that I have known all my life is infusing me with a different perspective about eating.  Thank You for talking to me in so many ways through Your word.  Thank You for reminding me even though I know that You are with me.   You are not up in the sky looking down.  You are WITH me.  You are right here, right now.  I am humbled and I am encouraged.  I am strengthened.  God I have the strength to make the right choices because You are with me even unto the end of the world.  You will never leave me or forsake me even when I have forsaken myself.  Your perspective is eternal so if I blow it for a day You will not leave me.  Your perspective is eternal so You will give me the power I need to make decisions that are good for tomorrow today.  I know that Today is the only day that will change my life.  Go with me today to the grocery store, to the restaurants, to refrigerator and kitchen.  I invite You with a new found reverence to my table to dine with me.

Daily Challenge



Zap temptation with ALL power

“Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness.” Colossians 1:11

Verse Reflections:  We have been strengthened with ALL might.  We’ve got this.  We have the power to eat right.  We have His glorious power.  That is more power than we can imagine.  Longsuffering means we can patiently endure hardship without giving up hope.  So, anyone reading this verse that has struggled with eating issues all your life, or has been overweight all your life can change today with God’s help.  We can be joyful and look ahead to the next phase of our lives.  We have been strengthened with God Power.  That is a vastly different power than your power or my power.  I think this verse purposefully states that we have been strengthened with ALL might.  Every source of power in the universe is at our fingertips.  You no longer have to depend on your weak efforts at choosing healthy foods.  You are no longer weak when you invite God to lead the way.  Today we can be joyful and shed our past.  All your dreams of eating right and being healthy are here today, packed into this one verse.  You have the power.  Imagine today that you are a superhero with ALL the power in the universe in your fingertips.  Lift your arms and imagine the strength filling you from above in a stream of lightning power.  When a temptation comes your way, invoke God’s strength and power.  Point your hand at that temptation and imagine the blast of power zapping it into non-existence as you reach over for some delicious God food.


Prayer:  God, you have given me ALL might, glorious power.  I truly imagine my hands reaching up to the heavens to receive this power and then stretching out my hands to zap temptations out of the way.  I need visuals so thank You for this promise that is beyond expectations.  Give me the joyfulness that bubbles up to the surface in excitement as I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are going to defeat this eating issue that has haunted me for far too long.  You have given Your power but You even go beyond that to say ALL power.  I claim that power today.  I claim that promise today.  I love that in the same verse you reference our patience and longsuffering.  You are telling us we can expect to change that which has been around too long if we claim Your power and we claim it today Lord.  Thank You for delivering us with Your glorious power.  Today we are going to eat healthy, be healthy in mind, spirit and body.  Today we are making a difference in our future.  I love You and appreciate You.

Daily Challenge



Spirit, Soul and Body

“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The One who calls you is faithful and he will do it.” I Thessalonians 5:23-24

Sanctify:  to make clean, render pure, set apart from a common use to a sacred use (Beth Moore)

Verse reflections:  This is exactly what I need, sanctification through and through.  I want to be cleaned of all the yuck that has inhabited my body, my eating habits, my temptations.  I want to be purified and set apart for God to use.  The only way I can start over is by God cleansing my heart, my soul and my mind.  I love the thought of being blameless.  God has the power to change us.  Today.  Not tomorrow.  Remember, today is the only day that will change your life.  Tomorrow will never change us.  God “himself” will sanctify us.  He is the God of peace.  He is not the author of temptation, chaos.  He is the author of peace, the GOD of peace.  We can be peaceful, sanctified and blameless.  Wow.  If we can’t start over with those promises we have serious is-shoes.  This verse goes on to say that God is calling to us.  Listen to Him today.  When you hear His voice, know that He is faithful and He “will do it.”  You do not have to stress.  Just relax.  As a member of the God team, we can change our lives, one day at a time, one meal at a time, one hard choice at a time.  God is going to give us peace today and He is going to change our spirit, soul and body.  To make this a lifetime commit we do have to give Him all three.  I gave Christ my spirit and my soul when I was 13 but I am afraid I have not committed my body as I need to.  Today I commit my body to Christ.  Let’s go eat God foods and feel the peace of God in the process.  “He will do it.”  WE will do it.


God of peace

Did you know:  A rodent study that is quoted by Harvard showed that aspartame has been found to damage a part of the brain that told the animals when to stop eating.


Daily Challenge




Choose this day whom you will serve.” Joshua 24:15

Verse Reflections:  Every day we have to recommit.  Every day we have to decide who we are going to serve.  For me that means asking if I am going to serve my stomach/mind or am if I going to serve God.  Every day I have a raging battle ground within my soul.  I desperately want to serve my God, my Lord and eat God foods.  But I desperately want to cook and eat decadent sweets and foods that I know are not right for my body, soul and mind.  The battle is not a quiet one.  My battle is a storm of sharp deadly arrows buzzing within my soul, piercing my self confidence and ability to stand the test of the enemy I fight.  I try to put on the protective armor of God and still I have to draw my chosen weapon to withstand the pounding and pummeling that goes on within.  This is not an easy battle that we fight.  Alcoholics Anonymous has “One day at a time” as one of their 10 mantras.  This is what Joshua is saying to all of us.  Every day we must choose who we want to serve.  It is not a joke.  It is not easy.  It is not a battle we fight once and we are done.  I do think that is part of our problem.  We want to be done with the war.  We want the 30 day fix, the 90 day fix.  Sorry, this battle will rage until we die.  Simple fact.  The question is, are you choosing God daily?  Are you going to face today with healthy habits that lead to a healthy body, mind and soul this time next year or are you going to always say “tomorrow”?  This verse is definitive that we have to choose THIS day who we will serve.  As Dr. Phil says, “Today is the only day that can change your life.”  Today choose God.  Choose to eat the healthy foods that He created.  They are delicious.  Add spices and create some fun as you cook.  Don’t go bland.  Our God is an awesome God.  His foods are the best foods.  Enjoy creations that will make Him proud.  Today, choose who and therefore what you are going to serve.

Prayer:  Father, today I choose You.  Today I choose to serve You.  Today I recommit to You my daily battle with food.  It is my enemy or better phrased, my enemy uses food.  I am weak and cannot fight on my own.  I have to choose You as my General, as my leader.  It actually helps for me to talk to You each morning and recommit to You.  I can eat God foods when I acknowledge the battle.   I can eat God foods when I connect with You first thing in the morning and choose to serve You.  By serving You, I will serve the right foods on my table.  By serving You I will choose the right foods in the grocery.  By serving You I will choose the right restaurants.  I love You and acknowledge You as my Lord.

Recommit every day.

Daily Challenge



Let the Lord and Leptin rule!

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22

Verse Reflections:  Self Control!  The one fruit of the spirit that is frequently elusive for me.  God gave me a fairly gentle spirit full of love and joy and while I fail occasionally on all of these qualities, self- control is definitely the one I crave.  Listen carefully to the whisper of this verse.  God is telling us that if we abide in the Spirit of God, if we eat God foods, the healthy ones He created we WILL have self-control.  And I have to echo this loudly (I seldom whisper).  There is a magic hormone that our God and Lord has created called Leptin that lets our body know when we are full.  There have been times in my life I was convinced I had no Leptin production because the amounts of food I could eat could put away.  I promise I could rival any person you know.  My record was 18 hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts in one sitting and the list goes on.  However, since I started eating God foods I no longer crave food like I once did.  It is an amazing freedom that I have seldom experienced.  We get on the vicious cycle of eating sugary or high-carb foods that produce insulin.  Guess what?  Those foods block the production and sensation of Leptin.  So truly, we do not ever feel full.  I cannot describe to you the warm satisfaction and confidence I feel as I write this devotion.  I am finally free of this cycle that haunted me for decades.  The fruit of the spirit, God’s spirit, is following His directions to eat healthy foods.  Eating healthy foods allows us to feel full.  Feeling full eliminates the constant hunger and cravings that causes us to be unhealthy and overweight.  This one verse is the secret to living free, for accomplishing more than you ever dreamed you could accomplish.  You will have self-control maybe for the first time in your life.  Fatty foods, Omega-3 rich foods also help trigger the production of Leptin.  That is why when you have nuts, fish like salmon, avocado, seeds… you get full.  Go forth today and eat God foods.  It is a wonderful cycle of health and self-control.

Prayer:  Wow Father.  You have given us the answer, all the answers in this one verse.  If we follow Your spirit we will have self-control.  It is fascinating to me that science, the way our phenomenal bodies work back up this verse.  Give us the power, Your power to eat God foods today.  Thank You that You have created our bodies to have self-control, to feel full when we do this.  That being said, I have a lot of years of mental baggage that I need You to help me unpack.  Help me not to just mentally want those amazing foods I have associated with “deserving”, “relieving stress”, “rebelling” and other ridiculous emotions.  Allow me to shine inside with Your light of healthiness, excitement about doing something about this crazy hamster wheel I have lived on way too long.  Thank You for giving me all the tools that lead to self-control.  I ask You, I beg You to give me that power deep inside to start and continue this healthy way of eating Your foods today.  I love You and thank You for the answers that were always there.  I was just too stupid to know it.

Daily Challenge



Remain connected

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Verse Reflections:  This is where I fail.  I do not always start my day with Christ.  I do not always connect to Him.  On the days I start with Him, that I read His word it is like I get an infusion of will power.  I feel less temptation.  I am able to prepare or order meals that are healthier.  I not only bear much more fruit but I eat more fruit (and vegetables).  I need to start my day with that one Bible verse that God has told me to read each day.  If I start with that verse, with God’s magical words, then I am able to put my personal issues to the side and make God the center, the vine.  Otherwise, I tend to wake up and make me, my issues, my stresses, my celebrations, my life the focus.  I am a stronger person, a better person when I start with God.  When I make God the vine, the center, then I depend on Him for my nutrition.  What a beautiful analogy.  Branches have to depend on the vine for our nutrition.  He is clearly stating that we need to eat the nutrition that He provides for us, God foods, pure foods.  When He is the vine, and we are the branches we cannot get our food supply from any other source.  I love starting my day with this image.  It should not be a choice.  Today, we are not going to separate from the vine.  If you are reading this you are convinced that you want to lose weight, to be healthy.  This is the fruit that you want to produce.  So, connect to the vine, to Christ and eat the food He has produced.  Apart from Him, You will not be successful.

Prayer:  Father, You are the vine.  Please give me this vision, this image today.  Allow me to connect to You and depend on You to supply my every need.  I have proven that I cannot produce the fruit, the weight loss, the healthy living choices I need to without You.  I have to allow myself to be the branch.  God, my tendency is try to be the vine, the center of all and put my own roots in the ground.  I want to create and find my own foods which are not healthy.  You have to help me put You in the center so that I can attach myself to you and get my nutrition from You.  I know how to be successful.  This verse reiterates everything I know.  You have to provide my nutrition, I have to get my water from You, I have to get my nutrition from You.  Just as any plant gets its nutrition from the branches.  Thank You Father for providing my nutrition.  Thank You for providing just enough food for healthy living.  Thank You for being my vine.  Today, with Your help, I will be a branch and depend on You.

Daily Challenge



The secret of contentment

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything though him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4: 12, 13

Verse Reflections:  If I had learned the secret principals of this verse, I wouldn’t need to search God’s word for verses that give me the strength to eat healthy.  This verse makes me throw my head back and laugh in light of my ridiculous fight for weight loss and health.  What is wrong with me to not have learned the secret of contentment?  I have never been in need of food that is for sure.  I have always had plenty of food, even when I had no money in the bank.  I have, however, been in need of hunger control, I have been in need of controlling my eating habits.  I have not learned to be content in my hunger.  My tendency is to feed my hunger.  I know I can do everything through God who can give me strength… I just have to do it.  I have to learn this secret of being content.  Today we are going to be content with the foods God created for us.  We are going to eat four fruits and four vegetables.  We are going put away the processed foods and eat God foods.  We can do this and everything else required to live a healthy life in Him who gives us strength.  The amazing part of this journey is that if I can just convince myself to eat God foods, then my hunger actually goes away and I am content.  It is the processed foods that produce extra insulin and block the leptin, or hunger control.  I just have to start and continue the healthy cycle with Him who gives me strength.  Only then will I be content in every situation.

Prayer:  Father, give me the strength.  Give me the strength in You to do this lifestyle of healthy eating.  You have the strength that I do not have.  I can do everything through You that gives me strength.  I am in need.  I have plenty and perhaps that is part of the problem.  I have plenty but I have not learned to be content.  Lord, You must take me by the hand and teach me the secret that Paul learned.  You must teach me how to be content in any situation.  You must teach me how to be content in my hunger, content when I have eaten enough.  This verse reminds me that I can do this THROUGH You who gives me strength.  Once again, I cannot be content in my hunger without You.  I cannot be content when life hands me difficulties without You.  I tend to feed that pain, or discontent with food.  I come to You on my knees.  I come to You in my desperation to admit that I am insufficient.  I know the secret and yet I have trouble every day whispering the secret to myself in my struggle to be in control.  In my human body, I keep wanting to take over my life every day.  What is wrong with me?  I am old enough to realize I need to re-dedicate my life to You every day.  That is how I will gain strength.  That is how I will yield my own struggle and gain contentment.  Today Lord I am going to be content in You and eat healthy.  I am going to whisper the secret of letting You lead me to health.  I am going to eat Your foods.

Daily Challenge



Eat God’s words

“When Your words came I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight for I bear Your name, O Lord God Almighty.” Jeremiah 15:16

Verse Reflections:  Yes!  We need to eat God’s words.  We need to chew each one of His secret messages slowly and savor the words.  He has sprinkled the living, breathing words of power throughout the Bible that will change our lives.  If we take His words and ingest them, digest them, so that they flow throughout our bloods stream they will feed our body.  They will become part of who we are.  They will change our frustrations to joy.  They will make our heart beat with delight.  His name, the power of His name, and His word will grow us to health.  When we are tempted to binge on food, we need to binge on His word instead.  We should read all of these verses He has given us that are life and habit changing and make them into the nutrition we crave.  How beautiful to wake up with joy because we have the power of God’s word inside our souls, inside of our body!  How delightful to know that our heart is beating today with a stronger health because we are eating God foods.  We bear God’s name.  He is our Father.  He is our role model.  He is our strength.  We are going to eat God’s words today rather than the chocolate, carbs or sugar that we normally crave.  Face today with joy.

Prayer:  Father, I want to eat Your words today and feed my soul on a power greater than myself.  I have proven this verse to myself.  When I start by eating Your words, I am stronger.  I am not tempted by the same foods, the same hunger that tempts me when I do not start the day with Your word.  Thank You for giving us so many verses that remind us that we can do this.  We can make healthy choices.  We can even face the day with joy and delight, not dread and recriminations.  We are healthier people today because we chose to eat Your words.  Thank You for feeding them to us.  I bear Your name God.  I am Your child and there is nothing You want more for my life than me to honor You by taking care of this body You gave me.  I want to give You the honor You deserve by treasuring this Holy temple.  You are my Father.  I stand in Your heavenly power and place my child like hand in Your large, powerful hand.  Take it and lead me Father.  I love You.

Daily Challenge



Free from this stronghold

“O, Lord, like David, help me to rejoice in Your strength and say of You, “How great is my joy in the victories You give!” Father, please grant me the desires of my heart to be free from this stronghold and do not withhold the request of my lips.” Psalms 21:1-2

Verse Reflections:  God’s strength is our answer.  David learned that His weaknesses could only be overcome with God.  Likewise, we need to rejoice in His strength.  We will never have enough strength to overcome this stronghold food has on us.  Yet, we can claim joy in the victory God can give us.  Our heart desires to be freed from this struggle we have battled for years.   It is fascinating that the author of this verse gets that we still have to beg God to grant us the desire of our heart to be released from the stronghold.  We cannot name it and claim it without Him.  We have to have His strength.  No matter how much our heart wants to overcome this battle, we cannot without the power of God.  For years I have tried to conquer the temptations, the power food has over me and I am powerless.  Today, we must stop and request God’s power.  Our lips must utter a prayer to Him, ask for and rejoice in the victory that He gives.  Remind yourself today that God will give us victory.  There is no doubt that if we stop and ask, we will receive.  Wake up with joy.  Know that You have the power on your side if you just ask for it.  Today we will rejoice in God’s strength.  Claim Your victory.  Eat God foods and feel joy.  You and God can do this.

Prayer:  Father, please grant me the desires of my heart to be free from this stronghold and do not withhold the request of my lips.  This verse says it all.  My heart desires to be free from this stronghold and yet so often I yield to its power.  Today I beg You not to withhold the request of my lips.  Please, rise above me, rise above my weakness.  I have this rebel inside of me that wants to yield to the stronghold.  I want the foods I should not have.  I want to indulge to the point of insane elation and misery.  Today I want the joy in the victories You give.  I need You to give to me the gift that sometimes I do not want to receive.  My heart begs to be released.  My mind rebels.  My heart realizes the destruction of this stronghold food has on me.  My mind does not care and instead wants immediate gratification.  Please, please Lord listen to my heart.  Free me from the stronghold that food has on me, on my mind.  Give the joy of the victory You give today.  Thank You for giving me beautiful, wonderful foods that are delicious.  Change my mind to match my heart so that my health is restored.  Today, we will claim victory and eat Your foods.

Daily Challenge



Victory given by Christ

“Through the victories You give, may Christ’s glory be great!” Psalm 21:5

Verse Reflections:  As usual, Your verses are stringing together perfectly.  Yesterday we talked about claiming the joy of the victory.  Today You are telling us that we should take this victory and give Christ the glory.  That is exactly what I want to do.  I want to lose the extra weight and shout from the top of the mountain that I did it with Your power, because of Your power.  I want to glorify You with this victory over a battle I have fought for decades.  I want to rise above the stronghold food has on me and accept the victory You have promised me.  Yes!!  I am there psychologically now.  So often, I have wanted food more than I want victory.  No more!! I want the victory.  I want to claim Your victory and shout the glory to You.  I have proven over and over that I do not have the strength to say no to sugar, butter, flour, carbohydrates.  You are the only source.  You are the only way that I can win the battle.  Only those who fight the same battle can understand how intense it is.  Only those that have fought the same battle know that we cannot take credit for winning.  We must give You the glory.  May Your glory be great.  I want these devotions Lord to change lives as they are changing my life.  You will receive all glory for this victory.  I am ready to be victorious.  I see a t-shirt that says “may Christ’s glory be great”!   Maybe that should be a subtitle for this book or website of devotions.  I want to lose my forty pounds+ and have everyone ask me how I did it.  I want to hand them a card that says “God Plus One”.  I want them to see that You get the glory for my healthy choices.  I want to pass on this beautiful book of verses You have led me to and let them also claim victory and give You the glory.

Prayer:  I am ready God.  I am ready to claim victory and be victorious.  I am ready to glorify You.  I am ready to shout, “May Your glory be great”.  God, You are the only way I can be successful and I know that I can be victorious with Your support and power.  I also know that all my vain friends will ask me how I did it.  I am ready to give You full credit.  I am ready to publish these devotions and give You the glory.  May your glory shine in dark corners all over the world.  It is changing my world Father.  You are victorious.  If You can change my eating habits, the stronghold food has on me, You can change anyone.  I will have to give You the amazing glory.  For me, for my life, Your glory will be great even if not one other person gains from these reflections.  I praise You in my own little corner for the power of Your word.  You have shone light into my darkness.  You have overcome the power of my battle with food.  May Your glory be great.  May just my one single shout of praise for the victory in my one single solitary life be a ray of sunshine in Your heavens today.  I’d like to glorify You right here, right now.  May this single solitary life You have changed, the victory You have given to me, give You great glory.  I cannot thank You enough!  Today I want God food.  That is a miracle.  That is an impossible victory in my tiny, unimportant, yet magnificent child of God life.  I love You.  I am humbled.  I am victorious because of You.  May Your glory be great.

Daily Challenge



No longer a slave to food

“For I know that my old self was crucified with You, Christ, so that this body of sin might be done away with, that I should no longer be a slave to sin- because anyone who has died has been freed from sin.” Romans 6:6-7

Verse Reflections:  Can you imagine the ability to change handed to you in a neat little package?  We have it!  God has separated sin from us.  We can hang up our sin on the cross and walk away.  In fact, Christ has hung our imperfections up on the cross.  Christ chose to die and with His death He gave us power over the sin on this earth.  We can say goodbye to our “old self”.  We can say goodbye to our sin.  For decades I have been a slave to my eating.  For decades I have been a slave to my perceived weight issues.  Christ is telling us now that we do not have to be a slave to food, we do not have to be a slave to eating wrong.  If we come to Christ and give Him our life, if we die to ourselves and depend on Him then we are free from the power here on earth.  I live in a body of sin and I love the fact that this verse says that this body of sin can be done away with.  While I have loved Christ, believed in His grace since I was a child, I sometimes forget that He gave me access to this power.  I just have to commit to it daily.  Hallelujah!  We can leave our struggle with overeating behind.  Hallelujah!  We can die to this sin.  We can live with Christ and His power.  We are free.  Claim it today.  Eat God foods and limit your portions.  God has overcome our sin.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for the greatest gift on earth.  We are not tied to the sins that empower us.  You have the power to crucify, to destroy our sins.  Lord I lay my struggle with overeating, with eating the wrong foods at Your feet. You are amazing, You are all powerful.  God, every day I feel like I am a slave.  I free myself for one meal and then I willingly place the handcuffs back on my wrists and binge.  Father, free me permanently.  I have to know You are my master, not the food.  I have to know that I am free.  I love You God.  I thank You for giving me a new day today.  I thank You for crucifying my sin.  I thank You for giving me a future where food has no power over me.  Thank You for dying on the cross to give us access to Your amazing power here on earth.  I love that each day I can come to You and change the power that food has over me.  I want to die to this sin and live for You.  Give me the power right now, today.  I choose You.  I choose Your foods.  Thank You.


Daily Challenge



Faith gives peace

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1

Verse reflections:  It astounds me that Christ gets our overeating at so many different levels. The lack of peace is often what stimulates our appetite.  Our adrenal glands produce a hormone called cortisol in reaction to stress.  Ironically, high sugar, fatty and high carbohydrate foods produce dopamine which counteracts the cortisol.  Have you ever heard of “comfort foods?”  Yes, the mashed potatoes, fried chicken, cheeseburger, ice cream, chips, cookies, the chicken pot pie that you reach for are comfort foods.  If you think about it from an evolutionary or scientific standpoint it makes perfect sense.  Our bodies sense a threat and we think we should eat to give our bodies the energy required to fight that threat.  Unfortunately, our bodies actually burn less calories during this time period as our metabolism slows.  The science of this circle continues as the comfort foods stimulate the production of dopamine which actually elevates our mood.  Here is the problem.  Dopamine is the same chemical produced by the brain when you ingest cocaine.  That means withdrawal from carbugers can be extremely difficult and product cravings and anxiety.  This is where we have to get off the hamster wheel.  We have to be “justified by faith” that we can stop the circle.  We do not have to have guilt, or recrimination.  Faith in Christ has changed us.  We no longer have to carry baggage.  Unpack from your last trip.  We have to depend on God to give us peace instead of reaching for the foods to give us peace.  We have to depend on God, on Jesus Christ to give us peace.  Next time we reach for the foods to indulge in ask God for His peace, His dopamine.

Prayer:  Father, I know I am a stress eater.  I have to depend on You for my peace.  There is always a reason to feel stress.  There is always a reason to not have complete peace.  I know Your plan for my life will rise above any circumstance I encounter here on earth.  Lord give me peace today.  I have the faith today to believe in Your power, your forgiveness.  I will trust in Your peace.  I will have faith that You will rise above my unrest, the stress in my life.  I will have faith that You will take charge and fill my soul with peace so that I do not reach for food.  Please God.  I am weak on my own.  I must depend on You.  My tendency is to reach for food, to produce the cortisol so that my anxiety relaxes.  It works.  I can depend on it.  I have become addicted to this pattern.  Please help me justify changing my pattern.  Give me the faith this change requires. Help me depend on Your long-term peace.  The peace that lasts more than thirty minutes.  I know that my sugar high/peace disappears and I actually crash.  Your peace lasts long-term.  Give me that peace.  I love You.  I depend on Your peace today and every day.  I will depend on You to help me reach for God foods today’s July 18th

Daily Challenge



What is your master?

Father, the false teachers of this world promise freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity – for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.” 2 Peter 2:19

Verse Reflections:  So true.  How many diets have you tried?  There are so many false teachers out there offering us fast fixes that we expect to lose weight fast and easily.  I am here to tell you that this cannot and should not happen.  Neither should we “diet”.  A diet is a temporary fix to a permanent issue.  We have to take a deep breath, change our habits and expect this to be hard.  Let me say this again.  Eating right is hard!!  We have years of bad habits. And then we have the false teachers telling us that this magic pill will change our metabolism, or decrease our appetite.  We have the false teachers telling us that in 30 days we will lose at least ten pounds…  Sure, go ahead and keep following these ridiculous promises or change permanently.  More false teachers throw up beautiful fast foods, deserts, easy to cook meals, chips and snacks to flash on the television promising us immediate gratification and happiness.  I believe them.  I have convinced myself that happiness equals those delicious bites of these foods.  So many days food is my master.   Food controls me.  While I wake up and plan to eat right, crazy cravings begin swirling in my brain until I pull out the butter, the sugar and begin creating delicious deserts or I go through the drive through where someone else has cooked for me.  I have to give control to Christ, I have to let Him be my master, my leader.  He has given us the perfect foods for us to eat all of which are wonderfully made and savory to the last bite.  We are slaves when we do not make the decisions we know we should make.

Prayer:  Father please build a wall of protection around me and protect me from the promises of these false teachers.  Give me the wisdom You promise us.  Allow me to know that a fast diet will give me a temporary high, it is not a lifestyle change.  Allow me to know that food is not as rewarding, it is not as awesome as I have built it up to be.  I have looked for fast fixes.  I have tried options that work for a while but will not change my life.  God, You gave us a simple way to eat and we have complicated it with aisles and aisles of artificial foods in the grocery store aisles.  Thank You for the amazing foods You created.  Allow me to see through the false prophets and be content to eat as You created me to eat.  I know that Your foods contain the nutrients my body needs.  Give me Your power, Your desires, Your wisdom, YOUR freedom.  In Your name I reject the “freedom” the false prophets shout out.  I claim Your plan, Your answers.  Thank You for the power that You give.  In Your amazing name I pray.

Daily Challenge



Perseverance = Hope

“We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.” Romans 5:3-5

Verse Reflections:  If life was easy we wouldn’t grow, we wouldn’t improve, we wouldn’t depend on God.  We wouldn’t even need hope.  We have tried and tried to lose weight, to eat right and we have failed.  However, whatever suffering you have encountered this verse is telling us to persevere!  Today, we wake up and we persevere no matter what happens.  Our character is changing every second of every minute of every day.  Today we get the privilege of choosing to be better than yesterday.  The crazy part of this life is sometimes the “bad” or “hard” things that we encounter are the ones that change us the most and we get to choose to use them to change them for the better.  Some days all we can do is get up and put one foot in front of the other but we can get up and put one foot in front of the other.  We can persevere.  We can hope.  “God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.”  Feel that heart, feel that love, cling to the hope of change.  Today we are not only going to persevere we are going to hope.  We are not only going to hope, we going to change.  As Dr. Phil says, “Next year will come whether you make changes or not.”  Every day is an investment in next year.  Every day is an investment in you, in the beautiful vessel that God has created.  Today eat pure, beautiful foods that He created.  Invest in your health.  Persevere even when it isn’t easy.  Hope does not disappoint us because God has poured His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.  That little voice inside of you telling you to eat healthy is God’s love.  We have to retrain ourselves to listen to our hearts, not our head.  God wants our bodies to be healthy, our minds to be healthy.  His love gives us a little voice in our hearts.  Listen to that voice today.  Listen to the holy spirit and eat God foods.

Prayer:  Lord this verse speaks to me on so many levels.  I have trained myself to look in the mirror and yell at myself inside my head because my body is not perfect and I did something the day before to contribute to the image.  I have to listen to Your love.  I have to have hope.  I have to claim this verse and not feel hopelessness which, of course, makes me eat more because, “why not, I’ve already blown it.”  I have to claim my character and build my character into one of strength.  Thank You God.  I have hope because You poured Your love into my heart.  Let me feel that love, let me hear Your Holy Spirit.  Let me order the beautiful, pure foods that You created for me.  Thank You for so many amazing flavors and tastes.  I love You.  Have a great day.  We are going to change today together.

Daily Challenge



“Everything is permissible for me- but I desire not to be mastered by anything.” I Corinthians 6:12

Verse Reflections:  We can eat anything we want to eat.  The secret is not to be mastered by it.  If you are reading this, it probably means that you struggle with controlling your eating habits.  You are a slave to your eating habits.   Remember that part of that slavery is the physical addiction you have created by reaching for carbs or sugars (carbugers).    I was not able to break the cycle until I began eating God foods.  I no longer had those insatiable cravings that could never be quenched.  I honestly thought I was mentally off.  I am  a very disciplined person but this was the one area of life I could not conquer.  Because, this is the one area of my life that I could not control, food and the cravings for food were my master.  God knew this and He revealed this very simple truth that I can eat anything, I just need to eat one per day and one serving per day.  When I eat God foods I no longer have the physical cravings that I had before.  I still have to fight my psychological demons and the bad habits that I have developed but these are much easier now that I know I have conquered the physical addictions that made me believe I was absolutely mad dog crazy.  Today I will remember not to be mastered by food and yet I will give myself permission to eat one serving of anything I want with no guilt.

Prayer:  Yes Lord, this is so true.  You have given me permission to eat anything I want.  My problem is that I can be mastered by those same foods.  The carburgers give me a temporary high.  And then the next time I need a high, I reach for them again and again.  This is a cycle that I have only recently broken and I honor You and my own body by breaking the chain of repetition.  I know there are people out there that do not understand how food can master a person but it is like any addiction.  Only by stopping the cycle could I break the control that these foods had over me.  Thank You for giving me permission to eat anything and yet giving me the power to not be mastered by it.  You are my power to continue to eat healthy choices, Your foods.  Thank You for the amazing progress I have made.  You are my master, my savior.  Today, send me Your power to continue to break the control food can have over my mind and body.  I refuse to be mastered by such a ridiculous temptation that does nothing but hurt my heath both mentally and physically/

Daily Challenge



“Season your words, not your food”

Let your conversation always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6

Verse Reflections:  What if I spent the same amount of time thinking about my words as I spend thinking about my food?  I can spend thirty minutes in the grocery store looking for foods to prepare for the upcoming week.  Then I spend five to ten minutes each morning deciding about breakfast, and coffee.  I usually take a second to decide if I want to unthaw a meat for the evening.  What if I took that same ten minutes in the morning to think about words to uplift my husband, to change his day?  What if I thought about what phone calls I could make to uplift someone going through a tough time?  I can be very direct in my words.  I need some salt of grace and love added to my words.   When I think of salt, I think of a seasoning that allows the natural flavors coming out.  Maybe that is what our words should do.  Our words should encourage the natural flavors, the natural skills, the natural goodness to come out of the people we speak to.  We should add the sparkle that allows their natural smile, their skills and their abilities to come out.  We don’t have to be right.  We don’t have to be intelligent.  We don’t have to be the boss.  We do have to represent God.

This is a great verse reminding us to focus on our internal selves, not our external selves.  We need to season our conversation with grace today.  As we season our foods, let’s think about the words we will share with our families, our friend and our co-workers.  Let us look for the positive, forgiving any perceived transgressions.  That is what grace is.  I find that if I have a lightness of being verses depression it is easier for me to eat healthy.   This verse reminds us that if we spread sunshine through our words, if we extend grace, we will probably have sunshine in our souls, a lightness of being that gives us the grace to eat right.  Today we are going to eat God foods and we are going to say God words.  And don’t forget to have fun exercising.


Prayer:  Father, so often I forget that my eating habits are an extension of who I am inside.  Please season my words with the salt of grace.  Protect me from myself and allow me to nurture, to encourage, to extend life and light through my words.  Give me the desire to add a little sparkle to my words today.  Give me that lightness of being that helps me want to eat right.  As I prepare my God foods today, as I add seasonings to my coffee, my foods, allow me to pray over the words that I speak.  Let me season my words with the same enthusiasm I am seasoning my foods.

Did you know:  At each meal, include fat, fiber and protein.  Fiber makes you feel full quickly, protein makes you stay full and fat works with the hormones in you body to tell you stop eating.  Harvard Medical School

Daily Challenge



“You won’t miss out”

Steep your life in God-reality, God initiative, God provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Matthew 6:33 MSG

Verse Reflections:  Hmmm… I always worry about missing out.  It was difficult for me to go to sleep growing up because I didn’t want to miss anything.  I still sleep a maximum average of seven hours because I want to pack my life with living.  I know God will meet my needs, He will meet my concerns.  If I live this knowledge this takes care of the overeating due to stress or worry.  However, that is at times easier to know than to acknowledge in the moment.  Once again, I love the part of this verse that reminds us to focus on God’s reality.  I don’t think God is pointing a finger at us when we gain thirty pounds or so.  Our reality is much more hyper-critical than God’s reality.  He wants us to be healthy but not vain.  We need to quite pushing our stomachs out in the mirror, looking at double chins and grimacing or a plethora of other crazy self-criticisms.  We can relax when we begin the journey of healthy eating and know that God’s initiative will happen even when our initiative is lacking.  It took me a long period of time to give myself permission to eat beef, nuts and other foods that would stave off my hunger because the world tells me that they have more calories than other foods.  Once, I trusted God’s provisions I began to have less cravings.  I didn’t have the cravings that I had prior to eating God foods.  He has given us all the foods we need.  Stay off those interior grocery store isles and you will find God’s initiative overlaps with your healthy eating choices.

Prayer:  Lord this verse encompasses so much.  I’ll begin with the last part.  Help me to trust that all my human concerns will be met.  I know this in my heart, You have proven it time and time again and yet I still get anxious.  For some reason You have created my body to produce cortisol when this happens which causes me to crave carbohydrates and sugar so this verse is important to eating healthy.  I have to trust You.  I have to keep reminding myself that all my everyday human concerns will be met so that we have a partnership that creates healthy eating choices.  When I live in Your reality, when my priorities are Your priorities then I don’t have to worry about money, people’s reaction to me, other people going through hard times because I know You are in control.  I need to remember that many details here on earth have an entirely different interpretation in heaven.  Death and sickness ceases to exist.  Money doesn’t even register on your radar of needs.  And I should be looking at Your reaction to me, not people here on earth.  Once I have embraced this way of living stress free You can take the initiative to help me eat healthy.  I will be ready to rock and roll with Your help.  Help me to steep myself in Your reality, trust in Your initiative when mine fails.  And last but not least, help me to trust in Your provisions.  You will give me everything I need to face life and You have given me everything I need to eat.  You pretty much told me everything I need to capture in this one verse.  I love You.

Did you know:  40% to 60% of calories should come from unprocessed carbs (800 calories or 200 grams).  Harvard

Daily Challenge



“In the shadow of God’s wings”

How priceless is Your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. Psalm 36:7

Verse Reflections:  If I would just take refuge in the shadow of God’s wings I would be protected from the temptations of this world.  God is all powerful.  A mother bird shelters her chicks under her wings protecting them from weather and predators.  Some days I feel like my food temptations are a predator lurking in the shadows just waiting to pounce.  I feel out of control like I have no power in the temptations that overcome me.  God can protect me from all of this.  I choose to start my day under the shadow of His wings.  I choose to acknowledge that He has the power to change my life, to protect me from the predator that tempts me with food.  I know that God’s unfailing love has protected me from myself for decades.  His unfailing love looks at me as a perfect child.  He does not care about our body type, the way our clothes fit.  He loves us unconditionally and sees the beauty in who we are.  We claim this priceless love today.  And we glorify this unfailing love today by eating the foods that God created to make us healthy both mentally and spiritually.  We are going to celebrate the wonderful herbs, meats and vegetables and fruits that He made especially for us.  His power, His love, His foods are unfailing and priceless.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for your priceless, unfailing love.  This love has given me strength even when I did not love myself.  Your love has reminded me time and time again that there is no perfection.  Your love revealed to me that if I would eat Your foods we would have successes that we could not have otherwise.  Your love demonstrates that all shapes and sizes of earthly vessels are beautiful and even stunning in Your kingdom.  Your love is indeed priceless because it rises above this earth to embrace qualities that we do not value here on earth.  Allow me today to value honesty, integrity, gentleness of spirit, peace, genuine complements, loyalty, love… And while I am treasuring these qualities, give me the power of the shadow of Your wings to eat foods that You created.  I love You so much and I want to be perfect for You.  I want to eliminate the processed foods and embrace the pure foods that make me healthy mentally and physically.  Thank You for giving me the shadow of Your wings that protect me from the earth’s elements of temptation.  Just knowing I am that close to You physically gives me strength.  I love You and I hope You have a great day with me snuggling up close to You in the shadow of Your wings.

Daily Challenge




I am like an olive tree, thriving in the house of God. I will always trust in God’s unfailing love. Psalm 52:8

Verse Reflections:  I love the word “thriving”.  It is powerful and uplifting.  We will not just survive.  We will not just live… we will thrive!  And then we have to back up and see in this verse that we will thrive “in the house of God.”  We have to stay close to Him, link our arms in His, walk with Him.  His house is where He is so we must take Him with us always.  If we plant our roots in God’s house we will thrive.  We will “progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances”.  The key with planting our roots is that God and the house of God becomes our source of nutrition and water.  Hmmm… what would happen if we went to God for every morsel of food or water?  We would be healthy and we would have the nutrition we need and the weight that is ideal for this amazing body He created.  Some of us have issues with the home we grew up in and that contributes to our unhealthy eating patterns.  This verse frees us from that bondage.  This verse tells us to forget that house and plant your roots in the house of God.  We are blessed by grace to be able to say goodbye to any elements of our past that may hinder us.  Forgive, cleanse, move forward and thrive.  Plant your roots in the house of God.  Feel beautiful, feel successful, feel loved.  You can always trust in God’s unfailing love.  He created us.  He loves us just as we are and yet He wants us to thrive.  Today we are going to eat healthy, get healthy and thrive.


Prayer:  God, take my hand and allow me to plant my roots in Your house.  My house is not working.  My roots are not stable.  One wind comes along that smells good and my roots come out of the ground.  All my good intentions are blown over and my roots begin to die.  I am not being successful in my journey to be healthy and I have to have your support.  I do trust in Your unfailing love but I doubt my own.  God I am ready to thrive.  Please help me.  I need Your sources of nutrition, Your sources of food.  Only by planting myself in Your house, in Your presence can I take care of this body You blessed me with.  Please take my hand and keep me stable.  I need to have Your strength, I need Your soil to cover up my roots and keep me still, keep me nourished with Your food, Your healthy choices.  Today we are going to thrive in our choices.

Did you know? Food high in tryptophan help your body make melatonin and serotonin.  Melatonin helps you regulated your sleep cycle.  Serotonin regulates appetite, sleep, mood and pain.    

Daily Challenge



“Do what is right!”

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right”

Verse reflections:  These verses that are infusing us with power are inspired by God.  Inspired by our creator!  How beautiful to know that He is the author of this power.  It explains why these verses give us super-power that we cannot have without His word.  We are infused with His truth, convicting us of what is wrong with our choices every day.  And every day we are given the inspiration to do what is right.  His scripture teaches us daily.  It corrects our wrong choices and reminds us that eating foods that God created nourishes our body with vitamins and minerals that keep us strong and healthy.  There is nothing nourishing in chocolate chip cookies or biscuits or fried chips.  We know this in our hearts, we know what is true but the power in His scripture gives us power that is beyond our own.  These verses are teaching us that God wants the best for us.  This is not about denying our passions, our cravings.  This is about replacing lies with truth.  We have been convinced by good marketing that these processed foods are good.  The reality is that they are not good for us and our bodies do not crave them naturally.  We have started an unnatural cycle of craving that is making food manufacturers millionaires and us sick and unhealthy.  Imagine for a moment a juicy steak or chicken breast grilled on the barbeque with seasoned vegetables.  It is fabulous!  Imagine it, plan it and crave it.  This is the truth.  This is what is right for our body.  How easy to “do what is right.”

Prayer:  Father, I am powerless against what is wrong in my life.  My food choices are wrong and I am literally sick in my head.  You have to heal me.  Use this scripture that is inspired by You to teach me what is true.  Help me today to deny satan’s lies and reach for Your truth.  I know what is wrong.  I know the truth and still I reach out for His lies, for the cravings I have created with my bad habits.  Thank You for Your scriptures.  They are infusing me with strength but I have to read them daily to remind myself of your truths, what you teach.  I know what is right and honestly, I love what is right.  I have this crazy game in my crazy head that still tempts me to reach for the Carbugers instead of reaching for your amazing, delicious foods.  God, I am Your child.  You want the best for me.  Give me this truth deep in my soul.  Today I am going to plan beautiful meals inspired by Your word and Your truths.  I love You and so appreciate the power You give me in each individual scripture.  I don’t understand it but it amazes me every day.  I love You my Father.

Daily Challenge



Set free

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

Verse Reflections:  YES!! Christ has set us free.  We are free from the yoke of slavery to food.  Christ knows the power of slavery.  He knows that it can crush a soul to not have the freedom to choose, the freedom to live, the freedom to be healthy mentally and physically.  He is freeing us for the sake of freedom from this bondage.  Here is the ridiculous fact:  We created this cage!  We are staring out of this prison, through bars that we created and yet we cannot find the key to unlock our cage.  This verse is the key!  Christ has set us free.  We do not have to be slaves.  We are not slaves to food.  We are not slaves to our own ideocracy.  We get the privilege of standing firm today and every day.  All you have to do is eat God food today.  Tomorrow He will give you another verse and another verse and then another verse that unlocks this cage we keep putting ourselves back into.  Don’t worry about tomorrow.  Celebrate today.  Step out of this prison today and enjoy the sunlight.  Don’t look at a scale and condemn yourself for the past.  Get out and celebrate your freedom.  Today You are free.  There is no condemnation, there is no yoke of slavery around your neck.  Christ set you free.  Stand firm today!

Prayer:  Father, You have set me free.  I don’t need to doubt.  I need to stand firm in this fact.  Thank You!  I have been searching for freedom and You have already given it to me.  Every day You give me another verse that reassures me that You have set me free.  I condemn myself every time I slip.  You tell me not to let myself be burdened.  You have taken this yoke of slavery off of my neck.  Thank You Father.  You understand the powerlessness of slavery.  You understand the power sin can have over our lives.  Eating wrong has been my sin of choice.  I cannot set myself free from this.  I am a slave to eating sugar and processed carbohydrates.  Father, thank You for setting me free.  YOU are my key to this prison.  I am stepping out of my cage and claiming the sunlight as I eat the beautiful foods that You created.  I am shopping on the outside aisles of the grocery store today.  Thank You God that I am not a slave to my cravings and my mental games.  Thank You God that my body is becoming healthier.  That this ridiculous weight that puts pressure on my joints is disappearing with the freedom You have granted.  One day at a time and today I am free!

Daily Challenge



My hope, my rock

“My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” Psalm 62:1-2

Verse Reflections:  I need this verse today because I obviously cannot do this on my own.  I am comforted by the fact that my soul finds rest in God and my salvation comes from Him.  He has to save me.  I cannot save myself.  My will power does not work.  I have proven that time and time again.  God alone is our solution to eating healthy and eating right.  Twice in this verse the Holy Spirit reiterates the fact that there is no other alternative.  God alone (gives rest to my soul).  God alone (is my rock and salvation).  This is why you have not been successful so far.  You must stand on the rock of Jesus, the stable foundation that will not move, that will not be “shaken”.  How often do we firmly shout that we are going to follow a certain path of eating and then crash in a single day of binging never to return?  We have said before that the word of God is the only offensive weapon.  This verse promises that God will protect us, place us behind a fortress, for additional protection even though His word is the foundation for winning the battle.  Do not believe that just because we are on the offensive that Satan won’t try to win the game.  God has won if we depend on Him even before the first counter measure is used but we have to recognize the plays Satan will use:   Family gatherings, friends, parties, office snacks, holidays, special occasions, bad days, good days… and the list goes on.  If you are like me any excuse will do.  Being from the South I have trouble not eating food someone worked hard to prepare.  It is just good manners.  I have had to prepare my own counter measures.  At the office I will grab a snack and then throw it away but go back and gush about how sweet it was that they prepared it.  I use my borderline diabetes very frequently to avoid having desert or just say, “I can’t have sugar”.  And to be perfectly honest, I can’t.  Sugar makes my body weak, pulls energy out of my bones and races my heart.  The craziest part is that I then crave more, sugar makes me hungry to the point of ridiculous delusions of never being full.  This verse is my verse for always.  I will NOT be shaken!  I will find rest for my soul in God.  I will stand on God, my rock and hide in Him, my fortress.

Prayer:  Father, thank you for giving me a firm foundation.  Thank you for being the rock upon which I stand.  You truly are my salvation, You are the one that will save me from myself.  I am weak.  I cannot eat healthy without Your guidance, Your help.  I know that I can stand firm and not be shaken today because of You.  I thank You for these verses that remind me I am not alone.  I thank You that I can face my failures and see success because You are leading the way.  Today, You alone, will make my day different.  You alone will give my soul rest.  You alone will be my rock.  You alone are my salvation.  I will hide behind your fortress and I will not be shaken.  We will eat God foods today.  Your foods are our salvation, the source of health.  Why do we ever want to be unhealthy?  We are in a crazy cycle God.  Stop us.  You alone are our source of strength.  Thank You God.  I love You and need You.

Daily Challenge



A prosperous future

“You know the plans You have for me, O Lord. You have declared that they are plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 32:27

Verse Reflections:  Oh, this verse touches me deep in my soul.  It breathes life into me when I get discouraged.  God wants the best for us.  He doesn’t ever want harm to come to us.  Beth Moore said something on a podcast I listened to this morning (at 3 am).  “Every no is because there is a better yes waiting on us.”  God plans to prosper us and yet sometimes we destroy His plans with our choices.  We cannot gain 50 pounds and expect our knees not to hurt.  Every 10 pounds puts 40 pounds of pressure on our joints.  What are we thinking?  We are harming ourselves by not eating God foods.  God has a beautiful future for us.  God has a future full of hope for us.  God wants to prosper us.  Grab onto this promise with all of your might.  He put a garden of fresh vegetables and herbs out there for us, an orchard of delicious fruits and a plethora of beautiful meats that will nourish our bodies and taste delicious.  God has plans for us.  We need to honor those plans and choose health.  We have to allow Him to prosperous us.  Let’s be real.  We feel better when we eat right.  We look better when we eat right.  We hold ourselves straighter when our bodies look better so people react to us differently.  All of this works together to give us prosperity of health and resources.  Claim this promise.  We have a beautiful future.  It starts with eating right today.

Prayer:   God, You have beautiful plans for me.  I want to claim those plans.  I want to honor those plans.  Give me the strength and ability to eat right so that You may give me prosperity of health and resources.  Give me the power to eat Your foods instead of processed foods so that I may have hope of tomorrow and a future that is healthy.  I know that if I make the wrong choices I am interfering with Your plans to prosper me.  Father, I am a fool.  Protect me from myself.  Why do I think that eating something for thirty minutes is more important than a healthy future?  I am over myself but I need Your power to conquer the hold that my cravings mentally and physically have over me.  When I have an emotional day, sugar and carbohydrates lift my spirits.  You have declared plans to prosper me, not to harm me.  Help me not to harm myself.  Today I claim my hope and my future.  I love You Father.  We are going to have a great future together.  I love You.


Daily Challenge



You are the Lord, the God of all mankind. Nothing is too hard for You! Jeremiah 32:27

Verse Reflections:  Nothing is too hard for God.  He can surround us with His power.  We cannot comprehend the power that the God of all mankind has.  This is a big deal to us.  We have tried over and over to lose weight, to eat healthy.  We have stayed in bed or on the couch when we knew we should get up and exercise.  This is not even a blip on God’s radar of hard.  We just have to start our day in His word, remind ourselves that we are protected by the seal of the Holy Spirit.  Yesterday, I was not even tempted to eat foods that I should not eat.  This is a miracle.  This is God’s power, not mine.  I do not understand it, I cannot comprehend how it works but there is power in these verses, in His words.  I keep trying to “white knuckle it”.  I keep trying to get up and use my own power to make good choices.  It just doesn’t work.  This is too hard for me. I can run a successful business with thirty employees, I can stay positive in life.  But somehow, some way, I just do not have the power to make the right choices of eating healthy on my own.  Remember, God tried to tell me for two years to do this and even after I started writing the verses and devotions I went for months without immersing myself in the word and during those months I just failed on my own power.  I can even try to eat God foods but if I don’t read the scripture, I fail.  Nothing is too hard for Christ.  Nothing is too hard for us when we claim the power in His word.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for the power You have given us through Your words.  I am constantly humbled when I realize that there is truly power in the scripture.  “No ear has heard, no eye has seen” how much power You give us.  Nothing is too hard for You God.  And amazingly, nothing is too hard for me when I seek this power, when I surround myself in Your words.  You build a fortress around me.  Satan knows that He can’t touch me when I read Your words in the morning God.  I know the difference, I feel the difference.  I don’t understand how one verse, one promise can be so powerful but it is.  So, Father, how powerful must You be if you can infuse me with resistance to temptation this easily.  All I have to do is listen to You, talk to You in the morning.  So here I am talking to You, claiming Your promise that nothing is too hard for You.  I am going to live by this promise today.  We are going to choose God foods today.  I am going to enjoy eating Your beautiful foods that You created.  Thank You for being my Lord, the God of all mankind.  Thank You for reminding me that nothing is too hard for You.  We can be successful together.

Daily Challenge



Divine Power

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5

Verse Reflections:  And this explains everything.  We think we are just trying not to overeat, or just trying to eat the right foods.  Satan knows that this is our Achilles heel, our weak spot.  This raging war is the one way he can separate us from God.  How can overeating separate us from God, how can it be a weapon of war?  Because the war is not about the food, the food in and of itself is not a big deal.  It is the recriminations we immediately launch, criticizing ourselves for being weak.  It is the negative words we stab ourselves with when we can’t fit into our clothes.  It is the looks of disdain we shoot ourselves with when we see a double chin or a layer of fat in the mirror or photographs.  It is the cringes when we sit beside someone with pencil thin thighs while ours spread out all over the chair.  It is the way we tie our self-perception to the numbers on the scale and the internal darkness that overtakes us when the numbers go up.  Satan knows that doughnut, those chips, the cookies are vicious weapons to bring on these strongholds.  This verse reminds us that we have divine power to demolish strongholds.  Let me repeat this.  We have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We don’t have to rely on our own power.  Christ has given us power that is beyond this earth.  This power can demolish arguments!  This power refuses to allow satan to take captive our thoughts.  We can be obedient to Christ.  We can eat God foods!  Watch satan quietly creep away when we live in the divine power of Christ.  There is power in the verses we are reading.  Today we are going to eat God foods, we are going to use God’s promises to wage war against this crazy battle we have engaged in for years.  Today we are going to win the war.  Compliment yourself, put your clothes on with pride.  You are beautiful and Christ loves you just the way you are.

Prayer:  Father thank you for the divine power You have given us to demolish strongholds.  Father I have allowed satan to use this crazy weapon against me for forty years.  What am I thinking?  You tried to tell me two years ago to create these devotions, to use Your words and I always find something else to do with my time.  And yet, every single day I read Your word for the purpose of winning this war I am successful.  I know I am crazy for not grasping onto this weapon every single day of my life but I am here now and we are winning.  I cannot thank You enough for loving me so much that You even put verses in the Bible to help me win this war against being physically and mentally healthy.  I know this is a war.  When I was younger it felt less vicious, just a blip that “I could control” if I just dieted for a few months but after years of riding this up and down roller coaster I know it is more than a minor issue.  It is war and satan knows it is my weakness.  I praise You Father for waking me up two years ago to tell me about eating God plus One.  One verse, one non-God food.  How simple is that?  I am so sorry that I am slow to obey Your voice, to pick up the weapons You have given me to win this war.  Thank You Father, my thoughts are Yours, my choices are Yours, they are obedient to You.  Your word has demolished satan’s arguments that “two won’t hurt you”, “you deserve it”, “you need to celebrate”, “you had a bad day”.  Oh no, Father, no more will his pretensions, his arguments work.  The weapons of the world have not worked.  Today I am using Your weapons to win this war.  I love You.

Daily Challenge



“Do not give the devil a foothold.” Ephesians 4:27

Verse Reflections:  Man, when God preaches it, He preaches it.  I love the way He leads me to verses that go together.  This is beautiful.  We are not going to give the devil a foothold.  We are going to use God’s weapons to win this war here on earth.  And yet, if I read the verses before this, He teaches us that it goes beyond just reading the verses.  The verse before this reminds us to not let the sun go down while we are still angry.  The verse before that commands us to speak truthfully.  I have no doubt He is telling us that we have to live according to His commandments for God’s word to work.  If we just read Your word but we do not live God’s word, satan gets a foothold.  And it only makes sense.  The days that I “need” the extra sugar and carbohydrates, the carbugers, are the days that I had tension at work or at home, that I didn’t feel good about something that happened.  We have to make sure that we do not let anger exist.  I love that anger is always a secondary emotion.  Usually it is something pure that causes the anger.  If we can separate out the hurt feelings, the disappointment, the fear from the anger we can easily apologize and move on.  We cannot hide details from our friends, work cohorts or family.  We must be one hundred percent truthful.  If we are not, we hide behind our eating, even behind a larger body so we are not noticed.  We cannot give the devil these footholds.  We have to live pure, a Holy life that separates us from this world.  We have to claim the fruits of the spirit and live in total truth without anger.  Today we are not going to give the devil a foothold in our spirits or our eating habits.  Today we are going to eat God foods.

Prayer:  Thank You Father for commanding us to live the life that moves us up to holiness, to being separated from this world.  We love You Lord but so often we fail miserably to abide by the life that You have asked us to live.  I know that I am happier when I am close to You.  When I live as You want me to live, when I do not allow satan to have a foothold.  I am stronger, I am happier when you are by my side and in my soul.  I am lighter mentally.  What is it in me that doesn’t grab this life every day, every minute, every second.? Well, I will answer that question another day.  Today, Lord I am going to be truthful.  Who do I need to apologize to?  Who have I misled with half-truths?  I want to live fully with You.  I do not want to give Satan a foothold.  I love You so much and I know that I win the battle of eating healthy when You are by my side.  I know when I start my day out with You inside, I feel the difference in every fiber of my being.  Thank You for giving us Your word, Your power.  Thank You for all the people You have called into Your service.  Their podcasts, their ministry speaks to me.  I thank You that there are people out there willing to give up their privacy to lead people to You.  Protect them from us crazy humans and allow them their privacy even while we crave their knowledge and their ministry.  Today God we are not going to give the devil a foothold.  Today we are going to eat Your foods and live Your way.  We love You.

Daily Challenge



Forget the past—press on!

“…But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13,14

Next year will come whether or not we do anything differently today.  Help us forget our past failures and live for today.  Just because we were not successful last year or even yesterday does not mean we cannot be successful today.  I am going to forget that I have ever gained weight, that I have lived with uncontrolled cravings.  I am going to live today pressing on toward the goal, the prize of living a healthy life.  God has called me to live for Him.  If I live for Him then I know I have to eat healthy foods.  It is so easy to criticize myself, to be skeptical of my ability to lose these pounds.  No more.  This verse tells us to forget the past.  We need to strain toward what is ahead.  Uh-oh.  That means this will not be easy! But it doesn’t have to be easy.  How many times have we criticized the alcoholic, the cigarette smoker, the drug addicted person, the person that didn’t take care of themselves?  We are that person.  We have to live a healthy life too.  We are putting forty pounds of pressure on our joints for every ten pounds overweight that we are.  We have to press on toward the goal of healthiness.  This is part of our current journey toward heaven.  The kingdom is “at hand”. That means we can make heaven begin here on earth or we can make hell begin here on earth.  It is our choice.  He has called us heavenward.  And He has given us the power in Christ Jesus to move toward heaven.  Don’t get on the scale.  Don’t criticize yourself.  Eat God foods and get rid of the cravings and the rest will happen.  It may not be fast but we know the difference.  Today is the only day that will change our life.  If we eat God foods today then we can forget yesterday.  If we eat God foods today we are one step closer to our goal.  We are one step closer to the prize.  We know God wants us to be healthy.  Forget anything that makes us think we cannot be healthy and press on.  That is our new t-shirt:  “press on”.  We’ve got this.  We will be successful today.  We are going to press on toward the goal of eating healthy and living with a healthy weight.  We will win this prize we crave.  Christ Jesus has given us the power.

Prayer:  God I know I need to forget the past, forget my failures.  I need to strain toward what is ahead.  I have to press on toward my goal of living a healthy life.  Give me the power to eat healthy foods.  Give me the power to eat healthy, to be healthy.  It is a simple formula and yet I have to forget what is behind because I have failed.  God, I know I have to press on.  Today that is my motto.  Press on and reach for healthy foods.  Reach for God foods.  In order to do that I have to have Your power behind me.  You have called me heavenward.  Every day I should be closer to You.  Every day I should be making Your choices.  The only way I can do this is to move closer to You every minute.  Lord, I know “the prize” should start here on earth.  If You are in our lives then “the kingdom is at hand”.  There are days that I skip, and feel light and happy and full of joy.  I know that I am in Your presence on those days.  Lord, remove the parts of me that invite darkness and temptation.  Fill me with Your power so that I can eliminate my temptations with Your help.  Today we are going to press on.  I love You Lord thank You for giving me the power of God plus one.

Did you know?  God foods take longer to digest which creates a slow glucose release, eliminating spikes.

Daily Challenge




Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus … Hebrews 12:1-2

Verse Reflections:  How many times do we want to quit the race?  How many times (a day) do we want to throw off all restrictions and eat whatever we want to eat?  How many times do we climb up on the scale and then throw our hands up in frustration saying, “Why do I even try?”  How often do we set our alarm to exercise and then stay in bed or come home from work exhausted and just turn on the t.v.?  Not today!  Not tomorrow!  We are going to run with perseverance the race that is marked.  We are going to surround ourselves with witnesses that will hold us accountable.  We are going to throw out the food that hinders us so that we are not entangled by temptation.  We are going to persevere!  We are going to press on!  Even when the evidence around us tries to tell us we are not successful we are not going to listen.  We are going to keep eating God foods and run this race of being healthy.  We are not going to fix our eyes on the scales.  We are going to fix our eyes on Jesus.  We are going to run.  We are going to run with perseverance this race that is marked out for us.  The finish line is living with a healthy weight.  It is not being perfect.  It is not wearing a two piece bathing suit.  It is living the life Jesus wants us to live.  If we fix our eyes on Jesus… hmmm maybe we should put “Jesus” on our scales so that our focus is on Him not the scales.  He has given us the food we need to eat.  We just have to persevere and eat them every day.  This is the race that God has marked out for us.  We must refuse to be entangled by sin.  Tangles hold us back, break us and damage us.  We are going to step out of the tangles and put one foot in front of the other.  Walk out the door and enjoy the sunshine.  We can use this time to meet our neighbors, walk our dog, enjoy the sights.  Notice God does not tell us to run at top speed, He says to persevere.  Your speed, Your rate.  Focus on Jesus and we will win the prize.

Prayer:  God it is hard for me to consider throwing out everything that hinders me.  I am so practical that I want to save that cake mix for the next time someone asks me to bring a desert to a party or the chips for the next family picnic.  Give me the power to want to remove temptations.  I am ready to run the race but I am not sure I am ready to remove everything that hinders me.  Help me to focus my eyes on You and quit buying products that are not God foods.  Only my refrigerator and freezer should be full.  My pantry really should have nothing in it because those products are processed.  Help me Father to redefine my life choices.  Help me to buy spaghetti squash instead of noodles.  I love it, everyone I fix it for chooses that instead of the noodles in the bowl right beside it.  I know what to do God and still I fall into unhealthy choices.  I want to persevere.  I want to keep my eyes on You.  And still I buy flour.  And still I buy sugar.  I rationalize every choice I make.  Surround me with the vision of the prize.  Surround me with Your protection.  Give me Your power.  I am ready to put on my running shoes, I just don’t want to always stay in the lane You have directed me too.  Forgive me for my inability to avoid the sin that entangles me.  Sometimes I just step right into that tangle of cookies with a glass of milk.  And I just keep on stepping.  Convince me God.  I have my eyes on You today.  I will persevere with Your power.

Daily Challenge



Getting the prize

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. I Corinthians 9:24

Verse Reflections:  When I was in elementary school I could run fast.  I won five blue ribbons in one day and I was on the way to winning my sixth when Suzi, the coach’s kid said, “let me win this one, you have won all the others.”  I dropped back and she got a blue ribbon and I won a red.  No one noticed, no one said a word.  I was happy, she was happy.  All was good.  When I got home, my Mom whispered in my ear… “I know what you did on that last race, I’m proud of you.”  I ran in such as way as to get the prize but I also dropped back to let Suzi win the prize and the words from my Mom meant just as much as another blue ribbon.  We are called to win the prize for Christ, not for ourselves.  We can all get the prize in Christ’s kingdom but not if we don’t give it our all.  We have to all choose to run our hardest.  We cannot all be a size two.  That is not our race.  We cannot all be a size ten.  That is not our race.  You know Your race.  You know the prize God has called you to win.  Don’t let up, don’t run half way.  Listen to your coach.  Listen to God.  Run to the God foods.  Run to win the prize.  Today you are going to eat God foods and you will win the prize of being healthy.  Work it.  Get out and exercise.  Work it.  He is telling us that we have to work to win the prize.  It doesn’t come easy.  We have to ignore the other runners, don’t watch how fast they lose weight.  Don’t watch what they eat.  Just run your race.  You will get the prize.

Did you know:  Drinking one or two diet sodas a day isn’t likely to hurt you.  And there is no credible evidence that these ingredients cause cancer.  Mayoclinic.org

Prayer:   And once again you weave together verses from two completely different locations in the Bible so we can hear You loud and clear.  I guess You heard my prayer yesterday that I wasn’t quite ready to remove the sin that entangles me.  I hear You.  I can run the race but unless I remove the temptations I will not get the prize.  Thank You.  Thank You for not only hearing me but directing me to another verse that convinces me that I have to make serious choices in order to win the prize.  I say that I want to lose weight but…. I say that I want to be healthy but… You are obviously telling me that there can be no ifs, ands, or buts.  I get it.  Lord, I am ready to run in such a way as to get the prize.  I am ready to be healthy.  I am ready to eat healthy.  I am ready to lose weight so that I can take care of this beautiful earthen vessel You gave me.  I am ready to be the one to get the prize.  I know there are millions of people on this earth running this race of trying to lose weight.  You have shown us how.  Now we have to do it.  Only one gets the prize.  Father I am going to be that one.  Thank You for Your wisdom, Your healthy lifestyle.  Thank You for the power in Your word that reminds me daily that I can run this race.  Thank You for the power in Your word that reminds me that I can win this elusive prize.  We have this race together and I will be the one to win the prize with Your help.  I love You Lord.

Daily Challenge



Greater than the World

“You, dear children are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” I John 4:4

Verse Reflection:  Hallelujah!  God has overcome our sins, therefore we have overcome our sins.  There is nothing this world can throw at us that we cannot overcome because “the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”  Does that mean it will be easy?  Absolutely not.  But as Jesus showed us when he fasted in the desert for 40 days, you can overcome even when the devil puts fresh bread in front of you and promises you amazing things.  We are from God.  We have already overcome our sins.  Know this and celebrate this today.  Don’t question IF you can eat God food.  You CAN eat God food and enjoy it and be successful.  Christ himself has overcome all temptations.  HE is greater.  And you are His child.  Do you realize the power in this statement?  We’ve got this.  The amazing part of our story, is that he has already written a successful ending.  We just have to read the story, be the story and know the ending.  So often we sabotage our story.  We eat one “wrong” thing and say, “what the heck I might as well finish the pan”.  That is why I love God + 1.  We can have one serving of an unhealthy item and another one tomorrow and the next day and feel no guilt.  For me, it is even more important that if I just have one serving, I do not have the endless cravings and appetite.  I have said this before, but I can eat and I have literally thought I was going crazy because I never seemed to get full.  Once I realized “God has overcome” this issue by giving us healthy foods that curb our appetite and we can actually feel full, my life changed.  He is greater than the temptation of food.  He already has the solution and it is simple.  Claim it.  Know it.  He is greater.

Prayer:  Lord, You are greater than the temptation of eating unhealthy foods.  I praise You for this.  I lift my hands in wonder today for the miracle of You healing me.  I was broken.  I had no on and off switch for my eating habits.  Eating your food has changed my life.  Hallelujah.  I did not know if it was possible for me.  You are my Father, I am Your child and I have the power You have given me.  You are greater than any temptation in this world and You have changed my life with this message.  I praise You Lord.  When I eat Your foods, I am a different person.  I can eat three cookies and stop.  And then again, when I eat ten cookies I want 50.  That is where “the one who is in the world” captures me.  Father, I claim this power that You have given me.  You have the answer and I claim the power in this answer.  I will eat Your foods and I will love my spirit, my discipline, and my body with the changes You are helping me to implement.  My body is gorgeous because You created it.  Surround me with Your power and give me the ability to honor my body and You with only one serving of unhealthy foods.  I love You and I thank You for overcoming my sin.  I thank You for being greater.

Daily Challenge



Root of trouble

See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. Hebrews 12:15

Verse Reflections:  Do not miss the grace of God!  Whatever has happened in your past, God has forgiven us, forgiven those who did you wrong and moved on.  Our sin, our past is as far as the East is from the West.  Grace is an undeserved gift.  We do not deserve it, those who did us wrong do not deserve it but God gives it freely.  Every day is a new opportunity to write a new chapter to our story.  If you claim the grace of God then you will not allow a “bitter root” to grow up inside of you.  Some of you are fighting your past every day.  Let it go.  Roots anchor you to the ground.  Roots make you immoveable, you cannot move forward.  Roots have to reach down for nutrition and stability.   God’s grace encourages You to reach up for Your nutrition and strength.  You are beautiful, you are undefiled, no sin, no scars.  And this is one reason I chose Christianity over every other world religion.  Almost every other religion requires you to keep working to eliminate sin or to be forgiven for past transgressions.  Jesus gives forgiveness while we still do not deserve it.  That alone makes me want to earn His trust and do “better” every day of my life.  My parents never gave me a curfew but they expected me to tell them exactly what I was doing every time and what time I would return.  Because I knew they trusted me, I never wanted to break that trust.  So often, we let bitterness grow up inside of us because of something in our past, then we sabotage our day, our eating habits, our lives.  We either think we “deserve” the splurge of food because something bad happened to us or we feel like we will never be “worthy” of a beautiful body so why try.  I have news for you.  God thinks you deserve a beautiful body.  He gave you a body that works like magic.  We should eat God foods to honor that beauty and magic.  Today, eat the foods he gave us and smile.  Dig that bitter root out and leave it out in God’s sunshine to die and wither away.  Life is too short not to be positive, to accept the grace of God.

Prayer:  God, thank You for Your grace.  Help me not to miss it.  Do not let a bitter root grow inside of me.  I love the visualization of roots that hold us down, that do not allow us to move forward.  Allow us to cut the roots off, to cut the roots completely out so that they will not cause trouble in our lives.  I am forever amazed at how much the gift of Your forgiveness, Your grace, Your ability to allow us to leave the past behind, frees us.  Your grace cuts the roots that anchor us off.  My day is lighter, my heart is lighter, my stress is lighter because I don’t have to revisit the past.  Lord, You have changed my life.  I can shrug off a bad day, I can choose not give into temptation just because I am allowing myself to wallow in the weight of this world.  It is a bitter root.  It does cause trouble.  Eating the wrong foods does defile me, it makes me angry at myself, it causes me not to be able to do what I want to do, it makes me revolt at my reflection or photos.  That is ridiculous so today I ask for You to make sure I do not miss Your grace.  I ask You to eliminate the trouble that has caused me to defile myself with unhealthy foods.  Lord, today we are going to eat Your foods.  Period.  I reach skyward for Your grace.  I reach skyward for Your power.  Thank You Father.  We are going to eat God plus 1.


Daily Challenge



Worries of this life

But the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. Mark 4:19

Verse reflections:  I eat when I am worried.  I eat when I am stressed.  I eat when I am extremely happy.  Yes, I am an emotional eater.  Carbugers (carbs and sugar) create dopamine so I get a boost of happy when I eat those foods and I always eat those foods when I overeat.  I know that I have created a dangerous cycle of emotion and eating.  This verse reminds us that we cannot let the worries of this life or even the deceitfulness of a “happy”’ day take over our dependence on God’s word.  I am a firm believer that what we see as ‘bad” and “good”, “happy” or “sad” here on earth don’t even make the charts in terms of eternity.  I think Mark emphasizes that fact when he says the worries of THIS life.”  In other words, those worries will not exist in the next life.  This world, this life is just a blink.  So, we need to stop focusing on what has happened, what might happen and what we have or don’t have.  We need to focus on God and God’s word.  When we focus on what we want, or what has happened God’s word is not as relevant.  So often people pull out Romans 8:28  “All things work together for the good  of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.”  Just above that verse in verse 26 it reminds us that “we do not know what to pray for but the Spirit himself intercedes…”  We don’t have a clue what is important.  We don’t need to worry.  We can think we need so many things but the Spirit of God knows exactly what we need and will provide it.  We have to focus on His word and know that if we trust in Him all things will work together for our good.  The difference here is that we have to trust God to  know what is good.  When we try to tell God what is good for us, His word becomes choked out and unfruitful. Trusting God to have our best interest at heart immediately stops the worry, immediately stops our desire for something else.  We need to desire God’s word foremost.  Honestly, for me, this is why God plus 1 works.  1 Bible verse, 1 small piece of God’s word recenters my priorities for the day.  1 Bible verse that speaks to me allows me to not focus on my power (or lack of power) but to focus on God’s power.  This allows His word to be fruitful.  This allows us to eat God foods because we are not depending on ourselves and the reaction to the worries, wants or highs and lows of this world.  We are depending on, trusting in, and claiming God’s word.

Prayer:  God, this says it all.  How often do I choke out Your word’s power by living on an emotional roller coaster. Forgive me.  Help me not to worry, not to think about what I have or do not have, what I want to happen next…  Help me concentrate on the power of Your word.  Stopping my days to write and read these devotions has changed my life.  30 minutes a day and it is working.  I am eating more healthily and I am actually losing weight consistently for the first time in decades.  I am most excited about the fact that I really can live this way.  Forgive us down here on earth for being such idiots and looking for magic diets, pills or programs that will help us be healthy or lose weight.  You have already solved this issue.  You gave us the nutrition that will make us healthy. You gave us the foods that will allow us to get full and live at a healthy weight.  All we have to do is allow Your word to rule us, to be fruitful.  When we turn to the invincible strength of Your word, we cease to live by our own capacity.  We can leave our emotions behind, the deceit and worry of this world and live by the power of Your promises in Your word.  Thank You, Father, for leading me to so many verses that shout Your power and our ability to eat healthy and be fruitful in our quest for health.  I love You tons and tons.

Daily Challenge



“Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

Verse Reflections:  I am a strong person.  Physically, emotionally, professionally I am one of the strongest on each team.  So, why haven’t I been using this strength to love the Lord?  Why haven’t I been using this strength to “just say no?”  I can say no if I put the love of the Lord before my love of self, my love of food.  I have allowed myself to be weak, to become weaker and weaker when it comes to eating the wrong foods.  I have made myself immune to the signals from leptin telling my body that I am full.  Now, finally, I have a full button.  Seriously, I thought mine was broken and it was.  I broke it.  I broke it because I kept shoving sugar into my body and the insulin was blocking the production of leptin.  Today I am going to love the Lord with all my heart, my soul, my strength and my eating habits.  I am going to love the Lord with all my heart, my soul, my strength and my choices of foods.  I am going to love the Lord with all my heart, my soul, my strength and my choice of when to stop eating.  I am strong.  When I love the Lord with all my heart I become stronger.  He has all the power in the universe at His fingertips.  Crazy!  We can do this.  Use all your strength today to eat God foods.  This verse is preceded by instructions to obey the commandments “so that you may enjoy a long life” (6:2).  Boom!  God wants the best for us.  When we do not elevate food as a god (love no other gods before me), when we do not make food an idol (shall not make for yourself an idol).  For decades I have chastised myself for not being able to rise above my cravings, my compulsive eating, my surges of obsession.  These cravings existed until I calmed the beast with a specific food that would not leave me alone.  My body would be going about its’ day and all of a sudden, I would conjure up a specific food that I had to have.  This food became my god, my obsession, until I indulged.  I would feel a rise of excitement, a surge of happiness as I ate.  I truly savored every bite and it was worth every calorie.  Every morsel seemed to calm my body, calm my obsession.  I would, many nights, go home and cook the food of my dreams just to have it.  Unfortunately, I am an awesome cook so if I wanted brownies, a brownie at a restaurant or the store was not as good as mine (Bobby Flay come on down lol).  Of course, that meant I had an entire pan to consume instead of one small opportunity to contend with.

He wants us to live long lives.  When we eat foods that wear our pancreas out by producing too much insulin all day, we are shortening our lives.  When we put 40 pounds of pressure on our joints for every 10 pounds we are overweight, we are shortening our lives and the quality of life.  When we do not put the nutrition and vitamins in our body that it craves and needs to grow healthy cells, we are shortening our lives.  Today we are going to grow our strength by loving God with all our strength.  Today we are going to cease letting food be an idol or a god.  We are going to eat God foods, and make God the reason we choose what we eat.

Prayer:  Father, today I am going to use my strength, the strength You blessed me with to love You.  I know that putting You first is all I need to do.  It is all the difference I need to be successful in eating healthy foods.  I am flabbergasted at how easy it is to make the changes I need to make when I put You first and not myself.  I had the first person notice that I lost weight today (6 months later).  That made me excited and made me want to raise my hands in honor to You.  I know that is not my first priority but it is an exciting part of living and being healthy.  I have gotten rid of 60 pounds of pressure on my joints thanks to Your power.  I want to enjoy a long life.  I want to live a healthy life.  I know that I can avoid so many medical issues if I just love You with all my heart, soul and strength.  Loving You is creating a healthier me and Your power is changing my life.  You are changing my heart, my soul and my strength.  I now have the strength to say “no thank you.”  I now have the strength to reach for the healthy foods.  I now have the strength to plan a healthy meal before I leave in the morning so I don’t junk out.  Thank You Father for this change.  Please keep me rocking this.  I take zero credit because I failed too many times.  I am actually enjoying playing with the spices to make sure everything tastes delicious.  I love You Father with all my heart, soul and strength.  Help me today, choose Your foods.

Daily Challenge



“Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint;… Proverbs 29:18

Revelation:  The act of communicating or revealing a divine truth

Restraint:  A condition that keeps someone or something under control or within limits.
Verse Reflection:  Hiding behind our issues, ignoring our issues, eating to dull our issues only exacerbates them in the long run.  Until we reveal God’s truths in our lives we cannot restrain our eating.  Sometimes this means we have to deal with the baggage in our lives.  I always say, we all have luggage, it becomes baggage when we don’t unpack from the last trips.  So, what do you need to unpack from life?  Issues with parents?  Issues with boyfriends, girlfriends, teachers, people at work? Give them the same gift of grace your Father in heaven gave you.  Forgive.  Move on.  Does that mean you have to agree?  No.  Does that mean you spend more time with them?  Not necessarily.  Does that mean you condone what they did? No.  Just give grace and move forward.  Got issues with your own self?  Extend to yourself the same grace God has given you.  Forgive, move forward.  Holding on to issues, putting them in the darkest corners to hide them instead of allowing them to be revealed will weigh you down.  We must allow truths to be revealed.  It gives us the freedom to choose restraint.  When we hide issues, we often eat those issues into pain, into self-rejection, into rebellion.  When we put it all out there then we can approach eating from a normal vantage point.  We can eat within limits or restrain ourselves.  What do you need to admit to yourself?  What do you need to have God, reveal to you?  Once it is revealed then you can control or restrain yourself from reacting to circumstances that have caused you to “cast off restraint”.   Psychologists have been saying this for years.  Who knew it was in the Bible?  We have to talk about what is making us overeat.  We have to admit to the issues that make us overeat.  Even now, as I am finally producing leptin, our hunger blocking hormone, I still deal with stress issues.  Sundays nights are really tough for me and I even love my job.  However, I always get a little anxious about going back to work Monday mornings.  I think I have a guilt hormone that makes me think I should have done more work at home before Monday.  I feel guilty if I take a full two days off.  We all have issues.  Mark and I call them “shoes” in the closet.  I have bright green shoes in the closet that I take out every Sunday night.  I love those is-shoes.  I love to wear them, I love to cook and pig out on Sunday nights.  However, I have to find a way to destroy those shoes and wear my sandals on Sunday night.  God has revealed the truth to me.  Now, I have to react to that truth so that I can restrain my eating and my cooking habits on those days.  Those bright green Sunday night shoes are painful the next day.  I have cast off my restraint.  Today I am going to not put them back in the closet but put them in the trash can and break the heels off the bottom.  Today my Sunday night “shoes” are going to go away.  What shoes do you need to pull out of the closet, reveal their purpose, and then destroy?   God foods here we come.  Now I can practice restraint instead of casting it off!

Prayer:  God You are so smart.  Thank You for revealing my Sunday night “is-shoes”.  I thank You that I recognize now this one day of the week is more difficult for me.  I thank you that you are the author of revelations.  Continue to reveal to me my “is-shoes”.  I have no doubt I have other points that need to be revealed.  Thank You for reminding me in Your word that without acknowledgement of our issues we cannot restrain our eating.  You give us the power to restrain, to take this revelation to the next level.  Let us know what people make us throw restraint away, what times of day make us throw restraint away, what times of the week make us throw restraint away, what foods make us throw restraint away, what restaurants or destinations make us throw restraint away.  Reveal truth to us.  You are the way the truth and the life.  Thank You Lord.  Be my Lord today as I honor You with my eating habits.  I love You today and every day.  I am ready to eat God foods.  I am ready to practice restraint.

Did you know?  “The closer a food is to the way it started out, the more nutrients it will contain.” Harvard Medical School   Note:  This is God food!

Daily Challenge



Pursue endurance & doing what is right

“But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.” I Timothy 6:11

Verse Reflections:  We should not walk about from our bad habits we should “flee from all of this”.  God is telling us not to fool ourselves into thinking we can “kindof” change our habits.  No!  We have to change.  We have to run away from all the bad habits that put us in this position.  Only then can we pursue the right eating habits that He is calling us to live by.  We have been given delicious God foods that can change our lives.  When we pursue the “right-ness” in our eating then we can endure the slow, but steady weight loss path that will bring us back to health.   This is not fast, this is not always easy.  But, I can live this way for the rest of my life and I am eliminating unhealthy pounds.  God has given us the right foods to eat and they are delicious.  We are surrounded every day by great marketing, by fast food restaurants, by delicious foods in ads.  Our mouths water, our brains spin and we want more.  To make the cycle worse, the foods that are not from God literally block the production of leptin, our hormone that makes us feel full.  When we are producing a lot of insulin to process these unhealthy foods our blood sugar spikes up and then sharply falls back down.  This can cause dizziness, blurred vision and hunger.  Our body thinks we do not have enough food even though we just “pigged out” on unhealthy foods.  This is a vicious, vicious cycle.  An alcoholic is not able to have just one drink.  We are blessed to be able to have “one” processed indulgence but we cannot overindulge.  In times of stress, and until we get rid of the physical cravings we have to “flee” from non-God foods.  They are addictive and create this roller coaster of cravings.

Prayer:  Father, help me today to flee from not eating right.  For me, this is unrighteousness, not choosing the right things You created.  Your word gives me the godliness that I can stand on.  May I lay claim to the power You put in Your word today?  Will You also help me pursue this godliness every day?  There are days I just jump up and go without stopping to devote time to You.  I know the difference and I am not as strong when I try to depend on my own strength.  In fact, I will go so far as to say without You I fail.  Every day.  Every time.  God I need the power of endurance You ask me to pursue in this verse also.  I am used to all the promises of fast weight loss and I am always looking for the magical solution.  I am old enough to know there is no magic but Your power is real and I have to have faith that I will lose weight if I pursue this solution.  I have already proven that this works but I slide back enough to know that I have to be patient, I have to keep enduring my slow weight loss knowing this is a lifestyle change.  Father surround me with Your power and the desire to flee from my decades of unhealthy habits.  I love You.  We got this!

Daily Challenge



Praise our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard; he has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping.

Verse reflections:  He has preserved our lives!!  Seriously, why do we keep stuffing boxed macaroni and cheese, doughnuts, pasta, cookies and cake in our bodies?  There is NO nutritional value worth mentioning in these crazy processed foods that we crave.  We are creating a false illusion that we are getting the proper nutrition by filling our stomachs with foods that will not generate healthy cell regeneration, good eyesight, neuron function to send signals from our brain out to our bodies.  Did you know it takes twice as much energy for neuron function in the brain?  We need vitamins and minerals for a healthy body.  This verse is so beautiful because by keeping us from slipping He is preserving our lives.  Claim it!  Imagine Your feet nailed to the outside of the grocery store lines.  Imagine Your feet nailed down when you want to go to the kitchen and snag an unhealthy snack.  Imagine Your cell phone nailed down when you want to call a delivery service.  He will keep us from slipping by surrounding us daily with the power in His word.  His word is the difference.  I can’t explain it, I don’t understand it but it works!  The only thing different that I am doing between last year and this year is finding verses, reading them, adding a beautiful enlightenment that is relevant to my battle with eating that God is shining on the verses and claiming them.  I praise Him, may the sound of His praise be heard by each of You because He rocks!  His power is unbelievable and finally I am eliminating the cravings that made me think I was crazy.  I am convinced He saved my life and gave me additional years of health.  Praise God.

Prayer:  Father, I cannot thank You enough for preserving my life, for creating a path I can take where my feet don’t slip.  I took other paths that were successful for a while and then life would throw a boulder in my way and I would slip all the way back to the beginning and gain every pound back in no time.  Father, I am praising You for giving us God foods that give us nutrition and eliminate cravings.  I have not found any combination of Your foods that create cravings like I used to have.  Some tell us to be careful of fruit, or be careful of nuts or other foods but for me all of Your foods work.  God You are so powerful and amazing.  For once, my feet are not slipping every other day.  I truly believe I can live eating like this for the rest of my life.  I praise You for this life changing, all powerful way of eating and living.  I love Your foods, I just have to have Your power to get around the temptation that makes me think I need the junk food in quantities that are ridiculous.  Father, surround me with power that nails my feet to the healthy path You have called me to take.  Give me shoes that will not slip.  I love You so much and I want to do Your will, to follow the path that will preserve my life and my mental health.  I am claiming Your promise to keep my feet from slipping today.  I love You tons.   Here’s to God foods.

Daily Challenge



Luke 7:6,7 “He was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to say to Him: ‘Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed.’”

Verse Reflections:  This is me.  I don’t deserve to be healed.  I don’t deserve to have God come into my life.  And yet, He can say the word I can be healed.  I am being healed.  His power is unimaginable.  His grace may not be deserved but He will forgive us over and over and over again.  I am pretty old, which means I have decades of eating the wrong foods, stuffing sugar and processed carbs into this body.  So, if I can be healed, you can be healed.  Finally, I have faith that God just has to “say the word” and I will be healed.  That is the purpose of these devotions.  He has already said the words.  He has already promised us that if we choose righteousness (right-ness) He will fulfill His promises to us.  Hallelujah (God be praised).  So often, I sabotage God’s power with my self-doubt.  I don’t have to trust myself!  This centurion could not heal his servant.  He knew he could not fix the situation so he went to the one source that had the solution.  This is our answer!  We might have tried over and over to overcome our addiction to the wrong foods.  Do not worry about it.  Don’t second guess yourself.  You can’t heal yourself!  But praise God He can heal you through His word.  He left us an entire Bible of promises.  He is leading us to verses that heal.  He is leading us to the power of His word.  His word is healing me and I had just about given up.  Tomorrow will come whether we eat right today or not so why not change your tomorrow.  Tomorrow will never change you but today will change you.  Don’t put it off.  Claim His promises today… Eat healthy foods and celebrate God’s words that heal.

Prayer:  Hallelujah Father.  You have already said the words that will heal my body, my soul and my mind.  I want to claim them today.  Thank You for this verse that reminds us that You have already conquered our eating disorders.  You are greater than any problem we have.  Your foods taste so good.  Lead me to them.  I don’t deserve to take You into my life or my body.  I have probably junked up my pancreas and added layers of fat cells inside my body that You don’t want to be around and yet You love me and think I am worthy.  I claim the power of the centurion’s faith today.  I want to love myself, treasure myself the way the centurion did his servant.  It seems an oxymoron, a controversy that he worked so hard to save someone that he did not give freedom, the best gift of all, but I can’t change history.  I can only take Your parable and use it.  I am worthy.  The servant was worthy.  We are all worthy of Your healing power.  Father, heal me.  I know You have the power.  I do not.  Period.  I keep failing.  Today I claim success, not because of my power but because of Yours.  Come on in.  Or stay there in heaven.  You have already said the words.  Today I claim them.  We are going to eat God (plus one) foods all day.  I love You sooooo much.  Thank You.

Did you know:  Bulimia can change your electrolyte imbalance due to changing the levels of sodium or potassium which can cause heart issues.  Womenshealth.gov

Daily Challenge



Psalms 16:9 “Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.”

Verse Reflections:  In the verse before this David says, “I have set the Lord always before me, Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”  Knowing this, our bodies will also rest secure.  Knowing this, our heart is glad.  Knowing this, our tongue rejoices.  The word “secure” means attached so firmly that it cannot be moved or lost.  Yes!! This is what we need to be successful in eating healthy, in changing our bad habits.  We need to know that our body cannot be moved or lost.  We have set God before us.  We don’t have to run to find Him.  We don’t have to look around in panic asking Him to help us turn away temptations.  He is already there before us.  It may sound crazy but since I have been looking for healthy foods at the parties I attend I am finding them every time.  I don’t think I ever ate a carrot at any party ever and I love carrots.  God has gone before me and prepared a way for us to rest securely in His lifestyle.  I expect to find healthy foods.  I sometimes take healthy foods to the parties and I enjoy eating every morsal.  I am still eating as much or more than other people but I know I am choosing the right foods.  I know God is attached so firmly to my side that I cannot go wrong at these parties.  I can rest securely and my body can rest securely knowing we are making the healthy changes that our body deserves.  My heart is glad when I return home from the parties because I know that I just took care of my body with my eating choices.  I do stop and thank God for staying so close and helping me reach for the healthy options.  He is amazing and I do feel secure with Him at my side when I read His word.  He gives me the power to eat the foods He created that are awesome and amazing.

Prayer:  Father, I love that the word secure means “attached so firmly that it cannot be moved or lost.”  I am secure in You Father.  When I read Your word You do attach Yourself deeply in my soul.  I cannot wait until I die so I can understand this power.  I am so entrenched in this world that has a beginning and an end and a scientific explanation for so much that it is hard for me to understand.  And yet, I am the beneficiary of this power.  Your word helps me not get lost.  Your word helps me not be moved from the healthy eating habits You have called us to.  Father, my body is secure in You.   I am going to rest in the knowledge that I can’t go wrong with You by my side.  I am going to praise my beautiful body because You are attached to it and make it beautiful.  I am going to claim the beautiful radiance that I know You are shining on my body, inside my body and inside my mind and soul.  We cannot be moved from Your power.  We cannot be moved from eating God foods today.  I adore You.  Thank You for the power in this verse.  Today I rest securely and my heart is glad.  Today we will eat the foods You created with You going before us.  I love You.  Have a beautiful day.

Daily Challenge



God knows how

II Peter 2:9 The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations.

Verse Reflections:  I am so glad that the Lord knows how to deliver me because I obviously do not.  I am totally dependent on God to deliver me from temptations.  I can go for days with success and then all of a sudden I will consume 3000+ calories of junk in one afternoon.  God knows how to deliver “the godly”.  A synonym for “godly” is “holy” or set apart by God.  This gives me hope because God himself can set us apart, make us godly.  I am too weak to consider myself holy or godly so I have to depend on Him to give me these qualities.  I do know that spending time with Him daily is the key.  I treasure the secrets I learn, the strength I gain every time I turn to His word.  I know that His word reminds me that I can do this with His help.  God can deliver us.  God can give us the strength we need to eat His foods and leave the processed foods behind.  This is a great promise to memorize and when we feel the cravings lift up this verse and claim it.  He has given us beautiful foods that allow us to feel full and satiated.  We are creating a vicious cycle of cravings when we eat the processed foods that block our leptin, the hormone that makes us feel full.  Man created the foods that make us want more and more and more.  God has already “delivered” us from this cycle by giving us foods that work, that give us nutrition for a longer life and keep us at a healthy weight.  We just have to eat those foods and allow ourselves no more than one other option per day.  We have to be holy, to “set ourselves apart” by saying no to the temptations that surround us daily.  We have to say no to the wines, the deserts, the appetizers, the breads over and over and over again every single day.  We have to allow God to deliver us from temptations by eating His foods.  If we don’t eat His foods we will continue to eat foods that create cravings.  Today we will eat God foods!

Prayer:  God, YOU know how to deliver me from temptations.  I am going to say the Lord’s prayer differently.  “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”  Father, I know so many people on this earth would laugh heartily at me considering food a serious temptation but God I know this is my Achilles heel.  I know it is a serious issue for me.  I am an addict and I need help.  I have times where I start with a small thought and it expands into a craving that cannot be stopped until I consume thousands of calories.  I need deliverance.  I need Your power.  Your word promises that You know how to deliver the godly out of temptation.  I know that I need to eat God foods, the foods You created but I still need Your help.  I am weak.  I know what to do but I don’t always know how to do it.  I have a long lifetime of bad habits and I need Your help to get over them.  Bless me with Your power.  Thank You for these verses that remind me that I am not alone.  You have the secret and You know how to deliver me.  Okay.  I am trusting You today because I obviously can’t trust myself.  Give me power, Your power that surpasses my own.  I am going to reach for Your foods today.  I am going to remind myself that You know how to deliver me from any temptation I may have.  Thank You for this power that comes from outside my own helplessness.  I love You.


Daily Challenge



Confess and Leave behind your bad habits

Proverbs 28:13 He that covers his sins will not prosper: but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.

Verse Reflections:  This is not easy for me on a personal basis.  I still fight the temptation to gorge my body with all types of delectable foods and then throw up.  Sick?  Yes, I am.  Sin?  Yes it is.  Does it work?  No, it doesn’t.  And yet, I still want to cover this sin up and not let my close friends and family know it is still an issue for me.  It is not frequent, but God says we need to confess our sins.  Ugh!  I do not want to disappoint my husband and let him know that it still crops up.  I think because I know it does not just go away once I confess.  It rears its ugly head again and again and my husband just wants it to go away.  I want to cover it because I am ashamed of my weakness.  And yet, this verse tells me not to cover my sin, to confess.  This verse tells me that if I expose my sin I will prosper and if I cover my sin I will not prosper.  I have to confess and forsake my sin and I will have mercy from God.   How do I confess a sin I worry will return?  I know this verse says whoever confesses AND forsakes them will have mercy.  I have not fully forsaken this sin of indulgence.  I have not fully learned how to forsake it forever.  This world pushes indulgences on us at every turn.  I go to conferences with snacks at every break, parties with delicious appetizers and desserts, restaurants with award winning options.  I come home to a kitchen and a talent for making deserts that could rival Bobby Flay.  It is a blessing and a curse.  How do I expose my sins, confess my sins but more importantly forsake my sins?  Do I need to put together a group of friends that have the same issues so we can hold each other accountable?  I know I need to forsake my bad habits and eat God foods so all I know today, just today is that I will eat God foods.  One day at a time.

Prayer:  God, I come to You in confession of my sins.  I confess to You that I overeat with a vengeance.  I cannot eat just one cookie.  I eat ten, I eat twenty.  I eat five pieces of bread smothered with butter.  I consume 3500 calories (one pound) easily and frequently.  I do not know how to moderate my eating habits.  I am confessing them to You.  I am exposing my indulgences.  I am helpless against myself.  I invent cravings in my brain and then I eat.  I stir up creations in my kitchen or go to a restaurant and eat everything I dreamed in my head.  Lord, I am exposing my sins to You of overeating but I don’t know how to forsake this habit forever.  I do well for weeks.  I do well for months and then I crash.  I start eating the foods that I know are not healthy.  I even feel headaches, indigestion, burning feet, weakness, blurred vision, dizziness and still I indulge.  I am sick.  I am weak.  I am helpless.  I have to confess to You.  You say You will have mercy on me but You also say I must forsake my sins to gain this mercy.  I have to go back to the verse before this.  You “know how to deliver the godly from temptations.”  You have to know God because, I can’t deliver myself.  I can’t forsake this sin without You.  Take over my body, my brain and my soul and deliver me from this sin of indulgence.  Today, I will eat God foods.


Daily Challenge



“It’s a battle”

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

Verse Reflections:  God gave me a strong backbone in most aspects of life.  But the devil knows that food is my temptation.  I have to stay alert and realized that Satan is prowling around looking for a way to tempt me.  I don’t get angry easily.  I don’t get depressed easily.  I am not tempted by drugs or alcohol.  I am not materialistic.  I love my husband dearly and have no desire to be unfaithful.  So, how does Satan devour me?  With food.  Devour means to destroy completely.  This is serious.  It is time to quit thinking this is a minor issue in our lives.  If you are reading this, most of you can relate.  Satan confronted Jesus with this same temptation in the Bible when He was in the desert so we know it is a common issue.  We have to stay alert and realize this is a serious battle.  This is not a light, funny issue.  This is war.  We have to come to Jesus daily to get strength so we can stand firm in the faith.  He promises to deliver us from our sins.  He promises to give us the ability to resist the devil.  We must proact daily by reading His word and tucking His words away in our heart.  This is our weapon in the battle.  We are in a family of believers that suffer from the temptation of overeating.  We are not alone.  Know that we are not alone as you resist the devil.  We can stand together, arm to arm, back to back.  We can pray a hedge of impenetrable protection around us so that Satan cannot get through.  We can stand firm in the faith, knowing God has the power.  “Faith comes by hearing the message and hearing through he word of Christ”  Romans 10:17 I think I allow the devil to prowl around like a roaring lion in my kitchen.  He roaringly sends me images of delicious foods that I can bake and devour.  I need to be more alert and cast him out of my home.  We can resist him.  He has no power over the power of Jesus Christ.  We have to stay in the word and claim God’s promises.  God will keep us alert to Satan’s tricks.  He uses the same ones over and over with me.  You would think I could be immune by now.  I will be immune today.  Today, I will be alert.  Sober-minded means to have good sense and good judgement.  Today, I will be of sober mind.  I will eat God foods.

Prayer:  Father, this is a battle for me.  I need You to lead me into this battle and let’s win it once and for all.  I need to not just resist the devil, I need You to help me conquer him so he doesn’t come back every day.  God, I need to stand firm in the faith that You can fight this battle for me.  I am weak.  I do not have the ability to win this battle on my own.  However, I am done.  I have to fight this ridiculous hold that unhealthy foods have on me.  We are going to battle with a spirit of passion and sacrifice.  I am ready to sacrifice.  Finally!  Let’s give up this crazy hold that unhealthy food has on me.  It is not worth it.  My health is more important.  My body is more important than a thirty-minute indulgence.  Lord give me good judgement and good sense.  Give me more than that.  The devil is prowling around looking for a way into my mind.  Lord, put a hedge of protection around me and keep him out.  You have the power.  You can resist the devil.  I am going to claim that power in the name of Jesus, in Your name.  Get out Your sword and cut off His head.  I will not hear his roar.  I will not allow him to devour me.  I will resist him.  I will stand firm in my faith in Your power.  I will stand as an example in the family of believers that are reading this that we can eat God foods and enjoy this new, healthy life.


Daily Challenge



“The peace of God”

Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also you are called in one body; and be thankful.

Verse Reflections:   Peace is what I need. Stress is not my friend when I choose foods. God has given us the gift of peace, a peace that intertwines God’s body into one with ours.  How does that change my interpretation of my body if I think of God’s body being mine?  We are literally called to have this peace that combines our bodies into one with God Himself!  All of my self-chastisement, my anger at the lack of perfection, my desire to avoid mirrors becomes ridiculous and almost irreverent.  God has honored my body by joining His with mine.  Shouldn’t I also honor Him by celebrating my body?  Shouldn’t I be peaceful, hopeful, joyful and thankful for my body.  It is fascinating that the Bible adds this tip on the end… be thankful.  We should be peaceful and thankful.  Today, we should eliminate that edgy self-recrimination behind.  Just tuck it into the bed as you are making it up this morning or better yet flush it down the toilet.  Let it go.  Celebrate our gorgeous bodies that reflect the image of Christ.  Our body is Christ’s body.  Look in the mirror, tell yourself and God that you both look awesome and then let the peace of God rule in your hearts.  Eliminate the stress that makes you reach for the carbugers.  Added sugar increase our blood sugar which provides a burst of energy and serotonin.  Serotonin is the hormone that makes us feel good.  This is natural.  I firmly believe that God gave us the “plus one” so that we do not have to indulge in guilt if we do need a quick fix.  It is okay and we do not need to shame ourselves when we indulge in a sweet or carb craving.  Just stay peaceful and enjoy your treat.  Be thankful that you do not have to criticize yourself just because you indulge.  The amazing news about eating God foods is that your cravings will become less and less so that a treat becomes just a treat not a way of life.  Today we will celebrate our bodies.  Our body is also the body of Christ.  We will eat His foods and be thankful.

Prayer:  Father, this is a powerful thought for me, that Your body is also my body.  I have taken communion so many times, eaten the bread and repeated “This is my body, take and eat in remembrance of me.” I have drunk the grape juice and repeated, “This is my blood, drink in remembrance of me.”  And yet, not once, Lord have I thought of Your body as being intertwined into mine.  Lord, I want to look down at my stomach and celebrate “our stomach”.  I want to look in the mirror today and celebrate every part of our body and be thankful.  This will require a twist on the way I look at myself.  Will You send Your power into my mind?  I want to be thankful as You have requested.  I want the peace You promise me.  I have to admit that I have twisted my ridiculous thoughts and I criticize “our” body more than I compliment it.  I chastise myself every time I eat something “bad” which makes me anxious.  I am on a hamster wheel of eating, chastising myself, criticizing myself, creating anxiety and then eating to relieve my anxiety.  Go figure.  I need Your help.  I can’t criticize You so this verse is very helpful.  Let’s celebrate our beautiful bodies today as You crave the beautiful foods You created.  And yet, You give us a plus one that we can enjoy with no guilt, no anxiety, no criticism.  Yes!!  I can live like this.  I love You so much.  Thank You for knowing me well enough to create this verse for us to live here in this world together in a physically and mentally healthy way.  I am going to celebrate us and our beautiful, intertwined body together today.

Daily Challenge




In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire- may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. I Peter 1: 6-7

Verse Reflections:  Again, through this verse, God acknowledge the power that stress has over us.  We go through grief, we go through trials.  It is a given that we will have problems in life.  The older I get the more I realize that no one escapes the hard things that life throws at us.  You might look at a person or a family from the outside looking in and think their life is perfect but it is not.  Period.  We must acknowledge and accept that life is going to have trials.  Those trials will test our faith.  And yet, I have found that these trials will pull us closer to Christ if we allow them to. Once we realize our inability to control the situation, our helplessness, we also realize that we have to depend on Christ.  The trials “prove the genuineness of our faith.” Gold has to be heated to 2000o to be refined and it had to be heated for five days in Biblical times. This prolonged exposure to heat separates out the impurities.  Likewise, we have to make choices when we go through difficult times.  We can choose to bond closer to God, the purer version of ourselves and separate from the impurities or we will run from the heat and the impurities will remain.  Are we going to push our way through with no help from God or others?  Are we going to isolate ourselves?  Are we going to resent or embrace?  Are we going to lean on God or fall on the ground exhausted?  Our tendency as food addicts is to reach for food to give us a temporary surge of happiness. And then, we proceed to create more stress by rebuking ourselves for the lack of willpower.  God is telling us here that we have to go through the trials to learn to lean on Him.  I have to depend on God to choose healthy foods.  I have to know that my faith is genuine and while I cannot make the right choices daily, God can.  I will praise, glory and honor Jesus Christ in this power.  So today, we are going to rejoice because we are making it through our trials.  We are not going to concentrate on the trials or the heat, we are going to focus on the success of yesterday and today.  We made it through the fire!! We are going to rejoice that we can face the heat, the trials and we are going to look for the power of Christ.

Prayer:  Father, I don’t want to suffer in order to prove the genuineness of my faith.  And yet, I know that my faith has grown stronger in the times I have suffered grief.  When my nephew at ten years old was diagnosed with stage four cancer, I had to depend on you.  When I emerged from a coma with a loss of short term memory, I had to depend on You.  When I lost my child, I was hopeless.  When any marriage goes through touch times we are tried.  When we depend on You to meet our bills because pay checks will not stretch far enough. And the list goes on.    Lord, we have all had so many trials.  My faith is genuine.   There is no doubt that You are my savior.  Father, save me now from my eating issues.  I trust You, I have faith and yet You know that I doubt myself so severely that I make bad choices.  Lord, daily I will be refined.  Lord, I know this is not the world of Your eternity so be with me as we emerge glowing from this refinement.  Allow me to praise, glory and honor You as You are revealed through our trials.  Remind us that anytime we make the right choices for You it may not be easy.  We must pause and choose to eat Your foods and not the “tempting” processed foods.  Lord bless us as we move forward.  We love You.

Daily Challenge



“Gather in God’s name”

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Verse Reflections:  God is reminding us that there is strength in friendships, in accountability partners, in prayer partners.  For over 25 years I have been getting up at 4:30 a.m. to run with two wonderful friends.  Before that, I ran with another friend for over five years at the same crazy time.  I love to run and I would run with or without my friends at some level but I can honestly say, I would not get out of my warm bed during the winter months without knowing they are waiting.  We share life’s ups and downs and we turn to God to bring our cares to Him.  He is with us as we run and our friendship is God centered.  We choose not to talk about others, spread gossip or put junk in the trunk.  We have all chosen to share our lives in a God centered way so that when we start our day we are starting it clear and bright.  So, while we are running, we are gathered in God’s name.  He is most definitely there in our midst.  I think this verse is reminding us there is a benefit in gathering to exercise, lose weight and to talk about your week’s eating struggles.  It works for weight watchers and many other programs.  God is promising us all in this verse, that whenever, wherever and for whatever purpose He will be there in our midst if we gather in His name.  This week, find an accountability partner and gather in prayer, gather in solidarity that will renew your strength and resolve to eat God foods.  God will be there.  He will send His power over you and those you gather with.  His power is unimaginable.  He can change your lifetime habits.  You can hear His voice through the voice of your friend(s) that tell you not to indulge in the eating temptations that haunt you.  You can feel His strength seeping into you in the cheerful celebrations of friends that made it through one day of eating His foods.  You can know that your life is changing when you choose to bring healthy snacks to the friend party and all of you have fun indulging in your health.

Prayer:  Father, lead us to friends that can gather with us in Your name.  Accountability changes lives.  Gathering in Your name brings power to our day.  Stopping our day to share a God moment makes a difference.  Thank You that even in sharing this prayer, we are gathering in Your name.  We are gathering with everyone hearing this prayer today and they are our family in accountability.  Everyone listening to this prayer, reading this prayer is sharing the same temptations.  We are desperate Lord.  We don’t know how to change our habits, our cravings, our lifestyle without Your help.  I am so weak God.  I need accountability partners to make a full change.  I can eat God foods for a while and then I literally crash.  I splurge with a vengeance that is just not human and I cannot stop on my own.  Father, grant us all the strength that YOU have.  Our strength does not work.  Our discipline is not enough.  You tell us to gather in Your name and You will be there in our midst.  Lord, even through these devotions we are gathering in Your name.  We are joining with everyone else praying for Your power.  Please, be in our midst and surround us with Your love.  Change our lives with Your power.  Create new cravings, new habits.  Yes, Father.  We are going to thank You for this revolutionary pivot.  Today is the day that we will eat all God foods and not even pause to consider any other foods.  I love You and I thank You for “being in the midst” of us.

Daily Challenge



“We are part of His body”

Ephesians 5:30 For we are members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones.

Verse Reflections:  If we are part of God’s body, His flesh and His bones then our body is His body.  Are we taking care of God’s body, Our body?  Have we respected the holiness of God in the way that we treat our body?  Or are we instead stretching our stomach to capacity?  Are we giving our bodies the nutrition that supports cell growth and healthy or are we stuffing sugar and empty calories into our bodies?  Think about all the foods that have empty calories:  cakes, cookies, pasta, pizza, white bread, pastries, cereals… How many of these foods do we eat every day or every week?  Now imagine for a moment that God is truly a part of Your body and our bodies are intertwined.  Imagine that God puts His hands up and shakes His head each time You offer Him a food that does not benefit His body, His flesh, His bones.  “We are members of His body, of His flesh, of His bones.”  We are one.  That is the very definition of Christianity.  We become Christ like.  It does help me to think of God’s body being a part of my body.  Somehow, I can’t imagine God as overweight.  He is always lean and trim and healthy.  Think hard for a moment… what we are doing to our bodies with the extra weight?   Kevin Fontaine, PhD, assistant professor of rheumatology at Johns Hopkins University says that every ten pounds adds thirty to forty pounds of pressure on our joints.  This scares me.  Thirty extra pounds puts 100 pounds of pressure on my knees, my hips…100 extra pounds puts 300 extra pressure on your joints.   Now remember we are damaging God’s bones, and flesh and body as well.  This is sacrilegious on all counts.  It is not acceptable that we are doing this to ourselves, much less to God.  We have to take this seriously.  There is nothing anyone can say to us if we don’t decide that we have to make changes.  Eating healthy may not be easy but we need to grow up and do it anyway.  We are representing our Holy God.  We are merged with our Holy God.  Those of You who are parents, think of all that You have done for Your children to protect them, to ensure they are healthy.  Does Your God not deserve the same tender care?  Do you not deserve the same beautiful attention and sacrifice?  Why would you do more to protect your child than to protect Your Holy God?  Your body is His body.  Grow up and eat the foods He gave us.

Prayer:  Oh God I am humbled to think how many times I have dishonored Your body, our body.  I apologize with a shame that I cannot describe.  My tendency has been to think that the way I eat is my secret, my cross, my battle, my sacrifice on this earth.  I have not considered the pain that I am inflicting on You.  I knew You were not happy with my choices, but again, I felt like You had so many children with battles here on earth, I was one of many.  I downplayed the influence this had on You.  I have hurt Your body.  I have put 100 extra pounds of pressure on Your joints.  I have caused You to carry weight that You did not choose to carry.  Father, I am so sorry.  I am going to eat Your foods and work hard to change our flesh.  I have changed the chemistry of Your body with the empty calories that I inhale.  I have gorged on quantities of foods that should not be possible and then at times I have made myself sick so that the foods are flushed down the toilet.  A complete waste of money, food and a strain on our esophagus, pancreas and more.  Father, I am not worthy of being a part of Your flesh.  Heal me.  Allow me to welcome You as part of my body.  Allow me to want to claim our unity with pride.  I thank You for this verse.  I need to be reminded that my eating habits affect You.  Today, Father, I am going to reach for the foods that feed our body, our flesh and our bones with healthy foods that You have created.  Join me in my brain and heart as well.  Give me the desires of my heart and my head.  I love You.  Let’s join together to face this day as one.  Hallelujah.

Daily Challenge



“Your needs are taken care of”

Philippians 4:19 But my God will supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Verse Reflections:  It is so easy for me to think of this verse in terms of God supplying the needs of my home, heat, air-conditioning (yes, my first world need lol), health, clothing, job…  I seldom think of God supplying the emotional needs that cause me to crave foods.  This verse transport me to another plain when I think that my God can fill the black holes that I pour foods into.  God can calm my anxieties before I reach for the Carbugers, the chocolate chip cookies, the chips.  He can unzip my fat suit and not expose the me within that I work to cover up.  God can unravel all the threads that tangled up throughout my life to create a big wad of knots that I lubricate with food in a poor attempt to pretend they aren’t there.  God can erase the scars of not being loved, or being “loved” too much and eliminate the need to place the band-aid of food on all these open wounds.  Every day, these “needs” bubble up within me.  And I reach for food.  Every day, I feel an emotion and instead of thinking it through, writing it down, I bury it deep with every swallow of food.  Every day, I stay too busy to acknowledge any feelings so I eat my feelings and push them down deep into my stomach.  Every day, I acknowledge that my God has my “life” but I have failed to acknowledge that my God has my feelings, my emotional needs.  Every day, I put on my big girl panties and my super man cape and refuse to allow myself to admit that I can’t do it all.  My God will supply ALL my needs.  But first I have to allow these needs to be felt, to be realized, to be shared, to be exposed.  It is the raw exposure of my emotional needs that I run from.  I had a Father that told me he loved me less than twenty times that I can remember.  It left a hole.  I am not going to add any “buts” here I am just going to acknowledge that it left an emotional hole.  I need God to fill this hole.  I received positive vibes from my Father through my hard work ethic and successes.  Every day I fill my life with hard work ethics and successes.  I am tired.  I am just going to acknowledge this.  Period.  What emotional needs do you need to acknowledge today?  Write it down and together we will let God fill our needs.  Totally.  Let God fill your black hole, soothe your anxiety, untangle your knots, and erase your scars.  God will tell you how much He loves you and fill that void.  He will give you the grace to stop working so hard and allow you to relax and just be you.  He will fill your needs so that we can fill our bodies with nutritious foods that He created.  God foods.

Prayer:  Wow God this was a break through for me.  Thank You for reminding me that a lot of my eating is in response to not acknowledging my emotional needs.  Thank You for reminding me that You can supply all my needs.  When I feel anxiety, I do not need to reach for a cookie, I need to reach for Your word, Your hand, Your voice.  When I chastise myself because I do not look the way I want to look, and my self-doubt causes me to crave foods, I need to look in Your mirror and know that You created me in Your image and I am beautiful.  When I fill my life with too much work and strive to be perfect because that is how I defined myself to get my earthly father’s approval I need to realize that You rewarded Mary, not Martha.  Lord, recreate me today.  Untangle these knots that I have created inside my soul.  I know that I will avoid reaching for food if You fill these voids that I have allowed to open into hollow chasms with no bottom.  This surely is why I eat with no bottom, no end to my hunger.  Lord, if You don’t come into these emotional voids, this cycle will never stop and I really don’t know how to change it except to offer this desperate prayer.  Fill my emotional needs.  Supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory!  You promise in this verse You will make this happen and I am claiming this life changing covenant.  Thank You for changing both of our lives.  Love You.


Daily Challenge



“His exceeding greatness”

Ephesians 1:19 And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. 22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

Verse Reflections:  We have access to power that is beyond our wildest imagination..  “That power is the same as the mighty strength He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead.”  Why then do we ever doubt God’s ability to change our lives?  Raise your head up.  Fill your heart with hope.  Renew your mind with determination.  God wants you to be healthy.  God wants you to treasure your body.  God has given you the power to change your life and it will start with this verse on this day.  Today you will access “His incomparably great power for us who believe.”  We will believe and KNOW that we have power beyond our own.  We can easily walk past that cupcake, that cookie, that bag of chips, the bread, the snacks.  We will not even pick them up.  Instead, we will use His strength to grill a steak or some delicious chicken, fish or seafood.  We will sear some vegetables with herbs and sit down with our families, friends or favorite show and celebrate the power to change our lives.  It doesn’t matter that we weren’t successful yesterday or last year.  It ceases to be relevant that you haven’t lost any weight.  We are going to use God’s “mighty strength” to eat healthy.  He will fill us with “the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way.” We no longer have to worry about filling our emptiness with food.  Food is for nutrition and God will fill our souls and our holes.  Hallelujah!  What a t-shirt!  “God will fill our holes and our souls.”  He has power that we haven’t begun to touch and today we are going to claim that power.  If He can raise Christ from the dead, He can raise our idiot bodies from the habits that have crucified us.  We are children of God.  The power to change our lives is ours.  Today.

Prayer:  Father, I am weak with the realization of the power You wield.  I have known this and yet, I have not claimed it with the exhilaration this verse brings to my depths.  Why do I ever doubt myself, my ability to eat right when You are my Father, my Savior and You have more power than the universe?  You created the stars, the moon, the sun and the earth and yet I think I can’t pass up temptations of food?  I am a speck in the universe and the power You offer to me is so immense that You must laugh when I think cookies, pies, pizza, bread and chips are insurmountable temptations.  The irony of it is that these foods are all foods created by the very humans You created.  So, we created our own temptations.  How stupid is that?  Father, I humbly come to You and ask for a bolt of lightning power to strike.  I actually feel Your power inhabit my body even as I write these words.  I am astounded at the power of Your Holy word.  Thank You for revealing to me so many messages that are healing my journey of being addicted to foods that are not healthy.  Bless You Father for reminding me that this is not even a blip on Your radar.  You can heal me with each verse and infuse me with power that will change my life.  Your mighty strength gives me all the strength I need.  Remind me Lord of Your power every day.  I might need to come back to this devotion over and over.  Thank you Lord for the incomparable power You have bestowed upon us.  I claim it with Your blessings and today we will eat the foods You have created that heal and nourish these beautiful bodies.

Daily Challenge



“Just ask”

John 15:7 If you abide in me and my words abide in You, You will ask what You will, and it will be done unto You.

Verse Reflections:  Abide means to stay or remain.  We cannot ask what we want if we are not staying and remaining in God’s word and in God’s presence.  This is the difference between the last time you tried to eat healthy and this time.  Reading these verses and devotions daily will give us power that we do not have when we do not stay in His word and presence.  Amen!  And by the power of His word we can continue to ask for healing.  Every day we are going to read God’s word and abide, (stay) in His word.  God plus one.  One verse.  That is all we need to change our lives.  Can this really be the difference we have been missing?  Yes!  A thousand times yes.  This verse promises us once again that the power in God’s word makes the difference.  But this verse is also commanding us to stay in His word.  Imagine walking on a boardwalk with alligators on either side.  As long as you are on the boardwalk, you are safe.  If you begin to have the illusion that the boardwalk is not important and you venture out, you are no longer safe.  When we snuggle His word up into our souls every day we are safe.  Satan cannot touch us when we abide in God’s word. Don’t forget that the one offensive weapon against Satan is God’s word.  We have to put on the full armor of God.  We have the power to ask for changes that we cannot ask for without the power of His word.  Many of us have asked for His help for years but we failed to incorporate His word, the power of His word daily into our journey.  Let His words live inside you and ask what you want and it WILL be done unto you.  Read this again.  Another version says, it will be done FOR you.  Period.  If we stay in God’s word, we will not even have to work at this.  It will be done for us.  I have to admit, on the days I am really close to God, I don’t even have to try hard to eat right.  So today, expect God to answer Your prayers to give you the power to avoid the temptations of food.  Expect to be successful eating healthy.  If you are tempted, read another verse, and another, and another.  I pray that God will infuse us all with the Holy power that separates us from the world through these verses and reflections.  We know when we are close to Him that He wants the best for our lives and being healthy is the best for our lives.  Today eat God foods and stay close to God.

Prayer:  God, can it really be this simple?  Could I have avoided decades of heartache and eating wrong by staying in Your word and accessing the power You give us in Your Bible?  Why didn’t You ask someone else to write this a long time ago and we all could have been healthier?  Why now?  Why me?  I don’t understand and yet, I feel the power seep into my body every time I read one of Your amazing promises.  I know staying in Your word is the secret to battling the evil in this world and being all that I can be in Your kingdom.  I love You and I want to stay close to You, to abide in You.  Lord staying in Your word is so simple.  Remind me daily that I need to reach forward, upward for the strength You give in Your promises.  Lord, it is even more than strength, it is a unique way of looking at the same world that I have been viewing.  I am able to see clearer.  I am able to be stronger through You and I don’t even need to depend on my own strength which is so freeing.  It is almost like I am flying instead of working to walk up a hill.  Thank You Father for the strength You give through Your word.  I feel it, I claim it.  I praise You for this new vision.  Thank You for giving me the desire to eat God foods and worship You through my eating habits and choices.  Have a wonderful day.  We are going to live this day together.  Love You.

Daily Challenge



“He will do it”

John 14:13 And whatsoever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father will be glorified in the Son.

Verse Reflections:  This journey of eating healthy has to be about God and not wearing a two-piece bathing suit or looking sexy or good in your clothing.  You must ask in HIS name, not the name of vanity or your pride.  This is the danger point for all of us, so don’t play games with this part of committing to eating healthy or you will not be successful.  When you commit this journey to God then (and only then) you will be successful.  I have to admit that my journey to lose the extra 10, 20, 30 or 40 pounds has always been about me.  I wanted to look good in my clothes, I wanted to priss around and have people compliment me.  The good news is I am old enough now that this is not as important to me anymore or maybe I have carried that extra weight around long enough that I have learned to not to define myself the way I used to.  It is actually freeing to commit this journey to being healthy rather than to looking good or even perfect.  So, today commit your eating to God for the sake of being healthy.  Truly.  Read the verse above carefully, if you ask in Jesus’ name then He will give you success.  But keep in mind the second part of this verse… your success is so that God will be glorified.  Get ready to give the glory to God when this life changing journey is noticed.  You must ask for His power to be healthy.  Do not concentrate on the pounds!  I had to stop weighing so that my journey concentrated on depending on God and changing my eating habits not losing weight. There are many successful diets out there so if you just want to lose weight this may not be the best solution for you.  But if you want to take care of your body, your mind and your soul “God plus one” is the answer.  When you do lose weight, remember it is a blessing so that your extra weight doesn’t put pressure on your joints, so that you don’t have to spend money on new clothes, so that you resist getting sick.  Honor Him with your purposes for eating healthy.  Today, eat in His name.  Today, eat God food and if you need one additional option, eat it guilt free in His name.

Prayer:  Lord, I am so ready to glorify You. I am asking in Your name that today I eat healthy, that I change my mind, my soul and my body to embrace Your foods.  I am asking in Your name that today I eat Your foods so that I can lose some weight, not so that I look good but so that my body is healthy, so my joints do not hurt as I age, so that I can do anything I want to do.  Lord, I know as I lose weight, people will start to notice.  Prepare me now to not want the glory, to not care but to glorify You in my response to them.  I just want healthy.  I just want my mind to crave Your foods.  Allow me to invest in good herbs, citrus flavorings, healthy options that make cooking fun.  I am so used to baking and taking pride in my baked goods that I am having to change how I invest in recipes.  This verse tells me that you will do what we ask in Your name.  I am asking in Your name today for everything:  no cravings for unhealthy foods, a love for cooking your foods with a flair, a desire to eat Your foods and yes, Lord, weight loss.  I need to lose those thirty pounds for my health Father.  I love You and in Your name I claim it.  Woooo HOOOO.   Let’s make this happen.

Daily Challenge




Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.

Verse Reflections:  This is the perfect follow-up verse from yesterday.  Yesterday we were reminded that we must ask in Jesus’ name for His glory.  Today, we are reminded that we should ask in prayer.  Prayer is communication with God.  That means we need to spend a little time with Him, so we can recognize His voice and listen to His response.  This verse also commands us to believe.  Let’s change Nike’s saying “Just Do It” to “Just Believe It”.  Hallelujah (God be praised).  Some of us have fought this battle for years.  I am the last person I would have chosen to write these devotions because I have some very unhealthy eating habits.  I can eat a dozen hot doughnuts without pausing, a full pizza, a panful of cookies and the list goes on.  If it has butter or sugar in it I am there.  And yet, perhaps I am the best person to write these devotions because I have tried and succeeded, tried and failed many diets. God has convinced me that it is time to eliminate diets.  I need to change my lifestyle and make healthy choices with His power behind me.  I am ready to believe that He knows what He is talking about.  For two years He has been working on me.  I have failed to listen completely and yet my soul has changed.  The biggest physical change for me so far is that God has eliminated my cravings that had me convinced I was an abnormal monster with a stomach as big as my entire body. This is a miracle and I don’t use that word lightly.  I do believe that God plus one will work.  I believe that if I honor Him, pray in His name, incorporate His word and power into my journey then I will be successful.  I am committing this journey to Him daily in prayer, asking in His name and believing.  That means when I am offered a major temptation I must “Just Believe It” and know I can say no.

Prayer:  Oh Father, I do believe.  Thank You for the changes I am already seeing.  Thank you for teaching me through eating God foods that my endless cravings and hunger were a vicious cycle of eating addictive processed foods.  I have been freed from that constant mind circle and Lord that was a miracle of huge proportions.  I praise You.  May You be glorified and honored in my body.  While I haven’t lost weight I know the difference You are making in me, the changes are miraculous and somehow, I do believe as this verse commands that we will be successful taking off these 30 pounds that are not healthy.  Lord I believe.  I am ready.  I am at the point in life that you will definitely get the glory if anyone notices changes.  I am at the point where I KNOW that it is Your power, and Your power alone that has given me the ability to eat God foods each day.  Thank You Father for loving me enough to deliver this message.  I am so convinced that I am hearing Your voice telling me to eat God foods plus one that I believe You before I lose a pound.  I know, I believe Father.  Now You have to keep working Your miracles so that I can lose enough weight that others will want to listen to this message You have given me.  I know the changes You have already wrought in me.  I know the difference even though my clothes are still not fitting me.  I have the patience I did not have the past and I know the changes are coming.  I believe.  I hear You.  I am coming to You in communion, in prayer and I hear You Father.  Today we are eating God foods in Your name, for Your glory.  Thank You Father.

Daily Challenge



“Feed your hunger with goodness”

Psalm 107:9 For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.

Verse Reflections:  This is beautiful.  I keep imagining t-shirts with God’s word on them with these amazing messages that can change our lives.  Our bodies long for food, it is how we are designed, it is who we are.  We should not fight this.  We should embrace it and just fill our bodies with goodness (God’s word), good foods, God foods.  We should fill our hungry soul and our hungry bodies with goodness.  If we do this, God will satisfy our longing soul and our longing bodies.  How amazingly good is a full Sunday dinner with vegetables and meat?  This is what we need to eat daily.  If we feed our hunger with goodness then we will be satisfied.   This is the very definition of God plus one embodied in this verse.  We keep feeding our souls, our bodies with foods that do not satisfy our cravings, our longings and we just want more.  It is so easy to see this in smoking, pornography, alcoholism, material possessions.  It is so easy to long for more.  However, we don’t tend to see that the exact same principles are true with food that we eat.  If we do not fill our bodies with goodness, our longings never go away.  God and God foods alone can satisfy our cravings.  It is time we realized this and changed our lifestyle.  Why do we keep trying all this calorie counting or deprivation methods of dieting?  It doesn’t work long term because our cravings, our longings come back.  Today we are going to fill our bodies with goodness,

Prayer:  Father, it is all so simple and yet so complicated.  Take my hunger, my cravings and destroy them.  I will get up in the morning and fill my longing soul with Your word, with goodness.  I beg of You to satisfy my soul with these items so that I will not focus on food.  My soul is hungry, my mind is hungry, my stomach is hungry, my big toes are hungry.  I stay hungry and I can’t seem to erase the cravings completely.  This verse can change my life.  Lord, You have to remind me today that You are what satisfies my longing soul.  Only You can fill my hungry soul.  My tendency is to feed my anxiety with food.  Lord please change that for me.  Remind me that I should be feeding my anxiety with You.   You will eliminate the anxiety. When I feed it with food I get a quick fix and then I become anxious all over again because now I added weight and calories.  I have created a madness.  Lord, only You can stop this cycle.  I must remember that 30 minutes in the morning can make the difference.  I feel the goodness in my soul today, take that goodness and feed my soul.  Create a longing in my soul for the foods that You have created.

Daily Challenge



“Renew your youth”

Psalm 103:5 Who satisfies your mouth with good things; so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Verse reflections:  Wow!   Once again, God reminds us once again that only He satisfies our hunger.  When we eat good things our body becomes younger, we renew our strength.  I literally can feel sugar invade my body the older I get.  My balance is off, I feel dizzy.  Before I started eating God foods I even felt the burning in my feet from the lack of blood flow.  Why do we ever eat that crap?  We know that eating nutritious foods makes us feel better physically.  It is the mental cravings that destroy us, the create the desire for carbs and sugars.  This verse is very clear, that if we trust in God to satisfy our mouth with good things, we will be renewed physically.  We are destroying our health when we put processed foods in our mouth, in our bodies.  And yet, we wonder why we don’t feel energy.  We wonder why we get sick, our joints hurt.  It is a vicious, vicious cycle.  Are you ready to renew your youth?  Are you ready to fly like an eagle without a care in the world?  Are you ready to soar above the earth with the power of God like an eagle?  God is promising us that if we satisfy our mouths with good things we will feel better physically.  It makes sense, it is good science.  Today we are going to satisfy our mouths with good things.  We are going to renew our youth.  We are going to eat God foods.

Prayer:  Father, remind me of this verse every time I want to put crap in my mouth.  I am going to trust You to satisfy my mouth and my soul.  These two verses together are so perfect.  I must put good things in my mouth and goodness in my soul.  I know this so now I come to You and beg Your power to remind me of this every time I dream of food, every time I reach for food, every time I order or cook.  Father, I have this mentally but I need You to reach down from heaven and remind me and fill me with this goodness so that I don’t fail to remember in the moment.  It is the little moments that destroy me.  It is that five minutes of saying “I don’t care, I want this”.  Lord, fill me from the moment I get up to the moment I go to be with goodness.  Fill my mouth with compliments for others, fill my mouth with positive compliments for myself, fill my mouth with beautiful words and then fill my mouth the right foods.  Today we are going to fill our mouth with goodness.  I love You and pray to You now for Your help and strength.  We are going to eat God foods all day today.  I love You and thank You for satisfying my mouth with good things.


Daily Challenge



“He is our shield”

Psalm 30:5 Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him.

Verse Reflections:  “Pure” is free of pollutants, dirt or unwanted elements.  God’s word is pure.  He will protect us from danger.  In the old testament they would soak their shields in water so that the burning arrows would extinguish and not burn the shield.  God’s word is like the water that is soaking our shield, protecting us from any ammunition that can come at us.  Imagine today that any burning arrows targeting us will just die out with no power.  Those temptations that have pierced our bodies will not pierce them today.  We are shielded, protected by the word and power of God.  We cannot be tempted by impure, burning foods that do not nourish our bodies.  For me this is a real analogy.  Foods burn into my brain and sear it until I give into the temptation.  It is no accident that this verse combines an image of God’s word with the shield that protects us.  There is awesome, amazing power in God’s word.  The days I read God’s word I am shielded from the temptations of overeating.  Coming from a family of scientists I do not understand His power but I do believe in it.  I have tried for decades to control my eating habits and until I depended on the word of God each day, I have failed.  The word of God gives me the power to just say no to the foods that are processed and create a vicious cycle of cravings.  The beauty of not eating them for a period of time is that physically we will eventually cease to crave them.  The mental cravings can only be overcome through God’s word trust in Him.  When we trust in God, we will start to see ourselves as successful, beautiful, and confident.  That trust will turn our anxieties, our bad days into good days.

Prayer:  Lord today I am going to trust in You.  I am going to carry You as a shield out in front of me to protect me from all the temptations that get fired at me.  Your word promises me that I can overcome temptations and this verse promises me that Your word is pure, untainted.  I am going to claim this promise, I am going to name my success of overcoming my eating temptations.  You created pure foods, healthy foods that will nourish my body and “renew my strength as eagles”.  We are going to be shielded today from the desire to eat foods that do not add to the health of my body.  Lord, why do I even go there?   Why do I want ½ a cup of sugar in brownies ice cream and cookies?  Why do I want to eat fried potato chips?  Why?  I have this amazing body that can type words with each finger, can utter words from within, can bend and move and pick up objects and run.  Why do I want to pour unhealthy items into my body?  I think of the tin man on The Wizard of Oz whose joints would get rusty.  Lord, we are adding foods to our bodies that cause inflammation and make our joints painful and unhealthy.  I know this and yet I still do it.  Father, shield me from myself.  Please come inhabit my body and my mind today.  Thank You for the power in Your pure word.  Thank You for the shield it creates.  Today we are going to be shielded from temptation and we are going to eat God foods.  I love You Lord.  Thank You for giving us this power.


Daily Challenge



“Be satisfied”

Joel 2:26 And you will eat plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that has dealt wonderfully with you; and my people will never be ashamed.

Verse Reflections:  Ahhhh to be satisfied.  This is the beautiful result of “God Plus 1”.  Finally, I feel full.  Eating God foods allows my leptin, the hormone that tells your brain you have enough energy stored up, to be heard.  I now feel full and my metabolism has stabilized.  Prior to eating God foods I would often eat foods that were processed and burned up too quickly causing my sugar levels to spike and crash, sometimes I would eat too few calories, or I would even purge a huge amount of food.  All of these habits caused my body to drive the leptin levels back up telling my brain I needed more energy/food.  I NEVER got full.  I truly thought I was crazy and didn’t understand the nutritional science well enough to know that my eating choices were causing the bottomless pit syndrome.  I would “eat plenty” but I would not be satisfied.  There is a vagus nerve that runs between your brain and your abdomen and when your leptin levels go up the vagus nerve stimulates your hunger because it has been informed by the leptin hormone that you don’t have enough energy.  Yikes!! It is a vicious cycle.  I feel like this verse speaks to me and my healing.  Now that I am eating primarily God foods, I can eat plenty and be satisfied.  I cannot even express to you how this makes me praise God.  I am no longer ashamed and I no longer criticize myself daily for eating frenzies that I do not understand.  This verse is a promise to the Israelites that He will take care of them and supply all the food that they want or need.  For me, this is also a promise to all of us that if we eat God foods we will be taken care of.  We will be able to eat plenty and be satisfied.  And those of us who have fought the battle of eating healthy, we are so relieved that we will praise the name of our Lord, our God.  We will tell the world that God is the reason we no longer fight food daily.  We can allow the food to be on our side of the battlefield, an ally if you will.  Once we invite our enemy to be our ally, we have won the battle.  And our head that has hung so low in shame because we were losing the battle to an inanimate object of food will now be lifted and we will never be ashamed.

Prayer:  Oh Father, this verse is so deep for me.  I praise Your name, my Lord, my God.  You are healing me and I cannot thank You enough.  I can now eat food and feel satisfied.  I finally feel like I have a normal stomach.  You have dealt wonderfully with me and You have taught me that food does not have to be my enemy.  I love the idea of inviting food to be my ally and thus eliminating any battle because now there is no enemy to fight.  I can order off a menu and choose Your foods and I don’t have to also order desert.  Thank You.  God, this promise is so huge to me.  I know You were talking to the Israelites and telling them that You would always provide for their needs but God Your word is living and breathing and it speaks to me.  Finally, I am not ashamed of myself.  I have not lost a ton of weight but I finally feel normal.  Thank You!!  You have given me plenty but perhaps more importantly I am satisfied.  Forgive me for all the years I fought so hard when such a simple solution was available.  Lord, You know, in the past I could eat an entire pizza and then eat desert and ice cream.  Now, I actually feel full after a normal serving.  I cannot praise Your name loud enough, often enough.  Thank You for waking me up and convincing me to eat God foods plus 1.  I did not even know about Leptin or ghrelin, the hormones that I was blocking due to my eating habits.  But You knew God.  You tried to convince me to eat this way long before I was ready.  Forgive me.  And yet, I am not ashamed.  I am excited because we have embraced this journey together and we are satisfied!  I love You.  Have an awesome day.  Me and my full stomach are going to have a great day also as we continue to eat Your foods.


Daily Challenge



“God’s word is a light”

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Verse Reflections:  As we know, God’s word is our only offensive weapon against temptations.  This verse reminds us that His word actually lights our way.  Imagine that you are trying to walk in the dark.  No amount of willpower can put your feet on the right path because you can’t even see the path.  Likewise, we cannot be successful in this walk to eat healthy without the word of God.  This is the temptation that Satan put in our path, the darkness that overtakes our lives.  If we are walking in darkness we will not be able to see a path to eating healthy.  Claim the power of light.  Once we have a light on the path, we can actually choose to take it.  We can eliminate confusion, we can eliminate unsteady or unsure steps.  God has given us a lamp that shows us how and where to take our next steps.  Satan throws a shadow of darkness into our lives that keeps us confused and swirling in a pit of unhealthy foods that we crave, eat and then crave again because we ate them and our Jesus gives us the light that allows us to plan where we are going to go next.  We can go ahead and plan the next healthy meal because God gave us the light that allows us to think ahead, choose our next steps.  If we use the light to plan our meals ahead of time we don’t get thrown into a sea of unhealthy possibilities.  If we use the light to plan our steps we will be successful.  Start your day with a breakfast, plan two healthy snacks, plan your lunch and dinner and stop eating.  Invite the light, God’s light into your day every morning.  Begin your day with His word and he will guide our paths.

Prayer:  Lord, I have lived in the darkness so long, I have become comfortable with not know where my feet are going to land.  I spin in a land of conjuring up images of my next delectable meal rather than planning ahead for a healthy meal.  Father, I need Your light.  I need to begin every day of my life with Your words, with the verses that You have created for us.  I know they have power.  I have felt and seen their power and yet I resist.  I jump up running (literally) and don’t stop until the daylight has faded to darkness.  Father, take my hand.  Send Your words, send the enlightenment and the power that Your holy word gives us.  I know I cannot take this journey on my own.  I need Your power.  I need Your light.  I acknowledge the darkness I have allowed to creep into my life.  I have chosen to take a path that I cannot see.  I always try to say “tomorrow” I will…. And yet, tomorrow will never come.  It is always today.  I need You to light my path so that I will take the steps that will make me successful.  I love You so much and yet I avoid accessing Your power.  Give me the desire to light my way with Your words.  Today Lord I know the path that I will take and Your word is lighting the way.  That is enough.  The journey starts with today.

Daily Challenge



“His word does not fail”

I Kings 8:5 6 Blessed is the Lord, that has given rest unto His people Israel, according to all that He has promised: there has not failed one word of all His good promise.

Verse Reflection:  How perfect that this verse is revealed right after the verse about His word serving as a lamp unto our path.  Now that we can see our path, God’s word reminds us that “there has not failed one word of all His good promise.”  Hallelujah.  All these verses and not one word has failed us.  Your promises are real.  Your power, the power of Your word is real.  We can just say no!  We can resist the temptations that surround us.  You are giving us rest from this fight that has overtaken our lives.  God we know that resisting will not be easy.  But it will be possible.  I can live with that.  I know I am sugar addict.  I truly believe there are times it is as hard for me to resist sugar as it is for an alcoholic or a drug addict to resist the drugs.  I can’t do it on my own.  Period.  But this verse is telling me that I can have hope in Your promises.  I repeat again, there has not failed ONE WORD of all His good promise.  These devotions are filled with promises He has made to us that we have the power from God to resist temptation and to change our lives.  We can rest knowing that God has not failed.  We have failed over and over and over again.  But God’s word, every word is true and we can rest on His promises.  I must remember that God will not fail, not one word of His promise has failed.  Therefore, we can stand strong on His word and His promises.  Today, we are going to be successful in our journey to eat healthy because God has given us the promises we can rest on, the power we can access.  The power that does not fail.  God and God’s word has not failed.

Prayer:  Thank You Father that You have not failed.  That Your word stands strong.  That your word has not failed, not one word of Your promise.  Father, I fail every day.  I must stand with You, beside You, even in You so that You surround me.  I must honor You by realizing that by Your power I CAN eat healthy.  You have filled Your word with verses, with words that have power.  Today I am going to claim that power.  I am going to know that I can rest according to all You have promised.  Today I am going to claim Your success, every word of Your success.  Fill my body with leptin, make me full and yet give me desires for the healthy foods that Daniel craved and ate.  Give me rest in Your good promise.  Not one word of Your holy spirit has ever failed.  WOW!  I am claiming all these verses to take over my spirit, my sabotage of my own journey.  This is why You called me to pull these verses together Lord so that we can access all this power that will not fail.  Today Father, we will not fail, not one word, not one choice, not one plan.  I am going to rest on this knowledge in peace.  I am awed and honored to have You leading my paths.  You have given me the ability through Your word and I am going to accept this ability.  Today we are going to eat the healthy foods that You created.


Daily Challenge



“Do not judge”

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Verse Reflections:  I am a judger!  I confess.  I will in two seconds sweep someone’s body and make a call about their body fat content, whether or not they athletic, how they wear their clothes… I have no doubt this is why I am so hard on myself. “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged.”  And yet, I truly want everyone to be happy in their skin.  Down in my heart I don’t care, it is just a bad habit.  It makes me angry that women today tend to be so hard on themselves.  It makes me angry that we have such high standards.  It makes me angry that ads focus on thin, young women that wouldn’t last a week if they got sick.  My younger sister is gorgeous and she got an opportunity to do a photo shoot for Elle Magazine when she was in high school.  She is 5’10” and at the time weighed about 125.  The modeling agency wanted her to lose down to 115 for the shoot.  Healthy weight for that height is 135 to 165.  Thank God (literally) we had a wise mother who put her foot down and said “no”.  “You will not lose that kind of weight for any opportunity; it is not healthy and I do not want you working in an industry that expects that of you.  My outdoorsy, wear no makeup sister did not argue and that was the last time she did any modeling.”  I think the reason I micromanage every bite I put in my mouth, every pound I lose or gain is because of this verse.  If I could quit judging myself, I would not use the same measure on others.  So, today, I will not judge myself or others.  I will remind myself that I am beautiful.   I will only look in the face of the person that I talk to and I will concentrate on their eyes and their words.  The rest of it does not matter.  I will not judge their bodies, their clothes, their eating habits.  I will love each person unconditionally and my measure will be the soul, not the body.  God is telling us clearly in this verse not to judge.  Come on people, that is what we do and we need to quit.  Half of you reading this are within 30 pounds of a healthy weight and yet you are so hard on yourself that you despise your body.  We all need to quit it this second!  God has given you a healthy, beautiful body.  And yes, we need to take care of our health and our body but we do not need to judge them.  Today you will celebrate your body and not judge.  And yet, we will eat God foods to take care of our bodies.  If we lose the 30 pounds more power to us but if we do not, we will not judge ourselves or others.

Prayer:  Father, guide me in this new way of looking at each new person and each old friend that I meet.  Give me the Your way of measuring the heart and soul.  I need to change my way of thinking so that I never care, I never look at or analyze their legs, their stomachs, their arms, their chins… Lord, I do not need to even look at the body at all.  I need You to focus my heart and not care.  I need to not care about my own body.  I need to quit judging myself because it is my own body that I judge the hardest.  I love You and I want to change.  I have a lifetime of caring about weight and health.  I can fool myself into thinking that I don’t judge but I do.  I know every body type is beautiful.  I know that every vase we have is beautiful.  I will not look at the shape or the size but I will celebrate the flowers that are in that vase with Your help.  We are going to look beyond this world into the eternal world when we will not even inhabit these bodies.  Why do we make them so important when they will not last us but 100 years?  Lord, if I focus on my soul, I won’t even care what I eat.  Heal me from this way of thinking and let me graduate from judgmental cycle into Your school of thinking.  I want to change.  I want to look at the flowers from within.  I love You.  Today, I will not judge, I will celebrate every individual including myself.  Have a wonderful day, I look forward to celebrating with You and eating Your foods that create healthy, beautiful flowers.

Daily Challenge



“Open the eyes of your heart”

Ephesians 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.

Verse Reflections:  Yes, we need the eyes of our heart opened, enlightened.  If we see God with our heart, if we see His eternal plan that He has called us to, our lives will be changed.  We will know that the doughnut we crave, the chips and salsa that we desire does not even register on the Richter scale of eternity.  We are going to inherit heaven, a place of love, praise, worship and peace.  IF we look at the world through the eyes of our heart we will concentrate on the love, the peace, the heroes, the servants that show us God here on earth.  Why are we thinking about our next meal, our weight when we should be thinking about our glorious inheritance?  Any hopelessness is canceled out by the hope He has given us.  Do not let the worries of the hour cancel out the beautiful inheritance of His Holy people.  If we look at our own selves through the eyes of our heart we will see many pure qualities that we can love and embrace.  Now we can know the hope to which He has called us.  We must love ourselves and all others through our hearts.  That is how Christ looks at us.  We think God is criticizing us for our eating habits but He is actually loving our hearts.  His eyes are the eyes of the heart.  And with that knowledge we can move on to the riches of our glorious inheritance.  We can also know the hope that He has called us to.  The hope of treasuring this beautiful and amazing body He gave us.

Prayer:  Lord, so often I look at the world through my brain, I am judgmental.  I am unforgiving in what I see and I size up people in about 15 seconds,  I size myself up with cruel judgement every time I pass a mirror.  Lord, I have sung the song, “Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord” so many times with passion but I have not read the rest of the verse and installed the message in my heart.  When we look at people through the eyes of our heart we see their goodness, their beauty, we see the hope each person embodies.  We see the reflection of You in them, the eternal promises not the temporary reflections of physical beauty or money.  If we look at them and ourselves through the eyes of our heart we will look at the time they give to You and others, the work we do for You, we will look at how we serve You here on earth.  The beauty we observe will have nothing to do with our physical beauty and everything to do with our hearts and how we use our hearts for You.  God, You have promised us eternity, You have promised us an inheritance as Your child that has nothing to do with money.  We can be the poorest person on this earth and the richest person in heaven.  We can owe money and have a run down house with grass up to our knees but we spend our time serving You.  That makes us beautiful.  I have said before and I will say again, that when I look at myself through Your eyes, I have less anxiety and less judgement.  Ironically, I eat less and crave less food.  Hallelujah.  That is what Your power does for us.  Lord, open the eyes of my heart for myself.  Remind me that I am already beautiful and You love me just the way I am.  Lord, open the eyes of my heart for others.  Remind me that we are all beautiful in Your kingdom and given the glorious inheritance of eternity.  And no one cares what You look like or what You weigh when our physical bodies are gone.  I love You so much, enlighten me, give me the eyes of my heart so that I will crave Your foods, the food that make me healthy and prepare me for Your kingdom here on earth.

Daily Challenge



Proverbs 4:20-22

Verse Reflections: My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s body.

Verse Reflections:  Yesterday’s verse commanded us to open the eyes of our heart.  Today’s verse commands us to not let his words out of our sight and to keep them within our heart.  Again, open the eyes of our heart and look at the words we have stored there daily.  God has given us the power through His word to eat healthy but we choose not to listen.  His word is packed with promises and knowledge.  It is up to us to pay attention.  We have to stop our day and fill our hearts, our minds and our souls with His words every day.  When we do, we are accessing His power.  When we keep His words in our heart, we can see them in our hearts when our body is screaming at us to give in.  And how beautiful and appropriate that God says that His words are life and health to one’s whole body.  Does He know us or what?  Who would have thought that these words, this verse, could speak so completely to those of us who struggle with overeating.  When we keep His words in our heart, we are becoming one with His promises.  For years I prayed, I screamed, I chastised myself for not being strong enough to lose weight.  How simple is it to fill myself up with His words, God’s force and might?  He is the only power that can fight the temptations of Satan.  If we pay attention to His words, if we listen to Him early in the day we are filled with a power for the day that we cannot compare.  I am amazed at how easily I pass up temptation when I stop and listen to God’s word.  I am reminded in this verse that for every healthy morsel I eat, for every teaspoon of sugar I pass up, I am becoming more healthy.  I can find the health that Christ is promising in this verse.  This verse commands “do not let them (my words) out of your sight.”  What if we took this literally and  posted inspirational verses throughout our home, our office, on our refrigerator, a sticker on our computer, a bumper sticker, a t-shirt.  If the Lord opens the door and continues the power in my life, I will work to make these available to you.

Prayer:  Oh Father I am humbled at all this verse reveals.  I have been trying so hard to be a powerful person that used the body and mind You gave me to overcome my temptations.  I see now, that I should have been in Your word storing up YOUR power not trying to access mine.  My power is insufficient.  I am powerless against the temptation of food.  But right here, in front of my eyes You promise me that if I put your words in my heart and open my eyes to them You will give me life and health to my whole body.  Wow.  This is just gorgeous.  Thank You for giving me the key to life and health right here in Your word.  This is where my background in science just creates awe because I don’t understand Your power but I have experienced it and I know it works.  I am looking forward to learning more with my limited mind when I die and enter Your presence.  In the meantime, continue to live with Your words in my heart and open the eyes of my heart to see this power.  I am going to live healthy and have the life You have chosen me to have.  I can feel the pressure that builds up in my body when I start fantasizing about food just expel like breaths of air when I repeat Your word.  How does that happen?  I don’t know but it works and I thank You and honor You with a choice to listen.  Today we will listen carefully to Your words.  Hallelujah.

Daily Challenge



“The words behind you”

Your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left. Isaiah 30:21 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  I have a 35% hearing loss and I think this hearing loss extends to listening to God.  Of course, I am speaking facetiously but I seriously live in a world of full steam ahead and often do not pause to listen for God’s voice.  It is interesting to note that we must turn right or left before we hear the voice behind us.  And yet, when we stay in the word we often knows what He is going to say about our journey before we make choices.  I certainly know what He is going to say about eating healthy.  We were not created to eat too much sugar or carbohydrates that turn to sugar.  It affects our joints, our kidneys, our vision, our fat content and feeds cancer cells.  So, why do we keep eating it at the ridiculous levels we indulge in?  I hear the voice behind me when I choose the foods, when I take a bite of the foods and when I swallow and still I indulge more times than not.  I must admit that I feel a freedom in a saying that I heard recently, “we must strive for excellence not perfection.”  I have a tendency to want to be perfect which is probably why I developed an eating disorder to overcompensate for my lack of “discipline”.  It helps me to realize that I do not need to chastise myself for a lapse or two.  When God speaks behind me I can simply listen and moderate my intake instead of gorging because I have already started a serving.  I am firmly convinced that we are our worst enemies on this journey because we confuse God’s voice with our own voice of condemnation.  Years of hyper-consciousness, dieting and feeling like we have to be underweight to look good has convinced us that we cannot have anything fun.   That is a myth and a lie we have been telling ourself.  Do not confuse the voice of God with the daily condemnation we weave into our lives in the United States.   Eat healthy and enjoy your one small indulgence per day with enthusiasm.  Know you are beautiful and that voice behind You will confirm your beauty even when He reminds you to eat healthy.  Eat God foods.  Turn right and left

Prayer:  Thank You Father for the voice behind me that encourages me and reminds me.  I appreciate the reminders to make healthy choices even as I am hearing Your voice clearly tell me that I am beautiful right now, today.  I am so used to condemning myself every day that I have gotten into some bad habits.  Thank You for loving me now.  Thank You for reminding when I look into the mirror that I am Your child and You adore me.  Thank You for speaking loudly and drowning out my critical voices within.  It is fascinating to me that the less critical I become of myself, the easier it is for me to eat healthy.  Thank You Lord for revealing this to me.  I believe Your voice behind me is beginning to drown out my years of criticizing my looks, my weight and my eating choices.  I not going to chastise myself today.  I am going to love myself the way You love me… with grace and unconditional love.  Ah, the freedom, the weight that lifts in just saying that aloud.  I am beautiful before I make healthy choices and I am excellent the way I am today.  Forgive me for judging others with the same eye I turn on myself.  Today, Your voice is going to win.  Today, I am going to turn right or left and hear YOUR voice, not mine.  I love You so much and I am a better person because of You.  We are going to strive for excellence, not perfection today.  Thank You for sharing Your voice above the din of this world.  We are going to turn left in the grocery store and buy produce and turn right and buy meats.  We are going to use this scripture to remind us not to go down the center isles where the processed foods are.  Thank You Lord.

Daily Challenge



“Unfailing faithfulness”

Yahweh! The Lord! The God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness. Exodus 34:6

Verse Reflections:  Yahweh means “He who makes that which has been made”.  Every day, we need to use that word, to remind ourselves that God made us with these phenomenal bodies that move and dance and see and hear and think.  He that made us is also a God that forgives us.  He who made us also shows us mercy when we fail.  Every day we can go forward without looking backwards at our mistakes, the tragedies or the evils that have happened in our lives.  Hallelujah.  This alone should fill us with the same unfailing love for ourselves and others that He shows us.  Why do we criticize ourselves daily?  We should love ourselves with compassion and mercy and unfailing love.  Moving forward with unconditional love that allows us to forgive ourselves when we eat too much.  This is critical to me because I had a tendency to divide my foods into a group of bad and good foods.  Then when I indulged in the bad foods I would chastise myself, feel the need to eliminate the evidence of that mistake, to purge.  I have since learned to give myself the same mercy God affords me.  This verse reminds us to extend unfailing love and reminds us of God’s compassion and mercy.  Today we will eat God foods to honor our bodies, “that which has been made”.  We will be filled with unfailing love for ourselves that allows us to honor our bodies.

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for being Yahweh, the one who makes that which has been made.  I am amazed at the power in our bodies.  The ability to see, to hear, to walk, to talk.  The word Yahweh is a powerful word.  YOU are all powerful and You are the creator.  Thank You for creating me.  Give me the ability to honor this creation and to treasure it by eating healthy.  Lord, You have created so many beautiful, tasty foods.  Thank You for that.  Come to me and convict me to eat these foods.  My mind is my enemy.  I am constantly tempted to create foods, to order foods, to buy foods that are not healthy and indulge in them.  Remind me hourly, daily that I have healthy options and encourage me to indulge in these foods.  I have a responsibility to take care of my body.  You created it with all these abilities.  Thank You.  Today, I will use your power to eat healthy foods.  Allow me to love myself with Your unconditional love.  Give myself compassion and mercy to allow myself grace if I eat foods that are not God foods so I can relax and expect excellence but not perfection.  You are the only perfect.  Come down and grace me with Your power, unfailing love and mercy.

Did you know:  Every ten pounds of fat puts 40 pounds of pressure on your joints?

Daily Challenge



For there are three that bear witness in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit and these three are One. I John 5:7

For there are three that bear witness in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit and these three are One.  I John 5:7

Daily Challenge



God’s people

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” Romans 8:6

Verse Reflections:   The Spirit helps us in our weakness.  So often, I believe I should be strong enough to conquer my eating issues.  I am not.  And yet, this world teaches me that I should be strong enough to conquer any issues like this.  I should have the will power.  The world tells me I am not good enough, I am not pretty enough, I am not disciplined enough.  This verse reminds me that the Holy Spirit will help me in my weakness.  When I am at the end of what I can do, when I do not know how to overcome this weakness, the Spirit will intercede for me, for us.  For decades I have prayed to overcome my weakness.  It has not worked.  The Bible tells us that the word of God is the only offensive tool against the tricks of Satan.  We do not know how to overcome but the Spirit will make the difference.  God will search our hearts and knows what we need.  God wants us to be healthy, it is the will of God for us to be healthy.  God sent the Holy Spirit to be here on earth for us and with us.  He knows our hearts, He will intercede for us.  For years, I have prayed to be in charge.  This verse reminds me that I will never know what to pray for.  I will not be able to conquer without God’s help.  Now I just have to depend on God to intercede for me, for us.  We know the will of God is for us to be healthy, to eat healthy and take care of our body.  So we have to know that He will give us the power we do not have.  God has the strength we do not have.

Prayer:  Lord, I know I am weak.  I know that I do not know what to pray for as is evidenced by the clothes hanging in my closet that I would not dare to wear.  I lift up my weakness to You and ask for Your strength.  I know You have interceded and You have given me the instructions that I still do not follow 100%.  I need You to search my heart and know that I am sincere in my efforts and my desires.  I want to eat healthy.  I want to lose the unhealthy weight off of my body.  I desire to worship You my taking care of my body with good nutrition.  Father, take over my mind, take over my cravings, take over my choices.  Intercede for me.  Convince me to eat Your foods and not to indulge in the unhealthy processed foods that taste so good.  I claim this promise.  You tell us that You will help us in our weakness.  I am weak and I need Your help, desperately.  Today Father I am going to depend on Your strength and acknowledge that I am totally dependent on You.  We are going to eat Your foods, choose Your foods.  Thank You for Your strength.

Daily Challenge



When the Father sends the Advocate

When the Father sends the Advocate as My representative- that is the Holy Spirit- He will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. John 14:26

Verse Reflections:  Yes, the Holy Spirit has spoken in my heart and still I chose the ways of my habits.  The Holy Spirit has spoken loudly and told me to eat God foods while allowing myself the grace to eat one other food each day that will be a treat.  He has taught me how to eat.  I know that the Holy Spirit is advocating for God and is advocating for me.  He wants me to follow these simple instruction to eat the foods God created, the foods God has grown for us that taste magnificent.  For decades I have looked for the magic way to be healthy, to not weigh more than my body should weigh.  The Holy Spirit has visited me and reminded me of what God told Daniel and what He has told us time and again.  We are to feed our bodies healthy foods that actually have vitamins that grow our cells and give us what we need to be healthy.  He has taught me what I need to know and still I shudder and do not listen.  How easy is it to eat the foods God created?  Why do I insist on adding the sugar and flour and processed items to my menu.  I hear the Holy Spirit loudly, clearly telling me to choose those foods that God created.  There are so many foods I can eat.  The Holy Spirit has reminded me of God’s instructions.  I must choose to listen.  Today, I am going to expect the Holy Spirit’s voice to drown out the voices of the ads, the cravings, the boredom, the part of my brain that always wants what I can’t have.  Today, I am going to invite the Holy Spirit to speak loudly and advocate for me

Prayer:  Holy Spirit, I ask that You invade my body.  Father, thank You for sending me the advocate that will go to You as my representative.  Thank You for already speaking through Your Holy Spirit to me.  Thank You for not letting this voice go away.  Daily, for the past three years I have heard Your voice clearly telling me to eat Your foods.  And yet, I have not been successful in making this happen without Your daily scripture.  I ask You today that the voice of the Holy Spirit intercede for me today with You so that You will send extra help to me.  I know He will teach me.  I know He will let me know everything I need to know.  I hear His voice, Your spirit.  Now I need the power to accept what You both have said.  Lord, give me the power of the Holy Spirit to say no.  Lord, give me the power of the Holy Spirit to say yes to Your foods.  I love You.  Thank You for the Holy Spirit that lives in my heart and soul.  Thank you for the power to choose Your foods today.


Daily Challenge



If it offends, don’t eat it

Romans 14:15 If your brother or sister is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy someone for whom Christ died.

Verse Reflections:  It is easy for me to turn down wine or alcohol in front of those I think might have an issue with alcohol.  So, why is it so difficult for me to turn down delicious, processed foods when I am in front of others that either over diet or over eat?  I tend to eat more in front of those people in rebellion of what are considered social norms.  I am repulsed by people that barely eat or always choose salads.  I want to show them that they should enjoy food.  And yet, how sick is that?  I should be conscious of what I eat in front of them in a positive way.  If they over obsess, or overindulge, don’t they have a similar problem to an alcoholic?  Should I not eat the foods that God created for us most especially when I should be a witness for those with issues?  I need to consider my own eating habits a witness to others.  Perhaps, if I analyze my food choices with others in mind I will be more successful.  It has always been easier for me to serve others than to serve myself.  I do not want to distress others.  It is not kind of me, loving of me to “rebel” in front of others.  It is not kind to myself either.  I must act in love.  There are friends and family members that want us to be healthy.  We must honor them and ourselves by choosing foods that are healthy.  We must act in love when we choose our foods today.  Love for ourselves, for those who love us, and for those who have eating issues themselves.  Today we must decide not to destroy our witness or someone else’s faith in Christ by eating foods that are not healthy.

Prayer:  Father, You know it has always been easier for me to think of others than to think of myself.  I give You my witness to others.  I want to encourage others with the food choice I make.  I want to give my friends and family and perfect strangers strength to choose the right foods.  I want them to see me say no to desert or unhealthy foods.  I want to take a stand and ensure that I do not distress others by the foods I eat.  I know my family want me to treasure my body and not to binge.  Father, You must come and remind me to be a good witness.  Allow me to save lives by choosing healthy foods.  Allow me to encourage success by eating the foods You have created.  Give me cooking skills that will continue to make Your foods extra tasty and healthy.  Thank You for reminding me not to rebel in front of other that might be watching my witness.  I love You and I do not want to hurt anyone’s relationship with You.  Today, Lord, let’s choose Your foods.

Daily Challenge



Stand firm

But blessed is the man who trusts me, God, the woman who sticks with God. They’re like trees replanted in Eden, putting down roots near the rivers- never a worry through the hottest of summers, never dropping a leaf, serene and calm through droughts, bearing fresh fruit every season. Jeremiah 17:7-8 MSG

Verse Reflections:  Our source of water, our source of strength is God.  Roots serve multiple purposes as they stretch deeply into the ground to allow the tree to grow taller and yet maintain its firm strength as it stretches taller and taller.  Simultaneously, the roots are stretching out for a source of water.  Ironically, the further we have to stretch to reach the water sources, the stronger the foundation becomes making us stand firm through the storms or droughts.  Likewise, we have to stretch out every day for our source of trust.  We have to replant our souls, our lives every day, stretch our roots out to drink the water.  We have to be connected to this source of nourishment in order to thrive.  This verse promises us that when we trust God, He will keep us calm even when life is hard.  He will allow us to produce fruits even in the winter.  Eden is a representation of the ideal location, overflowing with opportunity and fruits.  God promises us here that we will never want for anything if we continually stick with God and trust in Him.  And yet, this verse also promises that we will have droughts.  Today, we have to reach our roots out to God for our living water.  Today we are going to look for our daily gift from You in our Garden of Eden.  Will it be the smile of a child, a rock in the shape of a heart, a deer, a radiant hug?? Today, we will not drop a leaf.  We will trust You to make the choices of God foods.

Prayer:  Father, I stretch my arms up to heaven as my roots to drink in Your power.  I trust in You and I will stick with You even as You protect me daily from the droughts in my life.  I am going to look for Your daily gifts to remind me You are there.  Yesterday, you gave me a hummingbird that perched on a branch by my porch two stories up.  The simple gifts You give me each day, remind me of Your power, remind me of the spiritual water that is running through my body as we grow my roots together.  I need You to wrap me in Your arms.  I have been given Eden.  I have been given the most beautiful fruits and vegetables and the money to buy them.  Give me the joy of eating Your foods.  I know that my body, my roots will grow stronger as I eat the healthy foods.  Give me the serenity You promise in this verse.  Today, Father, we are going to choose Your foods.

Did you know?  Natural/fresh fruits and vegetables have a lot of fiber.  They will keep you full in between meals and decrease the need to snack.

Daily Challenge



“Our help comes from God”

I will lift my eyes to the hills- from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved. He who keeps you will not slumber. Psalm 121:1-3

Verse Reflections:  Oh yes, lift our eyes up.  Even when we live in an area with no hills or mountains we can lift them high to the sky.  We can see the blue of the sky, the white of the clouds, the sparkle of the stars, the light of the moon or the muted colors of a sunrise and sunset.  Just lifting our eyes up changes our spirit.  We are infused with a power that changes our energy.  God knew this when He wrote this verse.  Lift Your head.  Now.  Lift Your head to the heavens and know that God will help You.  God has helped You in so many areas of Your life, now let Him help You in this area of life.  Know that when You need to feel His power all you have to do is lift your head, lift your eyes.  Our God made heaven and earth!  He made us.  He will keep us steady, he will place our feet on a firm foundation and not allow our feet to be moved.  This is the promise we must remember as we start to chastise ourselves.  Claim it.  Know it.  Quit expecting your healthy journey to fail.  God tells us He will not sleep, He will not slumber.  Lift Your head and expect help.  Expect success.  If He can make heaven and earth, He can certainly encourage us to eat healthy foods.  We can do this.  Lift Your eyes and choose God foods.

Prayer:  Ahhhh Father, I feel Your power even as I lift my head in pride.  You are in control, I am not.  All I have to do is lift my eyes, be proud of myself, hold my shoulders back, know that You will keep me firm in my hike to the top of this hill that I have fought many decades of my life.  You are all powerful.  You are the creator of the majesty of heaven, of earth.  Why would I ever doubt that You can give me the power for this journey to health?  God, give me back my confidence.  God, give me back my perception of beauty, You created me.  God, give me back my belief that I can change my life, no, that You can change my life.  I am going to lift my eyes.  I am going to get up today with my eyes held high.  I am going to sleep tonight, knowing that You will not sleep and that You will take my hand and change my life even as I am sleeping.  We are going to know with every sunrise and every sunset that You are all powerful.  Today we are going to look up and choose Your healthy foods that will revolutionize our health and our attitudes and give us a witness to shout to the world.  Hallelujah!

Did you know?  It takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that you are full.

Daily Challenge



But let patience have her perfect work, that you will be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:4

Verse Reflections:  Ah, this is such a good verse for the fall.  I know the Holy Spirit has told me to eat God foods and yet to allow myself the opportunity to have one other food each day.  However, God plus one is not a fast way to lose weight.  Neither is it a slow way to lose weight.  This verse is important.  I need to have patience.  If I just lose one pound a week, I will lose 52 pounds in a year.  End of the story.  I have to be patient and make choices that I can live with for the rest of my life.  Honestly, this verse says it all.  By living this way, I can be “wanting nothing”.  With other ways of eating, I develop cravings.  With other ways of eating I have to write down, or count every item I eat.  I cannot live that way.  I can certainly do anything for a period of time but I finally realized that I need to change my lifestyle to a habit I can live with for the rest of my life.  This way of eating God plus one is perfect and entire for me.  I do not need to have more than one brownie or serving of fries/chips but it is so comforting to know I can eat anything in moderation guilt free.  And, I can concentrate on what I CAN eat.  I can eat any God foods.  Patience will have her perfect work in this new lifestyle.  We do not need to lose weight fast, it will not last.  Eating God foods is a perfect and entire or complete way to live.  We will not want for anything, because we can have everything, just not in the same day.

Prayer:  Father, give me patience.  I hear stories and successes from friends or family who are choosing an extreme lifestyle change that yields fast results in weight loss.  However, I know I am not good with extreme changes.  Give me the patience that yields her perfect work.  I have seen God plus one work.  I just need to have the patience required to allow this lifestyle to be perfect and entire.  My tendency is to question the success when others hold their successes up yielding faster “results”.  And yet, I know my craving have disappeared and I am wanting nothing.  This is success.  This is magical and defies understanding.  I know Father, You have given us the right foods, the right choices.  I hold on to this patience with a fierceness.  Thank You for telling me to only weigh once a month.  I see the successes this way.  I do not micromanage my lifestyle and choices knowing I am living choices I will be making for the rest of my life.  I still listen to the claims of magic pills, fat busting options… erase these ridiculous distractions and allow me to take the hand of patience.  Thank You Father, for giving me this friend.  Today we will be patiently choose Your foods to nourish our bodies knowing that this is forever.

Did you know?  Drinking more water will help your body process the food if you have overeaten.

Daily Challenge



“You could have had God’s help”

You asked God for help and he gave you the victory. God is always on the alert, constantly on the lookout for people who are totally committed to Him. You were foolish to go for human help when you could have had God’s help. Now you’re in trouble. II Chronicles 16:8-9 MSG

Verse Reflections:  This is the perfect verse to follow one on patience.  The Lord, has given me the victory.  I know my body, mind and soul have changed since I started eating His foods.  I am committed to this plan He have given us.  In the past, I tried hard to lose weight using all the magical programs humans have created.  I tried writing down everything I ate, counting points, counting calories, counting carbs.  I tried exercising away more calories than I ate.   I tried purging my body of all that I ate.  I tried starving myself.  Yes, “now I’m in trouble”.  I screwed up my brain.  I screwed up my body.  I made mental lists of everything I could and could not eat.  Fruit turned to sugar, nuts had too much fat, beef or pork had too much fat, potatoes or rice were too high in carbohydrates.  Basically, I could only eat green vegetables, fish or chicken if I broke it all down.  So, I would criticize myself daily whenever I stepped over that imaginary line that I created based on what each diet taught me.  Then God gave me the victory over all these crazy lines I drew.  God loudly told me that I should eat anything He made.  Oh, and then He gave me “permission” to have one other serving of whatever else I wanted.  If I had only listened to God early in my eating journey I would not have listened to all the crazy advice of the humans.  I would not have had so much trouble through the years.  I would have eliminated all the self-recriminations that have damaged my self confidence.  Today I am going to have confidence in God’s help.  Today I am going to claim the victory God is giving me over my unhealthy eating habits!  Hallelujah!  God is on the alert to help us today.  God is alert and ready to help us choose and eat His foods.

Prayer:  I love the fact that You are alert and on the lookout for those of here on earth committed to You.  Father, I am so committed to You, to living for You.  And yet, I am weak.  I have to come to You for help.  I renounce the world’s advice on eating healthy and losing weight.  Lord, I am astounded at how You have eliminated the very cravings for foods that made me think I had gone crazy.  You have already helped me more than I dreamed possible.  I pray now for my servings and for my occasional binges.  Continue to help me, to heal me.  I know You have given me victory.  I can feel it.  I can see it.  I trust You.  I am committed to eating Your foods.  I am committed to listening to Your Holy Spirit.  I thank You for being on the alert because there are times where I still hesitate or choose to eat more than I should.  There are still times I want to have more than one serving of foods that You did not create.  I continue to depend on You and probably will need to depend on You until forever.  Send me Your foods today and I will make the choices You give me the power to make.  I ask You for help and You give me victory.  Hallelujah!

Did you know?  You are more likely to overeat in the evening.

Daily Challenge



“Be confident in God”

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  For so many years I have searched for the path God wanted me to take or perhaps more importantly, the path that I could take to address my eating issues successfully.  When the Holy Spirit revealed that I should eat God foods I still hesitated due to my inability to understand why I overate and had continuous cravings.  When I began to search the scriptures for insight and direction I began to feel His direction from inside.  I began to eat His foods and slowly realized my physical cravings were disappearing.  When I researched cravings I realized that eating processed foods actually blocks the hormone that makes us feel full and stimulates the hormone that makes us feel hungry.  It is no wonder we cannot rely on our own insight.  We are changing our body chemistry without even realizing it.  By trusting in the voice of the Holy Spirit, He changed my path without me even realizing why it was working so well.  I have to admit that even without the physical cravings, I still have to fight daily my mental cravings.  I have to start my day with His word to lean on and be confident in the Lord.  I have to trust in Him with all my heart and mind.  By doing this, by recognizing His power, I am changing my life one day at a time.  I am walking on the path that Christ has chosen for me and for us to walk.  The path of health and sanity.  The path to choosing foods that are healthy and will create healthy bodies, minds and spirits.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for making this path plain.  You know I am slow to accept direction at times.  You kept whispering (loudly) for me to eat Your foods and finally I listened.  You took the crooked path I was traveling and straightened it.  I have found that as I search Your scripture, Your words, I gain strength, confidence.  This is working!! Thank You Lord.  You have directed me to a path I can walk on for the rest of my life.   This in and of itself is a miracle.  I do not want to yo yo up and down with my weight or my eating habits.  Neither is healthy.  Thank You for giving me the confidence to do this.  Thank You for giving me the scripture that enhances my trust in You, my trust in my own abilities.  God, You are always the answer but thank You for making the foods that have changed my crazy roller coaster ride with food.

Did you know:  Processed foods lack the fiber and nutrients that help to fill us up and they stimulate the production of ghrelin, the hormone that causes us to be hungry.

Daily Challenge



“God has a grip on our hand”

Stalwart walks in step with God; his path blazed by God, he’s happy. If he stumbles, he’s not down for long. God has a grip on his hand. Psalm 37:23-24 MSG

Verse Reflections:  What a beautiful picture of God having our hand.  If we stumble, we are not down for long because He has a grip on our hand!   Stalwart means reliable, dependable, hardworking.  This verse reminds us that even when we are in step with God we must still be hardworking.  We must make a decision to be reliable and dependable as we walk on this path God has blazed for us.  He has told us to eat God foods.  When we walk in step with God, on this path we are happy.  We are confident because we know we are making healthy choices.  And yet, this verse reassures us that if we stumble, we will not be down for long.   We can rest in the knowledge that God will help us, He will steady us, He will even pull us up.  How often have we sunk into blackness because we ate until we could not breathe?  We flog ourselves mentally and sometimes continue to eat because we are so depressed.  This verse reassures us that it is okay to stumble, we can smile and squeeze God’s hand.  We will not be down for long!! Say that again to yourself.  I will not be down for long!! We will walk on this path blazed by God.  This path has already been created.  All we have to do is eat God foods. They are delicious.  They are healthy for us, good for our bodies.  We will be happy knowing we are treasuring our beautiful bodies.  Today we will choose God foods, we will walk this path while holding God’s hand.

Prayer:  Father this image makes me so happy.  I love thinking about walking through life holding your hand.  And to know that if I fall, I will not be down long.  After a long battle with eating I am comforted by the knowledge that You will pull me up if I go down.  Today hold my hand tight.  I am going to plan to eat the foods You have created.  Please lead me where I need to go, please encourage my choices.  I have fallen so many times in the past I am afraid to believe in myself.  It gives me confidence to know You are helping me this time.  I thank You for this verse.  I must also become “stalwart” or hardworking.  I know I can’t just hold Your hand and run.  I have to work on walking, walking fast and then running.  I know I have to just say no even when it is easier to say yes.  I will work hard Lord but I am weak so I need You by my side.  Thank You for reminding me that we are walking hand in hand on this journey.  Thank You that You are blazing my path.  It makes all the difference.  I love You so much.  Thank You.

Did you know?  A hormone called leptin tells you that you are full.

Daily Challenge



“Give all your worries to God”

So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God for He cares about you. I Peter 5:6-7 NLT

Verse Reflections:  I have to be humble under the mighty power of God because I am a complete and utter failure without Him.  I think once I acknowledged this fact and became completely dependent on Him every day to walk with me and assist me with my food choices, realized that His power could make all the difference.  I have begun to make healthy choices “under the mighty power of God”.  I have learned that I cannot depend on my own power.  This is the one place in my life I cannot live under the illusion of control.  I have no power over food temptations so I have to know that God is my power.  The second part of this verse flows perfectly within my struggle.  If I am anxious or worried my body literally tenses and I have a resulting tendency to want to eat or splurge.  If I give those worries and anxieties to God then my body immediately relaxes and interestingly enough I no longer crave those carbugars.  Knowing God cares about this struggle makes a difference.  I think most people write our eating habits off as a minor issue on our scale of issues.  In my life it is huge, God knows it, God cares.  I feel like I hang on by my fingernails some days but the reality is that I need to hang onto God, His mighty power instead of trying to hang on by my own power.

Prayer:  God Your power is so mighty.  I depend on this power today and every day.  I want to eat healthy foods.  I am so tempted each day to depend on myself and then I tend to criticize myself if I choose unhealthy foods.  Today, I am going to put the responsibility on You.  Something in my soul relaxes when I say that.  You are in charge of me getting healthy.  I need to not only choose eat healthy but I need to lose a few pounds to take the pressure off my knees.  And I have to admit, I want to fit back in my clothes and look good too.  Just sayin’.  You care.  You care for me, about me and with me so I am lifting up the reality of my cares.  Thank You for caring about all the details.  Knowing You really care and f

ocusing on You makes the difference in my day.  I love You so much.  I am going to give you my worries and cares today.  You can carry them for a while, maybe forever.  Let’s just have fun planning some good God food meals today with no weight on our back, no anxiety in our souls.  May I represent You here on earth the best I can.  I am going to depend on You to carry me and change my life.  Here’s to God foods and changing my life today… not tomorrow.

Did you know?  Excess amounts of sugar can inflame fat cells causing them to release chemicals that increase weight.

Daily Challenge



Renew your strength

Those who wait for the Lord shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired. Isaiah 40:31 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  There is a physical reaction to hearing the word “wait” in this verse today.  I am a take charge person that has always been able to rise to the top of almost everything I try to do even when the path is difficult.  And yet, I am going to have to wait on God to convict me, to save me, to renew my strength and power.  I cannot take charge of this journey, by creating the admission of my own helplessness, I actually feel a surge of strength.  I am going to wait and expect God to renew me, to change my path.  He is going to give me a soaring flight that will allow me to rise above the storms that have kept me unsuccessful in my desires to lose weight and eat healthy.  Just wave a hot homemade chocolate chip cookie under my nose and I am powerless.  God is telling us here to wait on Him, He has this. He will change us and renew our strength and power.  He will give us the ability to run this race of endurance and not be tired.  We can stop and walk on occasion and still not be tired.  What a change of energy!  I think about denying myself treats and I get anxious.  And yet, I know the foods I am denying myself are foods that are not healthy.

Prayer:  Father, I am going to have to wait on You to convict me.  I am going to have to wait on You to change and renew my strength and power.  I am powerless.  I am helpless.  I do not have the strength to make healthy eating choices.  I need You to lift my wings and let me soar of the winds of Your Holy Spirit.  Feed me the winds that will lift me and give me the mighty power I see in the eagles to soar higher than any other bird.  I love to walk and run and be outside in Your world.  Give me this same desire to run the race of eating the right foods.  Give me the same desire to walk the path of choosing foods that will nourish and strengthen and give power to my body.  I know that I am literally destroying this beautiful gift of life You created every time I cram carbugers in.  I am weak.  I have no strength and power.  Lord, today I beg of You to fulfill this verse in my life. Change and renew my strength and power.  Period.  Allow me not to become tired or weary and ruin it all in two or three binges.  Allow me to soar on the power You have promised.  I love You.  God plus this verse today!

Did you know:  If you have diabetes, too much sugar can lead to kidney damage.

Daily Challenge



“Restored to health”

Daughter, your faith has restored you to health. Go in peace and be continually healed and freed from your disease. Mark 5:34 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  Hallelujah, these verses in the scripture that remind us of the power of God have revitalized my faith in my abilities to eat healthy and thus lose the unhealthy weight.  Likewise, this faith has restored me to health.  God has powers beyond our own abilities but we have to have faith in His abilities.  He is telling us here that we can live our lives in peace and be continually healed.  I have fought overeating and an eating disorder for decades.  God is promising me here that I can be continually healed.  That means, once I decide to be free, I never have to go back.  So many times I have had failed to be free of my eating issues.  This verse promises me that I can be at peace and I will be continually healed.  I can be freed from my disease.  These verses that we are reading, that we are integrating into our souls are bringing us faith in God, faith that we can be different.  Faith that we can beat issues that we as humans have fought all our lives.  God tells us that if we have faith, our faith will restore us to health.  We can be at peace.  When anxiety threatens to overcome us, we must acknowledge this promise of peace.  God promises us healing, not of ourselves but because of Him.  I am going to claim this power.  I chose a date, my Mom’s birthday, to be free from bulimia.  I chose another date, my niece’s birthday, about 90 days later to begin eating healthy.  I am going to use this verse to remind myself daily that I am continually healed and free from my disease.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for the verses that have increased my faith.  I know You can heal me.  Every day, You give me a new verse that reminds me that You have the power to restore my mental, physical health.  Every day, You give me another verse that reminds me that You can heal me and free me from my disease of overeating.  My disease of choosing the wrong foods.  My disease of wanting to binge on ridiculous amounts of foods and then rid my body of them.   Father, thank You for giving me these verses.  I know I am pulling them out of context, but You are giving me so much confidence, so much power in all these verses.  I am amazed that You knew enough about me and others fighting the battle of choosing the right foods that You gave us verse after verse to remind us that Your power can conquer all of our weaknesses.  Father, every day that I doubt my abilities remind me that You are continually healing me.  Every day, You are fighting that battle for me.  Every day You are going to give me peace.  I am astounded at Your power.  Today, I take such comfort in know that You are continually healing me.  I don’t have to worry about relapsing because You are continually healing me.  I am freed from my disease.  You freed me from my diseases.  Thank You Father.  Today, we are going to choose Your foods in everything we eat.  Today, we are going to eat healthy.

Did you know?  Eventually your pancreas can break down if you are overworking it, increasing your risk for type 2 diabetese

Daily Challenge



“Overflow with hope”

May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 NIV

Verse Reflections:  Peace can change my life.  I get so anxious about what I eat or don’t eat.  High anxiety can increase the production of cortisol which can increase our appetite.  We can also misunderstand our decrease in glucose, the lack of energy, as anxiety.  The body signals that it needs more energy and we sometimes misunderstand the signal as anxiety.  Then we begin to hyper analyze what we should or should not eat and we begin to get more anxious. There is no doubt in me that when I am at peace with my eating habits I have less anxiety and less driving, compulsive hunger.  This verse reminds us to be at peace and be filled with joy because we have HOPE in Christ despite our past history with diets, eating or weight gain.  We can OVERFLOW WITH HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.  We cannot change our lives without the power of the Holy Spirit.  Our only hope is Christ.  We can trust in Him and know that we can change this vicious cycle.  Wake up with peace tomorrow.  Stop the vicious cycle of anxiety.  Embrace joy and peace and know you are different today.  The God of hope has changed your life.  You have the power of the Holy Spirit.  You will be able to choose God foods.  There is no guilt, no worry, no anxiety when you eat God foods.  And if you eat another food, relax.  You can.  God has given us a plan that will change our life.  Relax.  Breathe.  You have this.  This verse reminds you that you can overflow with hope today, you can make choices that are healthy and fun.  God’s foods are delicious.  Embrace them and enjoy.

Prayers:  God, I am going to relax today and know You are changing my life.  I am going to embrace the peace that passes all understanding.  I am going to embrace the peace that only the power of the Holy Spirit can give me.  I love that You tell us to be filled with joy and peace.  God, I reach my hands to heaven right now to fill my soul.  Erase all anxiety related to eating today.  I am going to repeat over and over, “thank You God for peace and joy and the perfect foods”.  God thank You for overflowing me with hope.  When I slip, I slip down an entire waterfall in my own head.  Today, I praise You for the hope that I can start again tomorrow and be overflowed with Your hope that I will again stand at the top of the waterfall.  I love You so much and I know that You are the reason I can change my life.  I will trust in you.  I know that I cannot trust myself to have strength without You.  Peace and joy can change the very marrow of my bones.  I can be a new person filled with, no overflowing with Your hope.  Today we will embrace the power of Your Holy Spirit and know that our life is changing even as we offer this prayer.  Today we will eat Your foods that You created.  I love You.

Did you know?  A hormone call ghrelin makes you hungry

Daily Challenge



“God’s word will accomplish”

So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth; it will not return to me void, but it will accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it will prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  After decades of trying to lose weight, there is not a doubt in my mind that God’s word is the only secret to my success.  God’s word will accomplish what we cannot by our own power and strength.  God’s word will not be read without infusing us with power.  His word is power, it is never empty.  Christ wants us to be healthy and to care for our bodies, our health.  Therefore, He has given us power through His word, His verses.  It WILL accomplish God’s will for our life.  We will, His word WILL prosper in the thing for which I sent it.  Just relaxing in the knowledge that God is in control, that His word is changing over habits, our thoughts, our eating style will make the difference.  God’s word promises us here that every verse He gives us has power, it is not empty.  It will accomplish His promises.  We have tried and tried to “prosper” (be successful or grow strong and healthy) in our healthy eating.  We cannot.  This verse reminds me that we will “prosper” with His verses, the power behind these verses.  We can take His words, the words in all these devotionals and wrap them into our heart.  Every word that goes out of God’s mouth will prosper and be successful.  We are changing, morphing into different people every time we read His word.

Prayer:  Lord, I trust that every word You speak, every one of these verses are full of power.  I know that Your words are not empty.  I trust that You are filling me with power every time I read one of these verses.  God, You are changing me.  I feel it, I know it.  Without Your word, I have no strength of character.  I begin to crave foods that are not healthy.  Your word seems to form a protective cocoon around my thoughts and cravings.  They become beautiful like a butterfly instead of being a worm that eats into my very being.  I depend on Your word, the power of Your word.  I stand on the promise that Your words are not empty.  Thank You Father.  Every time I read words that You have spoken that promise me the ability to eat healthy, I reach up to grab those words and hold them close.  Thank You for making a difference.  Today we will prosper in eating healthy.

Did you know:  The extra insulin in your bloodstream can cause your artery walls to get inflamed, grow thicker than normal and get stiff.  This can lead to heart disease, heart attacks and strokes


Daily Challenge



“Deny Yourself”

Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me… For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew 16:24, 26

Verse Reflections:  I am not good at denying myself.  And yet, I know denying myself unhealthy food actually works to my advantage.  If I follow the instructions in this verse I will be healthier.  God is reminding us that being a Christian isn’t always easy.  Following Christ is not always easy.  Television, ads keep promising us that losing weight is “easy”.  I don’t think it is ever easy.  We have to expect to have to sacrifice.  Christ sacrificed His entire life, His friendships.. at age 33.  My sacrifices are minor. I just need to eat healthy foods.  I know I can have any foods that I want and ruin my health.  What good is that to me?  What good is it that I gain this indulgence from the whole world and lose my ability to be my best self with God.  I have to stop giving myself permission to eat any food in any quantity that I want.  God is telling us here that we have to be willing to sacrifice.  We have to be willing to deny ourself.  God gave His life for us.  All He is asking us, those of us tempted by foods is to choose healthy foods that He created.  This is not a difficult life.  It is just a change of habit.  We can easily change this habit with God’s help, His scriptural reminders.

Prayer:  Father, thank You for my health.  Thank You for reminding me that I must sacrifice to live the ultimate Christian life.  Thank You for reminding me that I can have any foods I want, I can indulge and lose my health or I can choose to eat Your abundant, healthy foods.  I have to deny my own desires.  I know that when I feed my body sugar and processed carbohydrates I am causing my insulin to spike, I am hardening my arteries, I am creating fatty tissues, I am taxing my liver and my kidneys.  What am I thanking?  Why am I so dense?  And yet, everywhere I look commercials are accentuating unhealthy foods.  We are spending so much time decorating cakes and cookies and other sweets.  I so often gain a small portion of delicious just to lose, to sacrifice my health.  God, help me to deny myself even as I “wait” for Your power to rescue me.  I know when I lift up my temptations to You I feel my anxiety dissipate, just melt away.  Anxiety is my calling card for sugar.  I have trained my body to eat a “treat” when I feel that stress level increase.  What will I give in exchange for my soul, for my health?  Lord, I give You this anxiety today, I lay it down at Your cross.  I then pick up this cross and follow You to health as I choose healthy foods.

Did you know?  Extra glucose is stored in your liver and muscle tissues.  Excess glucose is converted to fatty tissues.

Daily Challenge



“Up from the Pit”

The engulfing waters threatened me, the deep surrounded me; seaweed was wrapped around my head. To the roots of the mountains I sank down; the earth beneath barred me in forever. But You, Lord my God, brought my life up from the pit.” Jonah 2:5-6

Verse Reflections: To verbalize my intense struggle is difficult.  I want to walk around like everyone else and pretend that eating is not big deal.  This is not true for me.  I have been close to drowning with the water closing over my head and destroying my life.  I have been tied down by seaweed, tied to the bottom of the ocean with no hope of breaking free.  I have gone through phases of swimming and swimming and just before I break free and take a deep breath of fresh air, the temptations of binging overtake me and pull me down to the pit.  I will eat healthy for a few days and then eat more calories and sugar than most people eat in a week totally destroying any chance of gulping the fresh air I have worked so hard to reach.  This earth is destroying me with my own weakness.  God is bringing me up from the pit by every word, every promise, the strength that His word brings to me.  I have been to the “roots of the mountains”.  I have sunk to the depths over and over again.  Rather than dwell in the pit I must take comfort in my progress with God’s help even when I have seaweed wrapped around my head for a day.  One day backwards does not destroy the progress I make over the past week even if I don’t lose weight.  This is about eating healthy and giving my body the nutrients it deserves.  My eating habits are changing.  I am swimming up from the pits, I AM hiking up from the roots of the mountains.  The view at the top is beautiful and eventually with the power, the mighty power of God, I will stay out of the pit forever.

Prayer:  God I am living in the roots of the mountain, I am drowning in the waters that engulf me pulled under by the seaweed wrapped around my head.  This earth is my enemy.  I cannot choose healthy foods without Your power.  I fight choices every moment of every day.  I cannot hide this horrendous fight from myself, from You or from anyone I know.  I am totally helpless.  You created me so strong, so self reliant but God, this is my weakness.  You are my only hope.  You have to pull me out of the pit.  Every day, I try to make the climb myself and I start out good, I celebrate my abilities and I fail to realize that it is not my strength that I have to depend on.  My strength is like hitting a wall in a race.  I run and run and feel strong and then I find that I have no strength.  I cannot move, I cannot say no to the temptations/the seaweed that threatens to drown me.  Only You can make the difference.  I love You and trust You Father.  Come down here to earth.  I can’t even do this with You up above.  I need You here, right beside me every minute of every day.  HELP me God.  This verse reflects how I have been living in the struggle with food.  You can bring my life up from the pit and I am going to depend on You to walk me out of it every day until the day I join You.

Did you know?  Insulin is created in your pancreas

Daily Challenge



“You are what you think”

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  Today, I am going to think that I am healthy, I am going to know that I am on the journey to become healthy.  Today I am going to be confident in God’s grace and the changes He is making in me.  I am going to be confident in the omnipotent power of God.  I am going to think… no, I am going to know that I am a changed person.  If I know that I am different then I am different.  If I know I can eat healthy, then I will eat healthy.  If I know I can say no, then I will say no.  If I know I can choose the right foods, then I will choose the right foods.  If I know I can stop this vicious cycle then I will stop this cycle.  If I know I can go to a party and eat healthy, then I will go to the party and eat healthy.  If I know I can stop eating three times the normal serving, then I can reduce my serving to a normal, healthy serving size.

I am going to think differently in my heart.  I am going to know differently in my heart.  I am going to be one of the skinny women.  I am going to think like a skinny woman and not rebel against that.  I am doing to  think like a healthy person.  I am going to be a healthy person.  We can “think” 4,000 words a minute which is 10 times our verbal speech.  This verse reminds us how important it is that we send ourselves positive thoughts.  When we look in the mirror, we need to compliment ourselves.  When we want to criticize ourselves we need to change that criticism to positive thoughts.  We are on the road to healthy living no matter what.  “I am beautiful and God is changing me, giving me a healthy life.”

Prayer:  Father, I love this.  I have bad habits of criticizing myself when I look in the mirror.  God, take my mind and allow me to worship You by complimenting me.  I know that thinking positive thoughts are so important.  God, I am going to work with You today to change the negative thoughts that I allow myself.  I am beautiful.  I am successful in eating healthy more than I am unsuccessful and yet I chastise myself for every small indiscretion.  Why?  God I think the world teaches us this with every ad.  I think the world teaches us this by making so many diets that cause us to deny ourselves.  And when we indulge we feel guilty.  God teach me to give myself positive reinforcement.  If I take this 4,000 words a minute… in ten minutes I can “think” 40,000 positive words.  Thank You for this simple reminder.  We are going to work together to think and know that we are going to choose the healthy road.  We are going eat healthy foods and live a long, healthy life.  I love You.

Did you know?  Sugar can raise your blood pressure

Daily Challenge



“An empowered life”

God’s way is not a matter of mere talk; it’s an empowered life. I Corinthians 4:20 MSG

Verse Reflections:  Ah, so are going from thinking and talking to ourselves to acknowledging that God’s way is EMPOWERED!  For years we have talked about living and eating healthy, being “skinny”, living in the normal weight range.  Today God is telling us very clearly that we get the live above our capabilities.  We get to live a glorious life, trusting in God to give us power.  We have power.  When we see those treats that call our name remember that God can close our ears to their song.  We do not have to listen.  The power of the sugar and salt

is nothing compared to our God’s power.  We need to link our hope to Him, not to our own abilities.  We are powerless but God is Empowered!  In a world of darkness, anxiety, and hopelessness, we have hope.  We have a light that shines brightly and illuminates the path that we must walk.  We have to now dare to claim this power for our own.  It is not an easy, straight path but we have the power to walk on it through God.  Do not expect this journey to be easy but expect to have the power to walk it.  We must not just talk about eating healthy.  We must do it.  Eliminate the thought of “tomorrow”.  Tomorrow has to be today.  If you indulge today, you are not living “God’s way”.  You are yielding to the power of Satan.  God is telling us that His way is not a matter of mere talk.  We have to choose today to live as He called us to live.  We have to live the empowered life.  Choose it and loose it.

Prayer:  God, today I am not going to be all about talking or promising that “tomorrow’ I am going to start living healthy. You have empowered me to live healthy today.  I know that tomorrow will never change my life so thank You for reminding me that Your way is not about mere talk.  Thank You for reminding me that You have given me power that is beyond my own human power.  Father, I am excited to grasp Your hand and live an empowered life. I am ready.  My head feels weird, my body is heavy, I have indulged in foods that literally makes me feel sick at times.  I am done.  Give me the power to be empowered.  I know eating Your foods will make me feel better, look better and do more things.  Taking the difficult road of choosing healthy foods will allow be to take the easier road of living healthy.  I have to use Your power to gain my own power here on earth.  Take my hand because I have been all talk up to this point.  To the point that I have written months of devotions and yet have not make the choices I need to make.  Let’s do this.  You have empowered me and I am going to claim that power today.  I love You.

Did you know?  The average American eats 17 teaspoons of sugar per day  (WebMD)

Daily Challenge



“I will help you”

Fear not, for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My victorious right hand of rightness and justice. Isaiah 41:10 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  We can do this.  Do not be dismayed when You can’t find anything to wear because you have outgrown it.  Do not be dismayed because Your knees are giving out.  God has promised that He will strengthen us, hold us up with His victorious right hand.  Today we can start changing our course.  Today we can choose righteousness or the right path.  It is so easy to choose a quick, fun meal but that 30 minutes will cause us much distress and fear.  God says here that we are not to fear our present circumstances.  Yes, many times we created a bad situation but God reigns victorious if we let Him.  He is going to harden us to difficulties.  In other words, You are going to get so terrified and dismayed at your current weight and eating habits and health that You are going to cry out to Christ.  You are going to claim the power in this verse and ask Him to hold You up and give us the victory of eating healthy foods.  When we eat those foods we will change our lives.  We will slowly become immune, hardened to temptations.  We will become determined enough that the food pushers around us, the baked goods, the carb laden snacks will just be unhealthy beacons that do not call our names at all. God will hold us up and retain us with His victorious right hand.  Today, we are going to claim that victory!  Eat God foods and enjoy every bite.

Prayer:  Father, it is so easy for me to be dismayed, to give up.  I am so weak, there is no such thing as will power for me when it come to eating.  I have to depend on you.  You promise me here that you will strengthen me and you will harden me to difficulties.  I am warning you, I am sure it is no surprise to you, it is going to take a lot to harden me to the difficulty of resisting binge eating.  Father, I am hopeless.  It is actually ridiculous how hard this journey is for me.  You tell me in this verse in Isaiah that YOU have the power I am trying to have by myself.  You promise me that You are victorious and You will hold me up with Your victorious right hand.  I am officially giving up the possibility of me resisting sugar and overeating by myself.  I am powerless.  I have to depend on you.  I do look around every day in fear and terror that leads to tantalizing excitement circulating images of all the foods I could eat.  You have to strengthen me.  You have to lead me to the path of righteousness.  You have to hold me up because I have collapsed using my own strength.  Take me to a new place.  I am going to visualize You holding me up with Your victorious right arm.  Thank You.

Did you know?  Sugar releasing a surge of a feel good chemical called dopamine.


Daily Challenge



“Let the weak say I am strong”

Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak say I am strong. Joel 3:10 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  Notice the action behind the words.  Before you say you are strong you have to beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears.  Nothing is easy.  We have to work at becoming all that we can be.  We have to work, with God’s help, at being strong.  For decades I prayed but I didn’t work at eating healthy.  For decades I prayed but I didn’t read verses that g­­ave me strength and integrated Jesus into the marrow of my soul to win this fight.  We have to consciously work at being healthy and on those days when we desperately want that temptation, we have to work harder and imagine the farmer beating his plowshares into swords.  We have to adopt the mantra that we have been weak but now we are strong.  I have to admit something here… I live in a town where there are a lot of publicly perceived “perfect people” and they kind of nauseate me.  One of my friends shared this morning how wonderful her soft boiled egg was that she had for dinner last night.  I wanted to say, seriously?  That is all you ate?  But I know the answer and at least once a week I hear her talk about how important it is to eat healthy and stay skinny (she would say at a healthy weight but what she means is skinny).  So, that being said, I have to work on wanting to be strong.  There is a part of me that wants to eat 6 doughnuts in front of this personality type.  My weakness I know, not her weakness.  I fight many angles of this eating disorder and that is one of them.  If you are a rabbit eating nothing but edamame and lettuce I want to be the cute little otter eating anything he can harvest using his belly as a table while he swims on his back and laughs.  Meanwhile, the rabbits are squinching their nose up over and over again in judgement at all the overweight people as they munch on the lettuce.  I have to merge the two worlds and quit judging the rabbits.  I have to shout at that I am as strong as they are now.  Today we are going to let the weak say we are strong!! Let the rabbits and otters be strong together as we eat God food today.

Prayer:  Father, forgive me for judging others.  It backfires on me mentally and spiritually.  I am perfect today and every day just the way I am.  I sometimes judge others because I know they are judging me and I want to rebel and retreat to my comfort zone of “not caring”.  I want to over indulge in those moments to spite the skinny rabbit lifestyles.  I can’t eat salads every meal so thank you for giving me foods I can eat and still lose weight and be healthy.  I bow at your feet in adoration for the options.  I love those options and I know they work as well as one single solitary boiled egg.  Give me the strength to be strong.  I pray that You can beat my mind into submission through Your scripture into a strong sword against all temptations.  God You have all the strength in the universe.  Your words have power.  I have been weak but today I am strong thanks to Your power and the power in Your words, the scriptures.  Let me, the weak say I am strong.  Thank You for giving me the strength to eat God foods today.

Did you know?  Sugar causes joint pain due to the inflammation it causes in your body.

Daily Challenge



He hushes the storm

Then they cry to the Lord in their trouble, and He brings them out of their distresses. He hushes the storm to a calm and to a gentle whisper, so that the waves of the sea are still. Then the men are glad because of the calm, and He brings them to their desired haven. Psalm 107:28-30 AMPC

Scripture Reflections:  Yes, we must cry out to the Lord and have confidence that He will bring us out of our distresses.  We have had a storm swirling around us, roaring and crackling with lightning, convincing us that in the midst of this chaos we cannot eat healthy and lose weight.  The truth is, God can hush this storm.  He can teach us to walk in the eye of the storm, hear only a whisper and see the crashing waves calm to a gentle repeating soft lapping sound.  When we learn to realize that every storm has a center where God lives that is calm, we can live the lives of health God has called us to live.  We cannot calm the storms, we cannot find the eye.  Only God can lead us to this beautiful center of the chaos of our lives.  Look around you.  Noone has a perfect life.  We all have ups and we have downs but there is always something that will bring us anxiety or sadness.  Cry to the Lord in your trouble and let Him bring you out of your distress.  He won’t always make the circumstances different but He will lead You to the center so You can feel the calm and realize that You can survive. He will bring us to the haven that will give us the strength to survive.  Today, let God bring you out of your distress.  I have had times in my life starting a business that I didn’t know where the money for payroll was coming from on that day and yet somehow, some way God provided.  I lost my son just two months before he was due and yet somehow, some way God protected my heart from withering up.  My husband has literally stood in the midst of bullets flying over him in some of the third world countries he provided medicines to and somehow, some way God protect him.  I am not saying everyone gets money, or has a child (I did not) or even lives through the bullets.  I am saying that in the midst of all we face in life we can stand in the eye of the storm with God and make it through with a peace that passes understanding.  And we can pass through to our desired haven.  And in that haven, we can choose healthy, we can choose foods that honor this God that made our amazing bodies.  Today eat the foods God provided.  And know that God will bring you to the eye of the storm.

Prayer:  Father, there is a devastating storm all around me.  It is a raging tornado spinning temptations toward me, blowing sugar and carbohydrates within my reach over and over every day.  It is so easy for me to reach out and grab whatever I want and to eat until I am so full I can barely breathe.  Father, I am distressed.  I am in the middle of a storm that is destroying me daily.  I am again powerless.  You promise me in this storm that You have the power to crush this storm and calm it to a whisper.  I truly cannot imagine this power.  Every day I wake up and the foods start spinning around me.  I am screaming out above the roaring of the wind and waves.  Can You hear me?  I know You can and yet, I can’t tell the storm is dying out.  Father, still my storms of anxiety and temptations.  I am going to quit screaming and calm my soul down to a whisper.  Perhaps if I whisper than Your power will be more evident than when I create the storm myself in my yells of desperation.  God You have the power to bring calm to my life.  And this, in turn, will bring me to my desired haven of healthy eating.  I love You and will trust You and not be afraid.

Ddi you know:  Excess sugar attaches to the proteins in you bloodstream and creates harmful molecules called “AGEs” advanced glycation end products.  These molecules age your skin by damaging collagen.  WebMD

Daily Challenge



Pray long and hard”

God’s word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out. Ephesians 6:17-18 MSG

Verse Reflections:  “Essential” and “indispensable” both mean absolutely necessary.  God’s word and prayer are both life changing.  Without God’s word and prayer we cannot control any habit that is out of control. And make no mistake this is warfare.  Satan knows exactly where our weakness is.  Whether you are extremely obese or just fight the neurosis that I fight daily and juggle 20-30 extra pounds… Satan knows.  He knows what separates us from God and in the U.S. being thin is revered.  For those of us who work hard for perfection this is a dangerous ledge we balance on. I have to start my day with a Bible verse that infuses me with power.  I have changed since I began collecting these scriptures that speak to me on this journey.  The verses actually allow me to look around and realize that I am not on a ledge at all.  I am on solid ground and Jesus is right beside me.  Absorbing the scriptures leads me right into prayer.  I bring God into my day and into my battle.  I find that Satan seldom attacks me on the days that I begin with God’s word, the only offensive weapon we have in the Bible.  And yet, I have to pray long and hard every day.  I am weak.  I am powerless in this fight.  For decades I have lost this fight.  I am astounded that just adding Bible verses has changed my relationship to this battle.  God is showing me that He has already won the war.  I just have to surround myself with His word and ask daily for His power to surround me like a fortress.  We have to be aware, keep our eyes open for all Satan’s tricks even behind this fort.  He will tell us we NEED to splurge, he will tell us we DESERVE to eat unhealthy foods, he will tell us it is MORE FUN to eat unhealthy foods, he will tell us the unhealthy foods TASTE BETTER.  The most effective trick he uses with me is to tell me I will just starve myself or diet TOMORROW.  And, of course, we all know that tomorrow will never change our lives.  Today is the only day that will change our life.

I love the last part of this verse, reminding us to keep each other’s spirits up so we are all successful together.  I haven’t figured this out for me but I hope these verses will one day help others and encourage each person.

Prayer:  Father, this verse meant so much to me I will make this prayer short.  Your word is absolutely necessary for me on this journey.  When I start my day with Your word I am a different person.  Thank You for the power You give us through Your scripture.  It has changed me.  God, thank You for reminding me that this is warfare.  That means that everyday I have to pick up this weapon that You have provided.  I know I can win the war when I stop and just read a verse.  God, when I ask, You give me power that is beyond my capabilities.  I praise You for this.  I will always pray hard and long.  I have prayed for decades, I have just failed to pick up the absolutely necessary weapon of Your word.  Today I claim Your promises and the power of scripture and prayer.  Today we will eat the beautiful foods You created.

Did you know:  Stress causes your body to produce a hormone called cortisol.  This hormone literally makes you hungry.

Daily Challenge



“Put it into action”

And I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ. Philemon 1:6 NLT

Verse Reflections:  Paul is praying for all of us to take what God has generously given us and put it into action.  What beautiful words.  We have a generous God and He has given us enough.  Period.  He has given us more than enough in His generosity.  And yet, we doubt that we have enough.  I look at my life and I have experienced so much good in my life.  I have everything I need.  I have always had everything I needed even when in tremendous debt.  I must open my eyes in the morning and thank God in praise for His generosity.  I understand that He has always provided for me even when I doubted His timing.  Generosity is the sharing an overflowing.  By emulating the selfless nature of Christ, my time, attention, choices and trust becomes centered on God not myself.  We can get a grocery cart and then carry our groceries in our hand.  Or we can trust and know that there is plenty of space in the grocery cart and lay our groceries and our burdens into the cart.  God is generous in His gift of faith.  We have to know that He will always give us the power to do that He has called us to do.  We must know this, understand it and experience it today as You choose God foods and thank Him for giving You the generous, overflowing faith by which to eat right.  Today we will put into action our faith.

Prayer:  Father, I echo the prayer that Paul lifted up to Philemon, a leader.  He is praying for action.  God, give me action.  Put me on the spiritual journey that You have called me to walk.  I do have faith, Lord give me the generosity of faith that eliminates doubt in my abilities to act.  I so easily doubt my today.  It is so easy for me to have faith in tomorrow but I tend to doubt my abilities to act today and each today turns into a tomorrow.  God I have to have faith today in all the good things I have in You.  I know if I recognized how You have blessed me, my generosity, my overflow of faith and trust, will become a heartfelt response.  I have to intentionally make the choice to extend generous faith to my own life even when it requires sacrifice.  Allow me to be a living, breathing example of a faith driven lifestyle.  I know the day I begin this journey I will create a ripple effect on others.  The power of living by this sacrificial faith, and yet generous, available faith will align me with the essence of Your teachings.  God, bridge the gap between my faith and my actions.  This verse promises me that faith is indeed transformative and will change my life and the lives of everyone I touch with Your generosity.  I love You.

Did you know:   Fructose is processed in the liver and large amounts can damage the liver.

Daily Challenge



“With God nothing is impossible”

With God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. Then Mary said, Behold, I am the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be done to me according to what you have said. And the angel left her. Luke 1:37-38 AMPC

Verse Reflections:  This is the verse I need to hear today.  If God can create a baby in a virgin then I think He can give me the desires of my heart to eat healthy.  We have 365 verses that give us the promise of the power of God.  “No word from God will be without power”.  Hallelujah, God be praised.  Of all people in this world, I am the one to doubt this.  I have fought the demon of eating, of overindulging for forty years.  Many of my friends would doubt this seriously, yet my husband who knows me best, knows.  I have never been more than forty pounds overweight but once again, if I didn’t run, I would weigh 60 pounds more a year.  In five years, I would weigh 300 more pounds, in ten years I would weigh 600 more pounds and near death.  You can’t out eat me.  I am just saying.  God is promising us in this verse that nothing is impossible.  Nothing is impossible to fulfill.  I have changed since I began searching scripture for this power.  Yesterday, I had a hard day but God surrounded me.  I went out to a local bakery and bought 3 small cookies, 1 very large cookie and a bag of cheese straws.  My plan was to eat all of them.  They were not good.  I nibbled and I put them on our snack table at work for others.  Nothing is impossible.  God can surround us despite ourselves.  Once again, no word from God is without power.  Today we need to claim that power, even when we have none inside ourselves.  Eating God foods is an amazing life change.  You will notice your craving disappearing.  Processed foods make us crave more processed foods.  God foods actually satisfy your hunger cravings.

Prayer:  Father, you promise us that no word from You will be without power.  Lord, give me that power today and every day.  I do not have power to resist processed foods without You.  You are the source of power that I need.  Your foods are the source of the power that I need.  I am powerless.  For decades I tried to access my “willpower”.  I failed.  Thank You for being my will, for being my power.  I love You so much.  You created this amazing body that works.  Help me to lose any excess weight that will affect the way my body works, that will affect my joints, my bones, my organs, my brain.  I don’t want to pound my joints into being unhealthy due to the weight.  God, You tell me nothing is impossible.   I believe You.  On my own, it is impossible for me to change my eating habits.  With You, we can make this happen.  Surround me with this power.  Inhabit my body with this power.  Take over my brain with this power.  I have to have Your power to walk this journey.  As Mary said, I am Your handmaiden, let it be done according to what You have said.  Today, we are going to know Your power and choose the foods You have given us that increase our power daily.  I love You.

Did you know?  When we eat the wrong foods we have inflammatory reactions in our body.  This inflammation can make our Hypothalamus (an area of our brain) inflamed which causes the Hypothalamus not to let the leptin into our brain which means we never feel full.

Daily Challenge



“God listen to our prayer”

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

Verse Reflections:  We can be confident that God will carry this challenge to be healthy on to completion.  I can feel my body relax as I take some of the self-recriminations, some of the tensions off myself and know we can be successful with Christ.  He is promising us that this is not beyond reach.  He has begun this journey in us or we would not be reading and writing these devotions.  He is going to carry it on to completion.  Wow!  That is a freedom that just allows me to breathe and know.  Every day, I allow a verbal discussion in my head about what I will eat, drink, cook…  This verse just eliminates all of these discussions and gives me permission to choose the delicious foods He created without any discussions.  I can be confident that Jesus is walking this journey, this pathway with me.  He is going to the grocery store, refrigerator, pantry and restaurant with us.  He began this good work in us.  He will carry it (You do not have to carry this heavy load anymore) to completion.  How much lighter do you feel just accepting that as a fact.  Your choices are His choices.  Your temptations are now His to carry and He promises us here that He WILL carry it on to completion.  Don’t worry.  Don’t tease yourself with choices.  The choices are made for healthy foods.  Ignore the “free” offerings, they come with a higher price than we are willing to pay.  Just because someone made that food does not mean it is the food you should eat.  Just explain that you are committed to eating God foods.  Your life is changing.  God has promised us confidence that He will walk us through.

Prayer:  God thank You for promising us that You will carry this commitment through to completion.  I sometimes wonder how You will get me to be faithful to eating right.  I confess that I still indulge in binge eating.  I am going to change today and take this confidence in You.  This verse promises me that You have the power to take this life change that You began in me and take me through this life until the day I meet Jesus.  You will complete this journey here on earth and that is a confidence I need to claim.  I, personally, have made the wrong choices so many times that I have eroded confidence in me.  I love You and trust You more than I trust myself.  Wrap me in a blanket that will protect me from temptation.  Give me the desire to eat Your beautiful meats, vegetables, fruits… I love You.  We are going to complete this journey together beginning today.

Daily Challenge

  1. One Bible verse per day
  2. One journal/devotional time per day
  3. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  4. One exercise per day
  5. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  6. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  7. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  8. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!


Did you know? Your stomach produces hydrochloric acid to break down your food.  When you overeat, this acid often backs up in your esophagus giving you heartburn.



“Take all the help you can get”

Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. Ephesians 6:13-16 MSG

Verse Reflections:  God knows us well.  It is fascinating that He has to remind us to take all the help we can get.  Let’s break this down:  1.  If we are truthful with ourselves, with God and those that love us we can acknowledge the demons that cause us to overeat.  Is there abuse in your past?  Is there a lack of confidence?  Is there a reason you don’t want to be seen as attractive?  Is there a lack of positive feedback from your spouse, or parent or friends? Have we never been taught how to eat healthy foods?  Are we addicted to carbugers?  2.  If we separate ourselves from people on this earth, if we choose the right path, choose righteousness we can rise to the calling we know in our heart Jesus has called us to live.  3.  Anxiety and stress builds up cortisol, a hormone that makes us hungry.  If we claim God’s peace in the middle of life’s storms, we will literally be less hungry.  4.  Faith will allow us to be confident in our journey.  Faith will give us the power to reach up to Christ to have success in our journey of eating healthy when we have never before been successful.  5.  Salvation is a gift of saving us from all our sins.  We have succumbed to the sin of overeating over and over again.  God has saved us from this indulgence.  God has saved us from our sin, including gluttony.

God is right… we will need all of these weapons all our lives.  Claim them.  Live them. “So when it is all over but the shouting, we will still be on our feet.”  Expect to eat healthy, live healthy and be healthy.  Eat God foods today and every day.

Prayer:  Father, allow me to be truthful with myself.  Give me the truth that allows me to be transparent with You.  Allow that truth to send a radiance out into my life that will heal my binge eating.  Allow me to be confident and love myself with a depth that overpowers the power of unhealthy foods calling to me.  Give me the path of right-ness that raises me to know I will choose healthy foods.  Give me the peace that calms my soul, even in the middle of stress and breaks the bondage of cravings.  Give me the faith in You to know we can be successful in choosing healthy foods.  You have saved me.  You are the root of all salvation.  Save me today from the prison of foods.  Only You have the key to this prison I have created for myself.  While I stare from behind the bars, I know I stepped willfully inside this prison, yet, I cannot find the key.  I have to take all the help You can give me.  I have to use every weapon You have given us.  The greatest weapon of all, the only offensive weapon, Father is Your word and I know it is making all the difference.  I love You.  Today we choose God foods with all the help You are extending to me.  The key is in Your hands and I willfully, by choice, take the key from You and unlock the door and step out into freedom.

Did you know?  Your metabolism speeds up when it tries to burn off extra calories and you may experience hot flashes, sweat or even dizziness (MD Anderson)

Daily Challenge



“God’s ways are higher”

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV

Verse Reflections:  I am so glad God’s ways are higher than mine.  His thoughts are higher than my thoughts.  I think about food way too often.  If I begin my day with God, think about His purpose for my life then my thoughts will not include wild imaginings about what I will eat for the next meal.  God’s thoughts are always wanting the best for us in His kingdom.  That includes life lessons that lead us to the fruits of the spirit:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  He promises us that we will encounter hard times, battles.  Each journey to the top of the mountain of God’s higher ways develops strength.  We have to have confidence that He has a plan that is beyond our simple human way of looking at the world.  I am convinced that “good” by our definition is not always “good” by God’s definition.  Would He rather us have a million dollars in the bank or dedicate ourselves to helping others and owning generosity?  Would He rather us have a perfect body by eating non-nutritional iceberg lettuce or by eating nutritious meals and exercising to treasure what He has given us developing self-control and patience along the way.  Would He rather us stay home all day watching tv or use the talents He has given us to help others embracing the joy that serving gives us?

Look up to the stars and embrace the distance… God’s ways are higher than the heavens.  Whenever life does not go according to our plan we can rest in the knowledge that His plan is greater.  His plan is higher.  We do not need to eat in order to handle the stress of this life.  We do not need to eat when we get bored.  We need to open our Bible, open our lives, open our pocket books, open our journals.  We need to scour His word to regain our confidence that he is with us, He is in control of a life that sometimes feels like it is spiraling out of control.  We need to share our resources when He has blessed us to watch the joy on the face of others.  We need to share our time to serve others.  We need to open our journals and write out our feelings, glorifying Christ with every word, even when we share our frustrations and issues.  When we write to God, our words always end with bringing Him closer.  Today we are going to worship His higher ways with choosing to eat the foods He created.  He knew how we needed to eat when He made this world, the plants and animals to nourish these beautiful bodies.  Today we are going to eat God foods and train our thoughts to become higher like His.

Prayer:  Father, I am astounded at Your power, the way You take care of us even when we are lost.  Thank You for creating the exact foods we need to eat in order to be healthy and have the bodies You want us to have.  God, my thoughts are so often impure and not healthy when it comes to eating.  Please give me Your thoughts that are higher than mine.  Give me Your ways that are higher than the heavens.  I am weak, I am so imperfect.   And while I acknowledge this, I grasp at the hope that You can change me.  If Your ways are higher than this earth, even higher than the heavens than You can change my ways.  Father, I have a lifetime of having unhealthy eating habits.  Will You embrace me, will You change me?  Will You allow me to reach up to the heavens to feel Your power?

Did you know:  When you eat junk foods, processed foods, your body releases a burst of dopamine a hormone that makes us feel happy.  This is why you crave processed foods when you are anxious or depressed.


Daily Challenge



If you don’t know what you are doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get His help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who “worry their prayers” are like wind whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open. James 1:5-8

Verse Reflections:  I definitely don’t know what I am doing.  That is why I have scoured the scripture to gain insight.  Each verse that is revealed gives me strength and power from God.  This verse promises us that God loves to help us.  How comforting and reassuring is this?  And He goes further by saying that we won’t be condescended to, He won’t make us feel like a failure.  He will treat us with respect and give us hope even if we have gained weight.  We have to ask boldly for Him to give us knowledge and success.  Remember when Peter stepped out of the boat on faith to walk on the water?  The minute He took his eyes off of Jesus he began to sink.  This is me.  I have to ask God every day to help me.  I can’t ask on Monday and then try to walk on the water Tuesday and Wednesday without asking Him for help.  I will sink every time.  In fact, that is what has happened to me.  I start eating healthy and then warm gooey cookies are waved in front of me and I take my eyes off of Jesus’s healthy foods.  However, I have to say, when I come to God daily I am strong.  God’s strength can see me through.  I know that alcoholics go to meetings daily, sometimes twice a day.  I am an addict to sugar and processed foods.  I have to go to God and ask boldly believing.  Otherwise, I become that person who “worries their prayers”.  I am all talk.  I have learned I can’t just throw up “God help me eat good today” and not read scripture.  I don’t understand it but there is power in His word.

Prayer:  Father, I am coming to You today because I don’t know what I am doing.  I am an utter failure at eating healthy foods without You.  I will binge at a level that is impossible to believe.  I am coming to You begging boldly.  I am begging without a second thought.  I love that addition.  I have to not question myself or our abilities together.  There cannot be another thought that I cannot do this.  It is hard.  I have to remind myself that while You give me strength to win the battle I still have to fight the war.  My prayers have been like a whipped wave… coming in beautifully to shore and then the wind of temptation comes and the beauty disappears into a uneven mass of water whipping in multiple directions.  Father You have to remind me that we can do this.  We can eat healthy foods and resist the unhealthy ones.  You say here that You LOVE to help.  God, I am really weak and honestly sometimes I really, really need Your help.  I am picking up the sword of Your word.  Please give me the strength to swing it into the stomach of temptation.  I want my health.  I want my sanity.  I want to be able to wear the clothes in my closet instead of buying new ones.  I am going to close all my options today.  I am going to say no to the foods I know I cannot have in small quantities.  You love to help.  I need Your help desperately.  Let’s be bold together.  I love You and I love Your foods.  Here’s to a great day,


Daily Challenge



“If God is for us, who can be against us?”

What then shall we say to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

Verse Reflections:  Yes!  God has all the power in the universe.  That means He even has the power to conquer our worst enemy, ourselves.  We can conquer all temptations.  We can say no to the food pushers who bring us treats and want us to have second helpings.  We can say no to the marketers that convince us we need to buy the prepackaged sweets and snacks.  We can say no to the desire to bake delicacies or rip open the package.  We can say no to the easy breezy visit to a drive through.  We can say no to the desires that swirl through our heads.  We can say no to the carbs that life has convinced us has to go with certain foods.  Noone and nothing can be against us if the power of God is working for us.  Claim it and name it.  It is so easy to doubt ourselves.  I find when a temptation starts swirling in my head, my body gets tense and I begin to feel anxiety which makes everything worse because then I start physically craving the dopamine and serotonin that is released when we eat carbugars which dissipates the anxiety.   When I stop the craving with a verse or a hard no, I feel my body relax and believe it or not the temptation disappears.  It took me a long time to realize this.  I would let the temptation swirl and swirl and swirl until I was physically anxious and felt like I “had” to have the food.  God has empowered us!! If God is for us, who can be against us?  That means we can plan on being successful in eating healthy foods.

Prayer:  Father, I know You are for me.  I know this in my heart.  Your verses bring me illumination, insight and strength.  I claim Your power today.  I know even I cannot sabotage Your plan for my health if I come to You daily and claim this strength.  I love You so much and I need You walking by my side every second of every day.  If You are for me, nothing and no one can be against me.  I am going to expand my pronoun use to include food.  If You are for me, chocolate chip cookies cannot be against me.  If You are for me, potato chips cannot be against me.  If You are for me, no unhealthy foods can call my name.  Lord, I am going to ask for a very hard miracle.  Will You begin to change the taste of those foods for me?  Will You make them not as tempting?  Will You teach me how to prepare Your foods so I am craving them even more than the processed foods?  Thank You for giving us so many beautiful options.  I love You Father. I am going to claim Your power today and have fun saying, “no… You (name any food) cannot be against me”… my God has my back.  Lord, we are going to do this, one day at a time.  I love You and I love Your foods.  Let’s plan a fun meal today together.

Did you know?  Your circadian clock causes your sleep and hunger hormones to rise and fall during the day.  Overeating can upset this rhythm making it hard for you sleep.

Daily Challenge



And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we will reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

Verse Reflections:  For those of us who have been through diets, fasting… this is a verse we have to integrate into the very marrow of our lives.  We cannot diet, it is a temporary fix.  We cannot be weary in eating well.  It may take us time to change over our lives, to eliminate the binges, to eliminate our negative self-talk.  Jesus is reminding us that we will live a healthy life, we will reap the benefits of eating healthy foods if we just do it.  There is always a reason to splurge.  We have to enjoy giving ourselves permission to eat all of these foods God made, not focus on the foods we cannot eat.  We must claim this verse and continue to eat well even when the choices include sugar and carbs that we know will throw us off the path we have chosen.   We must know that we will reap the benefits of eating foods that feed our bodies with nutritional advantages.  Spend a little more and buy those berries.  Why do we continue to make choices that do not add any nutritional value?  No food from God is bad for us and they taste delicious!  Eat.  Eat and enjoy.  We have lived the lives of avoidance and chastisement.  We criticize every choice we make.  Quit.  Stop.  Enjoy eating.  Go buy whatever God food you want and eat it.  Think of all the foods you CAN have.  Go buy them.  Mix them, add flavors.  Have fun eating.  Do not grow weary in eating these foods.  You will become healthy mentally and physically.  You will definitely reap the benefits!

Prayer:  Father, today is a great day to remind me to not be weary in making the right choices.  Thank You for sending this reminder that I need to keep choosing your foods.  I need to keep eating right.  It is so hard not to reach for the carbugers.  It is hard not to focus on the “I wants”.  Give me the strength to move toward Your foods and to enjoy my choices.  “I can” have all of Your foods.  “I can” cook a delicious dinner using Your foods.  “I can” eat those fruits and vegetables at parties.  I will choose these and not become weary.  I want to black out and faint some days, forgetting that I should make healthy choices.  Hold me up, give me the attitude of “I can” choose these foods.  “I will” choose these foods that You created and we will be successful and reap a healthy body in due season.  I need You Father, I cannot do this by myself.  Take my hand and lead me forward into this healthy lifestyle.  I like that You say, “let US not be weary…”  Amen!  This has to be an us for me to make the choices I need to make.  Thank You Father for this verse.  Today we will not be weary in well doing, we will choose Your foods.

Did you know? Cane sugar does not provide your body with any vitamins or minerals.

Daily Challenge

One Bible verse per day

  1. One journal/devotional time per day
  2. One (or zero)serving of non-God food a day
  3. One exercise per day
  4. One fruit and vegetable (non-carb) with every meal and one snack (7-8 a day)
  5. One 4 oz protein with every meal plus one
  6. Only one carb a day (easy definition—white stuff)
  7. One weigh in per month –

God foods?  Fruits, vegetables, and meats with no additives

Non-God foods?  Anything else!



The LORD your God, who goes before you, will fight for you, just as you saw Him do for you in Egypt. Deuteronomy 1:30

Verse Reflections:  I need God to go before me.  I need Him to lock my cupboards.  I need Him to keep my car steering straight when it tries to go through drive through.  I need Him to block my eyes from all the interior aisles at the grocery store, especially the baking aisle.  I take comfort in the fact that God goes before us and will fight for us.  My body literally relaxes with that thought. Food is such an enemy for me that while I adore planning meals, I also get tense with the battle of what foods to choose when I crave an option that I know is not healthy.  When I shut the door and just say, “that is not an option”, I relax.  As a married person, we have to just shut the door to being attracted to anyone but our spouse.  It is not an option.  Likewise, we must believe that Christ has gone before us and has already won the battle.  The door is shut to options that are not healthy.  And yet, we do not need to chastise ourselves for having one of anything.  How refreshing.  How liberating.  How amazing!  I am freed, just like the Egyptians were freed from slavery.  God has freed me from decades of fighting the battle with foods.  How ridiculous to say it out loud.  It is embarrassing to admit that a thing has so much power over me.  But I have to admit that it does and this battle, for me, is real.

Prayer:  Father, You have freed me as You freed the Israelites.  You promise me that You will go before me and fight for me.  I need to remind myself when I want to allow my mind to tangle in the thoughts of food that You already won the battle.  I just need to relax and enjoy the foods You created.  I need to just plan on eating right and losing weight.  Hallelujah!  You are powerful, You are mighty.  Thank You for going before me and paving the way for me to be successful.  The Israelites doubted You over and over.  And yet, You delivered them from slavery.  God, they wandered in the desert for 40 years.  I also have wandered in the desert, in temptation for far too long.  It is easy for me to shake my head in disbelief that they were so close but yet so far.  And here I am… so close and yet so far.  Today I am going to realize that I am sooooo close to choosing a healthy diet.  I am going know that You have fought the battle for me and I will eliminate my binges that bring all my progress to a crash and creates havoc on my body.  Thank You.  Continue to go before and fight.  I will follow closely and quit fighting!  Hallelujah!

Daily Challenge



Luke 12:23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.

Verse Reflections:  Every day I get up and think about what I am going to wear. I look at my schedule and try to plan my outfit around my work plan.  Then I think about what I am going to drink and eat.  On the mornings I change my priorities and start my day in my pjs talking to God, writing or reading devotions I have a better day.  There is something freeing in knowing that my life is centered around God and not myself, that I don’t have to depend on myself to be and do everything. This verse reminds us that our first priority, our first thoughts, our final thoughts should always be God.  How much time do we spend every day preparing and eating food?  How much money do we spend on food and clothing or other material possessions?  Do we spend that much time worshiping God?  Do we spend that much money serving God? The purpose of fasting is to refocus that energy, that time, those thoughts, that money on Christ.  We don’t even have to fast to change our attitude.  Grab a few raw vegetables, a salad that takes five minutes and then use that extra time to worship.  We spend so much of our lives making money to buy, eat, and indulge.  We should be prioritizing our souls, our spirits, our relationship with God.  Trusting in God’s care and provision allows us to let go of our anxiety and worry about our material needs and our physical needs.  God is aware of all our circumstances and He will provide.  We must balance our lives to care for our souls, to live for Christ while working, buying and eating.  If we seek first the kingdom of God all our needs will be taken care of.  If we focus first on the kingdom of God we will want to eat the foods He created for us to restore our physical and our spiritual health.  Today God foods.

Prayer:  Father, remind me today that material possessions and food are not what is important.  Give me the strength to depend on You and not myself.  I do spend so much time grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning from the cooking and eating.  Remind me God, that even while I do these things I should worship You.  I love the thought of making grocery shopping a worship experience.  Prayer before meals can turn to truly dedicating the meal to worship and the nutrition it brings us.  Father, turn my thoughts to buying and preparing foods that nourish my body and my soul, not my mind.  I am a victim of marketing and I crave foods that are full of junk.  Eliminate those desires from me today.  Bring me a smile as I depend on You to provide all my needs and my desires.  Bring me a heart of worship with every bite I take, every meal I serve to others.  Life is more than food and clothing.  Life is You.  My best life is filled with knowing that I am serving You first.  Today I am going to choose the foods You created for us and smile as I prepare them with a heart filled with You.  Thanks for this reminder!

Did you know: Low levels of serotonin cause depression and anxiety.  Refined carbohydrates (most processed foods) give us that quick surge of serotonin our body craves.

Daily Challenge



My Food is Doing God’s Work

John 4:34 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.

Verse Reflections:  Jesus found the magic of serving God.  His sustenance, His food was doing God’s will.  How will our lives change if we set out today to accomplish God’s work, not our own?  How will our lives change today if we set out to do God’s will?  How will our lives change today if we know that we have been sent to earth for a purpose?  I take a deep breath when I ask those questions because it actually settles my soul knowing I am here for a higher purpose.  If I can feed my body first with the work of God and then with food, my entire day will change.  I can live intentionally.  That one word changes everything. I no longer let my priorities get swept away with little details or unintentional time waste.  I will intentionally start my day with a devotional.  I will intentionally spend quality time with those I love.  I will intentionally prepare healthy foods.  I will intentionally take a walk and enjoy my community.  I will intentionally exercise.  I will not intentionally watch tv, a time suck that I let take too much of my time.  I will get my soul’s nutrition from doing God’s work, intentionally.  That will include intentionally buying healthy foods. Today we are going to eat God foods, intentionally because God has an intentional purpose for sending us here to earth.

Prayer:  God I needed to hear this verse today.  It has been rough the past few days and I have had to acknowledge the fact that I cannot expect my cravings to disappear.  I am an addict.  I am going to have serious, hard, debilitating cravings.  And yet, I can choose to not feed them.  I can choose to live intentionally with Your help.  I can remind myself that my food is doing the will of God, which is to feed myself four to five fruits and vegetables and very limited carbugers.  I have to choose to live intentionally, a life style that is not built upon being easy.  It is a conscious decision to make choice no matter how hard they are.  Lord, I have to quit binging.  I still have that major pull that convinces me that I “deserve” that sugar, that I “need” that sugar.  And, of course, Satan convinces me that “tomorrow” I will do better.  You and I know, today is the only day that makes a difference and tomorrow never, ever, never, ever comes.  Father, today I am going to look for ways to make Your work my food, Your will my food.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Your will for me is health.  And feeding my addictions is destroying my health both mentally and physically.  I love You. Today we choose God foods and a fun exercise that brings me joy.


Daily Challenge



“Slave to that you obey”

Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death or of obedience which leads to righteousness. Romans 6:16

Verse Reflections:  I am a slave to my cravings.  I allow my mind to feed my body stupid, processed treats, I hear the craving and then I just roll through all the choices until one calls my name.  Then I will move everything to get that food, I will roam the grocery store aisles, I will go through drive through, I will get out all the sugar and butter, chocolate or whatever to make an entire recipe that answers that call.  I am an addict, I am a slave.  I, obey the full on demands of the owner of my mind.  My owner does not have my best interests at heart and I am doomed to a death of unhealthiness.  I know that carbugers are not good for me, they are destroying my body and yet I still obey my cravings.  I have to acknowledge this verse and choose to obey God’s calling for health.  I know I can live a life of right-ness, of eating healthy foods.  My mind thinks more clearly, my clothes fit better, my joints and feet do not hurt, I am not dizzy.  I know the difference.  And yet, I know that there are days that I am a slave to food, a slave to the wrong foods.  I am obedient to cravings and not a life of intentionally choosing the right foods.  Today, I am going to choose obedience to God, not my cravings.  It is not easy, it is not fun but I know the difference of living in obedience to God.  Today we are going to choose God foods, take a walk and enjoy health and life.

Prayer:  God, I need You to own me.  I need to be Your slave.  Satan knows the one button that He can push to get me to bow down to the haunted callings.  I am going to mention Him once and then not give Him any more thought.  You have power that is beyond anything we can imagine.  I am going to beg You to take away my cravings.  On the days, they jump on me, give me the desire to be Your slave, not a slave to my cravings.  I want to obey You.  I want to change my life so that I am no longer a slave to food.  I am begging You to break the metal chains that bind me.  I am begging You to give me a faint smile that will grow to full blown laughter knowing that the cravings do not control me anymore.  We are free.  We have the power to tell our cravings to go to hell, literally.  We have Your power, the ability to live this life free from being a slave to food.  I am Yours.  I bow at Your feet knowing that as I do, You hand me grace, You give me a gift instead of creating chains.  You give me a gift that binds me by the freedom of forgiveness.  Forgiveness of myself, of the past and the future.  I want You to be my master and I know in making that choice I am more free than ever.  You have created beautiful, magical foods and in freedom I choose Your foods, I choose to be obedient to You and live in right-ness.  God power, God foods.

Daily Challenge



“Is food your god?”

You shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3

Verse Reflections:  How much time do we spend with God?  How much time do we spend grocery shopping, preparing meals, eating?  How much money do we spend on our tithes?  How much money do we spend on eating out, groceries or food preparation?  Our gods are that which have power over us.  Our gods are what we spend our time, money and energy on.  We have to have food for nourishment so we can’t eliminate food from our lives but we need to ensure that we are not prioritizing food over our time with God.  This is a commandment.  It is an order.  There is no room for discussion.  There are no options.  When we open that refrigerator instead of spending time in the word, we are going against this commandment.  When we spend an hour preparing food and eating and no time reading His word, we are going against this commandment.  God is warning us in this verse to be careful about our choices.  God is my best friend and yet I have to admit there are days that I spend much more time and money on food.  I have to re-evaluate my priorities.

Prayers:  You are my God.  You are my Lord.  However, God I have to admit that I let You down in how I spend my time and money.  I do not hesitate to go out to eat, I do not hesitate to spend hours preparing foods.  And yet there are days I only read one verse or even no scripture.  Forgive me.  I know I spend more time and money on food than I should.  I know I have issues.  Renew my love for You.  Erase my ridiculous love for certain foods.  Re-energize my cravings for Your words.  Eliminate the cravings for food.  Remind me when I am at the grocery store that a percentage of my money should go to serving You.  Lord I am ashamed of how much energy I give to food.  I am ashamed of how much of my mind goes to food.  I am going to rededicate my life to You.  I am going to focus on You each day.  Send me Your power.  You are my God, my only god.  It is amazing how much easier it is to refuse temptation when I look up to You as my only God.

Daily Challenge



October 14th

“Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” I Peter 1:13

Verse Reflections:  This verse is exactly what God plus One is all about.  God has already prepared the foods for us to eat.  He give us the plants, the seeds for us to plant and cultivate.  We do not need to create all these chemicals and preservatives that make the foods look more appealing and keep them fresh longer. Why do we continue to put processed foods into our bodies?  They make us produce more insulin.  They limit our production of leptin, the hormone that makes us full.  Our artificial quick sugar highs produce dopamine which is like a drug that causes us to crave more.  God literally produces livestock and plants for us to eat.  He brings us foods from the earth, pure foods that fill us up naturally.  Pure foods that do not spike our insulin and cause weight gain.  Pure foods that do not cause us to have cravings to release more dopamine.  Why do we keep eating and eating and eating foods that cause a vicious cycle of unhealthy.  We keep wondering why we can’t lose weight.  We keep wondering why we binge eat.  We keep wondering why we can’t get full.  God has us covered with a solution to all our issues if we will just eat His foods from the earth.  God foods are the solution.  Psalm 104:14 is the solution.  God is the solution.  Eat God foods today and every day.  Change Your life and eat from the livestock and plants God has give us.

Prayer:  God, You have all the solutions.  I keep going back to the X!*!x Foods that cause me to doubt my sanity.  I keep craving foods that are not good for me and actually cause me to crave them more.  I am just plain sick of this cycle.  God I am so sorry that I am so weak.  You have got to give me power that is beyond my sick, depraved self.  I am weaker than weak.  I am not able to stop this cycle on my own.  You have created the foods that will change my life.  You have created the foods that will stop this cycle.  I love Your foods and yet I keep going back.  God, change me.  God, stop me.  I have to change my life and pour Your pure, nutritious foods into this beautiful body You created.  I know Your foods are the solution.  Block my mind from wanting foods that do not come from Your earth.  Block my mind from wanting foods that actually block my energy, create cravings and cause me to gain weight.  How did we get here?  I know better, I am better with Your help.  God today, focus my mind on Your creations, Your plants, Your meats.  I love You so much and I know You love me.  Today I am going to love myself enough to eat God foods and God foods only.  Thank You for reminding me that this earth, Your foods are the solution.

Sulfites can trigger asthma.

According to Medical news today, an article by Dr. Tirosh propionate, a common food additive spikes glucagon and can create insulin resistance.  Sugar builds up in the blood.  Foods high in added sugars can also cause insulin resistance.  Insulin helps glucose/your energy source enter your muscles, fat and liver.  When it enters your cells, you signal your pancreas to quit producing insulin.  So… if the glucose/energy does not enter your cells then your pancreas keeps producing insulin, which causes weight gain.  This becomes a vicious cycle.

(Dr. Amy Shah, Harvard- )

MSG causes your pancreas to produce more insulin, which makes you hungrier.

Refined flour removes the bran and germ and the naturally occurring vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.  The refined flour spikes your blood sugar and insulin levels which causes a crash soon after and makes you hungry again.  Gluten is a protein in wheat that can cause inflammation in your gut.

Refined sugar (fructose corn syrup…) also sends your blood sugar sky-high and then makes it crash.  Sugar also creates a dopamine release which gives you a high.  When you crash from this high your brain can crave another high and create a “craving” that is hard to fight.


These refined sugars, especially high fructose corn syrup also shuts down the release of leptin, the hormone that tells you that you are full.


Daily Challenge



“You cause the grass to grow for the livestock and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth. Psalm 104:14

Verse Reflections: This verse is exactly what God plus One is all about. God has already prepared the foods for us to eat. He give us the plants, the seeds for us to plant and cultivate. We do not need to create all these chemicals and preservatives that make the foods look more appealing and keep them fresh longer. Why do we continue to put processed foods into our bodies? They make us produce more insulin. They limit our production of leptin, the hormone that makes us full. Our artificial quick sugar highs produce dopamine which is like a drug that causes us to crave more. God literally produces livestock and plants for us to eat. He brings us foods from the earth, pure foods that fill us up naturally. Pure foods that do not spike our insulin and cause weight gain. Pure foods that do not cause us to have cravings to release more dopamine. Why do we keep eating and eating and eating foods that cause a vicious cycle of unhealthy. We keep wondering why we can’t lose weight. We keep wondering why we binge eat. We keep wondering why we can’t get full. God has us covered with a solution to all our issues if we will just eat His foods from the earth. God foods are the solution. Psalm 104:14 is the solution. God is the solution. Eat God foods today and every day. Change Your life and eat from the livestock and plants God has give us.

Prayer: God, You have all the solutions. I keep going back to the X!*!x Foods that cause me to doubt my sanity. I keep craving foods that are not good for me and actually cause me to crave them more. I am just plain sick of this cycle. God I am so sorry that I am so weak. You have got to give me power that is beyond my sick, depraved self. I am weaker than weak. I am not able to stop this cycle on my own. You have created the foods that will change my life. You have created the foods that will stop this cycle. I love Your foods and yet I keep going back. God, change me. God, stop me. I have to change my life and pour Your pure, nutritious foods into this beautiful body You created. I know Your foods are the solution. Block my mind from wanting foods that do not come from Your earth. Block my mind from wanting foods that actually block my energy, create cravings and cause me to gain weight. How did we get here? I know better, I am better with Your help. God today, focus my mind on Your creations, Your plants, Your meats. I love You so much and I know You love me. Today I am going to love myself enough to eat God foods and God foods only. Thank You for reminding me that this earth, Your foods are the solution.

Sulfites can trigger asthma.
According to Medical news today, an article by Dr. Tirosh propionate, a common food additive spikes glucagon and can create insulin resistance. Sugar builds up in the blood. Foods high in added sugars can also cause insulin resistance. Insulin helps glucose/your energy source enter your muscles, fat and liver. When it enters your cells, you signal your pancreas to quit producing insulin. So… if the glucose/energy does not enter your cells then your pancreas keeps producing insulin, which causes weight gain. This becomes a vicious cycle.
(Dr. Amy Shah, Harvard- )
MSG causes your pancreas to produce more insulin, which makes you hungrier.
Refined flour removes the bran and germ and the naturally occurring vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. The refined flour spikes your blood sugar and insulin levels which causes a crash soon after and makes you hungry again. Gluten is a protein in wheat that can cause inflammation in your gut.
Refined sugar (fructose corn syrup…) also sends your blood sugar sky-high and then makes it crash. Sugar also creates a dopamine release which gives you a high. When you crash from this high your brain can crave another high and create a “craving” that is hard to fight.

These refined sugars, especially high fructose corn syrup also shuts down the release of leptin, the hormone that tells you that you are full.

Daily Challenge